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1333609 No.1333609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What in the world was Sonic Team thinking when they made this boss in SA2...

>> No.1333616

I never understood his existence. Why was there a giant ghost in Eggmans hidden base?

He was pretty much a filler boss.

>> No.1333621

It's one of the most awkward moments in a video game that I have played in a while. Havent played this game since I was 12. His presence is awkward. His sound effects are odd..the whole experience was just strange and, er, not Sonic-y at all.

>> No.1333624


>> No.1333634

i thought it was just as pointless as everything else in SA2, I never thought twice

>> No.1333637

You fags never had Sonic & Knuckles.

>> No.1333646


Knuckles levels are thematically spooky/creepy. He digs around, you know, gets to dig up skulls and shit.

But yeah, super strange singing alligator moment.

>> No.1333683

He used to creep me the fuck out as a kid. I think it was the laugh

>> No.1333691

what's kind of funny is that he was in sanic x

>> No.1333702 [SPOILER] 
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It did serve to give the world one of arguably two not-shit moments in the shitpile that is Sonic X.

Other than that, who the fuck knows?
Although I like how you can GOTTA GO FAST without stopping for a lot of the fight.

>> No.1333713
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not as stupid as

>> No.1333715


>> No.1333726

What the...
A-a ghost?

>yo momma is so loose it takes a space station...

>> No.1333754
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>> No.1334019

My guess is they were thinking of Sandopolis Zone from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, where one of the levels involves ghosts that will attack you if you let the lights go out.


Those stages had some Egyptian influences in their designs, and many of the levels in SA2 do this as well. So it's no surprise that there would be a ghost boss here, it's the same mentality.

Levels in the hot desert? Egyptian designs!
Wait, Egyptian? That reminds me of pyramids and tombs!
Tombs are pretty dark and creepy too, because of the Pharaohs they would mummify and leave in there.
Dead people? Ghosts!

And that's what Sonic Team was thinking. Idiot.

>> No.1336387

They were thinking, "We'll push this turd out and make millions off of dumb Sonic fans!"

Which is exactly what happened.

>> No.1336401

pssh. Its a good game. It has cringe-y moments such as this, but a good game nonetheless

>> No.1336427

Except they actually released a fucking good game.

>> No.1336435

Not according to /v/'s slippery slope. Not the greatest thing ever = complete shit why did I ever like this?

>> No.1336453


>> No.1336482


>> No.1336487


>> No.1336490


>> No.1336501

Never played a Sonic game, is Knuckles fast like Sonic or does he have another ability?

>> No.1336541

He's fast, but not AS fast. His main gimmicks are his ability to punch through things, climb walls, and glide through the air.

>> No.1336543
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It's so fucking tedious to get A-Rankings. Why is it so fucking picky and hard.

>> No.1336549

You never NEED to get A ranks. It's just a bonus challenge. The reward of unlocking Green Hill Zone is just an extra. In that regard, it's a nice extra objective for people who really enjoy the game.

The only ones that really chapped my ass were the kart stages. Not touching cars or walls is something I hope I never have to go through again.

>> No.1336558


I want the fucking trophies, I want to 100% the whole fucking game. I wanna fuck it in the ass. It pissed me off back then on Dreamcast and it pisses me off now on PSN.

>> No.1336556

How was the green hill zone level?

>> No.1336561

Its really not hard, just go fast and collect a bunch of rings.

Nights into dreams, on the other hand...getting A's in that is ridiculous.

>> No.1336563

Fun. Very accurate to Sonic 1 except in 3D. It's a pretty long level too. Getting an A rank there is one of the harder ones.

>> No.1336574

I don't know what but it sucks like the rest of the boss fights.

>> No.1336575

Egg Golem was pretty fun.

>> No.1336606

Also Biolizard's first form. Grinding the rail to his weak spot was pretty neat.

>> No.1336668


Glitchy and buggy as hell.

>> No.1336670

Par for the course. Still fun.

>> No.1336671

Not exactly fun when Shadow has a 50/50 shot of falling into the floor when you have to jump on those bubble things.

>> No.1336680

As many issues as I had with the game, I didn't have that one. Dreamcast version?

>> No.1336687


Had the same issues on both DC and PSN.

>> No.1336712

I had the Gamecube edition. Don't remember it being a problem.

>> No.1336713

It...really wasn't. SA was decent, though still not on the level of the 2D games.

Sonic never quite adapted to 3D that well though.

>> No.1336717

I prefer SA2 to 1. The first had too much meandering and poor pacing. 2 was a lot better in this regard. And the advanced Chao garden made it worth the price of admission.

>> No.1336723



>> No.1336768

The dream of getting to unlock a slightly-more-revealing Rouge outfit kept me motivated for her levels.

>> No.1336781

>Nights into dreams, on the other hand...getting A's in that is ridiculous.

No, you just have to fly above the goal post, then you can do another run on the level and get more points. That's practically all there is to it - you don't even need to figure out the big chains as long as you can do mad dashes and squeeze in more runs into your time.
You still need to figure out the bosses to get that 2x multiplier but you don't even need that for all As.

>> No.1337306

>It's a pretty long level too.
Hahaha, no it's not. Even if you take the time to explore the whole thing you'll be done in ~5 minutes. If you speedrun it then it's sub 1 minute like the original.

>> No.1337312

>Sonic never quite adapted to 3D that well though.
Yes it did. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 did their best and they controlled perfectly. Then the developers fucked the controls up with Sonic Heroes and beyond.

>> No.1337343

It's longer than most of the Sonic levels, minus maybe Final Rush.

>> No.1337363


>> No.1337390
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Right, because exploits totally count.

>> No.1337435

>>1337312 sonic generations is the only good 3d sonic.. And better than the 2d ones. Fact. Fuck nostalgia googles.

>> No.1337450

>Did their best
Well, sorry suger, their best didn't mean shit.
With the exception of the opening level, which was passable, both of those games were a slog and an exercise in tedium.

>> No.1337459
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Have you even played Sonic & Knuckles? Ghosts are seen in the Sandopolis Zone.

Replay Wild Canyon, Dry Lagoon, Sand Ocean and Hidden Base and you'll see statues and monuments with Knuckles' people throughout. This suggests that you're on the Floating Island.

>> No.1337468


>What in the world was Sonic Team thinking when they made this boss in SA2...

What in the world was Sonic Team thinking when they made SA2...

>> No.1337501
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>> No.1337823
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shameless self-bump.

>> No.1337837

What are you talking about? This bossfight was the only cool thing about this stupid fucking game.

>> No.1337842

I wish they would have kept Amy's original design.

>> No.1337848

This thread is already getting autistic.

>> No.1337909

Just a theory, but the game was originally going to be just Sonic, Knuckles, and Eggman as playable characters.

The ghosts could have perhaps been more important to Knuckles story but were dropped early in development.

>> No.1337916


I wasn't aware of any story in Knuckles levels other than "the great emeralds power"

>> No.1338037

Actually, it was Sonic, Eggman, and Shadow. They threw away the concept because they thought it was unfair to have 2 baddies and only 1 good guy. That's why knuckles involvement in the game seems like he was just thrown in.

>> No.1339180

I actually dislike her original design, personally. Basically looked like a sonic recolor in a tutu. Where as her Adventure+ design kinda makes her standout more as her own character

>> No.1339192

If you like popping acne zits off a giant lizard taking it up the ass while its crying out in exctasy sure.

Well the music was nice at least

>> No.1339640

The Biolizard always really scared me for some reason. Really no idea why, maybe because it looks dead or something. And has no eyes.

>> No.1339651

Honestly, I had a "why on earth am I playing this game" moment and dropped it on this boss.

Maybe I should come back and finish it already.

>> No.1339682

I don't get why they dumbed down the first game's selectable characters system. It never felt padded to me (maybe a LITTLE bit for Tails) and I genuinly enjoyed the different styles of gameplay

Whereas SA2 boiled it down to three gameplay styles with set portions

>> No.1339928

lots and lots of drugs.

>> No.1339961

I had that same moment, but I loved this game as a kid so I laughed and continued playing. Still think its a good game. Just has its cringe-worthy moments.

>> No.1340643
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>> No.1340674

I don't even see how this makes sense as a prototype to Shadow, one is a giant lizard and the other is supposed to be a hedgehog.

>> No.1341373
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>Playing it on Demul
>Mfw I've yet to beat this boss because i can't see his shadow

>> No.1341380


Sonic Team did not make Sonic Adventure 2. Holy fuck why has no one said this yet.

>> No.1341423

Rational thought is something you can't say about any part of the development of the Sonic Adventure "games".

>> No.1341424

>Developer(s) Sonic Team USA

>> No.1341426

I know what you know. But...
Ask yourself, what is "Sonic Team" really?

>> No.1341452


some japanese guys i guess

might as well as ask "what is capcom" or "who is squaresoft"

>> No.1341563

Because Amy Rose is such a wonderful fucking character to begin with.

>> No.1341624

>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
>controlled perfectly
Come on, I like the games but nobody would say this.

>> No.1341641

Honestly, most of the issue is with the camera and some bugs with physics. The controls are mostly pretty tight.

I probably wouldn't have chosen the word "perfect" even so.

>> No.1341650

Generations is the best adaptation of 3D sonic yet, and fantastic mechanically. You have to accept that the game is entirely speedrun focused, now, but if you enjoy that sort of thing it's easily the best sonic game since 1994.

>> No.1341662

>but nobody would say this.
Only if you didn't play the games and actually paid attention to how you weren't complaining about the controls. Maybe you complained about the camera or the gameplay, but the controls were responsive and accurate. No other 3D Sonic game has ever, ever, pulled that off again.

>> No.1341754

Sonic advance games would like a word with you.

>> No.1342543

ST USA was the same company as ST Japan

Totally agree. Generations is great and all, but we cant have Sonic control like a train in his (now brief) 3D moments forever.

>> No.1345373

>Sonic never quite adapted to 3D that well though.

It did, it was called Crash/Nights/Mirror's Edge