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1326365 No.1326365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly is the reason why Link's hair is pink in this game? Always wanted to know

>> No.1326370

It was a random color they used during development and they thought it looked good, so they kept it. Presumably the contrast with his proper brown colored hair wasn't as good.

>> No.1326410

I really always thought it was the brim of his cap.

>> No.1326423

I think its to help you keep track of Link on the screen.
I've heard console limitations a lot, but I'm pretty sure that's bullshit.

>> No.1326490

That would be my guess. But developers tend to do that a lot. Put a placeholder and after a while the developers enjoy it so much they leave it. That's how we got Kirby. I personally like the pink hair for some reason.

>> No.1326526 [DELETED] 

pink is gay, nintendo is gay =^_^=
inb4 nintenyearold mod bans me

>> No.1326556

It provides extra contrast to make him easier to see.

>> No.1326565

On the note of contrast and "console limitations" and whatnot. The SNES can easily display enough shades of brown so that his hair could be brown. But you wouldn't realistically be able to tell the nuanced difference from the brown of all the backgrounds. The pink stands out much clearer, but in the context of the game, it doesn't really look wrong or weird at all.

Someone once posted a scan of an interview with a Nintendo dev who stated that they used the pink in testing and liked how it looked so they kept it. If anyone saved that image they could post it.

>> No.1326598


>> No.1326601

I always thought that the pink bit of Link's sprite was just the trim of his cap or something

>> No.1326798

They were aiming for something cartoonish.

>> No.1326814

Bunny Link and Normal Link used the same colour palette.

>> No.1326818
File: 2.99 MB, 2560x3350, 1367287945513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's his hair alright.

>> No.1326843

Mario's cap and shirt was also pink, i always just thought it was a palettes thing

>> No.1326856

It's a visibility against the background thing. Either Link must be pink, or everything else would have to be.

>> No.1326858

It's a translation error. Original draft script said "Link's hair is Link's hair" but NOJ typo'd and it came out to be "Link's hair is Pink hair"

>> No.1326884

This. Not many people know this, but, similarly, Final Fantasy stories are so bad due tot ranslation errors, too.

For example, in character notes for the translation team it said "Sephiroth terribly written: iie", but the translators didn't know much Japanese, so they thought it say "ie" and decided to translate Sephiroth as a badly written character, hence many Western players think FFVII is badly written, while originally it literally dwarfs Shakespeare.

>> No.1326885
File: 140 KB, 480x360, sp_1204_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Canadian ambassador I have to say that's aboot the most ridiculous attempt at sarcasm in recorded history!

>> No.1326940


Not random, and not "console limitations".

It was to deal with contrast issues on the CRT television screens of the days. Brown simply gets muddied out, it has nothing to do with how many colors the SNES can render.

>> No.1326952

I honesty never even noticed it was pink until 4chan pointed it out.

>> No.1326964

That's because it doesn't look like it in old CRT TVs.

>> No.1329228

To make Tom Preston cry himself to sleep at night.

>> No.1329284

Yes it did. I remember noticing it pretty clearly at the time. Unless you're talking about really old CRTs, meaning way before the game was made. In which case, I've never seen it on one.

>> No.1329298

I thought it was a pallet issue with dark world link. A brown bunny as you mentioned wouldn't convey well what it was. Also a yellow rabbit is only good for super mario 64.

>> No.1330856

...but "ie" doesn't mean yes..."ee" means yes.

>translators didn't know much japanese

why the fuck did they have jobs then?

>> No.1330930

Brunette Link > Blonde Link
This game had to be a weirdo

>> No.1330968
File: 19 KB, 320x283, 582308_1290408390605_full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese stuff has pink hair all the time

>> No.1330979

His blonde hair, you mean. Don't get all Dobson up in here.

>> No.1330982
File: 104 KB, 234x382, 1389426719006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't think he meant that at all.

>> No.1331013

In the ALttP manual Link was blond as shit. I never had a SNES, so I didn't even realize. The Link's Awakening manual was too washed out for me to notice, either.


>> No.1331801

ALttP Link had blonde hair to differentiate him from his predecessor (release order, don't sperg about the timelines), because he was the first different Link.

>> No.1331808
File: 584 KB, 1126x1052, 1389471599220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. Pic related.

>> No.1331825
File: 1.03 MB, 1527x2085, 1389472003182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the subject why do so many of you guys hate the Hyrule Historia version of the Zelda timeline? I find it kind of fascinating and I'm definitely an old school purist. I like that the original games tell the story of a heroic conclusion of a tragic timeline.

>> No.1331884


well personally I hate it because Nintendo just threw it together to appease idiots.

It's obvious that Zelda is like Final Fantasy in that the games in the series aren't related to each other at all. (except for direct sequels like OoT and MM)

>> No.1331885

So it stands out against his sprite.

People have changed the color of his hair to blond and brown on sprite sheets in the past, and you can't really see it.

All other answers are bullshit.

>> No.1331890

I don't like the very idea of Zelda timelines because they don't need to exist. It's only reason for existence is because some people thought it needed to, without giving any thought as to why a timeline should exist.

Only a handful of the games have any continuity between them, but not all of them need to have any.

>> No.1331892

>It's obvious that Zelda is like Final Fantasy in that the games in the series aren't related to each other at all. (except for direct sequels like OoT and MM)

This just isn't true. Zelda 1, 2, 3, and Ocarina all have pretty obvious links to each other (It's just that Ocarina and A Link to the Past's translations don't match. Sages and wise men / golden land and sacred realm.) Ocarina of Time is in essense the sealing war that A Link to the Past loosely set up.

>> No.1331896

>Imprisoning War gets mentioned in Link to the Past
>sounds like an amazing thing, a battle that rocked the ages
>Play OoT
>It's just one guy playing whack a mole on a giant monster before an evil jew shouts out his rage at the SAGES, and ZELDA, and Link.

I wouldn't have my expectations so dashed until I found out what "The Clone Wars" were many years later.

>> No.1331906

Green clothes, purple head, orange face. It's a color triad.

>> No.1331909

>SAGES, and ZELDA, and Link.

Haha. But yeah, the clone wars are a perfect analogy. It's very clear that they had something bigger in mind and then couldn't really do it when they developed Ocarina of Time and it's kind of a shame just how much content was cut from it like the extra temples, the master sword actually being in the lost woods, etc. -- and that's just the stuff we know.

>> No.1331914 [DELETED] 

<Aonuma> Let's just conveniently place all the games I worked on into a separate timeline that was never alluded to.

>> No.1331925

<Aonuma> Let's just conveniently place all the games I didn't work on into a separate timeline that was never alluded to.

>> No.1331929

>Let's name it "FAILURE" just because

>> No.1331936

Because it was totally unnecessary and only added to appease the fanboys.

I'm much more pissed at Ganon being Satan's hissyfit as well as Zelda and Link's reincarnation horseshit.

>> No.1332990


I just think the whole "Hero is Defeated" timeline is stupid as fuck. I can understand there being two timelines that form from OoT, since that game involves time travelling. That makes sense. But the Hero is Defeated timeline is fucking stupid. Shouldn't every game have a Hero is Defeated timeline, then?

>> No.1333110

Breast cancer awareness.

>> No.1333123

Because 1 part makes no goddamn sense.

In the first hero is defeated game, ganon is revived. If the hero is defeated, who kills ganon?

>> No.1333157

The sages. The prelude to A Link to the Past (Which was badly translated in the US version) basically tells the story of how the sages were at war with Ganon and had to seal them because there was no hero to save them.

Now, the problem is that the actual reason there's no hero is because there never was one when the story was initially written. The sages were aware of the master sword's existence but they were running out of time and couldn't wait for the legendary hero to show up and slay Ganon so their only option was to seal him up.

Then Ocarina of Time comes along and the writers thought it would be a neat idea if they made that story into the new game and it worked out pretty well by making Link the hero defeat Ganon but have him sealed by the sages at the end anyway because they need to make it fit with that at least so it can lead into A Link to the Past.

It's just stupid that Aonuma made the old games into a seperate timeline. "The Sealing War" as a whole was just a really early piece of lore that was fine-tuned for Ocarina and instead of doing the work and making new stories to reflect that they just shove them to the side and say "Oh that's when Link fails and Ganon is sealed" even though he's sealed regardless.

>> No.1333739

>That's how we got Kirby. I personally like the pink hair for some reason.

No, Sakurai wanted Kirby to be pink, Miyamoto wanted him to be yellow. This wasn't set in stone by the time Dreamland launched so they kept him white in all of the art. This is always why his first alternate color is always yellow.

>> No.1333756
File: 105 KB, 640x731, 563275_2870_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This wasn't set in stone by the time Dreamland launched so they kept him white in all of the art.

What are you on about. He was ony white in the localized artwork.

>> No.1333769

he was talking about the character himself, kirby wasn't supposed to be a "cute chewing-gum ball"
but yeah, as it was a placeholder they didn't really think about the color at first

>> No.1333775

It actually was determined that he would be pink by the time Dreamland was released, but the people who did the artwork for the US release weren't sure, so they made him white to be safe.

>> No.1333792


Most likely because in the actual game he is white. You know, the whole lack of colour thing.

>> No.1333805

nah, the people at US marketing thought a pink cute ball would be too "cute" to be taken for a "serious" game (and not a simple little girls game)

>> No.1333824

>if mainstream games players could cope with less linear adventures, thought, we might have made it a lot harder

>> No.1333860

link to the past's combat is incredibly easy if you ever use the potions

>> No.1334801


I'm not saying this is true, but I wouldn't be surprised, considering they make Kirby look pissed in all his US box art

>> No.1334850


Is there a full list of what was going to be in the game? I totally didn't know about the Master Sword/Lost Woods bit. It makes sense though.

Also, any idea why the iconic theme never made it into the game? There better have been a good fucking reason for that.

>> No.1335202

It's more like Aonuma and made Wind Waker a direct sequel to OoT's future ending, when the game was developed as a fucking prequel to LttP.

The man knows fucking nothing about the pre-OoT games.

>> No.1335210

Not /vr/ but Kirby is angry on ALL the boxarts for the new Kirby game. That shit ain't right.

>> No.1335220

I was talking about his hair being a placeholder. Kirby was first just a cute placeholder Nintendo had. He was never meant to be an actual character but he just fit so well to them they kept it. I always felt Link's pink hair was a bit like that. I thought they needed something bright to notify they of Link's position while developing and the crew liked the color and kept it. Didn't really think it was a color issue at the time (I was 8 so I didn't care) but I guess it might be true. I kinda wish ALBW had the option of making Link have pink hair. Just of a little fun to the people that played LttP.

>> No.1335231

The whole timeline thing came into existance because the older zeldas did have continuity, or an official explanation as to their inconsistancies.

it was really the oracle games that fucked it all up -- before them, nintendo had established basically a single timeline of
Oot/mm -> lttp -> la -> loz -> aol
with exactly 3 seperate links.

miyamoto had established this by saying that lttp is a prequel, and that oot is the first in the timeline. Oracle fucked this up because they literally could have gone anywhere...and nowhere.

Since there was already precedent for continuity (even through centuries and different links), it stood to reason that further zeldas would fit somewhere....

>> No.1335407

his hair is pink because they wanted his rabbit form to be pink.

its no pallet restriction or anything like that.

>> No.1337357

I agree. But right now, there aren't any games which enter in that particular era.

Basically, there are infinite possibilities.

>> No.1337374

i dont think anyone but a loser nerd would care about the time line.

Knowing that links adventure came before or after Ocarina of time does not affect your enjoyment or experience between each game.

The games never really reference each other. The worlds are constructed around how the game will look or play not about having consistency in canon.

Zelda isn't a long story of interconnected events and character interactions. Its about some bad guy stealing a mcguffin as a plot device for link to go to a really interesting place.

>> No.1337558

Though oddly enough, the story to Zelda 2 was mistranslated to English, and the original story actually suggests that the Zelda rescued in that game is a different one from the one rescued in Zelda 1.

>> No.1337576

>Zelda isn't a long story of interconnected events and character interactions
The point is that it was up until the Oracles, and even they could neatly fit into two different places.

>The games never really reference each other. The worlds are constructed around how the game will look or play not about having consistency in canon.
I disagree. If you look at the maps of LoZ, ALttP and OoT, then you can clearly see the same landmarks in the same places and how one place evolved from another. There's a big, elaborate backstory with hints and pieces of it strewn about these games that make them part of a bigger world. The creator of it even admitted as much.

What you're confusing is Nintendo's tendency to side with gameplay over everything else. If something is put in to the benefit of making the game better, but doesn't make sense story-wise, they'd rather make it fun before they make it consistent. That doesn't mean the continuity was never there, or that they don't put in specific references to other games.

>> No.1337582


>> No.1337675

metal arms...scarface

>> No.1338337

Here's a better question... Why the fuck's there EIGHTS?