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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1325347 No.1325347 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, is Blood fun and worth playing? Is there anything I need to know before beginning?

>> No.1325664
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It was an amazing ride in the 90's.

I tried to run the game on dosbox nowadays and get dizzy/diarrhea because of the frame-rate and poor mouse feedback.

Save your willingness to play it until someone make a source port like zdoom or something like that. I'm sure someome will end up doing it in less than 10 years or so.

>> No.1325694
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Its one of the FPS's I've ever played

I cant beat the first goddamn boss. 24 rockets right to the face, 500 rounds of machine gun rounds, and I dont even know how many shotgun blasts to the face, and he wont die

>> No.1325701


one of the best*

>> No.1325741

It's well worth playing and no, there isn't really anything you need to know.

>> No.1325757
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If only that game had real mouse support...

>> No.1325760

I never had problems just using the keyboard. Give it some time and you'll get used to it.

>> No.1325764

>Is there anything I need to know before beginning?
It's pretty hard. Much harder than Duke 3D or Shadow Warrior. It's not unheard of to die several times in the first level. Many enemy designs are just devious and the game certainly doesn't spoil you with much surplus health.

>> No.1326682

Where can I download this?

>> No.1326696

Remember that different weapons have different purposes in this game. This one of those games where you can't pick your favorite weapons and use it 90% through the game.

>> No.1326698

There is a way to configure modern-style mouse controls, I think the gog forums have some info on that.

>> No.1326705


>> No.1326704


go get bmouse. it drastically improves the mouselook functions and fixes the jankyness of the x/y functions


>> No.1326757 [DELETED] 

Worth playing? Depends on how you define worth.
It's not really all that good of a game, but it's playable. It's a mediocre FPS that relies on substance over style and has some major flaws. But if you're out to play a bunch of FPS's from the mid to late 90s, go ahead though there are better games to go through beforehand.

If you do play, as someone suggested, get bmouse. It'll help. Some people say it's hard, it's not really so much difficult as you'll have to put up with wonky as shit autoaim and occasionally get tagged instantly from the AI with hitscan when you come around corners, but so long as you bait AI it's not so bad. Zombies are more of a nuisance than anything and really do require being in a group before it's an issue and even then you can jump over them. Some people back off, don't bother, just tap strafe and forward before they swing and you keep poking the shit out of them without stopping at all. It might be beneficial to not play on easy because zombies fall down on easy and you have to wait for them to get the fuck back up.

>> No.1326758

Worth playing? Depends on how you define worth.
It's not really all that good of a game, but it's playable. It's a mediocre FPS that relies on style over substance and has some major flaws. But if you're out to play a bunch of FPS's from the mid to late 90s, go ahead though there are better games to go through beforehand.

If you do play, as someone suggested, get bmouse. It'll help. Some people say it's hard, it's not really so much difficult as you'll have to put up with wonky as shit autoaim and occasionally get tagged instantly from the AI with hitscan when you come around corners, but so long as you bait AI it's not so bad. Zombies are more of a nuisance than anything and really do require being in a group before it's an issue and even then you can jump over them. Some people back off, don't bother, just tap strafe and forward before they swing and you keep poking the shit out of them without stopping at all. It might be beneficial to not play on easy because zombies fall down on easy and you have to wait for them to get the fuck back up.

>> No.1326761

I think he means proper mouse look, but using the keyboard only is shit in an FPS. It used to be okay to do it, but it's fucking terrible now, still is. Even getting used to it is still fucking terrible.

>> No.1326763

>that fucking page
It's like I'm actually in the 90s again.

>> No.1326771

>To get the naked girl ending you have to beat the game 10 times in a row on the hardest setting while only using kick and you also have to not kill any lizards.

lol wth

>> No.1326773

>This secret also lets you use the BFG from doom and it works just like it does in Doom. To do it go to the doom guy on level 3 which is behind the church and jump on top of him 69 times. If you do that the doom guy gets up and then you are the doom guy and can shoot the BFG like in Doom. Also you are naked. Thanks to Tim at school.

>> No.1326774

I'm crying, it's like being in middle school again.

>> No.1326776

>Also you are naked

>> No.1326837

I remember there was a thread about Blood that lasted like a month or so short time after /vr/ opened, just before the Link's Adventure fashion.
OP said it was the best retro-shooter experience out there, even better than Doom/Duke. Sounds crazy but the fact is he had some good points.

I personally loved it, the level design was not as crazy as Doom but it was pretty clever and enjoyable, also the atmosphere was awesome and there was some pretty good artwork, something really good considering it's a pseudo-3d shooter

>> No.1326842

I played this on LAN with friends back in the day, so much fun. IMO this game is more fun than Duke3D.


>> No.1326846

Didn't multiplayer games like this die out cause of Quake? I believe Blood released in 97, which would be around the time when Quake II came out.

>> No.1326850


Well I remember playing both on HEAT.net back in the day, Quake was more popular but there were still people playing Blood as well.

>that mall level

>> No.1326859


>that mall music

>> No.1326925

Quake essentially mainlined client/server and master server architecture that dominate today. But it didn't itself kill IPX/Modem based DOS games. Duke 3D had a scene well after Quake was released on Kali and such. Especially because Quake ate machines for breakfast. The minimum requirements for the game were more like minimum requirements for a slideshow. Even with a slightly faster machine than it required with more memory. You needed something quite a bit faster.

>Sounds crazy but the fact is he had some good points.
No, you were right the first time.

>> No.1326937

Promenons nous, dans les bois
pendant que le loup n'y est pas
Si le loup y était,
il nous mangerait!

>> No.1326941

>be a lifelong Quake fan
>never hear anyone say anything remotely positive about Blood until /vr/

>> No.1326986

What did the Quake/hardcore community say back then about Blood? I'm basically curious about if they were like "hurr durrr muh real 3d" or they had good reasons to hate it

>> No.1326996


I remember being 12 and my best friend eric telling me about this game called "blood" and how it was the best shooter ever. I never got the chance to play it though.

He was a hard core quake/doom fiend, but then again 12.

>> No.1327361

Most of the Quake crowd was transferring over from Doom, so that whole "shitpost real 3D" doesn't really apply here.

I don't know what this dude is on about, but all of my LAN buddies (Quake and Doom) enjoyed Blood.

>> No.1327451

Truly OP, Blood sucks. It is far too easy, linear, just overall a bad game like Doom, Quake, and Duke. NAM is the greatest build game ever, and if you should be playing any build engine game, it should be NAM. The game is difficult, ammunition is scarce, it was the first FPS to take us to Vietnam, the graphics were outstanding, the weapon variety was magnificent, and the music will leave you in shock and awe. My second recommendation would have to be Extreme Paintbrawl. Sure it regularly gets reviews stating how bad/difficult it is, but they just don't get it. The game was just too difficult for those console plebeians.

>> No.1327497

>say Doom, Quake and Duke are a bad games
Any credibility this post would have had is absolutely lost.

>> No.1327602

the grenades have a remote control because they didnt edit the source.

>> No.1328250

Considering he recommends turds like Extreme Paintbrawl, It should be obvious he was joking.

>> No.1328891

Dude, just increase the cycles.
Though, you will have to decrease it for the Choking hands, otherwise it's literally impossible to get them off.

>> No.1330348

It's my favourite FPS of all time so yes it's worth it.

If I could give you one tip is to make sure you set alternative (special) fire to right click, and make sure you use it.

The default controls are pretty terrible so make sure you fix them before playing.

>> No.1330424

thats really weird. Are you sure you were hitting him huehue? or were you playing on extra crispy? it shouldnt be a problem well done and below.

>> No.1330428

Performance on DOSBox ain't great at higher resolutions if you don't have a good PC unfortunately. If you play on the 300 resolutions you get 60+ FPS though.

>> No.1330472

The source code will never be released... until maybe after Jace Hall dies. The dickhead is just sitting on it like a greedy Jew. He's even said that he can release it if he wants to but he chooses not to.

>> No.1330494

>He's even said that he can release it if he wants to but he chooses not to.

What? Could've sworm it was more that hes unable to because of legal issues.

>> No.1330594
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Nope, he said that he has it and he could release it if he wanted to. Check out the chat log itt:


Also that is definitely him because he confirmed his identity there via twitter and he has posted on that website quite a few times.

>> No.1330940

>use god mode, weapon cheats.
>train level
>"exploran time"
>jump out the back of the train onto the ground

Ohh, to be a kid agian...

>> No.1331927

>>"exploran time"
What is that, like a ripoff of Adventure Time?

>> No.1331935

> Just like what ZDAEMON adds to Doom...
So he wants to release Blood, but with a shitty community full of 12-year-olds jealously guarding a bunch of source code that isn't theirs?

>> No.1331957

False. He's said that WB holds the rights to Blood and there would be legal ramifications for releasing the source code.

>> No.1332030

cool source bro

>> No.1332087

don't even mention that name in here

>> No.1333914

Figured I'll ask here, but does anyone know how to open up the main games maps through mapedit? I'll like to see the trigger and stuff of each levels (for speedrunning purposes)

>> No.1333980

just disable Y axis support in advanced mouse options, you can still just look left and right and rely on autoaim

that or bmouse 0.6

>> No.1333986
File: 218 KB, 1440x900, IDIDTHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played recently via the dosbox internet connection, it worked really well to my suprise.

>> No.1334007

I'm not really sure but maybe it's a but.
I had the same thing, pumped all my ammo, rockets, dynamite etc into him, but he didn't die.
Then I reloaded the level, and he was relativly easy.
Either I've done something wrong the first time, or I don't know. Oh and it was the GoG version

>> No.1334036

This game was amazing on LAN. We used to go to my rich friend's house who had multiple PCs. Sometimes we'd take our own and have a LAN party night with like 12 people over. The two FPS's we played most were Blood and Quake... and damn we played a lot of Blood. We didn't touch the other 2.5D shooters much, Doom occasionally, but the others were boring in comparison.

I used to love the announcer's voice and the shit he said. For instance, if you shot a dude with the napalm launcher from behind him the voice would say

Good times. I wish there was somewhere to play Blood multiplayer en-masse today. I haven't played it since then.

>> No.1334038

>I've played recently via the dosbox internet connection, it worked really well to my suprise.
How? Teach me your ways pls.

>> No.1334045

I just use the premade shortcuts provided by the GOG version

>> No.1335842

Assuming your not using GOG dosbox supports built in dialup and IPX over IP. So any dos game you that has modem or LAN support should work over the internet.


If you want to muck around and test and have hamachi I'd mess with it for a bit. I've never actually played anything in dosbox over the internet with anyone because I don't know anyone who plays dos games besides me really.

>> No.1336946

I don't know what Hamachi is bro but yeah I'd love to play Blood with someone, coop or deathmatch. If you want to I'm game. I have the gog version but also have another torrented DOSBox version.

>> No.1337409

GOG and Dosbox are the same thing assuming they're both patched appropriately.