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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1320254 No.1320254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one on this board talk about Contra? 1,2,3, and Hard Corps are god tier retro games. The perfect "git gud or DIE" games. I have a personal infatuation with them all, as they are the perfect example of how a game can be hard but fair. They all control perfectly, have great music, and present a good challenge. Yes, the non sidescrolling stages are BS, but everything else is golden. What are your thoughts /vr/?

>> No.1320278

>Why does no one on this board talk about Contra?
Because there's nothing about Contra that hasn't been said a million times before?

>> No.1320289


It doesn't stop zelda/ metroid/ doom threads from popping up, does it?

>> No.1320290

We talk about Contra. Problem is that Contra is good in a self-explanatory sort of way.

Fun fact: in the 3D stages of the original Contra I didn't know bullets would never hit you while prone. I leapt over them instead and those stages were fucking intense for me.

>> No.1320295

The fun fact being that those stages are way better if you jump over the bullets, I mean. My personal stupidity isn't a fun fact

>> No.1320302


Jumping leaves you way too open for an unavoidable death though.

>> No.1320312

Not in my experience. Can't just ignore enemies and head straight for the door locks, though. You just have to keep strafing back and forth mowing them down. It feels right.

I don't know if you can still do it on later loops.

>> No.1320375

you've forgotten the greatest game ever... super contra

>> No.1320390

I don't like the respawning enemies. There is just too much shit coming at you.

>> No.1320391

No, he didn't. What, did you think Contra III was a sequel to Operation C?

>> No.1320393

I only have Hard Corps. I don't really like the boss rush w/ loads of dialogue style of the game, and the music is meh. Graphics are really good though.

>> No.1320421


The respawns all have limits and specific points where they stop. I don't see a problem with this, as all it takes is one hit to kill them. In fact, I don't think I ever thought of it as "respawning" lol.

>> No.1320443

Also the controls are too sensitive for me.

>> No.1320458

Is contra castlevania with guns?

>> No.1320467

The most overrated series of dog shits to come out... ever.

>> No.1320471

The nips got cut scenes and shit in there version

So to be clear
1.Contra 2.super c 3.the one on SNES

Inst there one on nes that isntba real contra game but was called that to sell copies

>> No.1320483 [DELETED] 
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"Overrated?" I hate run and gun run and gun shooters because they are usually completely unfair. Contra is an intense game series that stays fair the entire time. Everything in the game is built around you dying in one hit, so every shot has to be avoidable in some way. These games are definitely not overrated and deserve every bit of praise they get.

>> No.1320484

Not at all. In Castlevania the controls are deliberately stiff and level design is based around that. Contra controls much, much tighter so the devs are free to throw all kinds of crazy shit at you. You basically never have to stop shooting, and you don't have to stop moving to shoot. Your gun has a nice rate of fire, shoots in 8 directions, and kills soldiers in one hit. By default. And it only gets stronger. And it's still hard, because you die just as quickly. I love it.

>> No.1320486
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"Overrated?" I hate run and gun arcade shooters because they are usually completely unfair. Contra is an intense game series that stays fair the entire time. Everything in the game is built around you dying in one hit, so every shot has to be avoidable in some way. These games are definitely not overrated and deserve every bit of praise they get.

>> No.1320597

Contra III is the best in my opinion. Does a lot of things better than 1 and Super like weapon balance and pacing. Never really liked Hard Corps at all, the dialogue and other bells and whistles slow it down too much when I just want a simple action fix.

>> No.1320619

as someone who plays a lot of run n gun games I've never found many to 'unfair' theres a few badly designed ones that have control issues but you shouldnt be playing those anyway.

All of the metal slug games can be 1credited with proper play

>> No.1320621

respawning enemies makes the game more intense by forcing you to play extremly aggressive and fast or face an endless wave of enemies.

Most cheese tactics like slowly advancing the screen to pull enemies 1 by 1 dont work with respawning enemies

>> No.1320698

Later loops don't affect the base stages in Contra 1 because all spawns in them are fixed groups.

>> No.1320738

Is CHC overlooked? I feel the only games that are talked about are the ones on the Nintendo consoles.

I personally LOVE it, it's one of my absolute favourite games

>> No.1320748

The Contra games are great but they certainly aren't hard.

>> No.1320837

Do the loops in Contra affect ANYTHING besides the little alien hatchlings' health? Last time I played it (NES version) I got to the fourth loop before I got bored and stopped playing. That was the only thing I noticed between loops.

>> No.1320852

The random-spawning red runners come in more often. You'll only notice it around when you're about to cap out your score (8-9 loops) and the game starts to get slowdown on Jungle.

>> No.1320856

If I ever have a kid for some reason the first game he is going to beat is Contra. It's not that hard a game by any means, but it will surely give him a confidence boost either way just based on the game's reputation alone. Plus it's a fun game. We can even do 2-players.

Also what did everyone think about the plot twist revealed in Shattered Soldier? It being that the aliens were the good guys the entire time.

>> No.1320865

As you can see, enemies spawn more often and bullets travel faster.

>> No.1320903
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D'aww, and he was so close to capping his score too.

>> No.1321062

Shoulda just made that the second loop and that's it then. Looping is so boring when it's barely any different from the previous playthrough.