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1316723 No.1316723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you rank the Temples in OoT? For me it's Spirit > Fire > Shadow > Water > Forest

>> No.1316727

Shadow > Fire > Spirit > Forest > Water
Water isn't tough, it's just tedious and there's pretty much no points in it I enjoy.

>> No.1316756
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Exact reverse of the order they're usually played in. Spirit > Shadow > Water > Fire > Forest

>there are actually people who think the Forest Temple is best

>> No.1316754

Adding kid dungeons:
Forest>Fire>Shadow>Dodongo's>Spirit>Water> Deku Tree>Jabu Jabu

>> No.1316773

Shadow > Spirit > Forest > Deku Tree > Dong Cavern > Water > Fire > Jabu Jabu

>> No.1316805

Spirit > Fire > Ganon's Castle > Forest > Shadow > Great Deku Tree > Dodongo's Cavern > Bottom of the Well > Water > Jabu Jabu's Belly.

>> No.1316806

Forest > Spirit > Water > Shadow > Fire

Ranked in terms of atmosphere

>> No.1316842

Forest > Water > Fire > Shadow

...still haven't gotten to Spirit.

>> No.1316847

Prepare for super awesome mega funfuckingtastic shit. It's incredible man.

>> No.1316858




I know, an original opinion right there, but I really hated the Water Temple. Every other dungeon has some narrative, a clear reason why you are there. The Water Temple had none. At the end when you beat it and Lake Hylia refills I was left thinking "But why was that connected to there not being water in the lake in the first place? How did I fix this!?"

>> No.1316889

Morpha (the Water Temple boss) is responsible for the receded state of Lake Hylia as well as the frozen condition of Zora's Domain. "This ice is created by an evil curse... The monster in the Water Temple is the source of the curse." — Sheik

Considering Zora's Domain is the source of the river feeding into Lake Hylia, and it's frozen, I think it makes sense enough... Although, I don't recall Zora's Domain ever thawing after you finish the temple as adult Link and Lake Hylia is restored... can anyone confirm?

>> No.1316910

on further investigation, it doesn't ever thaw in the game, but it's supposed to "eventually" according to Ruto... so unless you resolve that Morpha was somehow 'absorbing' the water from the lake or something like that, which is then returned after the temple is completed, it doesn't make as much sense after all. Huh.

>> No.1316915

99% sure it doesn't thaw.
The blue fire ice doors may thaw though.

>> No.1316928

Fire>Spirit>Water>Shadow>Dodongo's Cavern>Forest>Deku Tree>Jabu Jabu's belly

Spirit had the best atmosphere but was too easy for a final dungeon. Shadow temple is cool but too linear imo. Fire temple to me strikes the prefect balance.

>> No.1316937

Doesn't thaw, not even after you break the water seal in Ganon's castle. (Yes 10 year old aspie me went there to check)

>> No.1317141
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The music in the Forest Temple of GOAT music tho.

For me, The Shadow temple would have to be number one just because of the story behind it, Its where the hyrule kingdom did their toture deeds and its a pretty disturbing backround to a pretty creepy temple. It wasn't a great temple by all means, But the backround and setting is what wins it for me. Bongo Bongo was an embrassment of a boss tho that late in the game.

Second would have to be the Fire Temple, The boss was bad ass and I remember the feeling of achivement when I got the Megaton hammer and just the warmness of that temple and how good I felt freeing all the trapped gorons.

Third would probably go to the Spirit Temple just on setting and boss alone. But the whole "saving the girl to get the pussy" thing was played out well.

plus dat plot twist towards the ending of the temple. But you had to go through it twice in different time settings and it had the motherfucking mirror Shield.

Fourth would have to be the Forest Temple because of that motherfuckin Music. I swear, out of all the temple themes in the game, this one is probably by far my favorite. Plus I remember making it through the child temples and feeling so rewarded in the Forest Temple. You had a sense of danger because this was your first temple as an adult, and you knew shit was gonna get real. The boss was casual easy tho.

Fifth would be the water temple. It was confusing as hell back in the day, But after replays you get it down more and more. The only thing about it I really liked was the Dark Link and getting the Longshot. But other than that, Bottom of the barrel temple. Its not that hard, Everyone just ends up missing the key at the very bottom of the middle pillar in the temple.

>> No.1317169

Fire > Spirit > Shadow > Forest > Water

>> No.1317402

Ah, come on. Forest temple is a jam.

Spirit>Fire>Jabu Jabu>Water>Forest>Bottom of Well>Dodongo>Deku Tree>Shadow

>> No.1317413

My favorite Zelda dungeons usually have to do with how labyrinthine they are. When it gives me a feeling of oppression and being lost, I can say that this is a great Zelda dungeon.

Forest > Water > Fire > Jabu-Jabu's Belly > Dodongo's Cavern > Spirit > Deku Tree > Shadow

>> No.1317429
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>> No.1317452

I will never, ever understand why everyone hates the Water Temple. It is amazing and brilliantly designed. Yes switching boots can be annoying, but it's not THAT bad, and the dungeon is seriously amazing in terms of atmosphere and layout. I just don't get it AT ALL.

I would say the worst is easily Shadow. Shortest, most linear and the most forced atmosphere. Still good though.

>> No.1317456

best: forest
worst: every other
oot has quantity, mm has quality =^_^=

>> No.1317489

1. Forest
2. Water
3. Everything else
5000. Fire

>> No.1317519

I really can't rank them so i'll pick my favorite part of each temple.
Forest: Phantom Ganon battle
Fire: Getting the hammer
Water: Dark Link battle
Shadow: The boat ride
Spirit: Destroying the big statue's face.

If I really had to pick a favorite temple it would probably be the Fire temple for the boss fight and original music.

>> No.1317521

the dungeons in majora's mask are garbage you fuggin hipster

>> No.1317531

shadow > spirit > forest > water > fire

shadow is best because its the most straight forward

>> No.1317734

>water > shadow
you wot m8?

>> No.1317750

From best to worst

Jabu Jabu

I have no clue why people hate Forest Temple.. such beautiful music, setting, atmoshpere, and mindfuck.

>> No.1317757

Forest > Spirit > Fire > Shadow > Water

>> No.1317759



This word is meaningless.

>> No.1317810


I totally disagree with that. Atmosphere is incredibly noticeable and important in most forms of art. It's true that most people have different views of what constitutes an atmosphere, but it's not meaningless whatsoever

>> No.1317824


You could use it for literally anything.

>Jabu Jabu was the best dungeon. The nightmareish venture inside of another organism perfectly captured that traumatic feeling of being molested, and the eschewing of music was an ingenious move that made the dungeon feel all the more claustrophobic.

>> No.1317845

Entirely because of that one key in the first room that's very easy to not find for hours, imo.

>> No.1317850


Which would be a perfectly valid reason for having that opinion, whether or not anyone else agreed with it or not.

>> No.1317857
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Water > Forest > Dodongo > Fire > Spirit > the rest

Dodongo Cavern is easily the most badass kid dungeon.

>> No.1319106
File: 75 KB, 1321x563, Forest Temple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 fag

>> No.1319117

Turtle Rock > Misery Mire > Swamp Palace > Thieves' Town > Skull Woods > Ice Palace > Dark Palace

>> No.1319132
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>not liking the Ice Palace

>> No.1319135

didn't say I disliked it, just liked the others more :^)

>> No.1319175


For some reason the Fire Temple never clicked with me.

>> No.1319185

Ice Palace
Misery Mire
Turtle Rock
Ganon's Tower
Thieves' Town
Skull Woods
Swamp Palace
Dark Palace

Desert Palace
Hyrule Castle/Hyrule Castle Tower
Eastern Palace
Tower of Hera

>> No.1319221
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 4wills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who can't do the Water Temple

>> No.1319241

Fire > Forest >Spirit > Water > Shadow