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File: 283 KB, 650x529, Ff8_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1298687 No.1298687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I booted this game up for the first time today. Just fought Biggs and Wedge. I'm having a lot of fun, but...

I have no idea what I'm doing.

I've run from almost every fight, draw arbitrarily, and don't even have enough cards to play Triple Triad.

And I want a hot dog.

>> No.1298709

When I see people streaming the Stream version of this, the music is awful. How did they fuck that up so bad? It sounds like MIDIs.

>> No.1298731

FF7 one is exactly the same, with shitty sounding midis instead of the actual PS1 music.

>> No.1298778

You don't really need to know what you're doing, it's not a game that's so difficult you need to completely grasp the mechanics to succeed. Just sit back and enjoy the story, learn the mechanics at your own pace, you'll get them eventually.

It's funny, I think I would actually like it if I didn't have such a hard mindset for the old PSX music. It's different, and I don't think it's would be necessarily bad, but it's like nails on a chalkboard because I keep trying to piece the old music together in my head.

Fortunately, I think there's a mod that puts the PSX music back in.

>> No.1298792

>I think there's a mod that puts the PSX music back in
Yeah there is. As a matter of fact my cousin did one better and had OC remix put in it's place.
Particularly this god tier remix of the underwater music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-570-QIO258

But yeah, I agree about it not being so bad if you weren't familiar with the original. I'd love to meet the person who was only familiar with the PC versions music and introduce them to the PSX version, though.

>> No.1298795
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>I've run from almost every fight,
congratulations. you've mastered FF8

>> No.1298803


I wish I knew to run from fights in FF8.
I made the mistake of grinding like crazy in FF8 with Squall alone and shit got crazy hard late game.

>> No.1298845

I actually did a bit of grinding towards the end of disc 1 (I was card modding something, I can't remember), and still finished the game at level 31. My buddies were furious because they spent all their time grinding to level 100 and things were so much more difficult for them. I guess I was rewarded for my laziness for once.

>> No.1298882


FFVII has PS1 music on steam.
FFVIII takes 5 minutes to upgrade to ps1 music.

>> No.1298895

As someone whos never played FF8 why would leveling make the game harder

>> No.1298897

they level up as you progress.

>> No.1298901

Level scaling

>> No.1298914

level scaling as people have mentioned

some low level enemies are required to drop certain items if you want to get squall's ultimate weapon in disc 1

carding enemies or winning triple triad and such can get you spells which you junction and do quad digit damage laughably early in the game. enc-none also is early. break can petrify which prevents exp from mandatory battles against non-bosses, and bosses themselves will be getting one shotted

when i was young and played this on psx also and made that same mistake of leveling. had no idea how to even use the junction system but i was still able to hold my own without using it up until those oil things in the balamb garden basement. the only fight in the game that really gave me trouble was adel. wasnt able to beat omega weapon but did just about everything else.

a later run through using the powergaming strategy really shed light on how ridiculously easy the game was, even omega.

>> No.1298949

Addendum on all this: the level ups your characters get are not in their favor. They are purposefully given low stats so you use the Junction system to modify for their own shortcomings. For instance, we all know in FF8 max for any stat is 255. Squall starts with an 8, and reaching level 100 gives him a whopping... 47.

By comparison, a Level 100 Bitebug, the first monster in the game, has a 72 for strength.

"But," you say, "the Junction system fixes your stats! That's what YOU even said!"

Well yes, but it also LIMITS strategies rather than helps them, since now you spend all your ability slots equipping stat bonuses to help you out, rather than more interesting abilities commands.

>> No.1298993
File: 6 KB, 68x68, 27-12-2013 01-17-57 a-m-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do not have to be a genius to play ff8 and to not figure the junction system or how to exploit the game or enemies weaknesses if you can't into triple triad, i never bothered with triad on my first play and the game wasn't really hard except for some bosses, later i found about how broken it was and i feel lucky i i didn't make the game easier by playing it (do it four fun if you want but do not abuse it)

>> No.1299008

I recommend seeking that table on how effective certain spells are when junctioned into different stats.

From what I remember, ultima is the best for everything, but I found it very useful against Ultimecia's final form. Full-life is a good second-best on HP.

>> No.1299130

It's one pf the easiest games ever. It actually takes knowledge and effort to make it challenging, because it does it's fucking best to help you autowin every time.