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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1294674 No.1294674 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /vr/. /tg/ neckbeard here. I've come seeking your counsel. On my new (to me) laptop I just downloaded zsnes last night, because I'm a big nostalgiafag, and I was wondering if any of you guys had recommendations of games I might have missed out on or didn't remember when rom-shopping. I'm a big rpg fan and I omitted any games I still have on cartridge or re-release (like Chrono Trigger and FF titles) but I saw a lot of Japanese names with no clue, etc., so what are some of your favorite old games?

TL:DR, SNES love thread! I'll post the list of what I have downloaded as to avoid double-recommendations.

>> No.1294679
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You should never have said ZSNES

>> No.1294681

First, I'd recommend you to download a emulator that's not as outdated as ZSNES (read the sticky).
Second, get Live-A-Live.

>> No.1294686

>Lost Girl

Mah nigga.

Anyway, Parodius.

>> No.1294692

This thread is dead on arrival because you're using ZSNES.
Just a heads up it's a pretty poor emulator.

>> No.1294701

-7th Saga
-Breath of Fire II
-Contra III
-Demon's Crest
-Earthworm Jim I&II
-FFV (translated)
-Firepower 2000
-Flashback - The Quest for Identity
-Gradius III
-Illusion of Gaia
-Jim Lee's WILDC.A.T.S. (It's probably not as good as I remember, since I played it before I developed tastes)
-Legend of the Mystical Ninja
-Lufia I&II
-Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
-Rival Turf
-Rockman & Forte
-Secret of Evermore (pic from previous post in case you're a filthy pleb)
-Sim City
-Sky Blazer
-Soul Blazer
-Star Fox 2 (doesn't work, need different rom)
-Star Ocean
-Super Castlevania IV
-Super Double Dragon
-Super Ghouls & Ghosts (because I hate life, apparently)
-Super Mario RPG
-Super R-Type
-Super Smash TV
-Tales of Phantasia (translated)

Did I miss any awesome titles I absolutely need to have? I skipped over the DBZ games for having heard mixed reviews, and I still have all the cartridges for my old FFs, Super Metroid, Mega Man X 1-3, Chrono Trigger, DK Country, MK 1-3, Super Mario World/All-Stars, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, etc, so I'm pretty set for all the 5-star old gold now.

>> No.1294704

Hmm, my bad. Didn't know that was so outdated at this point, I'll work on that. Live-A-Live, you say? An old buddy of mine had zsnes on his PC and I used it to decent enough effect, found it ran smoothly enough at the time, but let's say we ignore that part and just talk about titles.

>> No.1294712

Hmm, never heard of that one...
(internet searching intensifies...)
Holy shit, this looks awesome!

>> No.1294713

You're missing out Ys. Never miss out Ys.

>> No.1294717

Now, WHICH YS are you referring to? Because I remember playing one title from Ys and it blew really hard chunks, but I do not recall which chapter it was. I just remember terrible pixel placement, shoddy controls, complete lack of conveyance, and fuck-terrible bosses. On the ONE single entry I played for a couple hours.

I figured I missed the mark because I know the people who love Ys fucking love it hardcore, and I must have just tried the wrong entry.
...Oh, wait, I'm being retarded and it was the Ys on NES, not super.

TL:DR, So, which chapter?

>> No.1294726

III, IV and V are the only ones for SNES.

III is akin to Zelda II.
IV is more in line with classical Ys(bump combat, magic, shoddy hit detection).
V is like a 2D Zelda.

I would say that V is the one you should play because it has the best gameplay of the three.
III and IV are also available on PC-E and that's the best version for both(though the canonical IV was, until recently, the one on SNES).

>> No.1294734

I'm okay with a little bit of shoddiness to the gameplay if the story can carry it. And speaking almost directly against the previous statement, I thought Zelda II was a great game and fuck the haters. I'll load 'em up and have a go.

>> No.1294739

Okay, found and downloaded Ys III, and a translated Ys IV, but do you have any recommendations for where to find an english copy of Ys V? I'd track it down myself directly, but if you guys know of a kickass server that would definitely have it, I'm all about hearing it from you guys first.

>> No.1294751

Gotta do the patching yourself for that.

>> No.1294753

source: http://theisozone.com/downloads/other-consoles/snes/ys-v---ushinawareta-suna-no-miyako-kefin-english-translation-v100/

>> No.1294787

You rock, ya know that? And apparently, I need to spend more time on isozone.

>> No.1294828
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Umihara Kawase is a top tier platformer. It's Japan only but only uses Japanese characters for the replay menu and in the credits so you're fine without moonrunes knowledge.

>> No.1294859

what makes it suck so bad?
i never had problems with it...
what do you use?

>> No.1294897

OP here. After a brief bit of searching on Isozone, I found a rom for Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity. Anyone here played it? I'm about 45 minutes in and so far I'm impressed, especially on account of it being fan-made and all. It's obviously not canon, but they definitely managed to rekindle the same wonder I felt when first playing Chrono Trigger.

How do you guys feel about it? Anyone here played it?

>> No.1294907

Oh, and I found Parodius as well. Many thanks for the tip on that one, I'll fins some time for it probably tomorrow after Christmas festivities and when I feel I need a break from the new CT experience. And I'll keep an eye out for Umihara Kawase, thanks >>1294828

>> No.1296452

So everyone thinks zsnes sucks, but can anyone tell me why?

>> No.1296462

>It's Japan only

there's an english translation

>> No.1296612

> No ActRaiser
Dammit /vr/ I raised you better than this.

>> No.1296646

bump for actraiser
also Lufia and Tales of Phantasia.
Obviously Chronotrigger, Secret of Mana, Link to the Past, and the FF titles are necessities.
ily op

>> No.1296693

Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team

(avoid super battletoads)

>> No.1296709

Sure. it's not very accurate, it's build as a bunch of hacks trying to simulate the SNES rather than actually emulating it.

Whereas bSNES / higan emulates the actual hardware very accurately. What that means for you, is that you get an experience that is much like what you could expect on the actual hardware.

>> No.1296725

zsnes is fine for 99% of games, i.e. the good ones that matter.

bsnes is literally autistic nonsense for getting "PERFECT ACCURACY" in shitty games no one has ever heard of. the guy who makes it is seriously worse than ulillillia. there's no reason for any NORMAL HUMAN BEING to run bsnes.

>> No.1296721

I think the biggest thing that annoyed me about ZSNES was the horrid interface. It caused a lot of problems on my old XP, too, like not being able to exit the game without Ctrl+Alt+Del. I've been using 9x since then, and never looked back.

I gave BSNES a shot a while back, but it can't run at full speed on my PC.

>> No.1296727

To expand my answer a little:
I've nothing against ZSNES at all, it was extremely impressive for its time, when it came out in 1997. But it's written in an assembly language which made it very hard to expand its functionality over time without compromising certain aspects like accuracy.

But if you love it, by all means keep using it. Just because accuracy is important to some people like me, it doesn't mean it has to be important to you too. Playing the games is all that matters in the end.

>> No.1296732

That makes no sense. It's not like bsnes is harder to use than zsnes. Quite the opposite perhaps. So why would you chose a 99% solution when you can have 100% with the same amount of efford?

Sounds like a zsnes fanboy.

>> No.1296743


BSNES has some really retarded shit like purifying and game folders.

That issue can be solved by using Retroarch, though.

>> No.1296869

I second Tales of Phantasia.
To this day it's one of my all time favorite snes games.

>> No.1297005

There was a decent RPG bye the name of Arcana for the snes had kind of a doom dungeon exploration and some type of summon certain elemental beasts as u get more badass.. kept me entertained for hours.