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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 417 KB, 3300x2300, NES-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1292064 No.1292064 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/

So i decided to buy a retro game console. I have been thinking of getting a super nintendo but it's definitely leaning towards the NES right now. Which console should i go for? What games should i get for the NES? Any other tips or things i should know about?


>> No.1292068


Only game of its kind. Worth checking out.

>> No.1292070

Really depends on your preference.
I'd say look at the titles for each console, maybe emulate some games just to try them out, and then make a decision for yourself.
I'd personally choose a SNES because there are more games I'd rather play more often.

>> No.1292071


>> No.1292079
File: 35 KB, 480x251, 1387830682027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first glance it looks terrible but I'll check it out.

Yep you are right. I have read up on what games the consoles have and i think the NES is more for me. I really want to play games such as the first castlevania.

Ok, I'll look into this one.

Thanks for the answers!

>> No.1292090

I'll get flamed for this no doubt but why waste your money when you can download a NES emulator and every NES game ever made for free?

I played the real NES back in the day and the emulators are good enough that you can tell the difference.

>> No.1292110

OP here again.

I would like to play the games with the original controller, but i have considered just playing the games on an emulator. It would be awesome if someone would give their opinion on why, or why not to go with emulators.

>> No.1292118

You can buy replica NES controllers for PC


>> No.1292123

those are typically shit in my experience. I'd recommend finding some USB adapter first. I doubt there's much for NES controllers though, most USB converter stuff seems to favor SNES pads and up.

>> No.1292129

>>1292110 if you are just interested in the controller then buy a USB adaptor and some original NES controllers. Its cheaper overall and worth the hassle of not having to fuck with the 72 pin problems or paying out the ass for a toploader.

Im the guy who recommended toobin. The description doesn't do it justice. Also castlevania is good. Other games to check out would be blaster master. Its a great game with alot of exploration options. Caption skyhawk is a favorite of mine too. Its a Shump with 2.5 d depth. Very cool for its time and still fun today. Jackal! Is a top down shooter where you drive Jeeps and raid enemy territory. The 1942 games are good shumps as well. Journey to silus is a good platformer. The metal gear game is a good SNES but the msx version is way better. Rampage is a fun game too. You get to be a monster and destroy cities. Its the original game that spawned my favorite of the series rampage world tour.

>> No.1292131

>>1292123 they make them. There just isn't as much of a market since the NES pad isn't as comfortable as a SNES pad or most other pads really.

Hell on my modded NES I sanded the corners down so my hands would get tired. Still leaves the direction,marks in my thumb though.

>> No.1292142

>>1292129 another game that I love that most people don't like is Bigfoot. Its made up of two sections. One where you race your monster truck across the country side. This is the fun part. The second is whatever the competition is for that city. These consist of a challenge of rocking the d pad back and forth as fast as possible or in a certain rhythm to beat the challenege such as crush cars a tractor pull a mud pit race or the hill climb. The hill climb is one of the hardest events as its more of an endurance challenge than most.

>> No.1292143

Get a Genesis.

>> No.1292158
File: 25 KB, 320x240, Castlevania_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is kind of making me doubt. 72 pin problem? Damn.

I really like playing on old consoles, there's a special feeling to it. But of course HDMI from laptop to the TV with an USB controller is cheaper. What do

>> No.1292168

OP here

Sounds like fun! Writing all these names down.

>> No.1292186

Looks like Paperboy, but slower, less obstacles, but more challenging borders.

>> No.1292239

replacing the 72-pin connector and disabling the 10NES chip is stupid easy, though, so don't worry too much about it

>> No.1292254

Call me crazy but I don't think taking apart the carriage and cutting wires inside is "easy".

>> No.1292257

I strongly prefer the SNES but the market is just out of control at the moment.

>> No.1292264

Not that anon, but it's certainly not tough.
I recently did this, but waiting for my replacement 72 pin connector.
"Cutting the wire" consisted of getting ahold of the correct wire with tweezers and pulling it out.
If you've ever installed RAM, or any hardware, in your computer it's no harder than that.

>> No.1292283
File: 80 KB, 452x396, 10369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see.

What exactly do you mean? Is it expensive?
also, what is it that you prefer? The control? The games? The graphics?

>> No.1293894

not so much "expensive" as full of crooks. You'll see "reseller scum" threads on here all the time.

Just emulate. If you have a super nintendo ready to go and just need games? buy an Everdrive or other flashcart.