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1289203 No.1289203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is one of the best PS1 games ever.

>dynamic and solid physics make for a dynamic and solid gameplay, including fun platforming and lots of wall/ceiling climbing
>each mission is not too long, making for fun replays since it has mostly an arcade approach with scores and bonus
>fun TPS premise but ultimately becomes more of a TPS mixed with panzer dragoon, in some stages literally.
beautiful cutscenes graciously animated by production IG
>Amazing soundtrack which is actually considered a classic within the techno scene, produced by one of the biggest guys in japanese techno, Takkyu Ishino, and collaboration of many international techno producers.

I miss you, Exact.
Jumping Flash and any other Exact game discussion also encouraged.

>> No.1289218
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Please stop doing that.

But I'll give you the rest.

I loved the short length of the stages - no matter how hard you raged at dying, you never felt too jewed.

I love/hated the sewer levels: they were fairly shite compared to the open arenas, but if the game was nothing but carpark deathmatches, it would've been monotonous.

>> No.1289240
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I just meant that during the chase levels, it plays almost like panzer dragoon, especially reminds me of Zwei with the lock-on. But you're right, it's not literal... still close enough.

I also like the sewer levels, it actually feels claustrophobic when you can't climb the walls due to how narrow it gets.

>> No.1289798

I want you to remember those mid air platforming segments in the last mission, and rewrite your post

>> No.1289825

The opening cutscene that features close-ups on Motoki writhing around gave me many a teenage boner.

Also, the music in mission 2 is awesome.

>> No.1289854

The controls, loading times and difficulty were too unapproachable.
I had more fun with G-police on the PSX.

And I tried REALLY hard to get into this game because I was a huge GitS fan, still am.

>> No.1289882

>The controls, [...] and difficulty were too unapproachable

No, you are just bad at video games

>> No.1289883


*Motoko. Stupid phone.

>> No.1289910

>This is one of the best PS1 games ever.
>one of the best
>one of
it's the fucking best game ever released. get you facts straight, man!

>> No.1289914

That's like saying your bad at watching a movie.

>> No.1289916

i don't know a thing aboot them. post a list of their games!

>> No.1289923

to be fair, if you aren't familiar with the game mechanics and controlls it can feel like a very hard game at the beginning. later it should feel like a very easy game.

was one of my first psx games, so it took me two or three weekends of constant dieing until i got the hang out of controls, tactics, enemy and item placements etc.

after that it was pretty straight forward. you can beat the story mode in ~45mins

>> No.1289953

Okay, which did you like better gameplay wise:

G-police or GitS?
People that didn't play both need not apply.

>> No.1289960
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I just replayed the last mission again to make sure about what you were talking about.
You mean the 3 platforms you have to jump? It's just a straight jump man, it's very unlikely you'll miss, just jump straight from one to another, then on thelast one just jump to your left wall.

The controls are the best thing about this game.
Loading times? I haven't played this on an actual PS1, but playing on PS2/PS3 it doesn't have any long loading times, in fact I barely notice any.
Difficulty is just right, I think, not too hard not too easy. It's all about getting the hang of the controls. Were you using L and R to slide around?

Exact were mainly a developer for the Sharp X68000 home computer. I still haven't tried emulating the X68000 but I've been meaning to, I want to play their old games.
They developed some 1st party games for Sony, besides GITS, they did Jumping Flash 1 and 2. JF is actually kind of a spiritual sequel to Geograph Seal, one of their games in the X68000.

>> No.1289964


I never played G-police, but I'm watching a video now and it seems more similar to Forsaken than GITS, gameplay looks really different other than havign a somewhat similar setting. GITS is all about going fast and climbing walls/ceilings like a mad spider mecha.
But I'll try it out sometime to see how it really plays.

>> No.1289974

Never even played this one, but had the trailer for it on a demo disc as a kid. So much nostalgiagasm.

>> No.1289976


Try it sometime, it's one of my favorite 3D platformers, and also one of the few games inf irst perspective view that I can enjoy.

>> No.1289986


Both are genuinely solid, but I liked GitS a bt more, just because the controls are really tight whereas in G-P they're a bit more floaty.

>> No.1290047
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>Were you using L and R to slide around?

>playing GitS for the first time
>sort of enjoying it
>controls are a little awkward though
>why do I strafe faster than I can move forward? that's stupid
>mfw accidentally pressing L and R at the same time about midway through the game
And suddenly it was one of my favorite PS1 games.

>> No.1291314

i know that feel bro

>> No.1291971


Wait, you can go fast forward if you press L and R at the same time?
You can go fast backwards too?

>> No.1292523


>> No.1292548
File: 174 KB, 801x1149, GitS_GameFan_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit. I got used to move sidewyas to go faster.
This changes the whole game now.

>> No.1292618

you better put that fucking disc in your fucking playstation and fucking play some fucking training mode. get some fucking s rank or fucking quit your fucking internetconnection, you sick fuck!

>> No.1292623


Yes sit I'm going to do just that tonight. Gotta beat those B ranks

>> No.1292719

One of my top 3 ps1 titles. As for those jumps in the last level, you just have to walk forward normally and do a quick jump. Time it so all 3 jumps are the same distance, and you'll usually be ok. Even if you fall, it takes about 2 minutes tops to get back to it.

>> No.1293150
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done, it wasn't too hard but I still need to get gooder, could't perfect every phase

>> No.1293407
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I'm with you OP, this game is the reason I got a PSX.
>Amazing soundtrack which is actually considered a classic within the techno scene, produced by one of the biggest guys in japanese techno, Takkyu Ishino, and collaboration of many international techno producers.
It has a track by Derrick motherfucking May in it. That alone makes the OST awesome as fuck

>> No.1293560

anon is a pretty cool guy, he s-ranks ghost in the shell and doesn't afraid of posting it.

srsly, nice job, dude

>> No.1293561

you guys underapreciate the participation of westbam. fuck the OST has even a second disc with not used tracks

>> No.1294425 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 500x455, tumblr_lz84o8TESI1qezj72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whole disc is great. The title track by Ishino is one of my favorites, Hardfloor's tracks too.

>> No.1294426
File: 61 KB, 500x455, tumblr_lz84o8TESI1qezj72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The whole disc is great. The title track by Ishino is one of my favorites, Hardfloor's tracks too.