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File: 23 KB, 335x276, Zelda-2-Title-Resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1288485 No.1288485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on Zelda II? It's personally one of my favorite Zelda games. Not THE favorite, but in my top 5.

Despite its difficulty and cryptic shit at times, I loved it. The combat was just really fun to me.

>> No.1288497
File: 7 KB, 256x224, olympus-logo[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably falls the furthest outside the realm of any Zelda game. It's a great game, it's just not what ended up being a "Zelda game"

>> No.1288496
File: 243 KB, 482x336, am_i_kawaii_baguu~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was my first Zelda, and I adored if for the combat, too.

>carefully timing attacks to outwit armoured enemies
>vaulting over creatures and stabbing them in the goddamned head

I liked LttP and Awakening for different reasons, but was very pleased when OoT brought some tactics back into fighting

>> No.1288506

Still the only one I haven't beat. I made it to the last palace (wow, fuck you rock fence) and just gave up.

I came back to it later and quickly shut it off finding that I didn't continue at the palace, but went right back to see zelda for the millionth time.

>> No.1288517

My favorite Zelda.

>> No.1288530

>have not beaten it to this day.

You're better men than I, anons.

>> No.1288536

Just keep aiming for it. After you get the downward thrust, the game becomes much easier.

>> No.1288539
File: 234 KB, 1500x1152, he-is-error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image perfectly describes Zelda II

>> No.1288543

Why does anyone post this image as if it means anything? I don't think I'll ever understand.

>> No.1288549

My first Zelda game as well, and one I adore to this day. First played it in 1990, didn't beat it until two decades later when I had that Zelda collection for Gamecube.

I won't say it's the greatest Zelda game, but it is by far the most underrated.

>> No.1288567

When I was a kid, like, 8-9, I played the game, and I couldn't get through a lot of the early palaces, but using my older brother's endgame save, I could still get through the last palace and beat it.

Now the early game is easy as fuck, but for the life of me I cannot beat the last palace.

I'd be embarrassed to even admit this if I weren't so fascinated by the bizarre contradiction.

>> No.1288574

It's one of my favorites as well. There's certainly a lot of flaws, but it and TLoZ are the only games in the series that I don't feel WANT me to win. Victory feels earned, it doesn't feel like it was handed to me, and that matters a lot to me.
I think the feeling of adventure in an unknown world is pretty much unmatched compared with the rest of the series. TLoZ had it too, but it sort of fizzles out a bit when you're busy methodically trying to find burnable bushes or bombable walls or the like.

>> No.1288608

Fun fact: He says the same thing in the Japanese version. And there was another guy named Bug, but the translators goofed and kept his name as it sounded in Japanese - Bagu.

>> No.1288729

I really like it, a lot more than most of the "true" Zelda games actually. The combat is fun and I love the palace theme. There are some stupid, obscure things you have to do which may or may not be better in Japanese but they aren't that big to hamper the game too much. Zelda 2 is unfairly disregarded by most people, even Zelda fans.

>> No.1288763

Third best Zelda game after the original and Link's Awakening. It was so good, so different, so much fun, and it was really a challenge. Felt so good to get through that game finally.

>> No.1289718

played it for the first time on 3ds. the game isn't clear on where you are supposed to go at times, but the combat is fantastic.

>> No.1289734

I finished it recently.

I loved it. Not really sure what else to say.

>> No.1289747
File: 127 KB, 800x595, 1382971405665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only game I couldn't finish as a kid.

>> No.1289881


It's pretty finishable.

Just get to 8-8-8 before the Great Palace and save all (or most) of the Link dolls for the trek through the Valley of Death. Also, use the crouch glitch to beat Dark Link.

The Valley of Death was the hardest part IMO.

>> No.1289983
File: 194 KB, 600x382, 1368825492600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second favorite after the first game. After those, Link's Awakening is really the only other Zelda I like.

>> No.1290657


I always used to think he was being philosophical.

>> No.1290665

I'm always surprised how well-liked it is, especially now that Shiggy has admitted he considers it the worst game he ever made.

Not that that makes people wrong for liking it, or anything.

>> No.1290682

>Shiggy has admitted he considers it the worst game he ever made.
I remember what he said being far more diplomatic than that, and everyone just interpreted it as "HE THINKS IT'S SHIT!!"
Wasn't it more like "I wish we had done more with it" or "it was really limited by the technology and wasn't what I wanted it to be" or something else along those lines?

>> No.1290684


I may have exaggerated as well, I think it was closer to "this is the only game I've ever been dissatisfied with."

>> No.1290707

Yeah, but every dev can say that. Inafune hates Megaman 3.

>> No.1290719

Okay yeah, I found it.
>I wouldn't say that I've ever made a bad game, per se, but a game I think we could have done more with was Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
>When we're designing games, we have our plan for what we're going to design but in our process it evolves and grows from there. In Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, unfortunately all we ended up creating was what we had originally planned on paper.
>...So one thing, of course, is, from a hardware perspective, if we had been able to have the switch between the scenes speed up, if that had been faster, we could have done more with how we used the sidescrolling vs. the overhead [view] and kind of the interchange between the two. But, because of the limitations on how quickly those scenes changed, we weren't able to.
>The other thing, is it would have been nice to have had bigger enemies in the game, but the Famicom/NES hardware wasn't capable of doing that. Certainly, with hardware nowadays you can do that and we have done that, but of course nowadays creating bigger enemies takes a lot of effort.

>> No.1290954

I think this goes into the mistranslation basket together with "Donkey Kong Country is a bad game and I hate it".

>> No.1290959

The American version also has a lot of improvements from the Japanese version, almost like the J version is an unfinished prototype that somehow made it to retail.

>> No.1291171


Oh my fucking God... That goddamn game.

Especially the part where you go and talk to Ares twice and he punishes the shit out of you.

Fuck you Ares. Seriously. Fuck you.

>> No.1291507

But Donkey Kong Country IS a bad game. Maybe not bad, but it's a mediocre platformer at best and I can see why he hates that it got more credit than Yoshi's Island, despite the fact that Yoshi's Island was more impressive in just about every capacity.

Also, Zelda 2 was the shit. It's a little hard and cryptic at times, but I like the play style. I'd really love to see them do a revival of this style of game.

>> No.1293341


I don't remember that. What happens?

>> No.1293348 [DELETED] 

The only Donkey Kong game worth playing is the original arcade version. The Rare games are trash.


>> No.1293365 [DELETED] 


>> No.1293370

Was my first Zelda game and I loved it a lot. My favorite was LttP though.

That being said I've only played the Zelda games up to and including LA. I never played any of the later GB stuff, let alone any non-NES/SNES console Zeldas.

>> No.1293380

Reaction to it was another cog in the reasoning behind Nintendo never changing their core IPs anymore unless absolutely 100% necessary.

>> No.1293389

citation needed

>> No.1293406

Reaction to it? You mean it selling like hotcakes and people loving it when it came out?

>> No.1293554

It has it's flaws. Early Zelda puzzles weren't puzzles so much as random shit you pushed, blew up or burned. So in that area it's not like it strayed too much as far as that goes. Though it had a lack of enjoyable items which is really the bread and butter. You get magic, but a lot of it is micromanaged as magic doesn't readily drop and basically one shot.
It's not a bad game, it's not a good Zelda as far the series has come to be known for, though the emphasis has changed a bit over the years as well to less over-world more dungeon with the 3D games. In that way it's closer to the 3D games.

>> No.1293562

If he responds with dissatisfaction that wouldn't be untrue. There were a lot of people underwhelmed by it. I played it, it was good. It wasn't what I wanted out of a Zelda so much though. There were a lot of people who didn't prefer to the first.
Word of mouth and reviews can only dent your sales so much. Sales generally comes based on economic and interest factors and most companies especially today rely on that fact. If it were a bad game, people still would have purchased it because of the name and developer. They'd be mad and the game would still have hotshit sales compared to everything else. That's the trouble with sales, they're often gained before people use the product. So they often aren't an indicator at all of quality.

>> No.1293582
File: 132 KB, 575x336, zelda2_art03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda II didn't have any puzzles that I can remember. It was purely about exploration and combat.

I don't see the issue with the game not having lots of items. Lots of items means menu navigation, especially when one of two buttons is devoted to jumping and cannot really be changed, and, combat being such a huge focus, you can't really get rid of the sword either, even temporarily.
The ability to shoot arrows or throw a boomerang or whatever could have been interesting, but I just don't see how you would work out the controls.
If Zelda had kept on with this formula on the SNES, and there were STILL no items despite there being 4 more buttons, THEN I'd complain. On the NES though... shit just wasn't feasible.
That said, more equipment would have worked. A longer sword that can't shoot beams at full health or something, maybe a different weapon entirely like a spear or a flail. Might have been cool.

I'm mostly okay with how magic works. I think magic you NEED to use to progress at times should have been handled a bit differently (perhaps given a limited number of uses which could be restored in towns?), but I really like that magic restoring pots are hard to come by, and there is essentially no way to heal except to use magic. You really have to budget out your magic, and you have to choose between healing, extra defense, attack spells, and so on.
I like that system a of a lot better than relying on potions and random heart drops.

>> No.1293594

ww > alttp > tp > mm > oot > loz > ooa > mc > la > oos > zelda ii > ss
I feel like I'm missing some. i haven't played albw or the ww spinoffs. hmm.

>> No.1293598

Thanks god I'm not the only one who thinks that MM3 is shit.

>> No.1295447

Why's it always have to be either the best ever or absolute shit with you people?