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1287154 No.1287154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ocarina Of Time or A Link To The Past?

>> No.1287164

That's tuff because they are both good but it would be for me Oot because it introduced to that open world feel and Epona also looked, felt and played great.

>> No.1287179

oot for 3d

alttp for 2d

>> No.1287184

Majora's Mask

>> No.1287212

I will always choose LttP. I personally prefer it. I will acknowledge that OoT brought a lot of new ideas to the table, but I personally didn't really care for it.

>> No.1287358
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OoT. ALttP is good, but once you know the ropes that's it. OoT always has something to give. Some new factoid to learn. Trick to master. It is the never-ending story.
Plus unlike OoT which has the GCN enhanced version or OoT3D, ALttP has no definitive version yet because the translation for the SNES is awful, and Nintendo's keeping the GBA version from us when they can could re-release it on 3DS with Link muted and crisper music.

>> No.1287367

LttP because it runs at 3 times the framerate.

>> No.1287369

>a fucking retro game

>> No.1287374

>ALttP has no definitive version
>the translation for the SNES is awful

The Japanese original is the definitive version (as it is for pretty much any Japanese video game).
Ocarina suffers so much more in its English version because the text prints so fucking slow. It's affecting the actual gameplay.

>> No.1287375

Ocarina, hands down. I love the 2D Zeldas, but Ocarina was a completely different experience. The music, gameplay, settings, hell the game's whole atmosphere was a masterwork.

>> No.1287376

I liked Ocarina but there's just so fucking many cutscenes and fetch quests. It made so many gameplay concessions to be "cinematic".

>> No.1287379

My mistake, I forgot the human visual system magically changed to a higher speed version in 2000.

>> No.1287402

I use to always say Link to the Past hand down but I'm not as sure anymore.

>> No.1287408

Between those two, Link to the past.
If i'd really get to choose, i'd go with Zelda 2 though.


it's alright. It's pretty common for people to forget how the world was black and white before the 50's, too.

>> No.1287409

I like them both a lot. But my first was Ocarina of Time and I'll always have an overwhelming nostalgia for it.

>> No.1287410

The more I replay it the more I think Zelda 2 is the best in the franchise.

>> No.1287416

OoT. Link to the Past was my first but there's just no fucking comparing tile based dungeons and environments to 3D ones. If Zelda games are about exploration and discovery, the game with the hand-crafted areas and dungeons wins every time.

>> No.1287470

Ocarina of Time. LttP isn't even my favorite 2D Zelda.

>> No.1287512
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Link to the Past, easily.

>> No.1287531

I can understand how the placement of most of these can be open for discussion. But then,
>Link's Awakening lower than Ages/Seasons

A very sweeping and overwhelming majority disagrees, and few people will have a good argument for Seasons/Ages.

>> No.1287546
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>> No.1287557
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The CDi games don't exist in my world.

I admit ranking the Oracle games over Link's Awakening is probably the biggest thing that I differ from most Zelda fans on and that it's very subjective on my part. I just overall like the added game mechanics (especially the Season mechanics) and items in those games and that both are actually unique games, unlike what other games were doing at the time (e.g. Pokemon)

>> No.1287556
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I fixed your shitty list. You guys have awful taste.

>> No.1287558

Between those two?


Its storyline is staggeringly generic like LttPs, but its characters, its fluff is far more advanced, it breathes life into its world while LttP is basically just a dungeon crawler.

OoT benefitted massively from Link's Awakening, from which it takes, well, a shitton that pushes it way beyond LttP.

>> No.1287561

Because it is

>> No.1287568
File: 215 KB, 1042x1820, Zelda tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removed non-retro and non-nintendo-console ones, else Wind Waker would be the fourth God Tier one.

>> No.1287603
File: 815 KB, 831x2747, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how you people can say such nice things about N64 Zeldas.

>> No.1287606 [DELETED] 

Is everyone who prefers MM a hipster or just most of them?

>> No.1287608

MM has bunny hood. That's the only thing keeping it from not being as bad as OoT.

>> No.1287610

Umm what? OoT had a bunny hood too.

OoT was the most classic 3D Zelda you can make. It is perfect for that.

ALttP was cool but I'd probably still prefer LoZ as far as 2D Zeldas go.

>> No.1287612

You have to be a complete fucking moron to put OoT in shit tier with SS and TP. Either that or a hipster like no other.

>> No.1287613

Is everyone who plays the Legend of Zelda series hipster girls on tumblr trying to look "so retro" with triforce tattoos or just most of them?

>> No.1287627

>OoT had a bunny hood
But not THE bunny hood.

>> No.1287632

>A Link Between Worlds
>High Tier

I must have the shittiest tastes, if that's true.

>> No.1287639

SNES generation here

LTTP all the way, ocarina was shit

>> No.1287647

Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask combo. Though they owe a lot to Triforce of the Gods and as such I still respect it. But honestly on it's own I don't really think much of it.

>> No.1288115

Don't you people sometimes think that the problem with the Legnd of Zelda is Zelda?

I mean, you can make 20 different movies about the titanic, but at the end the ship will always sink.
These games would be better if it was all about Link, and there were no Zelda princess or Tri Force o Hyrule, like in Link's Awakening.

The whole Zelda thing is very limiting to the series.

>> No.1288156

Or shake up the formula a little bit and make a game actually about Zelda saving her Kingdom. A not-shit one, I mean.

Say, something similar to Oracle of Ages/ seasons, which were kinda, sorta puzzle- and action focussed, respectively.

Instead of saving the Princess, the princess plays heroine in her own right like she did in OoT and for a while in WW - just as an actual player character, using her magic and wit to get around monsters and puzzles. She is the embodiment of wisdom, after all. I would throw in a huge focus on character interaction here, too.

Meanwhile, Link's game is about bravely venturing into the unknown, and while not brute-forcing everything (Link's about courage, not strength, after all), certainly a lot more action focussed.

Linked Game: Prequel-esque, you play Ganon immediately before the main game(s), and smash stuff on your way to power.

>> No.1288191

Between LttP and OoT i choose the oracles games

>> No.1288327
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I like Zelda 2.

>> No.1288370

ALTTP no question.

>> No.1288826

>GCN enhanced version
It was literally a ROM and an emulator on a disc.

>> No.1288828

I loved alttp as a kid, but as I replayed it recently, I found it extremely boring. It's as if it has no replay value whatsoever, whereas my replays of oot have been quite enjoyable.

>> No.1288837
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>there are three whole tiers below Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.1288841

Reverse the games, and that's how it is for me.

>> No.1288849

This. It feels more of a nostalgia ride when I play it, and when that wears off I just stop playing.

>> No.1289163

Actually no, it was not. I have both an N64 and a GC hooked up to a composite switch box. I popped the original, and Master Quest in. Turned em both on, and was switching between em. I compared the original to the port, the Master Quest edition and then even popped in The Collectors Edition and compared em, then compared Majoras Mask to the port.

They are different, the ports have much smoother graphics and are brighter in color.

>> No.1289164


Majora's Mask, m8, that's not even discussable

>> No.1289168


Ds versions are fun. Better than Skyward Sword, for sure.

>> No.1289382

How pretentious do you have to be to use the title Triforce of the Gods?

>> No.1289410

Nothing will ever beat that feeling I got when entering the Dark World.

>> No.1289416

Any appearance of such are a result of emulation.
Come now. You should know that Nintendo are sticklers for keeping the original content intact unless they have a copyright issue (StarTropics and YoYos as well as Tetriminos)

They altered StarFox 64's emulator to retain console accurate slowdowns, for crying out load.

>> No.1289421

Majora's Mask.

>> No.1289426

I can understand liking Phantom Hourglass more than Skyward Sword, but no sane man would think Spirit Tracks is better than Skyward Sword.

>> No.1289449

Oh, do people still hate SS? It's considered by. IGN one of the greatest Zelda's off all time.

>> No.1289556

A Link To The Past. That art style, music, & gameplay.

>> No.1289564

SS is a good game, but why the hell are you treating IGN as authority on what a good game is?

OOT is preferred, but I'd take ALttP with OOT engine as best.

>> No.1289568

With the currently given options, I'd have to say Ocarina of Time.

A Link to the Past was nice but the exploration became tedious quickly on subsequent playthroughs.

>> No.1289571
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what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.1289608

Oh i get it

>> No.1289609
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its horrible game. and zelda is my favorite franchise.

Of course they will give it a 10/10 when nintendo pays them to advertise there shit for months on end. if they payed them to do that and then they gave skyward sword what it should have got (a 4/10) then Nintnedo would stop letting them advertise and move there business elsewhere

>> No.1289726

So did anyone not react in total shock and amazement when Ocarina of Time SpoilerShiek was Zelda

>> No.1289807

Glad someone did.

>> No.1289827

I don't get it. Please explain.

>> No.1289839

Link's Awakening is my favourite. I never played anything else but that as a kid.

>> No.1289852
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IGN gives all Zelda games 10/10. Calls them masterful. All of them. It's almost as if they are biased reviewers... Oh wait, they are.

>> No.1289886

I give my vote to OoT - I hadn't played LttP until after both N64 games (not underage, my family never picked up Zelda for the SNES, and so I didn't get my hands on it until they ported to GBA)

Having played both several times, I still really enjoy OoT more than LttP. However, LttP is easier to pick up and play, so I do play that more.

Not quite retro, but the onslaught of 3-dimensional Zelda games has made me really hope for an old-school top-down Zelda game, which is why I'm hyped to start ALBW

>> No.1289978

I thought SS was good, just not a masterpiece. No "masterpiece" makes you fight the same bullshit boss three fucking times.

>> No.1289998

Yeah that is the issue with IGN. I like SS but no Zelda game is perfect. And SS should have lost points for the 3 boss fights alone. Let alone having a constricted over world. Also lets not forget you have that scorpion as a boss fight and then later on as a regular enemy.

>> No.1290114

Yeah, I agree with you that no game is perfect. SS could've had more places to discover in the sky, like how in WW you can do more than just visit islands, such as the random encounters with tornadoes, ghost ships, and giant octopi. And the scorpion thing was weird.

>> No.1290120
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>choosing between two perfect games instead of just playing them
I don't have a proper reaction for this. Have album art instead.