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1285498 No.1285498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Some tyrant mod deleted this thread for no real reason, let's continue peacefully debating whether Mega Man 8 is the best game in the series or not. Either way, it's pretty underrated.

>> No.1285529

I like 8, but I've always preferred 3. It's pretty up there though, the biggest thing that drags it down for me are the gimmick stages.

>> No.1285552

Now, see, I've never gotten all the love for 3. I admit that 3 is when the series really pulled together its most recognizable elements (really sharp graphics, music, Rush items), but it was infamously rushed (no pun intended -- but maybe that's where the name came from?) and I have to agree that it's hurting in some important places. Many of the stage designs are real yawners (Top, Hard, and Magnet come to mind), the weapons are a real mixed bag (Spark, Top, and Hard were some of the worst in the series for a long time, and Gemini has nothing to do with his twin gimmick), and the Break Man fights feel like they were just placeholders for more complex battles that were never finished. Sure, it's got those neat stages that give some rematches with the bosses from 2, but then the Wily stages are such a breeze. At the end of the day, I like MM3 more for its music than anything else.

>> No.1285603

Yeah, weapon balance was a pretty big issue in a lot of the early Megaman games. Ideally, every weapon should fill a niche so that none of them are redundant or useless. Which is obviously kinda hard to do when you have to invent eight new weapons in yearly installments.

Megaman 9 had amazing weapon balance though. Every weapon is useful, every weapon feels awesome and powerful... yet the buster itself is still able to shine. That's the hardest thing to pull off, I think, is making sure the special weapons complement the starting weapon instead of replacing it outright.

>> No.1285610

I think a lot of that has to do with making sure every stage has the right enemy design and placement to give each weapon a function.

I just played Mega Man 10, and the weapons have so many drawbacks it's ridiculous. The only weapon I used during most stages was the Triple Blade, the rest I only pulled out for boss battles. The whole time I went through Wily's fortress I was thinking about how often I was switching weapons and ENJOYING it. I felt clever for figuring out the right weapon for every occasion. I never really got to feel that during 10. Buster or Triple Blade.

>> No.1285617

Correction: As I went through the MM10 fortress, all I could think about was the MM9 fortress.

>> No.1285630

At least you had Abandoned Memory.

>> No.1285645

Ugh. No. MM10 had okay music at best, and everything else was an ugly mess. Flash In the Dark was way better than Abandoned Memory.

>> No.1285651

Reposting that Megaman controls like a jello blob and the reserve power ups were kind of lame. Also its too easy.

>> No.1285864

I'm the mega man noob and never got to see if anyone answered my question about which game was easiest and whether or not I should play through mega man chronologically

>> No.1285867

Well mega and roll are rock and roll in Japan so I'm going to just pretend like Rush was named for the band.

>> No.1285890


10 is definitely one of the easier ones: lots of different items you can buy to get past tricky spots in the stages, it's not too difficult to collect screws, there are save files instead of passwords, and you can even save in Wily's Fortress.

>> No.1285898

MM2 on normal (kind of a built in easy mode) and no it isn't necessary to play chronologically.

>> No.1285908

And yes I know the JP version is harder which is why I said MM2 and not Rockman.

>> No.1285909

It's not the best Mega Man game, but it's very very good. The sprites are colorful, the stages vibrant and unique, the characters are goofy, the music is nearly flawless.

I really don't see how voice acting makes the *game* worse. I happen to like it, but I guess people want to pick on something insignificant, exaggerate it to death, then spew all their hate on that exaggeration.

>> No.1285926

MM8's English voice acting is in the "so bad that it's good" territory for me. I love it.

>> No.1285940

It's colorful, but flat. The stages are unique, but bland. The characters are indeed goofy. I didn't find the music particulary interesting.

The game is TOO easy except for the few segments that are unfairly hard (the board parts, obviously).

The voice acting is not this game's issue. It's terrible, but it doesn't affect gameplay at all.

>> No.1285996

I much prefer the 8-bit soundtracks to MM8's, although it's cool that they tried a different style. What makes you say the graphics are "flat" though? MM8 has lots of parallax scrolling in the backgrounds, and shading on most objects, while the earlier games have flat colors and usually only one background layer.

>> No.1286003

It's pretty underrated. I do really hate 4x2 levels rather than all 8 at once though.

>> No.1286050

>The sprites are colorful
Too colorful. You don't need 10 different colors on one enemy. It was obnoxious. Things like Clown Man's stage just plain hurts my eyes.

>the characters are goofy
I don't really see that as a plus. Everything was a bit too dopey.

>the music is nearly flawless.
I can't agree to that at all. While there are a few tracks I like, everything about the instrumentation is pretty bad. Too mellow, too bubbly, not punchy enough. Nothing "rocks" in a game called "Rockman." That's a problem.

>> No.1286070

>MM10 had okay music at best
>at best
No. It had a fantastic soundtrack with only a couple songs I didn't really care for (Chill Man, Blade Man)
Solar Man and Commando Man stand as some of the best tracks in the series. And the Wily stage music is easily on par with the others of the series.

>> No.1286082
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It's not great by any means, but it's better than 7 and 1.

4 > 9 > 3 > 6 > 10 > 2 > &Bass > 5 > 8 > 7 > 1

>> No.1286289
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I most like 3 for introducing the slide/dash, which is the best addition to the series that has ever been made. That one single change improves the pacing, level design, boss fights, etc. so fucking much it's ridiculous.
It really pisses me off that 9 and 10 didn't have it. They are the only traditional Mega Man games to lack the slide/dash feature since Mega Man 2 (or Mega Man I on the Game Boy, if that counts), and I can't help but think that they did it this way to pander specifically to Mega Man 2 nostalgia.
That said, 9 is still probably the best game out of the classics to me.

>> No.1286302
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>There are people who think that pic related isn't the worst one
>There are people that like pic related

>> No.1286308

The mod deleted the thread because it was incredibly antagonistic and full of assholes, /v/ would have been a better home for it than this place.

As for the thread, I don't have preference, I can say I like all MM games the same.

>> No.1286310

It's a cancerous piece of shit so I guess the answer is no.

>> No.1286314

The only complaint I have with that one is that it's far too easy.

>> No.1286323

I don't know man. It is fun, I love the music. But I've only managed to beat it once. This game's hard.

>> No.1286343
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To me Megaman 2 is the best in the series, but 3 had the best music IMO

>> No.1286342

>Dat horrible pastry colored pallete
>Dat cheesy soundtrack
>Dat horrible voiceacting
>Dat corny enemy design
I´ll stay with megaman 2/3 thank you.

>> No.1286358



>> No.1286371

>Implying there are people that like pic related

>> No.1286372

>I can't agree to that at all. While there are a few tracks I like, everything about the instrumentation is pretty bad. Too mellow, too bubbly, not punchy enough. Nothing "rocks" in a game called "Rockman." That's a problem.

we know OP is an underage faget though and is too stupid to realize what a series staple is.

no its so bad its bad? Seriously if that retarded faggot who voiced doctor light can get work as a voice actor I think anybody could. Like how do you listen to that guy talk and think "HMMMM this is a good idea, sounds really intelligent like a scientist should."

>> No.1286428

>Things like Clown Man's stage just plain hurts my eyes.

Yeah, and like... you'd expect a circus-themed level to be bright and colorful, but the whole game was like that. Plus, Megaman ZX proved you can have a carnival-themed level that isn't a mess of Fisher Price colors and elevator music.

Megaman ZX is the best Megaman game, come at me.

>> No.1286432

It's not a bad game. Just the weakest of the classic series.

>> No.1286441

Being able to charge your buster was a novel concept for the time, but they made it way too powerful and game-changing. There's barely any point in using special weapons in Megaman 5.

In Megaman 4 the charged buster was still rather weak, and more of a utility weapon than "boom boom pow everything explodes."

>> No.1286445

>Megaman ZX is the best Megaman game, come at me.
I... I can't. It's my favorite traditional Mega Man game by a decent amount. The only thing really holding it back is that map system.
I rarely see other people sharing my opinion though.

>> No.1286532

For me, the brilliance of MM8 is the variety and applications for the master weapons. MM games generally under-utilizes all those weapons, usually having only a handful of useful abilities like shields and arching/homing weapons while the rest go mostly unused. The only weapon in MM8 that I could never find a good use for was the water balloon.

>> No.1286552

I really liked the bolt system and branching paths. They were fun to find but not too obvious to be boring. Wasnt crazy about the soccer ball weapon though...

>> No.1286571


I hated that weapon as well, until I found out you could use it to double and triple jump:


>> No.1286919

Last thread was obvious flamebait. No idea why anyone would want to participate in this one.

>> No.1287117

>Nothing "rocks" in a game called "Rockman." That's a problem.

This is the most retarded complaint about MM8 by far. None of the other classic games had rock themed soundtracks, why the hell would it matter here? Also, jazz music is way better than rock music.

>> No.1287121

I didn't see whatever other thread there was.

>> No.1287140

Except that they did? You are retarded

>> No.1287148

hahaha holy shit im the OP of >1285268 and i cant believe this is still going

>> No.1287158

There's something that has always stuck with me from Megaman 8. When his health gets low, he says "time to get serious." I say in his voice sometimes when my health is low in other games

>> No.1287161


No they didn't. They were just simple chip tunes. Also, themed naming has nothing to do with the choice of music. Stop being autistic.

>> No.1287162


The player in the video is horrible. You can do infinite jumps with it if you know what you're doing.

>> No.1287167

I still think you are retarded

>> No.1287169

Are you seriously suggesting you can't distinguish what genre something is if it's a chiptune?

>> No.1287180


One or two songs based off rock music does not mean the entire series was rock themed. Also, non of the arranged music for the PSX ports use rock music either. Don't bother calling other people stupid until you can actually make a proper argument.

>> No.1287193

>does not mean the entire series was rock themed
No one ever said every song in the old games was rock.

>> No.1287196
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>> No.1287201

The limitations of the NES soundchip does not nullify that they are attempting to sound like "rock." Whether or not you think they succeed is secondary. It is a central theme to the series.

>Also, jazz music is way better than rock
Opinion, and still secondary.