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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1283213 No.1283213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>old = rare = $$$
Shop logic.
Every time.

>> No.1283215

>it's out of print
>it will never be made again
>that's why I'm charging a modest $50 for this rare Duck Hunt, you'll never find another once they're all gone!

>> No.1283217

>Amazon is an accurate gauge of worth

>> No.1283220

>oy vey goyim look at this rare videogame
>It is bubsy the sticker is completley scratched out and is unpleyable but is rare!
>500 shrekles

Im glad theres a chick at the local pawn shop that gets me good-ass prices for shit.
Too bad they never get any "new" old games.

>> No.1283218

>if it has mario, zelda or pokemon in the title it is instantly worth $40-$50.

>> No.1283236
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>> No.1283237
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Reposting from the other thread I participated in:

This is /vr/'s worst nightmare. This guy's store is hell for /vr/. Screw this guy. Rude and a jerk. If you try to buy something, he'll give you a fucking history lesson as to where he got it and will tell you that "it's rare" so that you buy it. Motherfucker was selling Diddy Kong Racing for $26.

Conker's Bad Fur Day CIB - $130
OoT CIB - $60
Mario Kart 64 CIB - $70
Diddy Kong Racing CIB - $40

>> No.1283241

quick question.
I bought golf, duckhunt/mario, baseball, top gun and boulder dash all for 5$ each. Did i get fucked or am i gud?

>> No.1283242


>Conker's Bad Fur Day CIB - $130
>OoT CIB - $60

As someone who lives in a PAL territory, I would kill to find those games for those prices.

>> No.1283246

$15,000 for fucking Mario..

And it is the fucking PAL version.

I wish that anyone who fell for the VGA scam would just die.

>> No.1283250

Yeah, that's not bad man.

Sure, Baseball is a sports game... but I played that game up until I wanna say 2000. Really fun simple game.

>> No.1283264

>game is old
>game is in limited quantities
>game has high demand
>stores should sell high demand things that have a finite supply for cheap because I say so
/vr/ logic. Plus if they sold games for cheap some other faggot is going to sell them for higher on craigslist. You're never you're to win so stop bitching and emulate.

>> No.1283268

reseller detected.

Don't you have yard sale holders to harass at 5am?

>> No.1283270

>reseller detected.

Why would a reseller tell you to go emulate?

I swear, some of you people are massively retarded.

>> No.1283271

>Explain basic economic supply and demand
>Tell others to skip buying altogher
>Accused of reseller
/vr/ critical thinking.

>> No.1283272

angry samefag

>> No.1283275


Swing and a miss, chief.

>> No.1283282

Nope. >>1283271 is me.

>> No.1283284

Yeah 15,000 sounds liek a good price for mario 2
those dumb /vr/ folds are stupid barrels XD

>> No.1283291

There is only a problem with supply because of greedy resellers.

These games sold in the millions and were built well enough to have lasted all these years.

If it werent for people overpricing things on ebay and people being too lazy/impatient to go find things for themselves, games would be cheap like they were before resellers moved on from comics/trading cards/sports memorabilia etc.

>> No.1283292


And here comes the strawmen.

Humorously enough, the guy you're responding to wasn't even advocating purchasing games. I can't tell if you're trolling, retarded, or trying to make collectors look bad. Either way, quit shitposting.

>> No.1283293

I think what most of us are talking about is the "if I wanted to pay ebay prices I'd buy on ebay" theory to which shitty store owners invariably reply "so buy it on ebay" and for the most part we do, whole maybe dropping into their stores now and then to see if we can catch em slipping or scavenge their remains when they invariably go out of business

this is different from slamming the guys out there at 5 am buying up all the retro.

Sometimes these are the same guys but not always.

>> No.1283296

>Ad hominem
At least try.

>> No.1283307

The funny thing is, I get more bargains from ebay auctions.

The only things that are overpriced are buy it now listings which is what resellers use to value their games and what lazy people turn to instead of waiting for an auction to end.

>> No.1283305

>games would be cheap

No they wouldn't. There's still a matter of demand and what people want to pay for things.

This stuff isn't recent. I remember SNES collectors bemoaning the price of Mega Man X2/3 (neither of which are rare) well over a decade ago. The more people that want something, the more the price is going to go up when they compete for it.

>> No.1283306

what is a straw man and homonem?

>> No.1283310

But you can't BLAME people for reselling games at a higher price based on how popular it is because that's just basic logic anyone can follow. Demand increases price and it's unfortunate that things are the way they are but getting mad at high prices is like getting mad at the sky for being blue. Especially for retro stores where the price could be inflated by other things like the price of renting the building.

>> No.1283313

It's different for games that did actually have a low production run, but people charging $30-$40 for mario games is fucking retarded.

>> No.1283316
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Yeah for sure man. Pic related I know they are japanese but I still got a pretty good deal. Auctions will always end lower than buy it now too otherwise you dumb for not just buying it now haha. People just have no patience

>> No.1283317


Seriously, if someone is willing to pay a certain amount for an item, guess what? The item is worth that much.
>but it isn't! my opinions says...
No, fuck off. It's worth what people pay for it and that's objectively why it sells. It's not an opinion. There is no set "value". A god does not determine it is overvalued or undervalued. Everything is worth exactly what it is exchanged for at the moment it is exchanged.

Reseller hate is even more ridiculous. You're fighting an inevitable force of capitalism and claiming they're "driving the prices up". Horse shit. People wanting to buy things for that much drives the prices up. Sellers are at the mercy of the buyers and will always try to extract as much money as possible (or hand it over to someone who will), but can only sell on a mutually agreed upon price between both parties. And guess what else? If you're looking to buy that product, you're a part of the demand. Not everyone who looks at things buys them, but enough do that things are priced as they are.
>but I found a great deal one time and consider it standard that it's worth...
Great. It was between those two people. But you can't run the world on that. Other people have a right to disagree and getting mad about other people engaging in exchanges you don't like is none of your business. Keep your shitty controlling attitude to yourself instead of trying to regulate how other people consensually engage in mutually agreed upon shit. You're not their authority and you're not their god. No one is. It is what it is and that's that. It isn't right or wrong, it just is.

Sick of all the reseller hate on /vr/ because it's misplaced. It's looking for a person to blame in a blameless affair.

(part 1 of 2)

>> No.1283318


I bet that has less to do with greed and probably more to do with ignorance.

All those people posted in those silly manufactured "rage" threads are probably mostly a bunch of parents and grandparents way out of touch with things. Some people don't have the same grasp on technology as everyone else and don't understand that something that cost 100 bucks 10 years ago probably won't cost the same now.

>> No.1283323

But people only pay that because there isnt any other option.

>> No.1283329

(part 2 of 2)

Just because something is sold for a price doesn't mean it'll sell. Just like how if you demand something for a certain price, it doesn't mean people will sell it to you for that.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a reseller. I am, but not of video games. Video game reselling (in this fashion) is a waste of time. Oh, you'll go to a pawn shop and maybe make $60 off a copy of Earthbound if you're immensely lucky, or $80 off a full stack if you're even luckier? Great. But why bother with that shit when you can just import, buy locally or in any way obtain regular products with just as big a profit margin that are literally produced FOR you to sell? People love dumping things that cost them nothing to make on you so you can deal with them. Then you both make a pretty good amount. And the supply is endless. And people think they're getting a good deal when you sell things cheaper than they're used to seeing. Everyone makes money and products become more affordable. Video game reselling is wasted potential.

There's no other option because the supply from sellers is limited. Things are very much in check. If this weren't the case, people would dump them until they hit their proper price.

>> No.1283334

>this shit again
Just do yourselves a favor and invest in flashcarts.

>> No.1283331

>eBay auctions

Gah, I always feel like I get outbidded at the last second.

>> No.1283336

Any tips and trick to win for sure? I know there's that Auction Sniper crap, but I don't wanna use that. It also stinks when an item has many watchers. Decreases my chances of winning

>> No.1283340

Wait until the last second and snipe.

Otherwise just put in a bid that is as high as you are comfortable paying, if you are outbid then there is no problem.

People often try to get things cheap by just putting in small bids, that doesnt work.

>> No.1283346
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>People arguing that this is perfectly normal.

>> No.1283351

I don't think anyone is.



>> No.1283352

High demand things being sold for a high price? This is completely not normal at all

>> No.1283353

or alternatively
>game is old
>game is in limited quantities but very abundant regardless
>game has low demand
>people still buy it
that's what really irks me

>> No.1283354

>high demand
there is your problem right there

>> No.1283356

>high demand

>> No.1283357

>Make me a fair offer
>Prices are firm
>Prices are based on ebay

>> No.1283358

Those games are common as fuck.

007 and Banjo kazooie are only worth about $5-$10.

Majora is the only "rare" one there and is usually worth $40-$50.

>> No.1283360

Demand is not correlated to quantity available. I can take a one of a kind shit but that doesn't mean it's worth anything.
Yes, people want N64 games. I don't get it either.
It's not my problem, I already own all of those games and not the shitty PAL versions either

>> No.1283362

Well then that's just too bad for you. Better to stick with flash carts or reproductions.

>> No.1283363

Make up your mind.

>> No.1283367

I don't see anything that contradicts

>> No.1283371

Too bad for me? Not really. For every overpriced copy of a game there's a decently priced copy of a game. The solution to avoiding bullshit prices is not to buy them and look elsewhere.

>> No.1283372

No the problem is your delusional enough to think demand exists.

>> No.1283376

And for every decently priced copy you buy that is one less decently priced copy out there. Therefore it's too bad for everyone else. Truly the world of limited supply is pain

Must be my delusions, I mean nobody would be interested in Banjo or Goldeneye or anything what am I thinking

>> No.1283385

nobody wants banjo or goldeneye for $40 its going to sit on the shelf gathering dust until that shitty reseller closes shop and his to liquidate

>> No.1283397

>old = rare = $$$

There's some truth to this, but it's not a be all end all.

If you take any mass produced video game at this time, you think it's only worth what it's sold now. Fifty years from now you'll think GTA3 is worth a fortune.

I can't find Guitar Hero 3 for Xbox 360 for my nephew without paying an arm and a dick now. Pisses me off.

>> No.1283403
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You're in luck

>> No.1283405

Well sure, but he needs the guitar... yeah.. have another look...

>> No.1283406

Not him.

wtf... this shit is $3.50? If I had a guitar, even I would pick this up. That game is a blast, especially with some friends. All rhythm games kinda are, even the shitty ones like Frequency.

>> No.1283408

The bundle is $100+, I saw, but you can buy the guitars separate for like $20.

>> No.1283414

I see these games in thrift stores all the time, they are almost as common as sports games.

They only ever have the guitars for PS2 and Wii though, never the wireless ones.

>> No.1283415

pretty much this, loose cart of conkers can go for 200 here.

>> No.1283446
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It gets worse.

Why are people so retarded?

The whole reason the N64 version is expensive is because it is uncensored.

Now people are driving up the price of the Xbox version thinking it is rare as well.

>> No.1283448



It's a fucking xbox game, I know that genesis and battlefront 2 are 'rare' but conkers? That sold so well didn't it?

>> No.1283453


Also, the classics version of GTA SA for xbox is selling for $50+ even though it is only the original version that is uncommon and uncensored.

People who have no idea about vidya should not be dictating the price.

>> No.1283456

retards always wonder why we rage at them when they're all like herp derp economics.

>> No.1283462

Why does it matter? If you aren't underage or a bandwagoner then you should already have most games from before the retro fad started anyway.

>> No.1283461

It's true, but you might have an even worse problem since you're in Australia.

>> No.1283464

2 of those are in the UK.

But you are right, prices here are ridiculous.

>> No.1283463

>battlefront 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 for the Xbox is 'rare'? Seriously? All my friends had that game. I even ended up with two copies.

>> No.1283465


>> No.1283468
File: 114 KB, 790x759, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a joke, right? I thought Battlefront 2 was one of the highest-selling Xbox games period. I bought my copy for $12 a few years ago.

>> No.1283472

It is, hell it even got a platinum release.

>> No.1283478

It's not a joke, even common Gamecube games have shot up in price to $40~.

Sage for not retro.

>> No.1283476

Don't forget Morrowind GOTY. That sells for $70-$80.

>> No.1283481

>even common Gamecube games have shot up in price to $40~
A-am I rich now
Because I have a l-lot of Gamecube games

>> No.1283482
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>> No.1283498

At my Goodwill, I see the wireless guitars all the time, but only ever xbox and Wii ones. I had to search for months to find a PS3 one.

>> No.1283527

But the wii is wireless?

>> No.1283570

>On craigslist
>People list their retro consoles and games for painfully high prices
>Every single day, they create a new ad that's exactly the same as the one they posted a day before
>This goes on for nearly a year

They prices don't bother me as much as their need to keep reposting the same shit day after day.
You'd think they'd realize the reason no one is buying their stuff is because their prices are too high.

>> No.1283582

that's some mad pricing
being yuropoor, I've scored two voodoo2's for a total of $25

>> No.1283620

not completely retro, but pretty funny


>> No.1283690

>"The Smart Gamers"
>those prices
okay seriously what the fuck

>> No.1283739

>Any tips and trick to win for sure? I know there's that Auction Sniper crap, but I don't wanna use that.
Then manually snipe at the last second. Otherwise enjoy never winning auctions for anything tech related.

>> No.1283740


Hey, at least it has


>> No.1283742

Holy shit, just checked out my local ads, there are TONS of people whose prices are fucking insane.


>45 games
>Counts a 42-in-1 knockout as 42 games

>> No.1283746


>$115 for the four most common N64 games
>$50 for Smash Bros alone

>> No.1283749


>$70 for a NES and Caveman Games

>> No.1283752

This. Just take the 10 minutes to bid at the end. If you bid early it just pushes the price up. Anybody can be the winning bidder when there are 4 days left to go. Just wait, set the 10 mins before it ends aside and just put in your bid.

There are always going to be guys who bid at the last 5 seconds. The only choice is to be one of them or lost most auctions.

>> No.1283757


>$260 for a SNES and 3 unspecified games
>Emailed for follow-up about games

>> No.1283764


>$150 for Pokemon Ruby
>The extra cash is because it's FACTORY SEALED

>> No.1283769


>$160 for Final Fantasy 3 USA
>It's in the box, so that means it's worth like 10 times as much, right?

>> No.1283772

This idea that boxes are worth something.. ugh.

I like manuals, I like box art, I like clean carts that have been stored well. I will not pay twice the cart-only price because you saved the cardboard it came wrapped in.

>> No.1283779

But nerds LOVE keeping things in the box, right guise? They'll pay ANYTHING as long as you don't open it.

I hate this nerd trope perpetuated by drivel like Big Bang Theory.

>> No.1283783

>not thinking things he likes are worth something

>> No.1283786

>bitching about CIB prices being higher
Seriously, how willfully ignorant can you be? There are plenty of cartridge only copies available much cheaper but you WANT the boxed versions or else you wouldn't be bitching about their prices and yet you don't think they should be worth anymore.

How about you guys send me all the boxes and manuals and shit from your games since they're worthless?

>> No.1283798

You're missing the point.

The point is that perhaps, PERHAPS, you could make a case that Final Fantasy 3 is worth $40ish CIB. But certainly not 4 times that. And this is from an actual store, so sales tax on top of that - being Toronto, 13%, so your total damage is $180.80.

>> No.1283808
File: 108 KB, 517x1187, FF3 140 dollarinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PERHAPS, you could make a case that Final Fantasy 3 is worth $40ish CIB
I think I can make a case that it's worth $140 although $160 is a bit on the high side,

>> No.1283812

>eBay prices

Here's the thing about video games. THEY DON'T APPRECIATE IN VALUE. If you're seriously contemplating paying $160 for a common best-selling game for a popular console, you're a fucking fool.

We're not talking about NES World Championships, here, we're talking about arguably the most beloved entry in a multi-million selling series.

>> No.1283905
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>a lot of gamecube games

Just like all those PS3 games or all those Wii U games, right?

Polite Sega.

>> No.1284959

Anybody buying SNES at value right now is an idiot, but that doesn't change the current value.

SNES is simply the most inflated platform right now.

>> No.1285075

>Live in Alberta
>Go to Toronto for a trip
>Buy a ton of comics at this cool comic book store
>Get charged for asking for a plastic bag

>> No.1285139

resellers assume people will pay up because MUH-MUH NOSTALGIA when in reality no one wants to pay over the top prices for a common/Good selling game. It's ridiculous someone was trying to sell me a PS1 console only for 30 which was a huge rip off.

>> No.1285164

>factory sealed Ruby for $150
This is less ludicrous than the other listings, though. Popular games that everyone had and of course opened don't have a whole lot of unopened copies. $150 for a dinged up sealed copy of Ruby though is a little steep. I could see $50-70 honestly.

>> No.1285168

meant to reply to

>> No.1285173

>Just like all those PS3 games or all those Wii U games, right?

>> No.1285207

What baffles me is how cheap Uniracers is.
It's not a good game, but it's unique and "weird".
Production was cut short because someone at Pixar owns the rights to anthropomorphic unicycles because of an animated short they made.

>> No.1285290

>video games don't appreciate in value
ooooookay, bro.

>> No.1285292

supply and demand =\= artificial inflation. using scare tactics and chanting mantras of "it's rare/limited quantities" doesnt make something true.
> I'm selling SMB/DH for $25 because they don't make them any more and one day they'll be worth $50
Its not rare and there are going to be lots of copies due to mass production. How many copies of that game did they make anyway? It's like charging $50 for E.T. on Atari.
> no, see bro they like buried all the copies in the dessert and only a few are in circulation man
misinformation, gullibility and stupidity sadly are factors that inflate prices. Why are you mad that some people on /vr/ are trying to stop this trend?

>> No.1285293

Do you have actual proof that there are still massive amounts of these games that both still physically exist in a playable condition and are in the active resale market? Just because millions of copies were made doesn't mean that millions of copies still exist. Not to mention if the games were that popular back then to warrant millions of created physical units, they'd presumably be in high demand, potentially high enough to outpace even a higher than average existing supply.

>"I dun need ur guddang edumacation"

>> No.1285301

>It's like charging $50 for E.T. on Atari.

I actually know a friend that paid that much for E.T.

>> No.1285303
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>someone at Pixar owns the rights to anthropomorphic unicycles

>> No.1285309

>Do you have actual proof that there are still massive amounts of these games that both still physically exist in a playable condition and are in the active resale market?
Just a few examples I can't necessarily prove but have witnessed
>at my local retro vidya store SMB/DH is the most common game they have there
>10%+ of all NES carts I've found in Goodwills have been SMB/DH
>nearly 1,000 copies of SMB/DH on eBay right now, another ~200 on Amazon

>> No.1285317

Yes I do. walk into any normal, non over priced retro shop and look at how many copies of SMB there are. In my experience, one of the pawn shops I frequent had 6 of them for $2 each. The retro shop I used to visit on a weekly basis had a seemingly never ending supply of them. Never once did I see a sign or a FB post alerting people that they had the rare/limited/elusive/hard to find/ highly demanded SUPER Mario Brother W/ Duck Hunt.

I seriously doubt there are people who are going out and buying 12 copies at a clip to warrant a "high demand" stature. Maybe in another 30 years it'll be worth $25 but there is nothing, no short supply, no high demand that would warrant a price tag on a game that was mass produced like SMB. The only thing that would give it a high price is, like I stated before, ignorance and/or gullibility. Really they go hand in hand. Again, I ask. What do you have against /vr/ trying to stop this?

>> No.1285434
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You know, it does make sense for the prices physical copies to go up since they don't make them anymore. For those prices that are really out there, the ROM is most likely available. I wouldn't advise anyone to buy a game with a price that you could buy a console with. I don't know what games on Virtual Console are like, but there is that option too.

>> No.1285448

It makes sense, but there shouldn't be a huge price hike like some games have had. If someone dropped a pallet stacked with a specific game into a vat of motor oil, then I could see the price of a game skyrocketing.

>> No.1288026
File: 223 KB, 1170x678, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I can't find games at decent prices.

>> No.1288308

please let this be a joke. $400 for a N^$ grey controller.!!!

>> No.1288313

N64 nb for mistake

>> No.1288964

The other day I saw some kid at a yard sale try to sell some mom a copy of Gradius Galaxies for $25 the other day, but she ended up getting it for 5.

seeing kbkd anywhere on 4chan just feels weird

>> No.1288969

You guys realize those are just asking prices and have little to nothing to do with actual value, right?

>> No.1288972

Of course. One person asking for one billion dollars for a controller has no impact on the controller's value. It's still absurd that anyone asks for it in the first place.

>> No.1289003

No one actually falls for VGA. Those people who "bought" the game on eBay are really just people laundering money.

>> No.1289012

>I bet that has less to do with greed and probably more to do with ignorance.
This is the "supply and demand" that resellers sing the praises of.

People aren't smart enough to know that there are millions of SNES consoles out there and that "rare" yellowed one probably isn't worth the $120 that some hipster faggot wants people to think it's worth.

>> No.1289017

This isn't high demand. It's gouging prices to take advantage of retardation.

>> No.1291683


>> No.1291759

That's called good business. Not their fault people are stupid enough to pay that much.

>> No.1291848

>retards and nostalgia fags pay what supply and demand dictates
>"purists" who don't want to pay the going rate complain

Emulate or bite the bullet. You should still have these games in your collection if they're so common. It makes no sense to me why people complain about retards driving up the price of things when that happens in every single market out there. The catch in this case is that I can play damn near any retro game out there for free. So if you are just getting into retro collecting and are to poor to pay the going rate, don't bitch just don't take part in it. Most of you faggots bitching have bought shit for way more than it is worth, admit it. You are fueling the fire.

>> No.1291861

I 'm more against the business of retro game reselling without love for the product. I'll take a resale loss if I can sell it to someone who wants to play what they're buying.

>> No.1291870


That's like bitching that crack dealers aren't crackheads. It has nothing to do with the product sold. If morons want to pay the inflated price then that's their fault. Place the blame where it is supposed to be in this situation: the consumer.

And if you're going to sell it cheaper to somebody who wants to play the game (99% of people buying it for any price) then that's great. Especially when they'll most likely sell it for the going supply and demand rate when they're done with it or need to make rent/buy some other retro game.

>> No.1291976


But I really hate living my life like a sap.

>> No.1293254

tired of playing by reseller rules makes me wish the bst thread was not a piece of shit