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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 122 KB, 563x651, redpill porygon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1277014 No.1277014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Pokemon /vr/ as long as we're only talking about the first two gens?

>> No.1277021


>> No.1277024

Sure, but you'll probably get a lot more replies on /vp/ anyway. They've become less furry now that they've got a new game to play too.

>> No.1277031

damn i just got red pilled so hard there

>> No.1277064

>modeled after an origami swan/drinking bird

>> No.1278496

Stay bluepilled bro.

>> No.1278529

>canine appearance

It looks like a duck.

>> No.1278543

The video is unavailable, what was it?

>> No.1278562


nigga you high as fuck

>> No.1278571

You typed it wrong.

Now your video's gone.

That's what happened. Boogow!

>> No.1278601

did you get extra stupid in the past couple of days?

>> No.1278606

No, actually, you're the one who's extra stupid.

You typed the URL wrong. It's not "unavailable," you're just a poor reader.

>> No.1278608

That wasn't me but he's right I was thinking it too, your posts really have gone to shit lately. You can leave now, you were barely tolerable to begin with.

>> No.1278623

you are high as fuck if you think Porygon is canine,Porygon looks like a duck at best

>> No.1278624

You don't have to take it out on me. Here,



>> No.1278698

Sounds convincing OP, but I also side with these:

>> No.1278773
File: 223 KB, 640x720, m0a2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't that guy dumbass you really are extra stupid. I was calling your stupid because you said his video is gone when he never fucking had one to begin with >>1278543. pic related

>> No.1278789

That's a really weird thing to get upset about.

>> No.1278840

oh no also your posts are even shittier because you are more stupider. >>1278608 what he said.

>> No.1279829

And the only place you could get a Porygon in gens 2 and 4 was from the casino.
which is also the only place you could get an Eevee.

>> No.1279830



>> No.1279852


The early Pokemon games are valid retro. Saying we can't talk about them here because there is a Pokemon board is full retard. Quit trying to move active and relevant discussion off our board.

>> No.1279867

>can't talk about anime games because /a/
>can't talk about mecha games because /m/
>can't talk about racing games because /o/
>and so on

This is how retarded you are.

>> No.1279881

You're calling this thread an "active and relevant discussion"?

>> No.1279883

>can't talk about GBA on /vr/

I'm beginning to see the pattern

>> No.1279919

That's why /v/ exists. GBA ain't retro.

First two gens of Pokemon are.

>> No.1280158

Yes. /vp/ hate the first two generations because they have some annoying fans and they are too unintelligent to just ignore them, so if your solely talking about the old game, /vr/ will probably be better.

>> No.1280180


VP hates early pokemon because pokemon consists of two games. The RPG (which has not changed a lot), and online battles against other humans (which is a turn based strategy game, not an rpg).

The battling aspect of the game was rather underdeveloped and unbalanced in comparison to the following games.

Many do like Kanto as best region, so I wouldnt say they hated first and second gen, but they prefer the DS remakes.

>> No.1280203

Weird I never got to /vp/ but that is strange. The first two gens were the only impressive ones in their time. The rest are copies that don't push the tech like old R/B did.

Thing still looks like a bird though and English names as indicators in a Japanese games is probably crap.

>> No.1280204

the thing is though its an RPG and since it uses RPG mechanics the battles can never be taken seriously, even if the system is fleshed out it still boils down to the first battle in the game vs your rival. Its pure attrition whoever get the better rolls on the RNG wins. That is why "competative" pokemon is a fucking joke and only little faggot retards take it seriously.

>> No.1280219


The only random thing remaining in pokemon battles between humans is critical hits, which happens 1/16 times.
Pokemon nowadays is a good entry level rpg, and a very good turn based strategy game if you like competing against other people.
After you beat the main game story, all that is left is breeding pokemon and having online battles, so the real game begins when the rpg is over.

>> No.1280237


>that pure joy of having a couple of Pokemon with minimize whilst playing against a smotard.

>> No.1280242

how is it an srpg? its more like final fantasy than anything. if ff3/6 let you battle other human parties it.would be a joke too its not skill based and there is only 1 best strategy to use in those types of games so its just dumb

>> No.1280261


You have to pick a team of 6 pokemon out of over 700 IIRC
Because some pokemon are inherently more powerful than others there are tiers (ubers, overused, underused, rarely used, neverused)
The team has to be balanced both in typings and it attacks.
There are specially defensive, specially ofensive, physically defensive, physically offensive, slow, fast, balanced pokemon, walls, tanks, glass cannons, pokemon which are only good because of its abilities, pokemon which are only good for setting up hazards, or for removing them.
You have to breed them to have perfect stats (something that will take you many hours), and train them to give them the stat boosts you want (something that will take you a lot of hours).
And you are all the time predicting what your opponent will do, switching in and out pokemon because of that.

I went to youtube, Put smogon ou in search and this is the first video I found if you are interested.
And the damage is never random, I pretty much always know how much damage I will do or receive, and if the damage my opponent gets is less or more, I can guess the stats of his pokemon from that.


>> No.1280291

Thats just fucking stupid. Since its built like that 1 party will be inherently better than the others, it will wind down to whoever can pay a mexican to grind their 6 pokemon stats the longest. Like its just a waste of fucking time, and being the best at it just means you mastered a formula not actually had skill. Any retard can look at an FAQ and become pokemon grandmaster because he learned the stupid formula

>> No.1280302

>he thinks people spend lots of time grinding pokemon

What is it, 1999?

>> No.1280338

Wait what?
Stats cannot be ground to infinity, they cap very quickly and in competitive battling all levels are set to the same thing.
And I probably can't convince you that competitive pokemon battling takes skill. You'll have to decide that for yourself by taking a look into it.

>> No.1280389

I don't know the formula to win but there still is one, it takes as much skill as following a recipe for fuck sakes.

>> No.1280471

Since this thread is here, I'd like to ask. Which gen was better? 1st or 2nd?

>> No.1280476
File: 2 KB, 160x144, Missingno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Competitve pokemon.

This sounds like Competitive Super Smash Bros.

Can I use my missingno?

>> No.1280479

2nd if you ask me

>> No.1280485

>it takes as much skill as following a recipe for fuck sakes.

People always say these things.

Then why not go to a competition and clean house if it's so easy?

>> No.1280528

its not, you have to compete with 100 other sperglords who are following the same recipe at which point it all becomes the rng...

>> No.1280563


And here come the excuses

>> No.1280591
File: 116 KB, 475x360, trainer_red_wants_to_battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd for sure. There are improved mechanics and sprites.. I'd say Gen 2 was the first time Pokemon actually looked decent (when you look back at Red and Blue, or god forbid, Japanese Green/Red which was a sort of v.1 with even more primitive sprites, which you can see here: http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/8/8786.png

Compare to the English Red/Blue: http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/34/36964.png

They're better, but not by much. Finally, go on to Gen 2: http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/50/52692.png for regular and http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/50/52693.png for shinies. Basically they were super well done for a GBC game and a vast improvement over Gen 1. Yes -- there was something like a three year span and of course Gen 1 was originally GB only, but still, it was a massive and great leap. Gen 2 has tons more features, such as genders, a real time clock, breeding pokemon, and of course, after completing the elite 4 you get to go into a second part of the game -- the Kanto Region revamped for Gen 2. Of course it lacks things like the Safari zone, but I actually find Gen 2 is still fun to play even to this day;

I love the DS remake of course, but sometimes it's fun to just load up Crystal and start a new game. Frameskipping makes raising Pokemon so much easier. One thing I've always wanted to do was after beating the Elite 4 is going to Kanto with only my starter, much as Ash always did in the anime, and rebuild a team there to take on the Kanto Gym leaders. The only sad part in regards to Kanto is your team is probably already in the 50s and the gym leaders and trainers are just a breeze. The only real challenge is after you get all 16 badges -- going to Mt. Silver to fight Red himself, with a pretty strong team, all in the 70s (minus Pikachu, who's 81... but even then easy to take out, because the little critter because he's frail as hell).

Hope this info helps. :)

>> No.1280615
File: 144 KB, 500x313, 77j78Z1r6jyp7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw facing PKMN TRAINER RED on that mountain peak after spending dozens of hours mon training and adventuring

Sometimes I really feel like this should have been where the series ended.

>> No.1280627

>implying /vp/ wouldn't just call you a genwunner and repost that chart with all the bugs from RBY

>> No.1280634

There's so much versatility in potential teams that this "recipe" you're talking about easily has a counter.

There may be a couple things that are too overpowered, like evasion-boosting moves, but those are banned from competitve battling.

>> No.1280637

>Ending a series early that already sells millions
>Ending a series before it could see its full potential
>Ending a series on a fairly cool, but not noteworthy battle


>> No.1280751

>ending a series early that already sells millions
it's not always about teh monies
>Ending a series before it could see its full potential
Ha, like any of the additions past second gen weren't superfluous.
>Ending a series on a fairly cool, but not noteworthy battle
Red had the highest pkmn levels of any enemy trainer, is the protagonist of the previous game, and puts a perfect cap on the old vs new theme playing throughout second gen. How is that not a great ending?

>> No.1280852
File: 376 KB, 416x312, rhydon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I do agree that battling Red is the single greatest moment in the series, I feel some of the additions, such as the physical/special split in Gen IV and abilities except bullshit ones like Levitate, have strenghtened the battle aspect of the games.

>> No.1280919

it would be better if everyone was just given the same version and had 3 hours of anything goes minus game sharks. The glitched out parties would be awesome

>> No.1280937

>it's not always about teh monies
Yes it is.

>> No.1280942

>Its pure attrition whoever get the better rolls on the RNG wins.
Something tells me you've never actually played Pokemon competitively.

>> No.1280948

no I'm not 12.

>> No.1280959
File: 3 KB, 160x144, olivinage[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon christmas version, a romhack of gold. Surprisingly well made and comfy as hell this time of year.

pokecommunity com/showthread.php?t=276298

>> No.1280960

So hey, following your logic you have a 50% chance.

Or maybe you're just oversimplifying it because you've never actually played it, and need to quit mansplaining.

>> No.1280978

>100 other sperglords
>50% chance

Seriously you need to stop huffing paint, you are getting dumber by the day.

>> No.1280979
File: 32 KB, 136x135, shigglypuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never did something
>assumes he knows everything about it
>people try to correct him
>he just waves them off and continues to act like he knows everything about something he's never tried

>> No.1280996

There is no definitive "best" team of six species. Your whole premise is flawed. But hey, looks like you're better at math than me. Um... Partial credit?

>> No.1281002

I think he thinks everyone just uses the six Pokémon with the highest base stats and nothing else, despite those Pokémon being banned from competitive play.

It's been mentioned in this thread before, but, there are tiers in competitive Pokémon and any Pokémon that are too powerful are placed in the übers tier, which means they aren't used in normal competitive play. The Pokémon that are used in competitive play (for OU; like I said, there are multiple tiers) all have ways to be countered.

Let's say that you were right, and you used the strongest Pokémon you could find that was allowed in competitive play. You picked Garchomp from Gen IV. High attack, high speed, and a good movepool. What can go wrong?

Oh wait, Garchomp has a Dragon/Ground typing, making it doubly weak to Ice. A fast Pokémon with an Ice-type attack can easily counter it and kill it before it does any real damage.

And the Pokémon that killed Garchomp has a counter.

And the Pokémon that killed that Pokémon has a counter.

And so on, and so on. There is no best team because every team has its flaws.

>> No.1281027

wow you're good at rock paper scissors congrats.

>> No.1281034

If it was spelled Porygeon, you'd be on to something.

>> No.1281041
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x784, 1387203240264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why real trainers use the pokemon they like. :)

>> No.1281039

>could Mozart still be alive????

>> No.1281106

>implying it doesn't take skill to be good at rock paper scissors

You're like those nerds who get their asses kicked in poker because they figure it's just number-crunching, and they'll win with an "optimal" strategy.

>> No.1281137

wow and you're like that moron who hasn't been listening the whole time. So now you are admitting once optimal strategies collide it comes down to luck. Thanks for agreeing with me.

>> No.1281151

There is no optimal strategy, though

>> No.1281318

I believe Gen 1 had the very best atmosphere of all the Pokemon games, and some of the music, if not all, was the best. I also liked the NPC designs as well, although a good number of them border on "basic". FInally, the MCs looked honestly kinda cool in Gen 1 and Gen 2, those kids were obviously prepared for an adventure. Every subsequent generation had some wildly varying MC designs, usually with the male MC having an obscenely fabulous fashion sense and the girl looking somewhat modest. I don't imagine a beret, a scarf, and long jeans to be adventuring clothes.

I also disdain the "3D" graphics of Gen 4 and Gen 5, though gen 6 seems a bit better there. I want to pickup Gen 6, but I don't feel like buying a 3DS for one game, and I don't feel like staring at a fabulous guy all the time, nor do I want to play as a girl. I wish Gen 7 could allow you to change how your character was shaped, I'd make him fat and give him a fedora.

>> No.1281329

Man, I wonder how extensive some of these Gen1/2 rom hacks can get? Most of the cool ones seem to be "hey I'm going to recreate Gen 5 with Gen 1 or Gen 2", only for the video on YouTube to basically say "IT WAS ONLY AN ACT, HERE IS MY LEVEL HACK INSTEAD".

>> No.1281343
File: 101 KB, 205x400, tumblr_m9coow61Gy1rv97cno1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also liked the NPC designs as well, although a good number of them border on "basic"

Everything about gen 1 is "basic" and that's part of the charm. It's a lot like the original Final Fantasy and Ultima games; primitive graphics force you to use your imagination.

>I don't imagine a beret, a scarf, and long jeans to be adventuring clothes.
A scarf is a perfectly adventuresome thing to wear. What happens if it gets cold?

>> No.1281369

>What happens if it gets cold?

What are fire-types for? That very same gen even had a flaming monkey you could put on your shoulder for those cold adventures in the mountains.

>> No.1281836

Yup. Farfetch'd 4life.

The problem with what you think is that you continue to think there's an optimal strategy or even multiple optimal strategies.

I think the thing that's really grinding my gears is that you've never even tried it and yet you still think you know more about it than the people that have. Strategies go beyond typing; if you go in using four strong attacks of different types, even though that works against your average AI, you're gonna get your ass kicked against a person that knows what they're doing.

If you don't know what you're doing, you can even get your ass kicked by a gimmick Pokémon like a Lv. 1 Rattata/Swinub/Aron/Magnemite, your choice. They're not hard to counter if you know what you're doing, but you've demonstrated that you do not.

>> No.1281869

Tamashii laughs at your hypothesis


Watch the Alpha/Beta series she does, she gives a pretty reasonable theory for what the 'lost' pokemon from Gen1 (i.e. the ones that ended up not being used) actually were, there are clues around the place

>> No.1281881
File: 78 KB, 220x440, Platinum_Lucas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you mention it, Gen 1 Pokemon was an old-school RPG at it's core, even on the day it was released. It even forced you to manually do certain things, such as cutting down trees or surfing, just like other RPGs of old. If I'm not mistaken, crits in older RPGs were too based on speed, and just like older RPGs, the Psychic class (or Mage) is overpowered.

The Scarf does make sense, however, the MC from Gen 4 doesn't look so much as an adventurer as he does some rich urban hipster.

>> No.1282648

They can be pretty extensive, but most of them are just badly made or not even in english.

>> No.1282672

Like I mentioned, most of the cool ROM hacks are actually "joke hacks" where they pretend to rework Gen 1 to be like Gen 5, or recreating a route in Gen 2. Only, of course, for the video makers to say "This is only a joke, it will never be made".

>> No.1282996

nice, i love that show.

>> No.1283171
File: 284 KB, 584x521, RIPinPeace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat Pokemon Crystal with a rather underleveled team
>get to this screen
>cry a river of tears

RIP in Peace. ;_;7

>> No.1283180
File: 73 KB, 630x420, Bee01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad one person got the reference.

>> No.1283181

you faggets sound just like the children that try to defend league of legends.

>> No.1283185

jesus christ take your cartoon hangover bullshit and go kill yourself. That shit is scraping the bottom of the crap barrel for animation and comedy. Also its not /vr/ related so just stop please.

>> No.1283195
File: 548 KB, 800x800, 1387437121172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can take this discussion to /co/ if you'd like. But don't expect too many people to side with you against the lovable characters and perfect color balance of Bee & Puppycat.

>> No.1283202

>We can take this discussion to /co/ if you'd like

Please do.

>> No.1283204

cartoon cancer please go

>> No.1284627

>Ha, like any of the additions past second gen weren't superfluous.

Visually and mechanically, ruby/sapphire were at least as big of a jump as RBY to GSC. It was the first to feature "modern" graphics (which are still basically in use today, and look WAY better), it added many new mechanics, new moves and restarted the actual Pokemon themselves as a whole. Most of them were brand new unlike gen 2 which lumped together new and old Pokemon and regions. And that was great fun at the time for players of the old one, but wouldn't have been a good future for Pokemon to keep continuing.

Even FireRed and HG/SS were a bit unnecessary. They're way better than the originals and I like them having played from the start, but they're still unnecessary.

>> No.1285858

im playing pokemon brown!

>> No.1285860

aw I read you could play as a girl and I wanted to do that but it's not implemented yet