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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1272671 No.1272671 [Reply] [Original]

How do I: an SNES fanboy, get into playing Genesis games? What are some good games to play that won't feel too too different from ones on the Super Nintendo? Or is there some other system that would suit me better?

Also, Sega Genesis thread.

>> No.1272686

Exclusives you should check out include the sonic games obviously. Id start with sonic 2 since its the easiest to find. Vector man is a decent platformer. If you like pinball dragons revenge is a wonderful game to try. Golden AX games especially the,later ones are good beat em UPS. And if you like hard as fuck games give chakan the forever man a try. You get infinite lives and just a set amount of time to beat each series of levels. But I've never been able to beat the first set of levels.

>> No.1272692

Start with Sonic 1, it's a really great game but can be weird going back to after playing the ones with spindash. What kind of games in general do you like OP? That would help us with recommending you titles.

>> No.1272735

Two Crude Dudes
Mazin Saga: Mutant Fighter
Last Battle (Hokuto No Ken)
Kid Chameleon
Insector X
Mystic Defender
Splatterhouse 2 & 3
Shadow Blasters
Arcus Odyssey
Mystical Fighter

>> No.1272998

>No one mentions Comix Zone

Also, play Shadowrun. Don't forget the Disney licensed games, those are usually good.

>> No.1273013

Well, most of my favorite games are on the Super Nintendo, but really like JRPGs, action games, and platformers. That being said, my favorite games are Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Country 3, Super Metroid, and Mega Man X. Hope this helps :)

>> No.1273045

Quackshot is the best Sega game ever released. However it's on Sega Megadrive. For JUST Genesis I recommend Alladin if you want a GOOD game with a SNES feel.

I'm going to assume you have a modded Wii and access to every Sonic game you'd want and Gunstar Heroes already.

>> No.1273043
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I don't think you can. The only way you can really love the Genesis is if you grew up with it...because it hasn't aged well at all

>> No.1273056

>it hasn't aged well
>shh the melon is speaking to me
>t3h penguin of d00m!!!!

This board has gone to shit.

Try Phantasy Star, Vectorman, Ecco the Dolphin and Contra Hard Corps. Genesis also has the best 16-bit Castlevania.

>> No.1273059


I just grabbed a random image, didn't have anything to go with it brah, calm down.

I think I only believe i hasn't aged well because genesis games are terrible without the controller

>> No.1273064

Well you save some pretty stupid fucking pictures to your computer, and okay so you haven't played it then, that's good to know. You want a console that aged poorly? How about the one during the 4th gen that was plagued with slowdown and shit reverb sountracks?

>> No.1273082

I'd recommend Treasure games like Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Alien Soldier, really solid games though they may take a bit of getting used to (expecially Alien Soldier, though it's also my favorite of the three).
Also check out Castlevania Bloodlines which is arguably the best classic castlevania game.
Rocket Knight Adventures is also a pretty good game.

>> No.1273247

Streets of Rage 2

>> No.1273253



>> No.1273426

OP Here, just got done playing some Genesis games.

Kid Chameleon and Truxton I didn't really care for, gonna need to try those other ones though.

I actually remember playing Comix Zone a long while ago and I don't think I liked it very much, but I think I might give it another try.

Shadowrun looks cool, from the gameplay I've seen of it it looks kind of like Fallout.

I tried Quackshot and it was probably the least fun I've ever had in a video game. Not because it was too hard or something just from the first level it felt incredibly boring.

Not really interested in Aladdin either after watching the Game Grumps let's play of it.

And no, I don't have a modded Wii, I use emulators.

I loved Gunstar Heroes, even though I've only completed it on easy mode.

I didn't really like Dynamite Headdy.

Alien Soldier looks like a game I'd suck the shit out of.

I want to like Bloodlines but the password/continue system is broken.

Rocket Night Adventures I also didn't care for.

I liked it from what I've played of it.

Ranger-X looks cool; gonna have to give it a try.

Sub-Terrania just doesn't look like a game I'd like.

>> No.1273450

dynamite heady is awesome

>> No.1273463

That's subjective

>> No.1273471

If OP likes platformers it's surprising he didn't enjoy Dynamite Headdy. Gonna recommend Ecco again if he's a fan of Metroid-like games, there's really nothing else like it out there.

>> No.1273483
File: 392 KB, 630x420, crochet-3D-squares-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub terrania is amazing. If your willingness to play games depends on first appearances and game grumps impressions maybe gaming is not the hobby for you?

>> No.1273503
File: 320 KB, 600x600, 1387064677036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried Quackshot and it was probably the least fun I've ever had in a video game.
>Game Grumps
>Rocket Night Adventures I also didn't care for.

>> No.1273509
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He also mentioned in the OP that he's a SNES fanboy. And people try to say Nintendo fanboys that come from Youtube don't exist here.

>> No.1273618

Even Arino shits on Sega, haven't you paid notice when he talks to Kibe?

>> No.1273641

>Rocket Night Adventures I also didn't care for.
To be fair, it's pretty average. I mean to me, it always felt like an arcade version of Kirby with all the powers except sword and rocket taken out.

>> No.1273651

guys lets give up on this casual, he doesn't even like truxton.

>> No.1273658

I don't see how it is like Kirby.

To the OP, there are no Genesis,TG16, or Neo Geo games tha are like SNES one.

>> No.1273667
File: 25 KB, 256x371, Ristar_cover_EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ristar has a very SNES-like feel.

>> No.1273681

>I loved Gunstar Heroes, even though I've only completed it on easy mode.

You barely even played it. You only fight five forms of seven force if you play on normal, I can't imagine what it's like on easy.

>> No.1273689

IIRC, you only fight three forms on Easy.

>> No.1273698

Reading through what he typed essentially showed he just didn't try hard enough.

I think he should stick to PS1 and N64 games because they have more in common with SNES games than the SNES with the Genesis. Jusr because they have 2D games doesn't mean they will have the same design pbilosophies.

>> No.1273704

>omg Arino is God to me whatever he says goes based Arino fuck Sega

>> No.1273707

I think he is just pointing it out. The Mega Drive wasn't popular in Japan.

>> No.1273714

>Even Arino shits on Sega
>I think he is just pointing it out
Fuck off you idiot. SEGA has been making arcade games since the 60's and has always been a popular Japanese company. You don't get to say some retard comedian shits on an entire company and he's right and get to rationalize it just because you don't like SEGA. It was a trollbait post and I'm sick of you passive aggressive faggots.

>> No.1273743

>Rocket Night Adventures I also didn't care for.
You need to leave. Now...

>> No.1273772

This thread proves once and for all, Nintendo fans fucking dense.

>> No.1273776

Where did I say arcade games or any other console? I was just stating the Mega Drive wasn't popular in Japan. If you notce the show isn't based on arcade games, they are just a side attraction. They rarely venture out of the eight and sixteen bit era games.

>> No.1273781

No shit.

>> No.1273815
File: 285 KB, 374x312, kjfs89u3sn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way you can find SNES-like games is on the SNES. If you want to start enjoying the Genesis, you'll most likely have to branch out in your tastes.

>> No.1274004
File: 23 KB, 371x321, 1387077257209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, maybe what I said was a bit too harsh. I've never really played a game like Sub-Terrania before, I guess I'm just intimidated by new things to be honest. I also don't base any of my opinions off of game grumps, that's just ridiculous. I guess I should say the same for Aladdin. I really shouldn't judge a game that I've never played before.

Yes, I've tried it and I thought it was great.

Is it really that bad that if I think one difficulty is too hard that I switch it to the easiest mode on my first playthrough? I mean, I'm not used to arcade style games, and instead I'm more used to games that are WAY more forgiving and have unlimited continues. I apologize for accommodating to suit my abilities.


Whatever you say there, bud.

Yeah, I've already played pretty much every single SNES game that I've found to interest me, so I'm just looking for something new. Oh, and will do.

I'd also like to clarify that the games that I said about the games that I've tried are strictly first impressions. I would obviously need to play these games more in order to form a strong opinion of them.

Though, enough with my mindless rambling. I'll play more deeply into the games instead of just playing them for a few minutes before forming any sort of opinion this time, and hopefully things will settle down in turn.

Also, a little update on the games that I've played. My favorites so far are (in no particular order):
Sonic 3
Phantasy Star IV
Shinobi III
Streets of Rage 2

>inb4 obvious troll

>> No.1274647

Bitch ass nigga you don't like truxton is it too hard? Are you crushed under toaplans might? It has 5 endings none of which you will ever see. Don't bother with Hellfire, Fire Shark or Zero Wing if you want your hand held.

>> No.1274665

The Shining Force games are pretty good, OP.
Fairly easy for the SRPG genre, but fun nonetheless.
Unfortunately, the JRPG library on the Genesis is extremely lackluster. If you've got a friend that likes old school vidya then there are a lot of fun two player games. The Toejam and Earl games spring to mind.

>> No.1274695

Definitely play Lightening Force.

It's an intense and hard shmup and pushed the power of the Genesis to the limits with extremely awesome graphics and music.

>> No.1276213
File: 16 KB, 480x270, c480x270_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello again, /vr/, OP here.

I'd just like to give another update on the games that I've played on the system that I've looked over for all these years.

I played Comix Zone for my first time in a while late last night and I'd have to say it's one of the best straight-up arcade style games that I've ever played. I love the fighting mechanics, they're really fluid, and everything in the game has so much polish to it. Although I doubt I'd ever beat it, due to the fact that you only get one life throughout the entire game, I still loved every second of it.

I also revisited Gunstar Heroes, this time playing it on normal difficulty, and it was still just as fun as ever (except for the dice palace, fuck that cruel-ass shit, sending me all the way back to the start after I die on the level boss:<). Still one of the best Genesis games I've played.

Rocket Knight Adventures is another game I revisited. Definitely better than what I remembered it being. I managed to get to the end of level five out of the seven levels there are in the game and I thought it was great. This is probably my favorite Konami game and overall action-platformer on the system.

I gave Aladdin a try, and I was really impressed with the music and animation, but not much else. Not to say that the gameplay isn't good, I just feel that there are better games of the genre on the Genesis. Still fun tho, I don't regret giving it a shot.

I gave Ranger-X and Sub-Terrania a try and I just couldn't get accommodated to the controls. I guess I just like games where you can just pick them up and start enjoying them without much else to worry about.

>> No.1276225
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Still feel the same way about Quackshot. Sorry, but that's just my opinion, and I'm not saying I don't respect yours (I'm not a dick like some people).

I played Ecco, it just felt strange. All of the mechanics, whether it be swimming, having to watch your air intake (That IS in the game, right? I mean, you play as a mammal. Also, I think I died from not getting any air and that's where I stopped playing). everything felt really foreign and awkward. I didn't care for the music or the graphics either. Honestly, I don't think I will play it that much, just not for me I guess.

Dynamite Heddy I feel about the same, and I'm not saying it's a bad game (I mean, it's Treasure, all their games are good at the very least). I'd just rather be playing another platformer like Ristar or Sonic, they just feel better to me.

I'll also have to give Shining Force 2 and Shadow Run a try after I finish PSIV. I'm just lovin' it too much. The music is excellent, and I'd have to say that the battle system is one of the best I've used in a 16-bit turn-based JRPG. I also like how straight forward it is. I'm about 1/4 into the game and it's absolutely fantastic.

Lightening Force is awesome too, I just prefer vertical shmups like M.U.S.H.A., nothing wrong with it tho.

>> No.1276249

Look for some good sports games. Joe Montana Football has aged better than any of the Madden games and NBA Jam doesn't look as nice as on SNES, but it plays better.

Arcade games also generally look and play better, with the exception of fighting games, Neo Geo ports, and Smash TV. Try Streets of Rage 2, Strider, Paperboy, and Golden Axe for starters.

>> No.1276253

how fucking sensitive are you? Just play some good shit and enjoy it. Damn.

>> No.1276258

You think you've heard some great battle music in PSIV? Wait till you get to Dark Force Now that has to be one of the greatest boss battle tracks on ever created.

>> No.1276260

Wow, can't believe that's what you thought of Ecco. You should have at least given it a chance, maybe read the manual. It's at least as good as Metroid. And the music is fucking awesome. The creator of the game made the team listen to Pink Floyd because he wanted music like that for it, and I think it really suits the game well.

>> No.1276259

If you read my previous posts, you can see that I'm already onto that c:

>> No.1276283
File: 117 KB, 640x480, ecco-the-tides-of-time-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecco II:The Tides of Time has improved graphics over the original. You might give that a try if graphics played a large part in why you didn't like it.

>> No.1276301

That was the one I tried though...

>> No.1276304

What about the graphics didn't you like?

>> No.1276352

Well, maybe it was just the first level but everything just looked kind of dull.

Maybe I'll give it another try with a walkthrough or some sort of guide though, maybe I'll understand it better then.

>> No.1276463


Don't give up on Comix Zone. You do get another shot whenever you clear a level or two. It's an odd system, but you totally have more than one life to beat it.

If you like RKA, there's a sequel you should check out by the name of Sparkster (and an SNES game too).

Also, this is probably way too fucking hard for you (not trying to be a dick, but based on the things you've said it seems like this would be too much for you), but you should give Contra: Hard Corps a shot. It's one of the best in the series, and miles better than Contra III.

Also, shame on everyone for not recommending a Shinobi game. You totally need to play Revenge of Shinobi if you liked III. It has some fucking great music, but, again, may be a little too hard for you.

Alien Soldier is a must if you like Gunstar.

There are some surprisingly solid licensed games out there, too: Cool Spot, Animaniacs, and Garfield: Caught in the Act are all decent platformers.

>> No.1276504


>>1274647 here, and I specifically avoided recommending super shinobi because it is going to be too hard for the scrub. The only way he is ever going to hear dat china town music is if he uses the sound test.

>> No.1276856

Man, I wonder if this faggot is even good at SNES games, let alone Genesis. Can you even beat Super Metroid, OP? Mario World? Contra 3, CV4, Dracula X? Or are you just some pussy faggot who only plays JRPGs and reads walkthroughs to annihilate everything, like a puss?

come back when you git Gus

>> No.1277171

He is actually putting in some effort unlike before.

>> No.1277481

This is retarded and wrong. I grew up a nintentoddler and grew up into a Sega man. I wish I had Sega shit as a kid now.

>> No.1277620

Comix Zone was ball bustingly hard, but it was fair.

You just have to use items.

Don't have items? Find some items. Or let the Rat find items for you.

>> No.1277625
File: 13 KB, 320x224, landstalker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little action/rpg gem

>> No.1277774

Question: If I'll mod pal mega drive to output 50/60 hz on demand + language switch, will it be able to play NTSC, PAL and JAP games (after widening cartridge slot) without problem? Also, If I'll get sega cd, do I have to buy a pal one, or after mod it won't matter?

>> No.1278201
File: 198 KB, 319x241, deal-with-it_1505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Metroid? Beat 100%. Same with Mario World, and I also beat Super Castlevania IV which is apparently pretty hard for some people...

>> No.1278223

They're both 16 bit game consoles. If you love the SNES and can't "get into" the genesis you're just feeding off of nostalgia and can't honestly play games objectively.

>> No.1278241

I never actually grew up with playing the SNES or any retro video games really. It's only when I found out about emulation is when I really got into it (Yes, I am a cheap bastard).

>> No.1278249

>play games objectively
How is this even possible?

>> No.1278256


It's not.

>> No.1278276

Absolutely. It's literally the easiest thing I've ever done with a soldering iron. You can also play the vast majority of imported SEGA CD games easily, you just have to toggle the switch after booting up the system.

>> No.1278282


>> No.1278293

You'll need an RGB cable, or add a crystal for 60hz color.

For Sega CD, you can buy any region but you'll have to set your Megadrive to match the Sega CD region; and region mod your games before burning them.
Or, just add a region free bios to the Sega CD.

>> No.1278297

It's pretty much the same as playing games subjectively, but then at the end you claim that you're being objective and scream at anybody who questions you.

>> No.1278364

How do I do that? Should I get a new bios chip or something like that?

>> No.1278801

Adventures of Batman and Robin

dat bgm