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File: 314 KB, 1574x500, PS1_FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1268413 No.1268413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Final Fantasy on the Playstation?

>> No.1268414

I'll bite: VII

Why? Because reasons.

>> No.1268416

7 is the best game, 9 is my favorite

8 is weird/sucks kinda

>> No.1268428


>> No.1268436
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Clearly the best.

>> No.1268439

This nigga knows what's up

>> No.1268440
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They're all the best games in the series though

>> No.1268446

Not with those load times. I'd rather play 8 than subject myself to that.

>> No.1268458

Could be worse. Ever played the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger? Those are load times that will drive a man to maddness.

>> No.1268467
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Nigger, I beat PS1 Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1268480
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I like 9 but it all comes down to personal taste

>> No.1268493

maybe if you have an old shitty unlubricated drive. Its honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, but if you have a shitty old PS1 it probably is that bad.

>> No.1268494
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>14 years later
>Still no FF8 prequel starring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward.

>> No.1268501

Even on the PS2 it took at least 5 seconds to open the menu.

>> No.1268515

no it doesn't it takes 2, I only use my ps2 to play PS1 games because MY ps1 drive is too old now and needs taken apart and cleaned out. The load time on the PS2 is 2 seconds though its a long time to stare at a black screen but its not 5 seconds lol. Its one one thousand two one thousand boom menu open. I'm not going to say its not slower its just not agony like everyone makes it out to be, maybe for the current gen kids when they go home and are off their ADD meds they needed at school.

>> No.1268516

I've only played 7 so far, so yea I would give my vote to 7

>> No.1268523
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I love 8. Especially if you believe in the Rinoa is Ultamecia concept. Also the whole time thing, fighting against fate itself. Just fucking epic if you ask me.

>> No.1268524

...dude, it's not even five seconds, let alone two. It's seven seconds, and gets reduced to about five only if you set the disc speed to "Fast" on the PS2's PS1 settings. The PS3 also loads it at about five seconds.

>> No.1268529
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>Especially if you believe in the Rinoa is Ultamecia concept

Uh, no.

>> No.1268530

Fuck off it is, clean the dust out of your playstation or stop playing in the sauna because its not that fucking bad

>> No.1268535
File: 268 KB, 480x480, amarant_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amarant is so distant and cool

>> No.1268534

How about you try it yourself before you start flailing insults at people? This isn't /v/ you know.

>> No.1268543

how about I have, I own it you dumb mother fucker. I'm hurling insults because you're making stupid unfounded claims. 7 seconds of black screen to stare at, is fucking bullshit digimon world doesnt even take that long between screens and its SLOWER than CT. Don't want to get torn apart? Don't say stupid shit like that. I can plug my playstation into my computer and show you if you would like.

>> No.1268547

It's one hell of an improvement to the story, and at least it's not the "Squall is Dead" theory.

Rinoa-Ultimecia is one case where I happily endorse Death of the Author.

>> No.1268550

Whattt, you don't like the Rinoa is ultemecia concept? I think its a brilliant mind fuck.

>> No.1268548

The PS1 FFV. Yes the translation sucks, but that's part of it's charm.

>> No.1268549

Erm, I own it, too. And several PlayStation models. And several PlayStation 2s. And one PlayStation 3. Not to mention the load times are just as bad on the PSN ISO of Chrono Trigger on the PS3 despite the fact that there's no disc to load from.

And I don't see what Digimon World has to do with any of this.

>> No.1268557

digimon world has to do with its slower loading times that dont even approach anywhere near 7 seconds. When you move between a screen in digimon world it takes longer to load than anything else I can remember. Its still not 7 seconds though

>> No.1268558
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My team: Zidane, Freya, Eiko, Amarant

>> No.1268559

Too bad the game's ending proves that theory is complete bullshit.

>> No.1268560

I just realized that every Final Fantasy from 1-9 is on PS1 except Final Fantasy III. Is there any reason why Square didn't remake it like Origins?

>> No.1268568

Square did say it's not true. But I still like to interpret it that way. Even with out that concept I still liked the ending. Why does everyone always hate 8.

>> No.1268567

>digimon world has to do with its slower loading times that dont even approach anywhere near 7 seconds

...alright. Chrono Trigger does, though. Put it in and time it yourself. Like I said, it gets reduced to about five if you set disc speed to "fast" but in no way does it ever reach as low as two seconds on any model of any PlayStation ever.

>> No.1268571

pretty sure it was never released in north america until the ds version and by then ps1 was old school.

>> No.1268574

Everyone knows the best PSX FF game was Tactics.

That nobody mentioned it here clearly shows that none of you know what you're talking about.

>> No.1268583

Love that game. all monks most strongest party ever.

>> No.1268580
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Because all the cool internet celebs hate it and people just parrot thier opinions. I honestly enjoyed VIII much more on my second playthrough, everything just seemed to click together and I had many "A-HA!" moments that really improved the game in my eyes. It took Ultimecia from being my least favourite FF villian to being in my top five.

>> No.1268585

In keeping with this I'd have to say the Origins remake of the original was nice. Even without easymode it felt soo much easier just by not having to deal with "Ineffective" attacks or magic.
I haven't been able to put myself through FF2 yet. Is it worth it, or should I remain ignorant?

>> No.1268592

It's worth beating once. If nothing else the game will teach you the patince of a saint.

>> No.1268597
File: 2 KB, 102x170, Sabin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite character is Sabin

>> No.1268594

It's around 3 for me. Your disc might be crap.

>> No.1268603

I love all the hints and subtle dialogue that shows that Laguna is squalls father. Also what's with ultemcia's gf thing being named after what ever you named Squall's ring.

>> No.1268609

exactly, I dont think they would ever let it out of testing it it was that fucking tedious. 7 seconds is agony, CT is more of a slight annoyance than agony for sure.

>> No.1268620

Ultimecia is Rinoa, that's why.


Just kidding. At least my understanding is she scanned Squall's mind for what he considered the strongest thing, drew it from him like a spell or summon, then preverted it to create an ultimate adversary for him.

Kinda like the Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man at the end of ghost busters.

>> No.1268623

Then you must have been counting it in your head with really bad timing. Even the PSN version, which leaves disc reading issues completely out of the picture, can't load it in three seconds.


>> No.1268624

Anon frightens me.

>> No.1268634

Chrono trigger was amazing. Only problem is, I find it annoying when the main character in a rpg doesn't have dialogue. Doesn't indulge me into their character or who they are. But this game managed to be amazing and give me some feels with out him saying a word.

>> No.1268635

Good, embrace the fear! And embrace some of the most bullshit mechanics to ever grace an RPG. Like getting starting in the middle of a high enconter rate room because you picked the wrong door.

>> No.1268639
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I say VII, but I think everyone can find something great about each of the games.

Well yeah Tactics is the best, but that isn't the "main" series.

>> No.1268646

Welp, it didn't feel that long when I played. It was closer to 5 seconds than 7 like you were saying though.

>> No.1268643

Actually that makes perfect sence. I always thought it was the most obvious hint that Rinoa was Ultemecia because rinoa knew what it ment to Squall and it some how manifested through the years.

>> No.1268658

Like I said, the PS3 has an emulator that more or less functions exactly like the PS2 when the disc speed is set to "fast", where it reduces the menu load time to about five seconds. Without it it's still about seven on the PlayStation 1 and PS2 (Without changing the disc speed, of course).

Trust me, it adds up. I've beaten the PlayStation version I don't know how many times only because it was the only way to play Chrono Trigger on my television. I can still go back to it just fine, but it's jarring playing the Super Nintendo version and PSX versions back to back. I remember beating the SNES version and then going back to my original file on the PSX from 2002 and wondering how I ever put up with it. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.1268709

i like 9 the best

>> No.1268712

So we can all agree that the Playstation port of IV is the worst Final Fantasy on the system, right?

>> No.1268840


7: Some mechanics can feel dated (not a problem for me I enjoy it), the graphics can be somewhat irritating. The characters, plot, music, sidequests and boss fights are unforgettable and iconic. The game is gold in my opinion

8: The junction system is confusing at first but once you get it it can be fun. Sidequests are cool, story is pretty dumb but still badass music and overall environment. 8 gets a lot of hate but I really enjoy it.

9: Amazing game, great atmosphere and world. Story is pretty much standard fantasy with a few cool twists.

I'd go with 7, though I think these are the 3 best games in the franchise play them all

>> No.1268845


no debate. case closed. stamped it. no erasees.

>> No.1268850

what patch is this from? i've seen someone post on the FFT mod board with a Sabin face sprite and really hople someone is making an ff6 tactics.

>> No.1268868
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I believe they're just added in characters just like Cloud in the original

>> No.1268886
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>> No.1268890


they are not in the original. someone is making a mod with them on http://ffhacktics.com/ i would assume,.

>> No.1269107
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He's very distant from my active party

>> No.1269162
File: 25 KB, 300x243, Final-Fantasy-VIII-1-300x243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF IX imo. I love all three though
>tfw no GF

>> No.1269174


>> No.1269179
File: 16 KB, 365x276, 1386238485488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be your gf, with that superior taste.

>> No.1269182

Great! Now I'll be able to summon you to take everything thrown at me because that's basically all you're good for!

>> No.1269183

y-you too

>> No.1269185
File: 109 KB, 640x428, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love all of them dearly. I - XI was the golden age of final fantasy, they're all so good. VI being my personal favorite.

>> No.1269192

That image is physically painful.

>> No.1269195

It would be VI-XII for me. But I see why some people don't like XII. A good game, but quite different from other ffs or other JRPGs for that matter.

>> No.1269198


>> No.1269208

>played FF9 for years
>never noticed those "loading times"
>came to /vr/
>lots of people complaining about them
>can't unsee

/vr/ literally killed FF9 for me

>> No.1269212


>not using Ninjas + Brawler

>> No.1269214


Do you mean 11 or are you typoing 9?

>> No.1269215


That's why you play on emulator and fast forward every time you get into a battle and it takes a minute to load up.

>> No.1269216

Typo. Yeah, I meant IX.

>> No.1269219

Of the ones I've played:

IX > IV > VII > X > XII > I > VIII > XIII

I really need to play VI, I got it from the PSN, but for some reason never got around to it properly.

>> No.1269242

Holy wow, yeah you REALLY need to play that before you make judgements about the quality of Final Fantasy.

>> No.1269248


>you need to really play one game before judging the quality of these other games

I'm interested in how you came upon that logic.

>> No.1269246

ranking based on what i've played, and not ps only just because
as for non-main
Tactics is best, Grimoire of the Rift was disappointing to say the least, enjoyed most of Crystal Chronicles, actually had a lot of fun with both Dissidia games, Dirge of Cerberus wasn't too bad, liked Crisis Core but not so much the combat system

>> No.1269250

Mystic quest w-was good

>> No.1269267


At the time, the Playstation had the definitive English version of Final Fantasy IV. The SNES version of the game westerners got was horribly butchered with a terrible translation.

The Playstation had a great translation and was as close to the original as it gets without playing it on the Super Famicom.

>> No.1269280
File: 18 KB, 250x230, 1291219339752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man....we have the same fucking thread every 2 days. You would think you would be getting bored of asking the same damn question about the same damn series over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

>> No.1269284

Anon, if you don't want to talk about FF, hide the fucking thread and post elsewhere. No one cares that you don't care. Find a thread you like and stop shitting up ones you don't.

>> No.1269286


Im with him. Im betting the last one isn't even off the back pages. It has to be people who don't lurk coming in and,making threads. That or its a very subtle troll. A,mastermind troll. Trying to get everyone to,like breath of fire. That said. Im gonna go with seven. Since I don't count the Ports. And spinoffs don't count.

Just losing. Its really the Chocobo racing game. That's the best final fantasy.

>> No.1269287

Oh here we go, the sensitive brigade. You'll notice nowhere that i said i dislike the series. Hell, 9 is in my top 10 games of all time. But when 1/5 of the thread at any given time is final bloody fantasy, it is very aggravating. Cant you get all you want to say about the games out without having to groundhog day the SHIT out of it every single day?

>> No.1269295

board even, not thread

>> No.1269301


You'll notice that the post you replied to never said that you dislike the series.

>> No.1269305


My fav is FF II, US/SNES version. FF III US/SNES comes in close second.

Everything after that just feels like Square is trying to recapture the essence of these two games, albiet with differing storylines and graphics. I'm not against evolving the core of the series, but neither would I be against finding out whatever happened to Golbez and the Lunarians, or maybe furthering Terra's story with something generational.

>> No.1269309

OP asked for the best FF on the Playstation.
Playstation, guys. Not SNES or any other console.

>> No.1269310

>You'll notice nowhere that i said i dislike the series.

I never said you did. Learn to read.

>Cant you get all you want to say about the games out without having to groundhog day the SHIT out of it every single day?

Not everyone comes here every day and posts in these threads. You are some sort of an idiot.

>> No.1269313

Just patrolled the board looking for multiple FF threads and couldn't find any. For once on this very subject, it turns out that yes i am an idiot.
Carry on.

>> No.1269316


This is going to be my last post on the matter, but...

You seriously came to /vr/ and started shitting up a thread complaining about people talking about on topic content for no other reason than you didn't want to read the thread?

What the goddamn fuck is wrong with you. Don't do this in the future, for all of our sakes.

>> No.1269321

Ok dad, sorry.

>> No.1269330

Who made this guy judge, jury and executioner? You're on an image board dude, not one of your power trip fantasies!

I'm just surprised someone from this piece of shit site apologized. You can go fuck yourself, self important popinjay.

On topic, 8 was something i started on and helped me get out of the monotony of FIFA and Premier Manager 98. I may have been a very boring person without it.

>> No.1269352

9 is the most solid, imo.....whatever that even means.

I just really dig it's style is all. Im currently going trough the hardtype mod for it and it's brutal, kind of makes you dread every random encounter a bit!

I tried the hardtype mod for FF7 too, but when i got to the Temple of the Ancients and encountered a counter-healing Godo a a RANDOM encounter, i had to give it up. Fuck that noise

>> No.1269356
File: 65 KB, 480x270, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Square ruining your childhood dreams by porting games to Android in one of the ugliest ways possible.

Problem is that the casuals loved what they did to V. How they added in these new "HD" graphics and an achievement system. So VI was obviously next on their list.

>> No.1269357


That word.

>> No.1269398
File: 24 KB, 256x224, 1386948627431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easier on the eyes than the original. You just don't like it. (And that's perfectly fine.)

>> No.1269401

Okay. I can't stop laughing


>> No.1269451

Welcome to /v2/.

>> No.1269463

I too mained Eiko for her visible pussy

>> No.1269552

I've never played any FF game, except for a few minutes of the first one a few years ago, but I dropped it for some reason I can't remember.
Recently my friend gave me his ps2 and a buttload of games, amongst them FF VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII
Which one should I start with, to see if the series is something for me? Or should I start with an earlier version to understand the story?

>> No.1269563

Most people got into FF with FFVII. I'd probably start with that.

>> No.1269592

Midgard part of ff 7 was truly awesome.

>> No.1269590


Start with seven. Its the one that got the most people hooked on the franchise.

>> No.1269608
File: 79 KB, 1464x804, every FF thread ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been my recommendation for people like you for almost a decade now:

Start with the SNES version of FFIV and play FFVI and FFV next in that order.
Now if you liked FFIV the most play FFIX next.
Now if you liked FFVI the most play FFVII next.
Now if you liked FFV the most play FFVIII next.
Still want more? Play through the other two games mentioned and FFX. You have now seen where the series reputation came from and what was so good in it.

Most people suggest starting with their favorite FF or the one they started out with, mine is an attempt to make rational suggestion that both ignores my own personal opinions and aims to give a best possible experience from the whole series.

>> No.1269609

After playing 9, I don't understand why people put it over 7. It's a good game, but the scenario/sidequests are really unmemorable by comparison.
At the end of the game in 7, there's so much stuff you can do like fight the Weapons, breed chocobos, play in the golden saucer, etc. In 9 all it seems I can do is play Chocobo hot and cold over and over.

>> No.1269618
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>> No.1269979


If you're going to judge them purely by sidequests, VIII has them both beat.

>> No.1269987

The first one always leaves the best impression on you.


>> No.1269986
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Tactics, VII and I.

>> No.1269992
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>> No.1270000

I love katie melua

>> No.1270029

Is not a Final Fantasy game any more than a SaGa game is. It's actually called "The Zodiac Brave Story" (and it's sequel is Vagrant Story).

>> No.1270038


Apart from the fact that it takes place in Ivalice, a world that appears in a bunch of other Final Fantasy games.

Not to mention the fact that Cloud is a playable character.

>> No.1270047

Ivalice appearing in a main-series Final Fantasy game ended in director resigning. Cloud is an easter egg. Or is Ehrgeiz a Final Fantasy, too?

>> No.1270053

Ehrgeiz was a better Final Fantasy fighting game than Dissidia.

>> No.1270056

With what, Triple Triad?
That game was awful.

>> No.1270062

Actually, no JRPG has anything on the Gold Saucer, period. Period. I'm not egaggerating for effect, I seriously mean it: Gold Saucer is THE best JRPG minigame collection ever, bar none.

>> No.1270064


But Dissidia is the best 3D fighting game ever made.

>> No.1270065

That's not true. Dissidia were silly, but Ehrgeiz was even sillier. It was just a bastardization of Tobal with Kuraudo-kun and Sefirosu-sama in it. Not even the ramen ending could save it, though it almost did.

>> No.1270085

They were all okay. The older FF games were a bit better but for fuck's sake, you can't really go wrong with any of them.

I enjoyed IX the most myself, but went through VII and about half of VIII (never got to finish) and good times were had.

>> No.1270091

I'm pretty sure that by side-quests he meant stuff like finding the underwater research facility, finding the DoomTrain summon or beating Omega Weapon.
In other words Mini-games =/= side.quests.