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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1264449 No.1264449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an /m/ related /vr/ game thread.
What was your favorite retro mech game?

>> No.1264454

assault suit valken / cybernator

>> No.1264760
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>> No.1264791

SD Gundam G Generation F./I.F. More so F. but I.F. is great when you've finished the campaigns in F.

>> No.1264797

Super Robot Wars Alpha. I didn't feel for Gaiden too much.

Endless Duel is actually a pretty good fighting game.

>> No.1264821

Endless dual is a surprisingly good game considering its a gundam game and a fighter clone smashed together.

As far as mecha related vr games Dinowars or whatever the name is for NES is one of the greatest things ever. mecha dinosaurs was the best idea ever.

In terms of actual gameplay though probably one of the mechwarrior games or armored core.

>> No.1265812
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>> No.1265817
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>> No.1265841

Gundam Battle Assault 1/2

>> No.1265839
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Virtual On. I fed so many quarters into that game as a kid. I still dream of one day being able to buy one of the arcade machines.

Also, Bulk Slash.

>> No.1265849

Last one I played was Armored Core.

Fuck the final mission, though.

>> No.1265891
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The big three SFC mecha games:

>Assault Suit Valken

Developed by Masaya , published by Konami. Localized as "Cybernator", and had stuff such as storylines removed. Get a translated rom.

>Metal Warriors

Lucas Arts game, produced by Konami. Re-uses assets from Assault Suit Valken, and likely has the same engine. Pretty cool game. Lack of being able to lock directional fire is lame though. ASV had that.

>Front Mission: Gun Hazzard

By Square. Clearly inspired by ASV. Clearly also made by RPG guys, and not action platformers. It's a bit weak on the gameplay side, and a little sloppy. Enemies just kind of rush you and they're easy to kill. Also very easy to get over powered.

Must read:

>> No.1265898
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Metal Storm

>> No.1265908
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>Assault Suits Vaken series

How are the others?

>1990: Assault Suits Leynos (genesis)

Never played. Doesn't look that good.

>2004: Assault Suits Valken (ps2)


I just found out that it had a PS2 remake. That guy says it kinda sucks, and it looks pretty barebones and low budget.

>Assault Suit Leynos 2 - Saturn (1997)

This looks really interesting. I haven't checked it out though.

>Assault Suits Valken 2 - Playstation (1999)

Looks like a Tactica RPG. Interesting. Heavily borrows from Front Mission it seems.

>> No.1265935 [SPOILER] 
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That was easy.

>> No.1265938

I'm pretty partial to Front Mission 3.

I remember playing it for the first time when it was a demo on the Squaresoft's 'Summer of Adventure' demo disc. It blew me away because of how detailed the world seemed. You could surf fake Internet pages and stuff.

>> No.1265942

Seirei Senshi Spriggan

>> No.1265952

>>1990: Assault Suits Leynos (genesis)

Not that guy, but Target Earth is pretty fun, but HOLY FUCK IS IT HARD.

Cotra Hard Corps ain't got shit on that game.

>> No.1265967

I concur. My biological father was a jack rabbit so having to constantly jump came naturally to me.

>> No.1266249


>> No.1266287
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I always played whatever mecha games came along but it wasn't until 3D that I really enjoyed them. This one right here being a favorite.

Anybody ever go the Battletech Center (as seen in Nintendo Power?). I got to play a couple rounds at the Chicago one but I was really young and had no idea what I was doing. Shitloads of buttons to push.

>> No.1266305

>Bulk Slash
I just wish the female navigator/co-pilot/AI/whatever didn't make so much noise. I mean sure an occasional orgasmic scream is good clean fun but jesus.

Fun game though. And yeah, the first Virtual On still rules.

>> No.1266306


>> No.1266308

Robo Aleste

>> No.1266345

Is Xenogears worth playing nowadays?

>> No.1266360

I played it for the first time about a year ago. I though it was worth playing.

All of the numbered Front Mission games are excellent. They were what got me into Tactical RPG's.

>> No.1266368 [DELETED] 

>Frame Gride

FROM Software shows us what Armored Core would have been like if it happened in a medieval fantasy world.

>> No.1266371
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>Frame Gride

FROM Software shows us what Armored Core would have been like if it happened in a medieval fantasy world

>> No.1266389

There is a point where Xenogears is perhaps the best JRPG ever made.
Sadly, its hidden behind a really boring first five hours or so and a second disc that is less of a game and more of a visual novel.

>> No.1266398

>and a second disc that is less of a game and more of a visual novel.
Is this a problem if you like visual novels?

>> No.1266404

Well, not if you like them more than JRPGs I guess.

>> No.1266473

I love Bulk Slash, it encompasses everything I love about mid-90's Japanese produced 3D games. If I had seen it when I was 11 or 12 I would've jizzed my pants.

>> No.1266504

I could never figure this game out but fighters aren't really my thing, I was only in it for the Gundam.

>> No.1266510

real quick guys, I loved mecha anime growing up (Gundam Wing and Evangelion mostly) and was always disappointed that there was never an English game that was like some kind of RPG/adventure that had a good story etc.

Any good ones I missed out on that I can emulate? I think I remember that the N64 Evangelion game was supposed to be good.

>> No.1266542
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension 0079 for the SNES, but it's a Tactical RPG that has you replay the first Mobile Suit Gundam's story. It also had a sequel, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: Away to the Newtype, also for the SNES that hasn't been fan translated yet. I assume it's just retelling of Zeta Gundam

>> No.1266543

The Evangelion game for N64 was good tier.
Not really an RPG though. More of a street fighter clone with cutscenes that add a story. A story that you'd need to have seen the anime to get.
But it doesn't have an English translation. Not that I know of anyway.

>> No.1266720

I haven't played many retro ones. I liked Metal Warriors well enough, and now that I have a virtual boy I'm eager to get a copy of Teleroboxer.

>> No.1266762

Awww shit nigga, THESE, as well as Metal Storm and (if PS1 counts) Omega Boost.

>> No.1266827

Look into Super Robot Gaiden Alpha series. Some of them have been translated, and you can have Wing/Evangelion crossovers, and such.

>> No.1266942
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I really enjoyed Gundam Side Story Rise From the Ashes.

Virtual-On netlink edition on the Saturn was phenomenal, even more so with Oratorio Tangram on the DC.

>> No.1266960

Has anybody played any of the Votoms games? Just wanted to know if any of them are any good before I start playing.

>> No.1267045

Only one I've played is Battling Road for the SFC. It was lackluster, in my opinion.

>> No.1267068

Try Xenogears and Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden if you're into RPG.

>street fighter clone
Not really, it's more like a series of minigames (which mostly consists of pressing buttons fast) that follow the plot of the anime.

>Cross Dimension 0079
That game is tough as nails.

>> No.1267081

Leynos 2 is really good.

>> No.1267085
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>Not playing as Ball

>> No.1267102

Was there even a ball in GBA1?

>> No.1267467

Front Mission