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1262856 No.1262856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some classic racing games I haven't played?

Picture not related. Played it to death and back.

>> No.1262864

SEGA Rally Championship
Initial D for Saturn

>> No.1262868

>What are some classic racing games I haven't played?

I'd have an easier time doing this if you told me what you have played. Hot Wheels Turbo Racing, maybe?

>> No.1262876

That's why you just name things that aren't Rush 2.

>> No.1262879

Stunt mode in that game is so fucking good.
Total blast to play with friends.
Why don't more games implement stuff like that?

>> No.1263060
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pretty sure... you and i would be buddies

>> No.1263112

That and Mario Kart are the only racing games I have ever given a shit about.
Hell, we used to turn it on just to listen to the soundtrack.

>> No.1263113

California Speed is one of the worst games I can't stop playing.

The game is objectively garbage but with all the interesting settings to race through (the inside of a computer, spaceship, on a roller coaster, or through a volcano) and the multitude of tracks and cars, it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

>> No.1263117

On the N64. Beetle Adventure Racing and Top Gear Overdrive are your next ports of call.

>> No.1263143

Super Hang On

>> No.1263150

Cruisin' USA
Need for Speed
Gran Turismo 2
Destruction Derby 2
Road Rash 3
Stunt Trax FX

>> No.1263151
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Was just about to mention this game. I don't think it's that bad, at least from what I remember playing as a kid

>> No.1263153

Test Drive 5

>> No.1263163


>> No.1263170

Racing games didn't get good until the advent of 3D graphics.

There, I said it.

>> No.1263180

>The Need For Speed
>NFS3: Hot Pursuit
>NFS: High Stakes
>MegaRace 2
>Fatal Racing
>Screamer 2
>Grand Prix 3
>Lotus: The Ultimate Challenge

>> No.1263179

The game feels like it was programmed in a hurry. The physics are blah, the sound and graphics are mediocre, and it just looks like they brushed it aside to move onto bigger and better things.

But again, fuck me, the game is really addicting to play through.

>> No.1263187
File: 12 KB, 281x236, okayguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw WB Games owns the Rights to Rush series
>tfw they'll never make a release of another Rush
>tfw Rush 2:ER USA would make a perfect 3DS title that is graphically updated, online racing, More Tracks, and More Cars

>> No.1263193

>Road Rash 3
>dat UK theme


The game used some of the worst-sounding Genesis music elements but they came together for a pretty killer soundtrack anyway.

>> No.1263203

I agree. Love me some Race Drivin' arcade. Try it in two monitor mode on your 16:9 monitor. Kickass.

>> No.1263204

First really quality racing game I ever played for the SNES was Stunt Race FX so...yeah, you have a point.

>> No.1263217

RC Pro Am
Road Blasters
Super Hang On
Ironman Ivan Stewart's Off-Road
Super Mario Kart

>> No.1263448

Micro Machines says you're wrong.

>> No.1263853

2049 was great too OP.

>> No.1264442
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My all-time favorite racing game disagrees with you.

You forgot these:
Biker Mice From Mars

Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat
Formula One: Built to Win

Anyway while there are lots of good 2D racing games I have to say racing games are one the few genres that actually got better in general with the "everything now needs to be 3D in order to be good" mindset from mid 90s, especially the more realistic racing games took a huge step forwards.

>> No.1264453

Anyone played Vanishing Point?

available on dreamcast and playstation.

It was made by a team who were all big fans of sega racing games. The game is great, it's like a love letter to sega.

I like the way that the game starts out bare-bones and you unlock extra cars and stuff by winning races.

>> No.1264465
File: 190 KB, 256x359, Out_Run_2019_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junkers High (Outrun 2019, Genesis)
Lotus series (For DOS, Amiga and Genesis)
Kat's Run (SFC)
Shutokou Battle series (SFC, Saturn and PS1)

>> No.1264472


I can't deal with that controls, the car never stops sliding and spinning.

>> No.1264504


>> No.1264518
File: 1.58 MB, 352x224, sega rally delta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the last good arcade racing game before driftfags destroyed everything

>> No.1264528

Not AS good (if they released the version that only made it to arcades that also had the Alcatraz track THEN it would have been as good), but good.

>> No.1264530
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NFS Porsche Unleashed (pc)
RR: Type 4

>> No.1264532

That was one of the driftiest games out there, dude.

>> No.1264539

That game is trash.

Road Rash games are some of my favorites.

>> No.1264543

>before driftfags destroyed everything
>posts sega rally
I'm sorry, what?

>> No.1264556

Sega Rally's dirt slides wasn't like today's drift, it didn't lock on into drift mode and easy to pull off at any curve. You can't just pull it off out of your ass and rely on it, it actually takes effort and you can lose control of it very fast if you're not cautious. Drift to win is what modern arcade racing games are about, I don't particularly enjoy it.

>> No.1264558

you mean 'press x to drift'

>> No.1264567

I think simple powersliding is good.

Burnout's tight control is a chief reason I've enjoyed it so much.

>> No.1264872

How are we supposed to know what ones you have played? There are hundreds of classic racing games.

My favourites of all time are WEC Le Mans, Pole Position, Super Hang-on and Micro Machines.

>> No.1264894

Please see >>1262876.

>> No.1265201
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>dat stunt mode
>dat gauntlet
>dat battle mode, especially with 4 players
>dem wings
>dem shortcuts

>> No.1265217

God I miss this game. Me and my friends used to 4 player it on the N64 about 3 years back.

>> No.1265247
File: 58 KB, 640x640, moto-racer-2-cover232515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racketboy says the moto racer series are great and plays like ridge racer with bikes

excellent game. but the controls are a little loose

>> No.1265259

Carmageddon 1 & 2.

>> No.1265265
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-Lamborghini American Challenge (DOS version preferably, the others aren't so good) AKA Crazy Cars 3

-Beetle Adventure Racing (N64)

-Super Off Road (NES version is my favourite, also the only one playable up to 4 players)

Those are classic to me at least

>> No.1265425

what do you mean by driftfags?, I can't really think of any drifting arcade games, and you're more or less sliding around the track in a rally game anyways

>> No.1265472

Nascar Rumble, its the mario kart of Nascar games and the only one I own, its also got these corny narrator and shit, pretty fun

>> No.1265475

He means drifting takes finesse and precision, not just baked into the game's physics engine.

>> No.1265498

The PC version had a great level editor and one kickass soundtrack.

>> No.1265497

>excellent game. but the controls are a little loose

Rush has a style unto itself.

I never quite nailed down what I like like about the Rush series but it's always one of my top choices for racing.

>> No.1265852


NASCAR Rumble was amazing. Especially since the PS1 got a really shitty version of Rush 1 and there was no good equivalent till then.

The soundtrack was surprisingly great as well


>> No.1265959
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>no mention of F-Zero

>> No.1265968
File: 36 KB, 359x359, Rally_Cross_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kickass music
>Love the bouncy physics
>Fun as fuck with multiplayer

People said this game sucks, but they sucked at playing it. Besides the classic NFS games and CTR, this was my go-to racing game.

The sequel sucked, like all other 989 Studios games.

>> No.1266062

>No Outrunners
Look, OutRun and 2019 were great, but Outrunners was definitely the best.

>> No.1268762

Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing
World Driver Championship
Nascar 98 (shit)

Only ones i've played for the N64.

>> No.1268772

Hold on. Let me turn on my mind reading time traveling device so I can tell you what games you havent played.

>> No.1268782

Racing Lagoon on PS1 is pretty cool. Sadly it's in moonrunes only.