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File: 102 KB, 484x692, battletoads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1260337 No.1260337 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you beaten Battletoads for the NES? No save states, no roms, I'm talking actually beat it on a console.

I'm currently trying and have gotten to level 12.

My method:
1. Ragnarok's Canyon
Warp to level 3
3. Turbo Tunnel
Warp to level 5
5. Surf City - Pretty east level, couples 1 ups
6. Karnath's Lair
Warp to level 8
8. Intruder Excluder - Easy level, sometimes I die on the boss if I die at all
9. Terra Tubes - Tough as shit level. Took me forever to memorize it but now I can beat it without losing a life.
10. Rat Race - Easy once you learn the map and can beat the rats in the race.
11. Clinger Winger - I don't know how the fuck you're supposed to do this normally. I pause on the corners and it seems to flip me around them automatically without losing any ground. Kinda cheating, but whatever.
12. Revolution - This is where I'm currently at. Doesn't seem that bad but I just have to memorize the level.
13. Armageddon - Boss battle

I'll try a run later today and see if I can beat it. I enjoy beating the hardest NES games for bragging rights.

Have any of you beat Battletoads?

>> No.1260380

I've managed it with warps on one continue, and I've also beaten it without warps but with continues used.

I recommend not skipping to level 3 though, because you can rack up a lot of extra lives if you kick the birds around in the Wookie Hole.

>> No.1260386

I beat it on my NES a long time ago, no warps. Took some pictures of the ending with a disposable camera.

There is no reason to take the first warp. Skipping the Wookie Hole is passing up on a ton of extra lives/points.

I can't count how many times I have died in Terra Tubes just trying to jump over a spike from the water. Tough level.

>> No.1260387

It's a damn shame that it *can* be hard to get the timing and placement right when it comes to juggling birds in the NES version. That shit is easy as fuck to do on the Genesis.

>> No.1260393


I suck at hitting those birds enough times to get a 1 up, so I'd rather just save time and skip level 2.

Level 5 and level 8 both have a couple 1 ups, so I'm not hurting on lives later in the game.

Did any of you guys beat Clinger Winger without doing the pause trick? I don't even see how it's possible.

>> No.1260509

>Have any of you beat Battletoads?

Yeah. It's like any Nintendo game, requires skill, patience, and some memorization.

>> No.1260537
File: 14 KB, 535x482, What game is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Battletoads as a kid mastering the first 8 levels.
Forget it and most of your NES games for almost a decade.
In 2008 I started trying to beat all those NES games I couldn't beat as a kid after losing interest in modern games.
Battletoads unsurprisingly was in that list of games, was one of my first targets and I simply took a shot at it one or two times per day.
Basically I could start by trying to beat level 9 and always went there via warps from level 1 to 3, 3 to 5 and 6 to 8 which I could still do almost purely from muscle memory.
It took me lot of trial and error gameplay to eventually beat level 9 and to this day I still think it's the hardest level in the game.
Level 10 was very straightforward and I mastered it quickly.
Fucking Clinger Winger level took ages for me to master There was a fucking pause trick to abuse?!? FFFFFFFFFFfffu...
The final level of game leading to Dark Queen actually wasn't that hard but still offered few surprises meaning I had to take a few shots at it to master it.
If you still have a continue left at this point you pretty much have beaten the game but if you don't changes are you going to lose your last lives against the Dark Queen and get a game over at the final boss which happened to me many times.

tl;dr I have beaten Battletoads legitimately on actual console using the 5 toad code, warps and continues but honestly it was just one big memory game I eventually mastered via trial and error gameplay always getting a little bit further than the last time and it took me more about a month to do even if I already knew what the 8 first levels where like from my childhood.

As for the level 2 1UP farming it's probably worth the time it takes to do it but I never bothered with it for some reason.

>> No.1261131
File: 70 KB, 800x599, battletoads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. It took me a lot of time to dominate every single fucking stage, but by the time I could beat it, it was very "rewarding".
Only 2 people I know IRL finished it, the rest was all stuck at fucking turbo tunnel. Also I felt SNES version easier (and I really loved its music)... Was it?

>> No.1261138

I forgot to mention. I never used any warp

>> No.1261442

> no roms, I'm talking actually beat it on a console.
That's fucking stupid, there's no significant difference beating it with an emulator is the same as beating it on a NES.

>> No.1261471

Played it on the console, mastered getting everything up to the snakes as a kid, could get there without loosing a life but fucked if in 20yrs i could ever beat THE GOD DAMN SNAKES

>> No.1261469

>what are save states

>> No.1261490


The rest of the games in the series are all easier. They're also better, whatever that's worth.

I'm going to assume you're just being silly on purpose. You...you don't have to use save states. And if you don't use them, it's as close to the original experience as the emulation allows for.

>> No.1261505

I rang around the local pawn and games shops trying to track down a few games, one of which was battletoads.

They all told me to fuck off and hung up.

Fucking /b/

>> No.1265370

>Have any of you beaten Battletoads for the NES? No save states, no roms, I'm talking actually beat it on a console.

Famicom (JP) version and Genesis version are the only real ones.

NA is filled with bugs, and is unfair.

>> No.1265448
File: 20 KB, 413x266, Battlemaniacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of the games in the series are all easier.
I've beat the NES one, but haven't gotten through the SNES ones yet. Battlemaniacs is pretty tough.

>> No.1266057

music in the SNES version was awesome, also DARK QUEEN is the waifu I ever wanted <3

>> No.1266060

what is NA?

>> No.1266064

north american

>> No.1266112
File: 66 KB, 1000x784, Battletoads-Arcade-Dark-Queen-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She definitely has had an effect on me.

>> No.1266121

Silly me I didnt realize that... also, I really dont know wich version I played because I had a pirate nes aka FAMILY GAME. I dont remember seeing japanese, so I guess it was american (or euro if existed)

>> No.1266130

[boner intensifies].
Too bad there wasnt good r34 of her

>> No.1266163
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1266185
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you must beat it all the way through, no skips

>> No.1266769

OP here.

This level 12 is proving to be a thorn in my side. It's long and hard. It's probably the second hardest level after Terra Tubes. I've gotten pretty far on it, but I haven't beaten it yet.

Kinda funny how I am a grown man and am having trouble with this game. Was this game aimed at children? I doubt a child could get past the third level. WTF were they thinking making it so hard.

>> No.1267040

Yeah, I managed to finish it twice, TWICE when I was a kid. It was a god damn pain in the ass, and I don't know how many hours, days and months I spent on this game, memorizing everything on every level, but that feel I got when I finally managed to finish it made it fucking worth it.

>> No.1267279
File: 31 KB, 500x375, 1386871736510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Revolution is hard. I can't count how many times I would accidentally double tap and go flying off a platform. Being that close to the end, my nerves would get me.

I would get stuck at Terra Tubes as a child. Bust out the Game Genie to get to the later levels and couldn't beat those either. I would usually play 2-player with the neighbor kid. That's when we'd get stuck on Turbo Tunnel. Almost always massacre eachother in the Wookie Hole.

>> No.1267562
File: 86 KB, 624x658, 1384435983678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stage four of the turbo tunnel always kicks my ass I can get there without dying but once i do i can never make it past

>> No.1267967

I've managed to beat this one.

Never played the NES version but I've seen someone play it before and it looks way harder than Battlemaniacs