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1257662 No.1257662 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this game a masterpiece?

>> No.1257678

the crying, the health regen, and the piss-easy bosses

>> No.1257694



>> No.1257715

it has really nice and stylized graphics

>> No.1257812

It actually provides a semi-decent challenge come worlds 5 and 6. Collecting the items is fun, the game is beautiful, and it's generally just fun to play. Great soundtrack too.

>> No.1257817


>> No.1257834

Great level design, creative bosses, tight controls, beautiful visuals, and an excellent soundtrack.
Truly one of the best platformers Nintendo has ever developed.

>> No.1257840

The stage "Poochy Ain't Stupid"

>> No.1257847

It's got really unique mechanics that are implemented extremely well with strong level design.
Not to mention the game's stunning audio/visuals.

>> No.1257851

Nothing, because it isn't one.

It looks nice and has nice music, but the gameplay isn't special.

>> No.1257885

What makes the level design good?

>> No.1257912

Masterpiece might be a little bit of a steretch, but it is fun. Throwing eggs is a good time, swallowing enemy's to make new eggs is great. the controls are tight, and it's super stylized in it's art direction. It's definitely a good show of what the SNES is capable of, but masterpiece? that's a matter of opinion.

>> No.1257926

Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy

>> No.1257939

The platform placement is well thought out?
It uses a lot of different ideas so the game always feels fresh?
It has a nice difficulty curve?
I'm not sure how to articulate it, the levels just work.

>> No.1259106

I didn't really like the hidden coin collecting.

>> No.1259408


That's why they included the magnifying glass for people like you

>> No.1259578

Because you had to wait so many years for a sequel to Super Mario World.

Same reason people like Mother 3 and Metroid Prime so much. Starvation will do that to a person.

>> No.1259583

>health regen


>> No.1259586

..... have you not played it?

>> No.1259595


Shitty 100% requirements

>> No.1259598

Masterpiece might be a bit of an exaggeration but it's a really solid game that holds up well with age. It can be really frustrating at times but not in an unfair way, it's got very unique level design, it's got great music and graphics. It's an overall solid, tight game.

>> No.1259608

Awsome graphics, tight controls, bosses a bit too easy but getting 100/100 on every level is pretty challenging. The alternate routes in boards are excellent as well. It still is one of the more original platformers. Miyamoto actually made a different game instead of repeating the SMBW format. I have never been a Miyamoto fanboy but this is some of his best work. Top Snes platformer IMO.

>> No.1259614

>but masterpiece?
SNES had been made for the sake of SMW, Starfox, and Yoshi's Island.

>> No.1259623

People who complain about the crying miss the point.

1) It's supposed to be annoying. Anyone who's had children will attest to this.
2) If you hate it so much, stop sucking git gud.

>> No.1259626


Also the red coins have a slightly different color in relation to normal coins, even without magnifying glass.

>> No.1259652


What do you mean alternate routes?

>> No.1259709

Seconding this.
Yoshi's Island has a pretty linear gameplay.

>> No.1259902
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name one song

>> No.1259912 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 1057x842, 1348448902122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yoshi's Island

>> No.1259938

Does anyone remember why Kamek wants Baby Mario and Luigi so bad?

>> No.1259943

Baby Bowser wanted more friends, Kamek just happened to kidnap Luigi.

>> No.1259965

>Because you had to wait so many years for a sequel to Super Mario World.

Yoshi's Island got a lot of backlash when it was released because people knew it wasn't a Mario game, let alone a successor to world. That, and the aesthetic of the game disgusted people.

>> No.1259983

What's weird is the game is titled "Super Mario World 2", like it's supposed to be a sequel, but it's clearly more of a prequel.

>> No.1259994

The intro just has him screaming "The babies are mine!" and snatching Luigi and the Stork. No motivation otherwise.

>> No.1260000

it was because of this that I first thought Baby Mario was Mario and Peach's offspring

>> No.1260005

do you really think your post adds anything meaningful to the conversation besides shitflinging?


>> No.1260036


>> No.1260075 [DELETED] 

>Implying /v/

>> No.1260165

The atmosphere is extremely consistent. There really isn't any character, background, object or whatever that doesn't work well with everything else on screen, the music fits very well with all that (and is wonderful in itself), the gameplay is fun, Mario crying is a VERY good motivator for not losing - it's very efficient at conveying the "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT" feeling you'd get if you dropped a baby - the levels are fun and all manage to introduce something new to the gameplay.

Also, everything is FUCKING ADORABLE

>> No.1260240

I remember it was first launched.

I remember thinking, "This is a tight game, I wish nintendo did something like this with swords, or guns or something..."

Even though it made me feel like a pussy for liking it, I still thought it was great. Definitely among my top SNES games. Still have my original copy.

>> No.1260254

Why are people saying this game has tight controls? They feel slippery as fuck. Megaman has tight controls- this doesnt.
Also there are only like 5 music tracks in the game. Theyre good but theres just so few of them.

I like Yoshis Island but it never was the great game everybody makes it out to be for me. Very creative though.

>> No.1260270

Because they were trying desperately to sell it in America. Super Mario World isn't anywhere in the Japanese title, the Japanese Title is just "Super Mario: Yoshi's Island"

>> No.1260715

I just played this for the first time earlier today (please don't punch me). It's fun as fuck.

Also is there _some_ slowdown in the game or is it just me? Like when there's a bunch of enemies on screen and you let a bunch of little flowers fall there was some slowdown on my end.

It would be really useful to have a list of games that have slowdowns on the original hardware so one can tell if it's the emulator or if it's normal.

Anyways I'm going to continue it later after I do some shit cause I did enjoy it a lot.

>> No.1260793


It's your emulator. No emulator has perfected the Super FX timing for this game. No, not even bsnes/higan

>> No.1260834

Good to know. Thanks!

>> No.1260841


Flower Garden, I ain't even that guy.

>> No.1261889

i call bullshit, but what do i know

>> No.1261898

that's super fx2 nigga

>> No.1263253

Dun dun dun dun dun

Dun dun dun dun dun

Wow wow wow wow wow wow, wowwwwwww

>> No.1264603


Watch the credits sequence. The music ends early because bsnes emulates the chip too slow.

>> No.1264613
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The bosses are very fun

>> No.1264734

Yoshi's Island is probably Nintendo's artistic peak.

>> No.1265486

Didn't the manual state that Kamek foresaw the Mario Bros thwarting Bowser's plots when they grow up, or something?

>> No.1267298
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got my first game over at stage 3-5

is that bad?

>> No.1267519

Not really, if you're playing through it in one session you'll end up with tons of lives.

>> No.1267547

I thought it was boring but I don't have any material criticisms beyond the fact I didn't have fun playing it.

>> No.1268013

Wide variety of unique game mechanics which can each be used in multiple ways. The game then uses those mechanics in every interesting way it can without going overboard.

The bonus levels do this most overtly.

>> No.1268027

what are the differences between american and japanese versions?

>> No.1268053

I just couldn't get into this game, I never liked how it controlled. It just felt kind of clunky to me. Controlling Yoshi never felt as fun or interesting as controlling Mario from the other games. The graphics were cool but they often got repetitive, same with the music.

>> No.1268076

I wouldn't call it a masterpiece
but it has that official nintendo polish that set's it apart from other games.

>> No.1268081

Controlling mario always felt tight and fast.
Controlling yoshi always felt a little sluggish.
You know ... almost like a dinosaur or something.

>> No.1269427
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iirc, before the Prince Froggy boss the japanese game has Kamek say that he will turn Yoshi into shit (literally), whereas that dialogue was omitted in the american version.

>> No.1269462

-tight controls
-a simple mechanic that works well
-fun colorful and varied graphics
-lots of hidden secrets

>> No.1269464

It also had a lot of unorthodox, yet completely logical little tricks too. Like how you can stand on the edge of a boulder, and your weight started slowly rolling them to the side. You can then run to the opposite direction and keep speeding it up, until it rolls faster than you can run.

>> No.1269509

There were quite a few secret rooms you could discover wasn't there?
>hitting this cunt with an egg before the fight even starts

>> No.1269523

>extra 5

>> No.1269543

>>hitting this cunt with an egg before the fight even starts


>> No.1269549

A masterpiece? Not even close.
Fun? Yes.

>> No.1269591
File: 40 KB, 251x178, hnxfhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLdw0LKoutU

>> No.1269595 [DELETED] 

You are $hit. :))))))))))))))))

>> No.1269739

Yeah, I remember a guy really disliking the game because of how weird Yoshi controls.

>> No.1269749


What the fuck, this video is not related to videogames at all.

>> No.1269752


keep this fucking shit out of /vr

fucking idiot.

>> No.1269757
File: 77 KB, 197x144, 1194323046974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how that mechanic exits more or less solely because that effect is an impressive demonstration of what the FX2 chip is capable of.