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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 112 KB, 640x1056, 936full-sonic-r-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1253171 No.1253171 [Reply] [Original]

So, /vr/, why is there seemingly so much hate for this game? I actually got a copy of it recently, and I actually kind of liked it once I got used to the physics. What do you think? I happen to think the game is a lot of fun. (Being able to turn off the vocals is nice too)

>> No.1253192

I have it on one of the PS2 collections and I just couldn't get into it. And I gave it a good hours play.

>> No.1253196

"actually kind of liking" anything is possible with enough will power. The game sucks though.

>> No.1253195

Darkness covered the game pretty well
review starts at 2:30

>> No.1253198

This remix is pretty good tbh.

>> No.1253197

fuck me, here's the link

>> No.1253206

It's mediocre at best. For a racing game, control is one of the most important things, and the controls in this game are lacking, to say the least. Plus some of the tracks don't even look like they're finished. If this hadn't been a Sonic game, nobody would remember it at all.

>> No.1253252

You don't turn fast enough, especially at lower speeds, character balance simply does not exist - they didn't even attempt it, and there are not nearly enough tracks.
I love that music though. Thank god I don't have to play the game to experience the glorious soundtrack.

>> No.1253273
File: 10 KB, 241x180, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 1997
>disappointed that Sonic 3D Blast wasn't 3D
>see Sonic R
>buy it on release
>full 3D Sonic game
>great soundtrack
>you can run around the map along multiple paths, that was innovative shit
>ignore the subpar controls because you're Sonic cool playing this game
>come back to it circa 2009
>oh lawdy
Can you guys just enjoy your childhoods without vivisecting everything

>> No.1253291

It's the lack of content. The game can also be completed very quickly, as there are only 5 tracks, and not even grand prix cups.

You can probably 100% the game in less than 1 hour. Shame since I thought the weather effects were actually kind of cool.

>> No.1253302

I didn't like it at all when I played it when it was new, I liked it even less on replays, and just because this is the retro board doesn't mean I have to unconditionally love everything I played as a kid, that'd be stupid as hell.

So: NO

>> No.1253314

>just because this is the retro board doesn't mean I have to unconditionally love everything I played as a kid
I never said that
If Sonic R wasn't an enjoyable part of your childhood then by all means continue to not like it

>> No.1253319

I'm saying even if I did like it as a kid, it gets no mercy. None. Fuck it.

>> No.1253354

I love the soundtrack so much.
It's a huge guilty pleasure of mine.

It's a great concept (combining 3D platforming with racing), but the execution is horrid. The core problem is that all characters turn slowly like vehicles (which makes everyone bumper cars with legs), and the levels are pretty cramped.
It's a game deserving of a complete redo.

>> No.1253358

>Claims that the software to render the water has a "slider" to change its reflection
>Claims he "went to school for this"

Yeah fucking right.

>> No.1253365

This guy comes across as very circlejerky in nature. Video is too long. Unavailable in 1080p. 5/10 will watch a part of.

>> No.1253367

>5 tracks
>terrible controls
We only rememeber this game because of the soundtrack.

>> No.1253378

>a slider for adjusting an attribute of something for a game developed circa 1996
I didn't go to school for this but I assume that game development wasn't quite handed to you that much

>It's not possible to like the soundtrack. I don't believe you if you say you like it. If you're serious, you are fucking stupid. People only like Sonic R's soundtrack because it's so terrible you laugh at it.
What is this guy on?

>> No.1253445

It's pretty bad, especially in the beginning when he's talking about graphics and music. He's trying way to hard to find issues where there are none, just so he can say there's nothing good about the game.
He makes a few decent points about gameplay, but they're nothing that hasn't been said a million times by a million people, and they're certainly nothing worthy of a 32 minute video. Save yourself 31 minutes and 57 seconds and just read my comment right here where I made most of his major points: >>1253252
Also, look at that neckbeard and fedora. I got nothing clever to say, just pointing it out.

>> No.1253450

I already watched the video
I regret watching the video

>> No.1253453
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should have just got Sonic Jam and play the sonic world hubworld, it's better than Sonic R eve if its just a hubworld with minigames

>> No.1253454

Oh, just got to a skit at the end where he's arguing with a doll of Tails (Tails' voice is him doing a high pitched voice) about Shadow the Hedgehog.
So hey, there's that too.

>> No.1253478
File: 97 KB, 640x448, 1386408501629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be alone here, but I really think Sonic looks much better in 3D with straight spikes instead of the usual curved ones, since you're seeing Sonic from behind most of the time.

>> No.1253481
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Curved, for comparison.

>> No.1253482

It's not a horrible game, it just could have been a lot better

I still like it, hell I still play it on the Saturn

>> No.1253512

oh yah that looks 1000x better

>> No.1253521

Sonic R actually has some pretty good design decisions for a 3D sonic game.

There are multiple paths, sometimes only accessible with certain characters. The loops aren't on-rails. There's no bottomless pits or death of any kind. The objective is to simply run fast. Going off-track and hitting hazards only slows you down. Rings are instead used to power boosts and open additional paths. I like how the water can even freeze over in the winter setting allowing you to use it as solid ground.

>> No.1253526
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I liked playing this game with my siblings. It was fun. Playing by yourself isn't nearly as good.

>> No.1253548

I kind of agree. Reminds me of Sonic from the opening movie in Sonic CD. That said they're not so bad in SA1 and 2, at least they look somewhat sharp. I hate the floppy dick quills they've given him in every game post SA2.

>> No.1253561

Nobody ever really thinks about it (for obvious reasons) but yes Sonic R did in fact have good 3D Sonic level design. (Or at least conceptually since the stages are all so cramped but that's more of a limitation of the hardware than design I think.) Nice wide open and spread out stages with layered multiple paths and not one instant death pit. While I can't speak much for the actual game mechanics, I think that at least in the level design department, Sonic R's probably the closest we're gonna get to a true 3D Sonic. Makes me wonder how many people who worked on the main titles worked on Sonic R, because someone definitely got what made Sonic stages tick, on some level. Or maybe back then the concepts were still fresh and it was really just common knowledge. Today those concepts have been long since abandoned.

Every other 3D Sonic we got after Sonic R's level design consisted of hot wheels tracks in the sky and scripted shit out the ass. "B-but muh sanic generashuns" Modern had decent level design at best, but it still suffered from the problems that have plagued 3D Sonic for over decade. "Watch Sonic go fast and occasionally slow down to switch slot car tracks." And while this is fun in it's own right, it doesn't have any sort of actual depth, I think. Merely the illusion of it. I won't comment on Lost World because that game has no fucking idea what it wants to be so I'd be here all day and I'm already approaching the limit for this post.

>> No.1253570
File: 5 KB, 320x224, s2-ooz-act2img2full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch Sonic go fast and occasionally slow down to switch slot car tracks.
The original 2D games are a bit guilty of this as well. There's always been a bit of a wall between the spectacle of the speed and the actual gameplay of the platforming, and it's never really been more obvious than in moments like pic related.

>> No.1253674

Fun but ultra-short.

I like the music and it had good graphics.

>> No.1253684

Dislike the game, but the soundtrack is top-tier. I am shocked that there are a lot of people who hate it.

Probably because of that fucking Jontron review, which was kinda right about everything except that the music is amazing.

>> No.1254000

>Every other 3D Sonic we got after Sonic R's level design consisted of hot wheels tracks in the sky and scripted shit out the ass.
That's not fully accurate. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had good levels that fully encouraged 3D exploration. Now Sonic Heroes onward you are correct.

>> No.1254015

At launch it was robbery. 5 tracks for a full price kart racer is unforgivable. Controls are clunky and the cast is very unbalanced to the point even the developers knew this and set your opponents based on who you pick(Sonic and friends compared to the robot/metal cast). What was odd is how strangely poor the graphics and design were for such a late released title. It came out at the end of 97 so you think ti would have been at least on par with Panzer Dragoon or Nights even Sonic Jams 3D graphics/design look much better than R's. Really it just feels like it was rush out to catch up to the cart demand that was showing up at that time.

>> No.1254031

>At launch it was robbery. 5 tracks for a full price kart racer is unforgivable.
You're kidding right? Daytona USA had 3 maps, and MANX TT had only 2
and I think sega rally had only 3 or 4

Sonic R was awesome compared to all those, I played the shit out of it, till I got the Gold Sonic.
But yeah, it was shit.
The Saturn never had a decent racer game like Grand Turismo

>> No.1254036

The game is OK, but it needed a lot more polish. At least it made more sense than Sonic Drift.

>> No.1254049

>Daytona USA had 3 maps, and MANX TT had only 2
and I think sega rally had only 3 or 4

That makes any of those less a robbery how? Most other Kart racers of it's time gave you 10+ tracks.

>> No.1254084

>the developers knew this and set your opponents based on who you pick(Sonic and friends compared to the robot/metal cast).

Actually the mecha cast only plays if you 1. have them unlocked and 2. play any of the alt characters. So if you have Metal Sonic, Mecha Knuckles and Super Sonic unlocked, and used any of them, the other two would be your opponents.
But you did not get to face them if you played as Robotnik or Amy, who completely fucking sucked.

I think they tried fixing the inbalance by having other characters capable of exploiting the alternate routes for shortcuts. Amy and Robotnik could hover on water for example.

The controls weren't that bad as long as you used the breaks for cornering. Also the default character, Sonic, intentionally had high speed but bad grip and turning for balance issues (and honestly, no one used the other characters).

Sonic R was REALLY awesome when it came out. Very impressive graphics, huge levels, and Sonic in three-dee. Also it was the first racing game I played where you could GET LOST on the levels, as you weren't bound by the track. That shit was huge back in 1997. And it had splitscreen multiplayer too (up to 4 players if memory serves).

I think they should've added more powerups and such, and have the alternate characters being more capable of exploiting alternate routes (have Amy actually go faster over water, Knuckles to climb up on buildings, etc).

>> No.1254086
File: 29 KB, 413x500, 1386438438846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many other 3D platformer racers exist? Pic related but not retro.

>> No.1254092


Running Wild on PS1.

>> No.1254254

Bullshit, dude. Sonic R's graphics are pretty good for a Saturn game.

>> No.1254281

>Actually the mecha cast only plays if you 1. have them unlocked and 2. play any of the alt characters. So if you have Metal Sonic, Mecha Knuckles and Super Sonic unlocked, and used any of them, the other two would be your opponents.
That's what that other guy just said in the part you quoted in not as many words.
And even then the game is still very unbalanced.
Egg Robo and Tails Doll can barely manage to squeeze out a win against Metal Sonic, let alone Super Sonic. Sure, it can be done, but you are at an ENORMOUS disadvantage for no good reason.

>> No.1254505
File: 28 KB, 280x280, Rayman_Rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit was great. And it never gets mentioned in these kinds of threads. This is an amazing platformer racer

>> No.1255147

This game is one of my guilty pleasures. The fun for me was really just running around as Sonic in a 3D world. Not to mention I love the soundtrack. All in all, this is a shitty racing game, but as a "go off course, run around and have fun" kind of game, it's actually surprisingly entertaining.

>> No.1255206


>> No.1255219


>> No.1255223

Sonic Jam is pretty much the only example of what a possible 3D Sonic game would have been like with Classic Sonic as the protagonist. Well, that and the Sonic X-treme beta that still hasn't been dumped :(

>> No.1255230

Don't expect much out of that, there were like 5 versions, and neither of them got to the part of having proper level design implemented.

>> No.1255547


>> No.1255646

SA2 was the start of the downfall. It slowly transitions from explorable with new "grindable" rails, to literally just sticking on rails floating in space. It's like a metaphor for the whole franchise post-3D.

>> No.1255773


>> No.1255865

The one on Youtube with like 3 different levels looked pretty complete for a build. I wish the guy would dump it because it looks really fucking fun.

>> No.1256159

But SA2 was significantly better than SA1 in pretty much every way.

>> No.1256167

Also, ironically, that level that's just a bunch of rails in space has easily the most branching paths and shit of any stage in either Sonic Adventure game, and possibly 3D Sonic as a whole. Runner up would probably be Sky Rail.
Seriously, look how different these playthroughs end up being:

>> No.1256461

/v/ has conditioned me to avoid Sonic Adventure discussions, much as I want to have them.

But I like Sonic Adventure 1 more than 2.

>> No.1256486
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1375166825286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the middle of typing an essay explaining why I disagree with your post, but I figure the less I talk about SA2, the better.

>> No.1257532

That's fine if you like the first game better, I'm just sick of this "SA2 WAS THE START OF THE DOWNFALL IT'S ONE OF THE WORST SONIC GAMES EVER SO EDGY" shit that every moron repeats ad nauseam, despite the fact that most of the problems these people bitch about SA2 for "starting" were already well in place in SA1. Shit doesn't make sense.

>> No.1258770

Technically its a very, very accomplished game...its just the shitty handling that brings it all down. The textures are pretty damn high res for a 32-bit game.

Richard Jacques music is God Tier...glorious.

>> No.1258781

I just didn't like either, honestly. Tried to add too many diversions to the simple and effective Sonic game formula.

>> No.1258791


Never played this until it showed up on the Gamecube. I wasn't overly impressed, but it didn't stop me completing the game. 100% Inc everything required to TAILSDOLLTAILSDOLLTAILSDOLLLLLLLL

>> No.1258794

It was one of the most graphically advanced titles on the Saturn at the time, with some effects impossible on the PlayStation. There was a great interview with the developers somewhere that explained those things.

>> No.1258798

Why didn't they just make Sonic Drift 3 for Saturn instead of this?

>> No.1258801

Here it is: http://info.sonicretro.org/Jon_Burton_interview_by_Sega_Saturn_Magazine_%28October,_1997%29

>> No.1258815

I think that was in the UK Sega Saturn magazine. The game has very impressive lighting effects. The "R" on the title screen is a very impressive tech demo in itself.
The textures in particular are impressive for the time.

>> No.1258985

I picked up the PC version in a Sonic collection pack around 10 years ago. I didn't think it was all that bad. It was just a little bland and boring after a while.

>> No.1259007

> Sega Saturn Magazine: The game engine is clearly excellent. Are the team planning to put this to any further use? Another Saturn game perhaps?

> Jon Burton: We write each game from scratch and will usually only use the best ideas and techniques from our previous games rather than use the same code or engine.

No wonder this was the only original Sonic game on the Saturn.

>> No.1259016
File: 164 KB, 887x901, 1376686315589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME we have a Sonic thread you guys rant about the same damn thing. EVERY. TIME.

>> No.1259030

It had its flaws but I like it. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking though.

>> No.1259054 [DELETED] 

Which this is that?

>> No.1259062

>EVERY FUCKING TIME we have a Sonic thread you guys rant about the same damn thing
What "thing"?

>> No.1259075

You've at least got a fangame rebuilding stuff that honestly is looking very, very good and complete. At a level close to what we know X-Treme was, at least.

>> No.1260210
File: 613 KB, 799x799, 1374987819295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SA2 ruined everything
>*insert 3D game discussion here*
>Man he was better without green eyes

Every time.

>> No.1260224

>Man he was better without green eyes
I don't think anyone brings that up seriously anymore these days.
I mean, I do think Sonic looks better without green eyes, but I would never say Sonic sucks just because his eyes are green because holy fuck is that inconsequential.

>> No.1260235

Oh no, you wouldn't say that. No. You'd say this:


Which is WAY less inconsequential.

>> No.1260256

If you don't like it then fuck off. We're discussing retro games, stop trying to shit up this thread and turn it into a baitwar.

>> No.1260283

It is also the most fucking annoying level ever, as the completely worthless hitbox detection makes you miss the rails half the time and fall into the emptiness. Or when the game wiggles out the controls and stops all your momentum JUST WHEN YOU DO A JUMP. Even the videos you linked to have that at a few places.

Those outer space rail levels pissed me off to no end.

>> No.1260287
File: 6 KB, 371x158, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, well, you got me.

Difference is I'm not suggesting that it's a huge deal.
You don't see me saying such and such game sucked because of curved spines, or calling anyone who disagrees with me a faggot or anything, and that and the post directly after it are the only things I said on the matter. I'm not derailing the thread or anything.
It was merely an observation and opinion, calm down buddy.

>> No.1260285
File: 93 KB, 436x604, haters1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but seriously this game was awful even as a child. I'm glad you enjoy playing it though! I like my fare share of bad games too. It's okay.

>> No.1260329

It's not the green eyes that bug me in the new design, but the fact that he looks like a midget clown tripping on acid. I've seen the new design in various cracktros and such way before I've seen Sonic Adventure for real, and I was shocked when I realized that that thing is supposed to be Sonic.

>> No.1262489
File: 260 KB, 485x758, Sonic_67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Sonic looks like more of a midget though.
Look at his tiny legs, goddamn.

>> No.1262535

His incarnation in the Sonic CD opening looked great in motion.

It's too bad we're stuck with basketball player Sanic now.

>> No.1262536

Probably because it's not a platformer. I think it's pretty good, though. I like how it blends the platforming/exploration with racing. Even though it's a "spinoff", I actually like the way it handles Sonic gameplay in 3D. I feel like they could've easily modified it into a full-fledged platformer if they wanted to.

>> No.1262602

>SA2 ruined everything
It definitely ruined my fun.
>*insert 3D game discussion here*
Sonic R IS a 3D game.
>Man he was better without green eyes
No one was talking about it because no one cares.
How about instead of whining, you bring up a new topic? Is that so hard?

>> No.1262632
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>a fedora

>> No.1262671

This is why I like /vr/

I never even knew these games existed, now I want to play them

>> No.1262684
File: 692 KB, 800x450, apotos4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many other 3D platformer racers exist?
That's what I was really hoping SEGA would do after Unleashed, but instead we got Colors because muh puzzle platforming

A game like Sonic R with the Unleashed day gameplay would have really been fantastic though

>> No.1262697

I'm not complaining. Colors was actually good.
It's kind of nice that Sonic has moved past the stage of being completely terrible. I wonder how that new game is.

>> No.1262712

I have this game and it sucks. But maybe I should go back and give it another shot? Also,
>How many other 3D platform racers exist?
Mad Dash was decent, though it's about as retro as RA.

>> No.1262727

Colors wasn't as good as Unleashed, imo.
It got rid of the werehog and hub worlds and whatever, sure, and the music and aesthetics are just about the best they've ever been in Colors, okay, but the gameplay and story/cutscenes are terrible. The game is like 95% 2D, but with unfitting 3D Sonic controls and physics, Sonic moving just about the slowest he ever has in a 2D game, and levels that are made entirely of large blocks with little to no slopes or interesting physics-based platforming gizmos or really anything like any of the good 2D games have.
Unleashed had a lot of garbage that thankfully wasn't in Colors, but the good stuff in Unleashed, the daytime levels, far outclass anything Colors has to offer.

>> No.1262734

I think we can agree Generations was better than both of those.

>> No.1262741

No argument here.
I only didn't like most of the bosses, how modern Sonic still had 2D sections despite Classic Sonic being in the game, how Planet Wisp dragged a bit, and how easy S ranks were to get.
Small potatoes compared to the issues with Unleashed and Colors.

>> No.1262948

I did not like Unleashed much at all. Never finished Sonic 06; I pretended the bugginess didn't exist and it still just did not keep my attention. Colors was meh. Generations was alright but on the bottom end of the good Sonic games. Adventure 2: Battle inb4 not retro is where I draw the line for last "good" Sonic game. I gave up on the series ultimately after Shadow the Hedgehog.

>> No.1262970

I can agree with that. Sonic is definitely a hell of a lot better than he was 7 or 8 years ago, but overall he's still just ambling around in average territory.
...That's 3D Sonic though. I think a lot of the 2D handheld games were fine. I enjoy Advance, Advance 2, Rush, Rush Adventure, and Colors (DS) well enough.

>> No.1263186

>Adventure 2: Battle inb4 not retro is where I draw the line for last "good" Sonic game
I don't know, I just can't get into SA2. I wish it was more like SA1 in the sense of choosing a character, so I wouldn't have to be forced to use Knuckles and Tails to play another Sonic stage. The story is 06 tier to me, I know Sonic isn't known for great stories, but it was bad. I tried giving the game another chance recently, but I didn't like it at all.

>> No.1263251

The actual contents of the story are bad (hell of a lot better than 06 though, fuck you), but the execution is great.
I mean, scenes and quotes and shit are memorable, it has that dumb action movie feel to it, the pacing is excellent, the action stages often play a part in the story rather than just... being there, and so on.