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File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, I NEARLY SHAT MYSELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1250334 No.1250334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck guys, this came out of fucking nowhere! Is Square actually "getting it" now?

Just so you know this is legit:

>> No.1250339

It's going to be the same thing as FF7, i.e. literally the same PC release from the 90s with a higher default resolution support.

>> No.1250343
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It doesn't have uptaded visuals, sorry to dissapoint you
It doen't even include any worthy new features

>> No.1250354
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>It doesn't have uptaded visuals, sorry to dissapoint you
>It doen't even include any worthy new features

Nigga what? Stop raining on my happiness parade.

- Magic Booster: When Magic Booster is used, the player’s inventory of the following spells is increased by 100: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Fire, Fira, Blizzard, Blizzara, Thunder, Thundara, Sleep, Blind, Silence, Berserk, Bio, Esuna, Aero, Confuse, Break, Zombie
This feature can be used from the launcher.

- Chocobo World: The full game released as a separate application for previous versions. It is possible to play “Chocobo World” directly from the launcher after booting up FFVIII and by fulfilling certain specific conditions in the main game you will also be able to synch data between the two games.

- Steam Achievements: 45 total

This came completely out of left field. I am so fucking happy right now. I heard of a PC rerelease in May, but it just suddenly popped up on Steam. I am fucking stoked.

Square gave me an awesome Christmas gift.

>> No.1250368


>> No.1250371

At least the steam version fixed the magic defense bug. Can't think of any bugs FF8 had. As long as you don't count the game junctioning system as a bit game braking but they can't really fix that.

>> No.1250383
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I am so happy right now. Someone hold me.

I'm so ready for triple motherfucking triad and HD selphie and those epic cutscenes and Laguna and Chocobo world (which I never got to play as a kid)

>> No.1250391

Wouldn't a Game Booster sort of nullify the point of achievements? that's what I want to know.

>> No.1250404

The game's still fucking boring

Didn't Square lose the source code for VII hence why they're settling for VIII?

>> No.1250415

No, they lost the assets to VII (high-res renders, etc). VII got released to steam a while back, they just re-released the PC version that already existed after touching it up a bit.

What the lack of assets means is that they can't release an HD remake, because they only have the pre-rendered backgrounds in 240p resolution.

>> No.1250414

VII is already on Steam.

>> No.1250425
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>Wouldn't a Game Booster sort of nullify the point of achievements? that's what I want to know.

I don't give a shit. All I care about is playing this in HD with Chocobo World and my USB Xbox 360 controller.

The FF7 rerelease looked pretty damn swank, and they fixed the music. It's only a matter of time before they fix the music in this release. No more jittery polygons and broken textures. And z-buffering!

>> No.1250428

The shitty PC version


>> No.1250439
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>The shitty PC version

God, just let people have their fun. Think of all the new mods!

>> No.1250447

>I don't give a shit.
I don't give a shit that you don't. It's a feature that I don't understand. I was wondering when ff7 was released too.

>> No.1250480

>lazy pile of shit Steam conversion with a bunch of casual crap and DRM tacked on and nothing you can't already get with fan patches
Yep, they totally "get" it all right.

>> No.1250485


>> No.1250848 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 264x269, 1384928907389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only a matter of time before they fix the music in this release. No more jittery polygons and broken textures. And z-buffering!

Same poster. Okay, so I just played for a while. It's a fine release but there is no excuse for how the graphics were handled. I'm actually kind of pissed off now. The animations weren't smoothed out like in FF7 2012, the z-buffering isn't working, and the polygons are all jittery because the floating points are imprecise. I feel like they rushed this one.

I know it'll introduce a great game to a new generation, but I'm upset at the technical difficulties. They really need to put the PS1 music in as well.

I'll wait until they finally fix those issues. There's just no excuse for how imprecise all the technical issues when FF7 2012 has a better

>> No.1250857
File: 196 KB, 264x269, 1384928907389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only a matter of time before they fix the music in this release. No more jittery polygons and broken textures. And z-buffering!

Same poster. Okay, so I just played for a while. It's a fine release but there is no excuse for how the graphics were handled. I'm actually kind of pissed off now. The animations weren't smoothed out like in FF7 2012, the z-buffering isn't working, and the polygons are all jittery because the floating points are imprecise. I feel like they rushed this one.

I know it'll introduce a great game to a new generation, but I'm upset at the technical difficulties. They really need to put the PS1 music in as well.

I'll wait until they finally fix those issues to play the rest.

>> No.1250891

The old Pc version also had the Chocobo standalone game though.

>> No.1250892

It doesn't have the PS version music.

>> No.1250901

I wonder how hot, tight and wet Quistis' pussy is.

>> No.1250997
File: 929 KB, 1024x768, 1345753273699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I was getting sick of the original PC version crashing all the time.
I can't wait to mess around with that Magic Booster.

>> No.1251023

I never beat FF8. I might play this.

>> No.1251034

That is something that can be fixed by downloading the Samuel Slight's Final Fantasy VIII DLS thing here:

This has been around for ages and applying it to the PC port of FFVIII makes it the definite version of it.

>> No.1251113
File: 37 KB, 521x596, blg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launch trailer
>not a millisecond of actual game footage, only FMV cuts

Fuck S-E

>> No.1251121

It was a shit game then, and it's a shit game now. Why would you even bother?

>> No.1251136

Maybe you should maybe bother shutting the fuck up?

>> No.1251158

Did you miss the part where the graphics won't actually be updated; only the screen resolution setting?

>> No.1251168

Anybody got screenshots of the new version to see the video quality?

Also I remember on the original PC version when playing on keyboard there was a HUGE delay when trying to do Squall's limitbreak which made it really hard to do it well. I hope that's fixed (or maybe it's fixed if you use a joypad I dunno)

I also remember that, in the original PC release of FF8, if you had one the video cards the game was made FOR, it looked AMAZING, better than what any PS1 emulator enhanced could do. Now I hope we can have that with any video card now.

>> No.1251186

no :)

>> No.1251252

It has partial controller support, and there's no delay. It looks nearly identical to the PS1 game, except upscale to whatever your monitor resolution is, and it DOES have Anti Aliasing.
AA makes it looks surprisingly good, actually, the bad part is the backgrounds don't look quite so good. They aren't as low res as the PS1 backgrounds, but they have obvious jaggies.

Having AA really brings into focus just how good the animations are though, i never really noticed in the original, but they did a damn good job of the animation in the game.

>> No.1251253

Frankly I don't give a fuck about Steam Achievements or Magic Booster (Getting magic in FFVIII wasn't easy enough yet?) but at least they implemented Chocobo World to this version. Still are there any other changes or improvements that justify playing this "new" version of FFVIII over the existing ones?

For example the PC version of FFVIII with the sound patch mentioned in >>1251034 applied to it already has Chocobo World and the superior PSX music version in it.

>> No.1251262



Just buy the game on the PSN Store.

>> No.1251269
File: 52 KB, 499x554, 143674236854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried the link

>This accounts public links are generating too much traffic and have been disabled!

Fucking Dropbox

>> No.1251270

That's a shame. I remember the backgrounds looking GORGEOUS in the original PC release if you had the video card the game was designed for.

But then again it's been 10 years ago since I saw that at my friends place so maybe it looked just the same and it's only my memory making it seem better.

I've just bought the game anyway and gonna replay through it. Even though I already played it like 8 times AT LEAST in my whole life... oh well it's one of my fav games ever anyay and I NEVER did play the Chocobo World minigame so at least I'll do that for the first time.

Anybody got any idea what I could do to make this playthrough different? I've already done a no lvl up playthrough. I've also already been to lvl100 in disc1... i also did every sidequests.... fuck

>> No.1251321


>>1251034 here
If you want me to I can upload it to a site of your choice.

How about actually using magic as your main mean of attacking?

>> No.1251337

Okay WHAT THE FUCK is this bullshit?

I paid for the game, installed it, and when trying to launch it it's asking me either to log in with my facebook account or with my squareenix account?

I obviously don't have a square account so I log in with my facebook (even though this is completely bullshit since, fuck you, you already got my steam info and you ALSO want to have access to all my facebook info? fuck you) and it just doesn't work! I log in and it keeps asking me to log in forever

anybody else got that problem? any idea?

Basicalyl I can't play the game because they've decided that on top of DRM and stealing my steam infos they want to get all my facebook profile info too and 'post on my behalf'. fuck you. Goddamn this is with this kind of shit why retro gaming is so much better.

good idea i'll try that

>> No.1251341

geez, I wonder why.
>Actual gameplay

>> No.1251343

your post make no sense.

>> No.1251345

Shit it only worked after creating a squareenix account.

So in order to play the game you need to
- deal with Steam DRM
- either have them access your Facebook info or create an SE account and accept to recieve their spam

>> No.1251348

Why not just getting the original PC version ?

>> No.1251349

Good job paying money for this crap, dipshit. It's all on you.

>> No.1251362
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There better be one for saving the hot-dogs.

>> No.1251375

>- Magic Booster: When Magic Booster is used, the player’s inventory of the following spells is increased by 100: Cure, Cura, Curaga, Fire, Fira, Blizzard, Blizzara, Thunder, Thundara, Sleep, Blind, Silence, Berserk, Bio, Esuna, Aero, Confuse, Break, Zombie
>This feature can be used from the launcher.

That sounds fucking stupid. What kind of casual faggot would want this?

>- Chocobo World: The full game released as a separate application for previous versions. It is possible to play “Chocobo World” directly from the launcher after booting up FFVIII and by fulfilling certain specific conditions in the main game you will also be able to synch data between the two games.

Okay, this is pretty cool.

>- Steam Achievements: 45 total


>> No.1251380

>Okay, this is pretty cool.
It's also not new. Retards just can't seem to figure out that it's always been a feature of the PC port.

>> No.1251379

>Think of all the new mods!
There aren't many mods for VII. I think there's a couple model mods, but they're not comprehensive.

And if the game that was considered THE FF game doesn't have mods, I don't know what will happen to VIII.

>> No.1251384


Jesus christ that's just lazy then.

>> No.1251389
File: 32 KB, 512x362, 1356304415324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this music
Square, go home.

>> No.1251512

>HD rerelease


They've lost all the assets to the games, so they lost their original renderings of the backgrounds. So it's just gonna be a repackaging of their old PC release.

>> No.1252771

I thought they only lost the assets to VII, did they lose them for VIII and IX as well? That's a shame, I would really like to play an HD version of IX.

>> No.1252825
File: 285 KB, 600x800, 1ab44d37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I have a question. I really want to get this but I don't want to have anything to do with Steam, will it still work if I purchase it through Square Enix via http://sqex.to/ffviii? If I get it from there, do I still need to link my game to Steam? Does anyone know how it works?

>> No.1253207
File: 998 KB, 719x1111, 1386400508286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the music is crap
graphics look like someone messing with ePSXe while drunk
game booster........... really
achievements - stupid gimmick
chocobo world - even the few owners of pocketstation didn't give a fuck about it

this and FF7 were even worse cash grabs than BG:EE

If Squenix wants my money that bad for a re release they have to work harder for it and make it actually worth it, they know how to do it (Chrono Trigger DS)

>> No.1253218
File: 33 KB, 419x358, look at her booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1253220



Truly, something for everyone.

>> No.1253225


Wow you're so edgy, I'll bet you get all the pussy

>> No.1253230

Its Aerith, newfag.

>> No.1253231



Just because the anon insulted something you just bought doesn't make him edgy, anon.

>> No.1253234

So was the FF7 steam release good? What'd the translation change? Can I disable that stupid game booster shit? Can I revert the graphics to old style?

>> No.1253235


Well, originally Square wanted it to be Aeris, but bungled it in the NA translation, and now have to have all subsequent english language releases as Aerith to stop ameriplebs from getting mad.

>> No.1253237

It wont go through Steam if you buy it directly from the Sony store.

>> No.1253241

And psn store has no DRM? wow you're fucking dumb

>> No.1253261

I always thought it'd be nice if they released new versions of the PS1 Final Fantasy games that included a new translation, new dungeons, new weapons, new bosses, etc. Like how I, II, IV, V, and VI got updated versions on the GBA.

I'd like a version of FFVIII where I can fight Hyne.

However they'd most likely have lost the source code by now so they'd see it as more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.1253271

I've only ever played the PS1 version. What does the PC version sound like with out this music mod? It can't be that bad, can it?

>> No.1253284

What is different about the PC version other than the changed music? I doubt it's true HD, since in order for something to be considered HD it was to render at a resolution at 1280x720 or 1920x1080 I think.

If I'm wrong someone please correct me, since I don't think this would look any better than it did on the PS1 without a rebuild from the ground up

>> No.1253295

Why do you fucking niggers never respond when I ask this?

>> No.1253369

It's not terrible, it's just slightly different because they converted the music files to MIDI to save space. If you hadn't played with the original sound files you'd probably never notice, but if you have it's a bit jarring.

>> No.1253498

>they converted the music files to MIDI to save space
They didn't "convert" anything, both the PS1 port and PC port use MIDI. And I personally think default PC synth uses some better samples the the PS1 version's crappy percussion and wind instruments.

>> No.1253531


Some of the PC songs are better, such as the Prelude/FF Theme, but almost all the others suck in comparison.

>> No.1253539


Just listening to a bunch of comparisons of some of the more iconic tracks, and holy fuck, they butchered the victory theme. There's no way I could play the game and hear that shit every battle.

>> No.1253560

>asking me either to log in with my facebook account or with my squareenix account
What do you even do with a SE account?

>That sounds fucking stupid. What kind of casual faggot would want this?
It would be fun to dick around with, but not to play through normally. It would be pathetic if someone actually needed it since FF8 isn't that difficult.

I haven't played that version, so I can't tell you.

>> No.1253569

The only reason why I want to see a FF7 remake is for the Wall Market part.

>> No.1253579
File: 56 KB, 467x700, 1349377753278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also need an SE account as in FF7?

Oh and BTW, there have existed save editors for 7..9 for a long time that work with either PC and PS1 versions. And they're probably more complete and adjustable.

>> No.1255239

Is the sound really that bad?

>> No.1255481

It depends on your default synth device but on Windows XP no.

>> No.1255690

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE MUSIC! no thanks i will stick with the ps1 version.

Nice but i don't give a fuck.

>> No.1255752
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>Is the sound really that bad?

No. The sound is acceptable but not great. It grows on you once the rose-tinted goggles wear off.

I'm much more concerned about the imprecise floating points, stuttery animations, and apparent lack of z-buffering.

>> No.1255760

>Do you also need an SE account as in FF7?

Yes, but it will sign you in automatically if you've already played FF7.