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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1247673 No.1247673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, when do you think this "retro fad" will end, and we can go back to a hipster free hobby?

>> No.1247676

yeah i thought this just would be a place to discuss games we played when we were kids but like everyone here has a weird phobia of modern games

>> No.1247679

When people stop bitching about "hipsters."

>> No.1247695

people still bitch about "scenesters" and "screamo" from time to time. i see the retro fad dying out within the next year, but not within the next 8 or so months.

>> No.1247773

because most of them are shit? I'm sick of delusional people that convince themselves the industry is getting better. It's getting worse there are still good modern games but most of the time they are just fucking shit and the standards have dropped so much an average game seems impressive.

Oh shush its a real thing, there are tons of people who claim to like games to add to their nerdy persona when in fact they dont know shit. Your mind has been warped by music hipsters into thinking it doesnt mean douchebags who only like things to appear a certain way.

>> No.1247783


If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.1247793

I'm 23. And what else are we supposed to call them?

>> No.1247814

I wonder if I'll still be browsing /vr/ when xbox and ps2 games fall into the retro category. Wonder how long that'll take

>> No.1247823

>the retro fad dying out within the next year
Definitely not going to be that soon. You know how Dubstep is still popular? Its peak was in 2010 and it's been going downhill since and it's still relevant. I personally don't really see the retro fad ending for another three at the soonest. As long as there are people on YouTube to perpetuate the
>hey guys today I'm going to be playing this retra gaem I'm shure you all rember from yur chiledhoodes!
trope then the retro fad will still be around.

>> No.1247829


Actually express your thoughts instead of using buzzwords that make you sound like a child?

>> No.1247836

We're hitting a nostalgia boom right now.

Kids who grew up with vague memories of the Gen/Snes era and actually owned PS1/N64s are reaching mid twenties, when they're starting careers, have disposable income and want to remember fondly their childhood. This is combined with the 'geek is cool' trend and also let's not discount the fact that adolescence is extended and children are being born later.

I expect it'll pass as they start procreating and they either give the games to their children or they get rid of them again so that they can move on into adulthood. It'll probably be a great time for N64/PS1 collectors again. I think the Genesis and SNES market is a sailed ship, the golden hauls will still be there, but they'll be far and few between. The rare games are rare, the value established. It will fluctuate in some cases, but for the most part, I think it will stay about consistent.

I've watched it happen with my non-gamer sisters and their boyfriends. They purchased a N64, play mario party and Zelda and enjoy the shit out of it.

But: They're early mid twenties, work and go to school but have a lot of free time on their hands. And it's not like they play video games like I do.

I'm the collector, they're just taking a trip down memory lane.

>> No.1247842

>when do you think this "retro fad" will end

when their stuff that actually was around when they were kids becomes retro.

>> No.1247843

I dunno, the board feels like it's in a state of slipping to me. I'm worried that when 6th gen arrives that we'll be no better off than usenet in 93.

>> No.1247845


What dose this fucking word mean now anyway? People just arbitrarily throw it around to umbrella things they don't like. Specifically on this website.

>> No.1247861


Anyone who makes any attempt to not be a miserable pile of shot in their parent's basement is a hipster. It is pretty much the new try hard. Where as real hipsters are a community of people who are always trying to fit in with their peers as far as what they do, think, play, listen to, wear, etc. Taste makers in those communities essentially decide who likes what and what is deemed uncool (pitchfork, fader, drunk slut at the bohemian bar, etc).

So really, hipster would fit better with CoD fans than with people who have unpopular opinions or are trying to make something of themselves.

>> No.1247864

>People just arbitrarily throw it around to umbrella things they don't like.

Yep. It's a generic insult for people who like things you do, and you don't like that they like them or that they have a different opinion on it. Something along those lines. It's pretty much a meaningless term.

>> No.1247870

It's the type of people who will claim to like something just to make themselves seem different from everybody else. Hipsters want to appear as unique free thinking individuals and you know the best way to do that is by basing your appearance off other like minded people. They want to appear to be nerdy without actually being a nerd

>> No.1247871

damn, I keep thinking about this and figuring that I really need to start buying up PS2/Xbox games while they're cheap. Same with DS games, though I pretty much tapped out that system by now. Pardon my not-retro talk, I just see people nostalgiaing hard over 6th gen sooner than we think.

>> No.1247873

i like old games and new i dont post on /v/ because they just argue about consoles dont make this place like /v/ op quit being a faggot

>> No.1247887

It has more to do with availability than it does sheer nostalgia, really. For instance, Gamestop recently got rid of the majority of their PS2 and Gamecube stock (And what little they have left in what few stores still carry them is worthless) and as a result, prices on games for both systems have dramatically gone up because they're difficult to find; Gamecube especially...and especially the first party Nintendo titles at that. The same thing happened when Gamestop got rid of their PSX and N64 stock. Games that became the more well-known expensive titles were dirt cheap when Gamestop still took them in trade. Games like Tomba, Mega Man Legends 2, Tail Concerto -- all games you could easily find for $10 a piece. Then as soon as Gamestop went out of the picture, prices started rising. It's only gotten worse since video game collecting is hip and cool now, but as lousy of a company as Gamestop is, its sheer volume really impacted the collecting scene in a positive way. It was really, really easy to find shit there and it was really, really cheap.

>> No.1247885

That logic gets so skewered and butchered on 4chan.

Take /co/ for instance.
Adventure Time is considered 'hipster trash' by a lot of posters there despite it probably being the most popular/ mainstream cartoon currently airing.
That kind irony makes me agrees with these >>1247861

Its a stupid buzzword that has no meaning anymore.

>> No.1247891

>implying youre not apart of the problem that you created in your own head.

>> No.1247892

Right around the time modern shit stops sucking.

>> No.1247897

ok am I the only who has actually played retro games with these "kids". Allow me to elaborate with a story. Had a neighborgirl of mine come over ( early 20's ) so she comes over in the middle of the night with a bottle of dubra or whatever the fuck she drinks in college and im chillen playing SMW. Decide to switch it to 2 player for her. She was all "omg I can't believe your playing this right now this is so awesome I was just thinking about this game ect. ect. " Okay so playing and she cant get past 5 seconds of any board ( it was like a new game too) so i'm like allright kid just needs to warm up so at this point I have like 30 lives give her 15 and within 10 mins she's back down to zero. I mean she couldnt even get past 15 seconds of any board before castle 2 of SMW. Anyone else have any similar experiences?

>> No.1247925

I still play and enjoy some modern games, but I'm not so far gone as to not realize that games have been on a serious decline in quality since at least around 05 or 06.

>> No.1247986

First of all, did you bang her because that bitch sounds like she wanted to bang.

Second of all, no matter how much girls claim to love games, they probably suck, just due to lack of experience. SMW ain't hard, but requires hand eye coordination, which most of us take for granted due to hours of video game experience.

Plus, you sound bro as fuck, still playing SMW. Nigga, you should be all up in some Yoshi's Island at least.

>> No.1247993

The hipster stigma is annoying but it will pass. Just the other week I drank a PBR and didn't hear one derogatory comment about it. I'm hoping old games and eating healthy lose the association soon.

>> No.1247998

i'm sick of delusional people that convince themselves that every modern game is call of duty

>> No.1248014

>i'm sick of delusional people that convince themselves that every modern game is call of duty

This does get old, really. There are very few games that use CoD of an influence, very few games that chase CoD money, and FPS games are in the minority of titles released today. I'm pretty sure more JRPGs got localized in 2013 than FPS games got made.

>> No.1248021

ITT: Mad as fuck hipsters

>> No.1248024
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>Hey guys, when do you think this "retro fad" will end, and we can go back to a hipster free hobby?

Retro games aren't a fad. They're a way of keeping history alive.

For the record, any game that claims to be "retro" is likely a nostalgia cash-in and should be disregarded. I don't even remember Fez being marketed as "retro" and I still enjoy the game from time to time. Never beat it, but I still enjoy the exploration aspect.

Hipsters aren't even a counterculture anymore. I think it died around late 2010. Now, it's just some lame fashion trend. American Apparel co-opted it into their line of overpriced bullshit clothing that shrivels into dust after 3 months because it's so poorly made. My old hanes socks last longer than their clothes ever did.

Okay, I'm a bit drunk from caroling, but bear with me. I think most of us are here because we are mature enough to enjoy the games we already own rather than shilling for some corporation like the vast majority of /v/.

>> No.1248028

Funnily enough, the people who do this are probably the same people who lose it when young kids for call all old games crap.

>> No.1248032
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>What dose this fucking word mean now anyway? People just arbitrarily throw it around to umbrella things they don't like. Specifically on this website.

It doesn't mean anything anymore. It used to be a counterculture term from the 50's that was revived in the late 200X's and swiftly killed by American Apparel.

>> No.1248040

FUCK YOU and your Down-syndrome-afflicted mother.

>> No.1248049

I'm 20. I grew up with a N64. I recently picked up a SNES to experience some classics before my time. I bought it out of genuine interest. Did anybody else do this or something similar?

>> No.1248057

Come on man, now I have to go masturbate to Number2 doujins.

I hope you're happy with yourself, asshole.

>> No.1248056


With pre-NES arcade games, yeah. I didn't spend any money on it, though. Thank you, MAME.

>> No.1248065

It will eventually end as a fad. The glorious thing about fads is that it gets people genuinely interested in things. I've been trying to get my friends interested in "obscure" games, and its worked quite well. Cho Ren Sha 68k and Star Control II are popular choices.

I don't like people that gank the style and pretend to like something despite not even trying it, though. Fuck those guys.

>> No.1248072

Honestly, I don't know why anybody into retro gaming would be upset that it has gained a bigger following. A person like that would be the true hipster. I'm looking at you, OP.

>> No.1248076

>She was all "omg I can't believe your playing this right now this is so awesome I was just thinking about this game ect. ect. "

You fucking idiot. She doesn't give a shit about the game, she was just trying to impress you so you would have sex with her.

>> No.1248074

Similar. In highschool I started playing a lot of the SNES games I missed out on, and they're now some of my favorites. I was a bit upset I grew up with N64 and not SNES after that, but certainly loved the N64 nonetheless.
Recently got a Dreamcast and playing through the gems on that console and loving it.

>> No.1248080

Anyone into retro gaming is into playing retro games. You do this because you love video games, not because you want a secret clubhouse.

I don't care who wakes up tomorrow and plays retro video games. I'm going to continue doing what I've always done.

>> No.1248086


Yes, I play SNES with my neighbor and whenever we have people over there is always a girl who grew up with SMW but who sucks at it. You just have to teach her some basic techniques. It doesn't help that the very first level in the game has that damn koopa come down the ramp at you.

>> No.1248108

hell i would love that because then the price goes down so i can get better deals. the only reason why i currently play retro is because im cheap as hell.

>> No.1248109

Musicians still write songs in antiquated styles, sometimes for academic reasons, sometimes for fun, and there's always an audience.

The same goes for every medium. There are always going to be revivalists, and there's always going to be a scene more than happy to revel in it.

>> No.1248117

They all suck at games, most of them have them just to say they own them. "Super Metroid? Yeah I own it. It's uber rare!" Meanwhile, his friends with there thick plastic glasses and houndstooth neck scarfs "oh" and "ah" at him for a game he played 5 minutes tops only to put it back on his shelf to collect dust.

>> No.1248343


>I'm a girl
>My jimmies are rustled

>> No.1248347

So... you DIDN'T bang her then?

>> No.1248393

ITT: Kids who are too young to have played most /vr/-related games back in the day complain that other people are jumping on the same bandwagon as them.

If you were born after 1985 you're part of the problem.

>> No.1248408


Don't be ridiculous, everyone knows that it's post 1984 that's the problem.

>> No.1248409

this is me .... and no did not bang could have but rather not. Doubt you would either. And what really pissed me off is she couldn't just admit that she sucked at the game cuz she never really played it. I mean there is such a thing as putting the controller down.

>> No.1248419


What? You can't play those games anymore then? You have to have played them when they came out or it doesn't count?

I didn't get into retro games until I was 18. I never even owned an NES. Now I speedrun Spelunker.

Born in '88. If /vr/ ran on nostalgia then it wouldn't have lasted. It's a board for people who love specific aspects of retro games and actively look for more of them to play.

>> No.1248416


In this post: Someone who was born in December of 1984.

>> No.1248428

everybody just posting their birth year now. This is just fullblown shitposting now, instead of the almost acceptable earlier.

>> No.1248439

I dunno bro I think this board pretty much runs on nostalgia mixed with the fact that these are games that we can replay. Not saying newcomers shouldn't be welcome but just saying they are probably less appreciated.

>> No.1248445

If you were not born on November 5 1955 you are part of the problem.

>> No.1248458


>> No.1248462

>there are still good modern games but most of the time they are just fucking shit
Whoa, just like retro games!

>> No.1248469

I doubt you were born in the 80's, hell, even the 90's.

>> No.1248476

Retro games (actual retro games, not poor modern imitations) quality of the best retro games is MUCH higher than the "quality" of the "best" modern games. By far.

This is why modern games are mostly shit and retro is god. Because back then, we had games. Now we have mostly fucking garbage (movie "games", games with shit controls, etc) masquerading as games.

Yes, there are good modern games. Yes, there are bad retro games. But taken all together, the quality of retro FAR AND AWAY blows modern games out of the water.

>> No.1248479

the shit was always at the bottom now though, there are lots of great modern games but a lot of them really arent all that memorable

>> No.1248482

You must have not played very many games, retro and modern.

>> No.1248485

whats your idea of a good modern game just wondering?

>> No.1248487

Depends, what time period is considered modern here?

>> No.1248495

>the quality of retro FAR AND AWAY blows modern games out of the water

Because it focuses on good stuff that was remembered, you fucking grognard.

There was like what, 700 games in the NES library? You remember the gems, Super Mario 3 and all that stuff, but do you remember all the absolutely plain and boring games? Would anyone remember titles such as fucking "Wally Bear and the No! gang" ? Oh, and all the incredibly shit movie license games, those are actually remembered, but few for their quality as actual videogames.

Today, we have EA, back then, there was shit like LJN.

>> No.1248507

Dude, there are actually quite a bit of quality modern games. The thing is, they are is an abundance of garbage and bland games. It's like retro games, there are plenty of quality games, but an abundance of crap too.
I'm thinking modern games just aren't your thing, so you play retro games instead. There is nothing wrong with that. Saying "retro is god" it really delusional though.

>> No.1248519

I think your perception is somewhat warped by the timespan that modern games have been out compared to retro ones. No one remembers most of the shovelware for old stuff until they're looking through the catalog, while with modern games you have disappointments shoved in your face through advertising and hype.

I dig through the complete list of Nintendo licensed games for the NES every night (I usually stay up for an hour in bed and play something new), and I can tell you for sure, there's only a dozen or so franchises/games I would play over and over again. Some are "play once and done" while many are "I'm not gonna play this past a few minutes."

You should do yourself a favor, for each system, retro or modern, look through the list of games and make note of the ones you'd play and replay and ones you'd play once only, leaving out all the rest.

>> No.1248528

Here's a hint: Everyone thinks that they are the only one who truly appreciates their hobby. Just because someone doesn't have a vast knowledge of something doesn't mean they don't enjoy it; maybe you should stop assuming the worst about people and you'd stop feeling things were so bad.

Anyway, anyone who uses the word hipster is obviously projecting hard about their own insecurities of seeming "genuine". Obviously there are people who do certain things to appear cool, or to make themselves liked by others, but everyone does this to an extent and there's nothing wrong with that. And even if someone is trying to look cool, that doesn't mean they don't genuinely enjoy them too.

The point is that you can speculate forever about the reasons for someone doing something and always come out with hipster, so why not just accept that other people like the same things as you; if you stop assuming that other people are always gonna be less real than you, you might find more friends with your interests.

Also, if hipsters are only trying to appear cool and unique, they've already moved on to post-ironcally playing JRPGs and Call of Duty

>> No.1248529

I think shovelware is far more rampant now especially with the indie scene so many wanna be retro games which you could just go play the originals instead. I think it all started getting really bad once facebook gaming and cellphone games became really big

>> No.1248532

>I think shovelware is far more rampant now
Are you joking?
Games nowadays have way more consistent quality than retro games. Not to say that they are better (or worse), but even bad and boring modern games tend to at least be solidly put together, which you can't say about a lot of the atrocious retro games.

>> No.1248534

bullshit hipsters don't wanna play sega genesis, so they can't be my friends.

>> No.1248536

yeah after you dump 4 hours into it and then feel unsatisfied whereas a shitty retro game in pop it in play 2 seconds and you know its shit.

>> No.1248538

What's your point?

>> No.1248545

i dunno i am really pissed off about diablo 3 though

>> No.1248548

But still Diablo 3 is infinitely better than the kind of trash that was getting pumped out years ago. There's a much higher standard overall now, but less stuff you enjoy.

>> No.1248556

what do you think is a game that is going to be considered a classic in the future? one released within the last 3 years,

>> No.1248573

Demon's Souls.
Hard to tell though, cause we need to see what has the most influence on games of the future.

Either way, I'm not arguing that my favourite retro games are better or worse than my favourite modern games. Just that the overall standard is higher.

>> No.1248575

oh yeah no I was actually wondering to see what Im missing out on. i like those games though I really liked warhammer 40k space marine it was a non shitty gears of war I wish it was more popular because the online is actually really fun, shame thq had to go under. the warhammer games were good

>> No.1248580

Where there is preference, there are people that define themselves by that preference and consider it a point of virtue.

Anybody that hates on modern gaming as a whole is a fucking idiot, just as anybody that hates on old games as a whole is a fucking idiot. There are no ifs, ands, or butts on this point.

>> No.1248582

I don't pretend that I'm the most retro of retro gamers out there, but you can't deny there aren't a good number of people who pick up hobbies as fashion statements. New people come into something with more desire to look trendy than actually appreciate everything about it sometimes.

Not to suggest everyone's like this, but I had a girlfriend once who kept calling herself a huge gamer because she liked Kingdom Hearts. On top of that being the only kind of game she played, she hadn't even finished a single one. That's the very definition of someone who shouldn't be saying they're into games as a hobby.

I don't think you need to play a hundred different classics to be considered a retro aficionado, but you do need to legitimately enjoy a few games enough to play from start to finish and have a passion for them. When I asked what parts you liked the most about your favorite game, you shouldn't draw a blank and be unable to think of something because you only spent 10 minutes actually playing it.

>> No.1248584
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The 2020's. Nostalgia works in a 20 year cycle.

>70s is nostalgia about the 50s
>80s is exempt and 50s nostalgia still lingers (thanks, Reagan)
>90s is nostalgic about the 70s (and some of the 60s too!)
>2000s is nostalgic for the 80s
>2010s gives birth to the "I WAS BORN IN 1997 AND I LOVE THE 90s" generation that loves the 90s; some remnants of 80s nostalgia

In the 20s, we'll see nostalgia move on to the 2000s. By '25, we'll see it mostly gone.

>> No.1248585

The thing is that some genres have gotten far worse.So if your favorite genre has been affected then yeah of course you're going to think modern gaming sucks.There is a lot of dumbing down of pretty much every genre as well and there are far less stand-out games so yeah modern gaming does mostly suck.

>> No.1248592

We're already into post-ironic appropriation of the early 2000s though with post-chav and post-post-internet aesthetics.

>> No.1248594

>New people come into something with more desire to look trendy than actually appreciate everything about it sometimes.
I think this is much more occasional than you think.

>That's the very definition of someone who shouldn't be saying they're into games as a hobby.
Even if she only played one kind of game and never finished any, you still can't know how much happiness that gave her. She enjoys games.

I think you need to question why you care about what other people call themselves. It seems really insecure and judgmental. There's always going to be somebody who's more deeply involved in a hobby than you, so why not just enjoy what you enjoy and let others do the same?

I used to be the same as you, but then I realised it was so silly to care what other video games, or how many they've played, and judge them on that.

>> No.1248609

But if he doesn't push these people away, they might try to take his hobby from him! Enjoyment is a finite thing, and these pretenders want to take a cut of that sweet, sweet pie for themselves without having earned their chops by beating every NES title (yes, even the ones that were bugged into being unbeatable) with their asscheeks.

>> No.1248626


>> No.1248667

Good lord am I sick of dipshits who preach that older generations were pure perfection just because of a few games they liked in their childhood, and that Modern Gaming as a whole is a steaming pile of dogshit just because of a couple of currently popular game series they don't like. Do us real gamers a favour, and slit your throat.

>> No.1248679
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>real gamers

>> No.1248687

You're right. theres no such thing as a real gamer.

>> No.1248691

>Identifying as a gamer

>> No.1248696

I always find posts like these funny. You play games. It's what you do.

You may not like the term "gamer" but any other word you use to describe your hobby is going to have the same damn meaning. You're essentially saying, "Let's not call it feces. Let's call it shit!"

Same thing, different name.

Also, don't bother responding with that "hurr identifying yourself by your hobbies" BS. Saying that you play video games says absolutely nothing about you or your personality besides the fact that you play video games.

>> No.1248701


Also, don't bother responding trying to act like other people who have hobbies don't have words to describe themselves. Every single hobby does.

>> No.1248703

>Also, don't bother responding with that "hurr identifying yourself by your hobbies" BS. Saying that you play video games says absolutely nothing about you or your personality besides the fact that you play video games.
I would say I play video games but I wouldn't say I was a "gamer". I know other hobbies have words but I wouldn't use those either; by using those words your limiting the way other people perceive you even if you don't realise it.

>> No.1248706

>by using those words your limiting the way other people perceive you even if you don't realise it.

That's stupid. You might as well not ever say anything about yourself because stupid people frequently have stupid preconceptions about life.

>> No.1248709

There's a difference between saying things about yourself and labeling yourself a "gamer" or "bookworm". These blanket labels have connotations that you can't change, why limit yourself like that?

>> No.1248712

>why limit yourself like that?

You aren't limiting anything.

>> No.1248715

You're deciding to narrow down the way you can be perceived.

>> No.1248719

>You're deciding to narrow down the way you can be perceived.

Anon, that has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with how a person chooses to think.

>> No.1248721

>Caring how people think about you.

It's great when people know I play video games and assume I'm some dudebro retard.

I love seeing the look on their face when they realize I'm an electrical engineer.

>> No.1248723

Yeah I feel you I'm not trying to make anyone do anything, just explaining why I would never use those words to describe myself :)

>> No.1248738

>Would anyone remember titles such as fucking "Wally Bear and the No! gang"?

Fuck you! Wally is the reason I'm not loitering out the front of a 7/11 with my face buried in a pile of coke, surrounded by a 'who's who?' of welfare leaching, drop kick, gang banger.

>> No.1248743

The new X-Com looks pretty damn great, and I'm kind of looking forward to Satellite Reign. Fallout New Vegas was rather great, though a buggy hell.

>> No.1248750

Is it the same kind of complete lack in any emotion that could be associated with caring that mine just made when I read that?

>> No.1248752
File: 87 KB, 600x437, 1386246771837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is the best way to enjoy this retro gaming hobby. It also makes you really appreciate the greats when you realize how fucking off the track many developers were with their design approaches. Prepare complete ROMsets, pick at least one new game every time you play.

Yesterday's results (all on PC Engine):
>Darkwing Duck
Total garbagecore with amazingly bad music, I'd rather be playing Dragon's Lair NES than this one
>Dragon Egg
Platformer where you control an anime mother of dragons girl who hits enemies with the egg in her backpack. As you collect energy the dragon evolves kind of like Bonk. Overall seemed like an alright game.
People's Award winner of the night! It's a Sokoban series game, which means box pushing puzzles, and the implementation is about as good as it gets for this kind of thing. Graphics are crisp and clean, controls and menus are responsive, and there's a rewind button for when you fug up. Also, when you start the game you can skip past the retarded "easy world" by only completing two of the stages there, which lets you get on with real challenges in Egypt few minutes after starting. 5/5

>> No.1248758

Darkwing wasn't that bad. Just mega man clone really.

>> No.1248765

I always find posts like these funny. You shit. It's what you do.
You may not like the term "shitter" but any other word you use to describe yourself is going to have the same damn meaning. You're essentially saying, "Let's not call it shit. Let's call it feces!"
Same thing, different name.

>> No.1248769

PC Engine, man. Important difference there. It's not the same game as the NES one at all!

>> No.1248814

Protip - YOU are the hipster.
Protip - By calling you a hipster I am now a hipster
Protip - Everyone is now a hipster for thinking about who is a hipster
Proist tip - Shit doesn't make any sense. Enjoy what you enjoy. Make fun of the idiots that think they know what they're talking about but don't be too consumed by it all.

>> No.1248823

Tristan Garland you should really not use facebook URL's for images.

>> No.1248836

Is it possible in anyone's mind that I simply enjoy playing older games moreso than newer ones? I don't hate new games, and there's plenty of bad old games too, but I just happen to enjoy older games more.

What's wrong with that, exactly?

>> No.1248848

I really hate that people think just having the box for a console or game makes it far more valuable.

No. This is bullshit perpetuated by shit like Big Bag Theory about the archtypical nerd who needs to keep everything preserved and keep all the boxes for everything.

I'm not going to pay an extra £20 for your SNES because you found the crushed, dog-eared box.

>> No.1248850

Oh man, I'd love to have been there to see the look on their faces when they find out that you're actually an electrical engineer. Priceless.

>> No.1248878


Metal gear solid 4. Aside from the endless cutscenes the faceplate is fun and holds up even after several replays. Some of the uncharted games,might be considered classics. Also heavy rain.

>> No.1248882

That's a pretty kickass name also.

>> No.1248889
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>> No.1248890

I too despise casuals who dare say they play retro. For one to truly become the retro gamer one must first embrace the retro gamer lifestyle.
Doth children sully the mighty mantle of retro gaming in order to impress their juvenile peers? Aye, but by such purpose can they not truly embrace our ways, the true old ways. The only ways. They shall never know the power that is beyond their grasp. The rite of hens blood and devils teeth can not be kin but to those who follow the wizards path.

>> No.1248891


I feel the same way about punk music and being a chemist. Like crust punk and stuff like that. The look on sometimes face when you go from singing about smoking crack and killing cops to discussing intermolecular reactions in common household emulsions is lovely.

>> No.1248923

How do you actually do that?

>> No.1249002

Ahh, I've met people who are like
>1997 birthdate
>talks about 90's

I was born in '93 and I don't remember much.

all I remember is my sweet SNES, and some cartoons.

>> No.1249020

>2010s gives birth to the "I WAS BORN IN 1997 AND I LOVE THE 90s"
I see this all the damn time in Youtube comments already, actually.

But yeah, things never change too drastically. We're still human.

>> No.1249024

>tfw people born in 1997 are 16 already, almost 17
Getting old feels weird as hell. I didn't ask for this. In my mind I'm still basically 16. It's like it was here just yesterday.

It always trips me up how people who used to be 5-10 or so aren't anymore. How they're literally adults now. Don't think I'll ever get used to that.

>> No.1249030

Yeah. It's fucked, especially when you realise that younger family members are getting older. My cousins daughter (My cousin, once removed) is now 7, and I held her when she was a baby when they visited from Japan. It's fucked.

>> No.1249041
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Why do you even bother to tell people you play video games? I rarely tell people about myself, most of the time I don't tell them my real name.

>> No.1249282

Have you ever had friends before?

>> No.1249285
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>> No.1249290

I was born in 1977 and I talk about the 70s like I was there, especially around young punks although I do remind them that I really wasn't when they start actuality believing it.

Trying to seem older than you are is always cool with young people but honestly it's cool even when you're in your thirties. When I hang out at a scene that's mostly readypeople in their twenties and someone asks me how old I am like singer kind of smart ass I always say I'm like 47 because it throws off their whole plan of what cute thing they had to say they always just look surprised and say I look really good for being 47 and then later they realize I can't possibly be that old and the joke is actually on them.

>> No.1249306

>When I hang out at a scene that's mostly readypeople in their twenties and someone asks me how old I am like singer kind of smart ass I always say I'm like 47 because it throws off their whole plan of what cute thing they had to say they always just look surprised and say I look really good for being 47 and then later they realize I can't possibly be that old and the joke is actually on them.

i aint no school teecha but this needs some punktuation

>> No.1249361

I haven't met anyone like that outside of the internet thank god. I was born in '79 and the earliest I can remember is being 3 although it's pretty spotty and I remember being 4 far better. I have a pretty good memory of new years eve 1983. So I remember most of the 80s. But I have had a few younger people act like I should remember the 70s since I was born in them. I was only in the 70s for a couple of months. What the hell kids?

All these kids saying "I love 90s cartoons!" I like 80s cartoons better. I grew up on gen 1 MLP and god forbid you even mention it. Yeah it was sugary and girly. But you mainly watched it to pick out what toy you wanted next. My favorite pony isn't even on the new show anyway. As much as I love Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures I'd rather watch Robotech, G.I. Joe and Transformers.

Some of the games I really like for NES are hated on a lot like Fester's Quest and Deadly Towers. Even Adventure of Link gets hate. I fully acknowledge their flaws. But I genuinely like them and always have. I hate to see them shot at by kids who never played them and only think they suck because of Youtube, GameFAQs and AVGN

>> No.1249363

That's not a very thoughtful argument.

>> No.1249371

>Stop liking what I like.
Now you're just being retarded.

>> No.1249374

Though I don't mind modern games, modern consoles are garbage.

>> No.1249398

I honestly think this might be the last generation for video game consoles. Both the new ones are 100% PC hardware inside. I expect "emulators" for then to come out pretty fast, and there's no reason other than licensing that games wouldn't come out on both platforms and pc simultaneously.

>> No.1249413

They have been computers since the xbox. The reason they still make consoles is that its easy to control the games for them. It is much harder to pirate for a console than a PC. Any idiot can pirate for a PC.

>> No.1249428

I really doubt that'll be the case. I just think consoles will just keep being PCs from now on.

Even a friend of mine who kind of understands computers moderately well prefers to buy things on consoles because they just work all of the time. There's never a clash in hardware or drivers or any of that, no strange updates or bugfixes... They don't focus on the PC versions quite as much as the console versions because PC versions of games very consistently sell much worse. And it's a bit of a pain in the ass trying to fix problems for so many things when you could just fix problems for one thing that's always the same for everyone.

There's no way a 13 year old is putting a PC together in the same price range. If they even have an interest in that sort of thing, they're still in that phase of their lives where they're watching Youtube tutorials with notepad "commentary" on how to bypass the school filter as an audioswapped 009 Sound System song plays in the background because the Drowning Pool song that was originally going to play was taken down by Youtube. Most adults (or hell, even most people on 4chan) wouldn't be able to figure it out. Those kids are fucked if they're going to try such a thing.

And I know someone's going to be all like
>but I can do it easily with 20 seconds of Googling
Yeah, but you're not everyone. Consoles are for everyone.

Piracy on a console is pretty easy IF the infrastructure has been set up beforehand. It truly is as simple as downloading a file and copying it over to a device. But yeah, if people haven't broken down the walls, it's going to be hell for pretty much anyone to.

>> No.1249557

The Xbox uses proprietary chip sets. Ps2 and GameCube are far, far from being PCs. The ps4 and xbone have an off the shelf nvidia mobile processor. It's not going to be very long till the os is cracked hopefully.

Also are you saying PCs don't cone preassembled? I predict that "Xbox compliant" will become a standard and if not then at the very least the Steam box will set a hardware standard that devs can target.

>> No.1249567


Weeell, what a nice way to prove OP wrong.

>> No.1250279


I think you're wrong about the last part.

Assuming your model is true, then the nostalgia cylces will get shorter and shorter (2020 pining for 2010, 2025 for 2020, 2030 for 2028, and so forth), until we're stuck in some savage cultural vortex where the moment a new style is introduced, it's considered "out."

>> No.1250285

>no strange updates or bugfixes...

So neither of you have played console games since the PS2 era? Console games these days do freeze and ship with bugs that require updates.

>> No.1250292
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>Savage Cultural Vortex
That would be a great name for a band.

>> No.1250295

I think the flaw in his logic is that he's incapable of imaginung a future in which people are nostalgic about the present.

It'll be like How I Met Your Mother.

>> No.1250305


According to Google trends, "retro games" peaked in '04.

How about them apples?


>> No.1250313


Then reduce the goddamn SNES prices already!

>> No.1250318

>really need to start buying up PS2/Xbox games while they're cheap

YES. I missed out on all of the cheap DC stuff, and now it's gone. I didn't make the same mistake with PS2. You sort of missed your chance already, because GameStop was practically giving PS2 stuff away last gen.

Shame GC was never really cheap to begin with.

>> No.1250327

I bought up loads of psp games for 10-20 bucks. Most aren't even opened yet. I just bought everything that I might want to someday have.

>> No.1250350

In 2004 wasn't the big thing Atari 2600, et. all? NES and SNES games were dirt cheap then. Now Atari games are dirt cheap and NES/SNES/etc. games are the ones people are after.

>> No.1250358

>NES and SNES games were dirt cheap then.

No, not really. I paid $20 for Super Metroid and $45 for a beat to shit copy of Chrono Trigger around then, and those were the best prices I could find.


Actually, there was a spike in the SNES popularity in the US recently, I assume due to mid-90's babbies trying to act cool.


>> No.1250360

Uh... No.

>> No.1250365

The ironically hating nerds meme on tumblr needs to be pushed to the point where its being spread post-ironically (sorry) and then pushed further into mainstream meme status, hopefully making it uncool to have a retro games hobby and driving away all the hipsters and semi-normalfags.
Its crazy but it just might work.

>> No.1250384

They were dirt cheap where I lived, then. At the local Game Crazy they had a showcase filled with literally hundreds of NES/SNES games. Super Metroid was maybe $10. Super Mario RPG about $8. Random other games $3 each easily. Lots of NES games under $2, and I mean a lot. Megaman games were like $5. I assumed it was cheap everywhere then.

>> No.1250387



Ebay back then was another story I guess.

>> No.1250392


Yeah, I remember paying $17 for Super Metroid. That shit's $60 at my local "retro" video game store.

I laughed in that fucker's face for five straight minutes. He went from smug to exasperated to uncomfortable. I was still lauging when I walked out the door.

>> No.1250432
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i like sega genesis games

>> No.1250458
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that beavis and butthead game was my shit. No road rash 2? what are you doin nigger? Golden axe 2 on that 6 pak? Streets of rage? Maximum carnage?

>> No.1250461


Good thing the "bubble" hasn't taken much of a toll on the ole' Genesis.

>> No.1250473

I think emulators are one of the main reasons for the retro fad.

People can access pirated games of the early pixel era much easier than playing current bought games, and that's just sad.

>> No.1250483

Fun fact: the 3DO had planned the ability to play it's games on a computer.

>> No.1250717

That's because no one cares about Sega. It's all about Nintendo.

>> No.1250731
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I thought about this a few days ago. It's been a month since I found a Genesis again and have been snagging up games.

Ebay prices are pretty fair. 5 ~ 10 dollars for most games. Unless it's a crazy Japanese slump.

>> No.1250739

Unfortunately there is no real precedence for us to go off with retro booms.
We know they happen, and we can make some very basic predictions about it, but we cant get any deeper than that.

This boom is rather unlike the atari's, as this boom is not so much based upon nostalgia, as it is pop-culture reference. In other words, retro games are getting attention because of popular youtubers, and the lets play culture. Whereas the atari boom was based mainly on nostalgia.
We can determine this by the age groups associated with them, and the approximate starting date of the boom. The average age of a SNESfag (named so because of the popularity of the snes during this boom) is in their early to mid 20's, people who are a bit too old to have grown up with the console. They're really more of the N64 generation, thats not to say they all grew up with an N64 however. /vr/ is unique in that a majority of us did not grow up with the consoles of our generation, something I have through experience discovered is not at all normal. For example I was born in 93 and only had an NES and GBC until I was in my teens. None of my other friends had an NES however, and usually would not even know what it was when I showed it to them. The top end of the snesfag age group still would have only been a toddler when the console was released, so unless their parents bought it with the expectation of playing it themselves (very unusual for their generation) or with the intention of giving it to their kids once they were older, they should have had only minimal contact with the system.

>> No.1250740

We can also look at the starting date of the boom. And notice that the SNES, NES, N64, and Genesis all have one thing in common. sometime in early 2010/early 2011 the average price for the systems began to rise. Also in this time period we can note a rise in the youtube retro culture. Things like two best friends, pewdipie, and minecraft all picked up in that time frame. Many of those types of things/people may have existed prior to 2010/11, but they were not as popular.

I dont have anything to back this up, I think this is also about the time when hipster culture kinda crossed over into being just general american pop-culture.
And just to clarify, since there are apparently some very irate hipsters who dont understand the term, hipster is not just some buzzword.
A modern north american "Hipster", is someone who attempts to get in on certain fads "before they were cool", but in reality they probably joined the bandwagon at the same time as everyone else. they're the kind of people who wear meme shirts in public and flip shit over mustaches and bacon. They may claim to be very independent in their thinking, but really they're into the same thing as the majority of everyone else. Basically they're this generations hippies. If you'd like to learn more, you can visit /mu/ or /fa/, I'm sure they'd love tell you about potatoes and how they love jesus christ.

Atarifags on the other hand, were typically in their early to mid 30's during their respective boom. Youtube did not quite exist at the time either, so you cant blame AVGN or gamegrumps in this instance. They, unlike the snesfags were in the age group of people who would have actually grown up with the console. And therefore fit into the stereotype most of /vr/ has attempted to shove the snesfags into. The stereotype that they're spending their new income on reliving childhood memories.

>> No.1250742

Here is what we DO know:
1. There will be more retro booms in the future, so stock up on 6th/7th gen whenever you see it cheap
2.prices are very closely tied to availability at stores like Gamestop.
3.retro consoles not experiencing large demand right now, will drop drastically after the current boom, but will instead have a price hike a few years from now. (PSX, N64, Saturn, Genesis, etc)
4.the availability of games for consoles that ARE experiencing a boom right now, may drop after its over (not guaranteed though, I'm basing this off my experience of finding 2600 games in the wild)

And now here are some of the predictions I'm going to make:
1.this boom will end once the major youtubers run out of content or fall out of favor
2.After this boom ends, there will be a small market flood with [a limited amount of] people dumping games that they dont truly care about.
3.There will not be a price drop immediately after this market flood, instead the drop will either be gradual (as YT interest slowly dies), or sudden, but a few months after the fad dies (when people realize they cant sell SMW on ebay for $50)
4. The price drop will not last very long. 6 months is the maximum that I can put it at. Afterwards their inherent prices will catch up to them. And while games will be cheaper overall, certainly cheaper than they are now, they wont be as cheap as during the initial drop.

although I also have to state that this is assuming the success of the current console generation. If the PS4/Xbone flop, then we may never see an end to the "retro bubble". Instead only hipsters and jewbay lies in wait for us.

>> No.1250748

Why did the let's play bullshit catch on? It wasn't funny or interesting then and it isn't now.

>> No.1250751

I find most people who make statements like this don't know what good LPs are.

>> No.1250758

Let me put it to you this way, I don't like hearing commentary while someone plays through a game if they didn't create the game. Every single one I've seen either comes out dry and boring or terrible because the person is trying too hard to be funny. I'm not interested in these so I don't care if I've seen a "good" one or not.

>> No.1250763


Well aside from that LPs aren't always videos either

>> No.1250810

I'm the massive wall of text guy.

They kinda evolved out of walkthroughs. Originally they were supposed to be guides you watched while playing the game, and because watching someone else play a game can get boring after awhile, people added in commentary.
Then popular youtubers got in on it, and people started watching them more for the interactions with the commentator, than for the gameplay.
The yogscast are a great example of the first one. People saw them playing games together and having fun, and so people started thinking that if they play the game, they'd have an experience just as good, if not better than the one they did.
Unfortunately even I'm guilty of this, fucking magicka.

>> No.1250809

yes thats a good goy, keep buying nintendo. stay away from sega.

>> No.1250851

do you think if the new consoles flop sega shit will increase in price as snesfags want more shit to play, do do you think they hate sega that much haha.

>> No.1250889

I just want to see the bubble burst.

>> No.1250897

I think that if the current gen flops, we'll see a price hike across the board. Though Nintendo consoles will ALWAYS, no matter the economy or market, be worth considerably more than their competitors, with the GC+ being an exception until the general populous considers them retro.

So yes, they'll go up in that event, but not as bad as SNES/NES.
But as I said, I think the price will go up in a few years regardless, when the people who were teens during that gen hit the right age. although the 2008 crash might have killed off the Snes/Genesis boom prematurely. Dunno.

If you're holding off on collecting until it hits bottom, then I wouldn't wait more than two-three years max to pick up genesis games.
after that either they'll go up due to age, or the real boom will happen then.

>> No.1250907

If you're treating retro games as a market, you're part of the problem.

>> No.1250919

nah i have like pretty much every genesis game worth playing. i just dont have the super expensive games like undead line. Im going to get a pirate cart of that though I got one for musha already lol its good if shit gets to be like 100+ i have no problem buying a fake

>> No.1250925

If the bubble does burst, I'm scared.

I could sell some of my more valuable games (MUSHA, Metal Storm, Zombie Nation) for a pretty penny, and when the bubble crashes, I can buy them back for much less. But I'm scared that I might not get them back, and their prices will keep increasing. If I don't sell them, all the money I tied into them will be meaningless and cannot recoup that ever again.

>> No.1250928

that's the risk of investing in things anon, welcome to the world of finances.
>if you'd rather buy games cheaply, you're part of the problem

>> No.1251263 [SPOILER] 
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>that's the risk of investing in things anon, welcome to the world of finances.

This. If you really care about investing in games for profit, you gotta risk.
I personally keep the vidya on a personal hobby level, I don't want to make money off it, it ruins the whole fun of collecting old games, I think. But again, you can't help it if suddenly people intheir mid 20s are having a nostalgia boner over vidya. I'd say it's a fad, like everything else. Vidya aren't made of jewelry. If anything, there will always be people having nostalgia over their childhood games, 20 years from now, SNES and Genesis games could be either cheaper, or expensive as fuck. How so? Simple, if we let those people like "VGA" who have an "official seal" on old games and sell it for hundreds of dollars... welll, if we support these kind of guys, we're gonna have a toruble, even in the future, and worse as time goes on.
But, on the other hand, if we're talking about simple mom & pop used game store, then that;'s completely fine. Old vidya gaem helps in these kind of stores, or garage sales. Damn, I'm not american and I'm so jealous of the garage sales.
If we got resellers huntind down all fucking copies of beloved games, and "declare" that they must cost a fortune because "it's so legendary, this game is so rare" when it's common games like Earthbound, then we've got a problem.

I say, it's normal if right now there's a huge demand and offer on the 8/16 and 32/64 bits, but wait a little bit longer, and most importantly, don't support resellers.

>> No.1252813

>finding 2600 games in the wild

Were 2600 games aver that scarce?

I can't really believe it.

>> No.1252960

easy to make. you can pump out more content in a shorter period of time. usually no script, so less work. instead of how many views a video has, YouTube notices how long someone watches a video. They did this as a way to stop replygirls and people with misleading thumbnails. People usually put them on as background noise or genuinely watch the whole thing. People hear about this and think they can make tons of YouTube money by talking over video games.

>> No.1252965

Hire a trend spotting analyst.

>> No.1253039

Retro gaming is a fad?

>> No.1253049

Nah. Everything Atari was overproduced into oblivion; I think all the valuable/rare Atari titles can be counted on one hand.

>> No.1253060

Only 2 I can think of is Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween.