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File: 62 KB, 594x600, sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1247471 No.1247471 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, what the fuck is up with the credits music for this game? Entire game has amazing music, and then this soul music comes on during the credits. Is it just a big troll?

>> No.1247507

No, there was a kind of outcry when the game came out. They completely replaced it in the current gen re-release. I liked it though.

>> No.1247523

It's because of a bet the composer lost with a friend of hers.

>> No.1247537

Super Castlevania IV has the greatest credit music in all of video game history.

>> No.1247545

The ending music was outsourced to someone else because the original composer got sick.

>> No.1247547

PSP version doesn't have the pop ending song.

>> No.1247669

Don't know why all the neckbeard atheist death metal only teenagers dislike I am the Wind, but it's an excellent and beautiful song and made for a great ending.

Worst part is, on the Xbox and other console versions they replace it with a super generic Castlevania-ish theme.

>> No.1247684


>> No.1247698

I like it. It surprises you and really drives home the point that the gothfest is over.

>> No.1247757


It's not about beng a black metal atheist, but the reason you guys like it is probably nostalgia.
I can't believe the amount of people who actually prefer the original awful translation of SOTN, but they do, simply because of "lol so funny what is a human" nostalgia/meme.

Anyway, I am the Wind is not really a bad song, just out of place and feels awkward, which is what OP was trying to say, it doesn't fit wth the rest of the soundtrack at all.

Take Okami for example, the end credits song, "Reset", is a very jpop-ish song, but it maintains the traditional japanese sound in it, so it fits. I am the Wind is completely random.

>> No.1247784

Not nostalgia as I didn't play the game till my mid 20's. The voice acting is also excellent.

>> No.1247824

Fun fact: The woman who sings this also sings "Snake Eater"

>> No.1247825


I play it in Japanese, always do if the option is available, I enjoyed SOTN better on PSP since it allows japanese audio swap.

>> No.1247838


>> No.1247876

I'm surprised she doesn't do appearances at cons or anything like that. Wonder if she gets royalties for her songs.

>> No.1247936

It blows my mind that this many people like the ending song. It sounds incredibly generic, like you'd hear it in some shitty soap opera scene.

Trying to not say my opinion is correct but damn...

>> No.1247942


If you want to play in Japanese, get the Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight with the English patch for a far more accurate translation of what's being said in Japanese. The English PSX version script was badly translated, the PSP version was just a rewritten version of the original script to sound less terrible.

>> No.1247958
File: 21 KB, 480x360, sotnmaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, well, it's not like there really is that many stuff going on in the game. Drac is back and you must stop your daddy this time. It's fucking Castlevania.
I do want to play the Saturn version for the extra areas and playing as Maria (I loved playing as Maria on the PSP, but she plays different than on the saturn ver)

>> No.1248264
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>> No.1248292

>Yeah, well, it's not like there really is that many stuff going on in the game. Drac is back and you must stop your daddy this time. It's fucking Castlevania.

Oh fuck off.

Just admit you don't care about the dialogue.

>> No.1248294

I can't imagine any sane person would.

>> No.1248314
File: 242 KB, 600x570, 1385607365589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just admit you don't care about the dialogue.

I certainly don't, you're right.

>playing castlevania for the story

>> No.1248589

So is this like a general castlevania SotN thread? Again?
Because I just want to share with you guys how much I freaking loved the doppleganger10 and doppleganger40 fights. I don't think any comes close t othat, retro or otherwise and if you guys know of any other boss fights that come close, I'm all ears.

>> No.1249223
File: 377 KB, 600x714, 1386270394758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, without knowing why you liked those fights so much, any suggestion we could give would be personal preference.

I like the doppleganger fights myself, trouble is, as with the rest of SotN, they're too damn easy. My personal favorites are Granfalloon and Fake Trevor/Grant/Sypha. The first because up to that point it was the most horrific enemy I'd seen in vidya, and the second because of the concept and throwback.

For the series though, I think Rondo had really well thought out boss fights. The serpent in the alternate path of stage 1 stands out to me for some reason.

>> No.1249229

For what it's worth (and it's probably not worth a lot since I only made it to the reverse castle and then lost my save fairly quickly after that and with it my will to play again), I liked the song. It's not great, but it's alright, and it's something different.

The "Black Disk" remix of Dracula's Castle is the best song out of all of them, though.

>> No.1249260
File: 15 KB, 256x223, stage5-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stopping by to say "ma nigga".

>> No.1249452


>> No.1250563

I liked pretty much all of the human fights actually. Because they followed a formula that I see very, very rarely in videogames. That a boss is as, or in a lot of cases far more nimble than you, not in the sense of flea men where they hop around like fucking pain in the asses dealing one damage and knocking you back until you finally manage to hit them. But that they were versatile and would move around a lot, actively dodging your attacks and forcing you to dodge their attacks. All of the bosses were in some way or another really easy in SotN, but the dopplegangers I think they were alright, on the better half of the spectrum.

>> No.1250565

I enjoyed SotN's story and Alucard's voice made me hard.
There's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.1252167

You put into words exactly why I enjoy the doppleganger fights.

As for anything comparable to it in the CV series, Whenever the player is put up against another playable character are usually memorable and require some quick reflexes. The two that come to mind are Soma vs. Julius in Aria, and Hector vs. Trevor in Curse of Darkness.

I never had a chance to play CV HD. If it offered pvp, I imagine it'd be quite a lot like the doppleganger fights.

>> No.1252332

Best track reporting in

>> No.1252376

>4 second loop
Atmospheric, yes. But no.

>> No.1252467

Te Axel fight in Rocket Knight Adventures. He uses a jet pack and energy sword just like you.

>> No.1252476

>not appreciating minimalism

>> No.1252563

I'm all for "less is more". This is a medium which allows developers to meet players halfway on the general feel of themes. I'll agree that the confessional is a powerful scene in SotN, but the musical accompaniment, not the best it has to offer.

>> No.1253186
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Lot of Japanese anime and games did that at the time and honestly I fucking love it.