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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 1024x768, Majoras-Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1247112 No.1247112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.1247120

One of the best arguments of video games as art to date.

>> No.1247121

Mediocre game with dark edgy undertones. If you like dark edgy undertones and find it supremely novel they're in a Zelda game this will probably be GOTYAY for you.

>> No.1247131

Just because the game deals with emotions surrounding death doesn't make it edgy.

>> No.1247139

What are you from /v/ or something?

Majora's Mask is one of the best games I ever played and no other game that I've played is more hauntingly beautiful.

>> No.1247142

A whole bunch of arguing about whether or not this game is as good as the other anon thinks it is.

it's not

>> No.1247141

I hate these topics. "I am thinking about playing/I have just bought bla bla what to expect/what am I in for"

Just play the fucking game and find out for yourself.

>> No.1247148

This. I don't even know what kind of answer OP is expecting.

>> No.1247165


Just wanna hear some discussion about the game before I decide whether I want to start playing it. I don't have tons of free time.

>> No.1247180

just fucking play it and stop if you don't think it's worth your time. you've got serious problems if you need 4chan's help to make a decision, god damn

>> No.1247185

Why are you so angry? People discuss games all the time on this board. If you don't want to discuss this one, then fuck off to another thread.

>> No.1247193

Dude, play the game and then talk to us about it. As of now you have nothing to discuss. It's a good game, I recommend it. Go play it.

>> No.1247196

the most annoying questline just so you can have access to a save point.
>get a fairy at night
>get the great fairy whore to give you magic
>shoot the kids with bubblebeam to remove your foreveralone debuff
>touch the kids and get into their club
>moon tear
>trade it
>day 3
>get ocarina before world blows up
>song of time

after that, its a fun adventure and entertaining to see all those you're familiar with from OoT in an alternate or parallel universe.

>> No.1247201

>What am I in for?

Playing the ocarina to get back to the first day over, and over, and over again.

>> No.1247203

He's probably mad because these threads occur all the time, and they're rather pointless. You're essentially asking "is this game worth my time", and the only person who can answer that is you. Play the game, and see how you feel about it. You shouldn't need other people to tell you what a game is like before you play it. Even if you did, this isn't exactly an obscure game. You could have found a billion opinions on it with a simple Google search.

Go play it, and come back and tell us what you thought. Then we can have a discussion.

>> No.1247205

>mfw this was all I did in the game and after this I never knew what to do
I'm ashamed.

>> No.1247213

One tip:

Don't be freaked out by the time system. You will find that you have time to do anything you want. It turns a lot of people off at first and sometimes they never go back to the game, but it's actually a really smart system.

>> No.1247220


The first time I played the game I was completely confused and stopped playing it, but as an adult I enjoyed it.

>> No.1247224

I should probably go back to it now because I loved the atmosphere, but I just remember walking around for ages not knowing what to do. The only other significant detail I remember is riding on the boat and having to take pictures of the Deku guy (I think).

>> No.1247226

One of the most overrated games of all time.

>> No.1247230

I'd recommend it as that's still exactly what happened with me. The feel of the game stuck with me for years and one day I picked it up again.

>> No.1247231

But we're not talking about Link's Awakening ITT anon

>> No.1247236

try taking on skull kid before you've done the temples

>> No.1247278

Masks become much more important than they were in OoT. Some of them trigger interractions with NPCs and enemies, others can do things like explode or reveal hidden items.

The time system allows for a more interesting take on storytelling, there are a lot of sidequests packed into the game because of this. None of them are really necessary, but it's practically criminal to pass up Kafei's Quest and the Ranch in general.

Good game? Yes. Overrated? A little.

>> No.1247287

>First playthrough
>awaken the first giant
>think it's enough to stop the moon
>spend a week going through the swamp trying to figure out what i did wrong because i was a moron
My childhood was suffering

>> No.1247292

It'll be either:


>Wow when you actually play it and don't suck and realize you can double the amount of time it's really deep and still fun.

>> No.1247294

Am I right in thinking it's way shorter than OoT?

>> No.1247297


There's less dungeons but you can power through OoT super easily whereas you cannot here

>> No.1247304

The final battle isn't as great as in OoT. You can't really top that final boss, though. Only a couple games in the series have ever met up to that standard in my heart.

>that final battle in twilight princess where all you get is ganon awkwardly shuffling towards you and some fat assholes mumbling in the background

>> No.1247310


More like

>Fuck this boring ass mess of a game that takes all the fun out of OoT and replaces it with freshman in college thankin manz stuf.



>> No.1247326

>only college freshmen ponder mortality

You heard it here first!

>> No.1247352


Pretty accurate actually.

>> No.1247359

Can you imagine Majora's Mask with Oculus Rift support? That would be something else.

>> No.1247365

B-but those are my two favorite Zelda games

>> No.1247369

Actually no.

>> No.1247375

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but artistic value totally makes a game fun

>> No.1247386

I think you meant Link to the Past and OOT

>> No.1247389

calling lttp/oot overrated is overrated

its like sorry im not a hipster faggot and prefer the most solid zelda games

>> No.1247434

You're just a regular old faggot.

>> No.1247512

>no u

good one anon

>> No.1247561

Dead link.

>> No.1247583

>overrated zelda games
gamecube isnt retro.

>> No.1247665

Trolling, and lots of it.

>> No.1248023


OP isn't a picture of Doom's boxart though.

>> No.1248031

No one mentioned gamecube games.

>> No.1248043

>calling lttp/oot overrated is overrated

Holy shit this.

In fact I'd argue that OoT in particular has been called overrated so many times by so many people that it is now UNDERrated. It's literally impossible to discuss anymore without the thread being flooded by people calling it overrated so much that any discussion of its good points is completely drowned out.

When everybody in the world agrees that something is overrated, it isn't actually overrated anymore.

>> No.1248047

>When everybody in the world agrees that something is overrated, it isn't actually overrated anymore.

Not everyone thinks it's overrated, you dummy.

>> No.1248073

I am the slowest player ever. Can I beat it?

>> No.1248081

Zelda: Collectathon edition.
The atmosphere is the best part of the game, as well as being able to play as a Goron and a Zora.
Overall, I really enjoyed it but it's not for everyone.

>> No.1248085

...yes? You do realize you can take as long as you want, right? The game has time travel mechanics.

Even if it didn't, most things in gaming can be conquered with perseverance.

>> No.1248092


Played Ocarina of Time? Then mix in some people from that game with different names, masks that actually have some effect besides the Mask of Truth, four different regions, the MOON trying to kill you, a bit of Ground Hog's Day, and voila! You've got Majora's Mask! It's fun, honest.

>> No.1248119

I still wish there was a follow up to this. Link heads off to find nav after OOT; instead ends up here, saves the day but still notta.

>> No.1248379

It's easily my favorite Zelda for its surreal atmosphere, emotional quests, and interesting dungeons, but it's not for everyone.

>> No.1248436

The best not-handheld Zelda to date.

>> No.1249265

why can't I save before fighting the final boss?

jesus christ what a load of shit to go through just to fight him.

>> No.1249269

>why can't I save before fighting the final boss?
This is almost as bad as y can't metroid crawl

>> No.1249267

Play the fuggin' game.
God I miss the days before people asked this.

>> No.1249289

Side quests, mini games, and frustrating dungeons.

>> No.1249313


no it's just that last night I didn't have time to fight majora, now I do, and I have to sit through all this fucking dialogue all over again

>> No.1249318

Speedrunning (without cheats, glitches etc.) OoT takes about 5 hours, speedrunning through MM takes about 4.

As for MM, it's my favorite game of all time. It's definetly the most mature Zelda, with many themes surrounding loss and the inevitability of death. It also includes more characterization than other Zeldas, and a lot "hidden" cutscenes and other content inteded to make the world seem more living.
All in all, the game is great so long as you can get used to the three day cycle and the saving system.

>> No.1249321
File: 24 KB, 512x384, downsized_1205131510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat smooth Zora jazz

just beat it on the wii

for a console game it's got a lot in it. quests and such. nice job old nintendo.

>> No.1249325

its my obsession

amazing atmosphere
-good but not excellent dungeons (and theres only 4 of them)
-a very innovative if sometimes frusterting time system
-darker more mature themes than OOT
-awesome transformations
if you played OOT and thought it didnt feel "alive" enough, youll probably love this game.

>> No.1249326 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 350x224, MM_Grief4-thumb-350x224-16870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1249408

I found the world to be rather dead and the side quests overly simplistic, especially with that journal thing.

>> No.1250016

Are you saying that in comparison to OoT and other Zelda games, or just in general?