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1246902 No.1246902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best n64 game?

>> No.1246938
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My pick. The Zeldas will inevitably come up in any of these discussions. Though BK1 is a strong contender.

>> No.1246953

itt: everyone posts the same 10 games
n64's library is so shallow
worst nintendo console for sure

>> No.1246960

Otherwise CoD would be great because they have so many games.

>> No.1246958


>> No.1246963

Quantity > Quality

>> No.1246964

Banjo-Kazooie is my favourite N64 game, but I'm not sure if it's the best. I think Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye are strong candidates for the best one, because of their massive influence and innovation:

Most 3D platformers until the early 00s had a hub-world and level structure copied straight from Mario 64. It also laid the foundation for modern camera controls, and proved how important analogue movement was.

Ocarina of Time gave us lock-on targeting (Mega Man Legends nearly got it right but it's not quite the same thing), which is in pretty much every 3rd-person view game now.

GoldenEye had the first variable sniper rifle zoom (Counter Strike had zoom before, but you couldn't change it) and the now standard twin stick control scheme.

^ If I'm wrong on any of those points please say which game did it first, but as far as I'm aware, those N64 games were real industry changers. So even though it's my favourite N64 title, the same can't be said for Banjo-Kazooie.

>> No.1246969


The problem isn't that the N64 had too few good games, its that it had proportionally far fewer good games than other consoles.

Also, Mischief Makers is the indisputable answer.

>> No.1246973
File: 81 KB, 620x428, Mario_Party_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta go with Mario Party 2 (any of them really). There are some other games I enjoy more by myself, but anyone can pick up Mario Party and have a good time.

>> No.1246976
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I'd have to give it to Yoshi's Story. It's short, and not difficult, but I love the art style and the music. It's one of the most aesthetically interesting games on the N64.

>> No.1246985
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>> No.1247005

Same thing with me and Banjo. Not that I don't like Yoshi Story. I feel like it's one of the more underrated popular Nintendo games.

>> No.1247015

I'll be damned, I never would have put it up there with the greats back in the day, but the one N64 game I still play on the regs in Road Rash 64. Granted, I play it with a vastly superior controller setup on a playstation-style USB controller on an emulator, but I still enjoy that game immensely.

>> No.1247039
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No need.
The answer is obviously Sin and Punishment.

>> No.1247161

Banjo Kazooie. I never understood why people liked Mario 64, everything about it seemed clunky and poorly thought out.

>> No.1247172

Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2

>> No.1247182

Banjo Kazooie is just like Mario 64, except Banjo Kazooie is better in every single aspect then Mario 64. People only like Mario 64 because it was the first 3D game or for the same reason people like only the first gen of Pokemon (it was popular).

>> No.1247191

>Banjo Kazooie is just like Mario 64
but it's not because the levels are coherent and the game controls differently due to the moves you get.

>> No.1247227

conkers bad fur day. for sure. though Mario 64 and the Zelda games rule. dk64 is also a really cool game.

>> No.1247240

Mischief Makers comes to mind, so goes Mystical Ninja.

>> No.1247313
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Wonder Project J2

>> No.1247374
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>levels are coherent

>> No.1247387

>Banjo Tooie and Banjo Kazooie are the same

>> No.1247652

That's sort of the entire point of that one singular level.

>> No.1247671
File: 38 KB, 310x700, tumblr_lhig5t0O2k1qdwqdto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark. I got my wife tricked into playing the multiplayer with me. It's a good time.

>> No.1247675
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Either Space Station Silicon Valley or Mischief Makers.

>> No.1247703

Perfect Dark.

>> No.1247724

I love how 14 different favorite N64 games have been mentioned so far with only like two repeats, and no one's even picked some really obvious stuff like Ocarina of Time or Star Fox 64 or Super Mario 64 or Paper Mario yet.

>Ocarina of Time gave us lock-on targeting
I don't consider this much of an achievement. Like you said, Mega Man Legends did it earlier and almost got it right. Literally the only thing that was missing was moving while locked on, and that's an obvious change to make.
I think it's kind of lame to praise a mechanic like that that so clearly would have been done exactly the same in some other game of the time whether Ocarina of Time had featured and popularized it or not.

>> No.1247763

>>Ocarina of Time gave us lock-on targeting
>I don't consider this much of an achievement. Like you said, Mega Man Legends did it earlier and almost got it right. Literally the only thing that was missing was moving while locked on
But that's missing the point that z-targeting's entire point is to allow the player to move while targeting. Also, Nintendo chose to make enemies attack in sequence, so the player was only ever engaging a single enemy, but with the illusion of a larger battle - this was taken from a martial arts film one of the devs had seen.

>> No.1247802
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>> No.1247815

Thing is Mega Man Legends doesn't much need the ability to move while locked on since you can strafe, and turn while strafing, and you can always shoot forward where the camera is pointed unless you are running directly at the camera.
The benefit Z-targeting provided was that it allowed you to strafe and automatically turn to always face the enemy no matter what direction you're moving.
It's basically the same thing as what Mega Man Legends basic movement controls allow for, just done automatically.

That bit about enemies attacking you one on one is interesting. That's honestly always been one of my biggest issues with 3D Zelda. It makes the combat so boring to me.

>> No.1247837
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>> No.1247841

In reading your post, I am reminded of the 15th century Italian architect, Filippo Brunelleschi. He developed linear perspective and also designed the dome of the Florence Cathedral. In order to earn his place as architect as the cathedral, he competed with other architects to make an egg sit upright on a flat piece of marble. None could do it but him, and thus he won the contest. To quote from Vasari (one of the first art-historians):

"...giving one end a blow on the flat piece of marble, made it stand upright...The architects protested that they could have done the same; but Filippo answered, laughing, that they could have made the dome, if they had seen his design."

My point here is that it's not sound argument to look at past achievements and say that someone else could have done them. Yes, this is true, but is that really significant? Nothing is obvious until someone demonstrates it to be so, which requires vision and insight as well as the ability to put idea into form. To downplay the foresight required to do this is to fail to understand why any great feat is significant. To put it another way, anyone can do something that has already been done, but only one person can do it first.

>> No.1247857

oh, and my favorite is probably Smash Bros. or Blast Corps, least at the moment. It tends to change with time.

>> No.1247889

>My point here is that it's not sound argument to look at past achievements and say that someone else could have done them
I'm not saying someone else COULD have done it. I'm saying someone else WOULD have done it.

>> No.1247913

yeah yeah the kids games were fun and all but you all know you diddnt play those games 1 10th of the amount of time you played 4 player golden eye during the 97-98 Christmas and new year, and for pretty much that entire year after school.

>> No.1248098
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Perfect_dark_cover_art[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark.
>The different difficulties actually changed missions rather than just modifying health and damage
>You can shoot guns out of peoples hands
>Some people pull out more guns, run, or simply surrender at that point
>Very good, original weapons that all have a secondary mode
>Wide variety of simulants to play against
>Wide variety of levels and game modes
>Appropriately challenging target tests and challenges

I could go on and on...

>> No.1248130
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Goldeneye is shit.
pic related

>> No.1248134

most fun I ever had on that game was a bunch of perfect fist sims with the alien bodies, pistols only on guns.

Agreed, Perfect Dark is the best N64 game ever made.

>> No.1248135

Coming from someone who likes both games, you can fuck off.

>> No.1248150

Shadows of the Empire

Once the 3D amazement wore off its one of the few that is actually still pretty fun to play, while many of others looking back were pretty rough. The party games are a good choice, but most of those have better versions on the SNES or GCN.

But Shadow of the Empire is pretty unique to the system and not really out done by a some other game that is nearly the same or superior. At least not that I can think of.

>> No.1248552


I'm with this guy. Both games are awesome, but they do completely different things, so comparing them directly is dumb.

Quake is blazingly fast and far more intense than GoldenEye, but mission objectives are basically "shoot the bad guys" or "find the switches". I always liked Quake better for multiplayer though.

GoldenEye is more stealth oriented and slower because of that, with tons of varied objectives for completing missions. Plus there's a half-decent story and characters.

My favourite thing about both of them is how many little secrets are in each level and how flexible they are though.

>> No.1248570
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Fighters Destiny

>Bastard Bob From Brazil

He was the Zangief of this game

Also Joker

>Fuck You

>> No.1248610

I so wish they'd gone full 3D platformer with Yoshi's Story, so it could pretty much be to Yoshi's Island what Super Mario 64 was to Mario World.

The artstyle is amazing but dunno, I'm not that big of a fan of the gameplay itself. Which is a shame, really.

>> No.1248612

WWF No Mercy
RoadRash 64

>> No.1248617


>> No.1248649

Best is probably Majoras Mask. Definitely the best use of its power, although there are much more games I prefer playing

>> No.1248650

My niggas

>> No.1248669
File: 20 KB, 312x201, beetle-adventure-racing-nintendo-64-n64-1292406249-005_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beetle Adventure Racing is pretty good (not the best) and I never hear about it. If you can find it for cheap it's worth a try

>> No.1248930

DK64 for me. That game knows how to tease so damn well.

Every time I see this I tell myself I need to play it and forget immediately afterwards...
It looks awesome.

>> No.1249151

Had this game as a kid and loved it. Racing was pretty good, and the battle mode was fun too.

>> No.1249154

F-Zero X is the best exclusive. That framerate.

>> No.1249191
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I was shitting bricks all the way through

>> No.1249218

Turok 2

>> No.1249226

Not my favorite game ever, but it deserves recognition.

Body Harvest.

>> No.1249274

I always thought it looked lame in the rental store and would get kirby 64 instead.
it looks lame still

>> No.1249308

Such a fun game and an weird idea that paid off. My brother sold it though years back, it was his game but still wish he hadn't.

>> No.1250430

I have to go with Star Fox 64.

Despite OoT being popular, and it's deserved, Zelda had to sacrifice some things to improve, SF64 sacrficed nothing and won everything.


People liked BKazooie because it was like Mario64.

>> No.1250451

I wouldn't say the games are similar. They're both 3D platformers, but they play very differently.