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File: 266 KB, 640x959, Sonic Classic Heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1244215 No.1244215 [Reply] [Original]

Rom hacks general?

I find it very hard to play the original Sonic 1 or 2 now.

>> No.1244226

Sonic 3 Complete
The Second Reality Project (SMW)
Super Mario Star Road (SM64)

>> No.1244310

>sonic heroes style

>> No.1244368
File: 8 KB, 259x225, evildead 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil Dead, a hack of Zelda 2. It's little more than sprite editing unfortunately.

>> No.1244371
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>> No.1244376

how do i hack roms?

>> No.1244384
File: 38 KB, 760x667, tomservo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start reading

Here's a romhack of Mega Man 3, featuring MST3K's Tom Servo.

>> No.1244387
File: 74 KB, 740x671, tomservo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only boss that makes a reference to the show. Also, Crow is Rush.

>> No.1244391

I started a romhack of Megaman V on NES. The aim is to re-create stages keeping the same graphics assets (and everything) of the game but to create new stages while exploiting the un-used potential of MM5. A level hack then. Because I thought MM5 is the weakest of all, ahd cool ideas but never went far with them.

I made about 10 stages and a half so I have 'little' remaining to be done but I lost interest.
The other problem is that as soon as I was finally reaching the end of recreating stages I was beginning to have ideas to make my own musics, change bosses and weapon behaviours, the story, etc It just never ends. I should just finish the stages and release it as a level hack anyway.
Here is a map of my napalm man recreation, can't post it here because it's too big

>> No.1244419
File: 176 KB, 769x655, tecmobowl2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a community of romhackers who update Tecmo Super Bowl with current rosters. Pic related is 2010. They've also added the option to change the quarter length.

>> No.1244426

I like what you did with the drills. Have any more?

>> No.1244430

>I find it very hard to play the original Sonic 1 or 2 now.
I don't know about that at all, but I will say that I never play Sonic 3 & Knuckles now that Sonic 3 Complete exists.

Is there a Sonic 2 ROMhack that lets Tails fly, adds Knuckles as an optional character, and has graphic and bug fixes? That would make vanilla Sonic 2 irrelevant for me.
I know there's Sonic 2: S3 Edition, but that does stuff I don't want like replacing Sonic and Tails' sprites with the Sonic 3 versions and adding elemental shields and act transitions and shit. I just want Sonic 2, but better.

>> No.1244431

That's fucking awesome, I was just playing Tecmo Super Bowl last night.

>> No.1244434

Actually I ripped off that idea from Rockamn 5-Endless (another romhack)... I'll be sure to credit him if I ever release the hack.

and sorry I haven't mapped any of my other stages

>> No.1244441
File: 77 KB, 765x668, sanmeirde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Meirde Homeroom Homicide. (River City Ransom hack)

The title is probably the most interesting thing about this one. Enemies now shout "Damn!" instead of "Barf!" and the item selection here both point to some kid trying to make the game M rated. Still, as far as romhacks go, this isn't anywhere near the edge.

>> No.1244446

tecmobowl.org, my friend. You'll find them all there.

>> No.1244449

Sort of reminds me of this hack I downloaded of RCR back around 2000 where everyone was naked for no reason. Or maybe that was Kung Fu.

Or maybe it was both...

>> No.1244450

oh my god how did i not know about Sonic 3 Complete sooner this is incredible

>> No.1244456

Sadly, I know precisely what you're talking about.


>> No.1244459
File: 8 KB, 256x224, keytastrophe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario's Keytastrophe is pretty great, it's one of the few decent SMW hacks I've come across. Its levels are far more puzzle-oriented than vanilla SMW, and the guy who made the had did his own custom music for the game (i.e. not crappy renditions of music from other games)

>> No.1244461


On that note, I present Ass Climber.

>> No.1244463

>multiplayer Sonic 1 and 2 in one package
>you and two bros playing at the same time

>> No.1244469

Which do you like better, the Second Reality Project, or the reloaded version with custom graphics?

>> No.1244474

None of these are rom hacks, but they should be.


>> No.1244482

All I want for Christmas is Rockman 3 Minus Infinity, but really I hope PureSabe eventually gives every Rockman game the MI treatment.

Hell yeah, man. I mentioned this in our last ROM hacks thread. Damn shame this hack was never finished, it's probably one of the strongest concepts behind any SMW hack.

>> No.1244483
File: 21 KB, 755x669, rockmanexile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock Man Exile is probably one of the better hacks of Mega Man 2 out there. It changes up enemy patterns, for instance, Sniper Joe fires crash bombs. Every stage has been redone using assets from other MM games, Flashman's stage alone uses tiles from Gemini Man, Crystal Man, and I think Centaur Man. They imported chiptunes from other MM games as well, using MM6's wily machine theme for the level select. Interestingly the sound quality is not the same. I'm guessing that while the tune is the same, it's using the instrument voices of MM2, hence the difference.

>> No.1244485

All the allusions to secrets in levels never put into the game just make me annoyed

>> No.1244496

>Yarmulke of Infravision

>> No.1244502

This thread reminds me I should probably add some new stuff to that Mega folder.

I'll probably just go through the recent stuff on over at the RomHacking site, though anyone have any specific requests?

>> No.1244507
File: 489 KB, 760x4957, megafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will speak for itself

>> No.1244521

I found any of Ridley X's megaman hacks worth playing. Like, they're nothing extraodinary and not hard, and sometimes there is some uninteresting filler screens, but overall they're just fun to play.

>> No.1244529

Definitely reloaded as it feels almost like an official game, but the original was one of the most solid hacks of it's time. Can't wait for the sequel to be re-done as well.

>> No.1244534

i went and re-edited the reloaded version even more to change the mario sprites to match the rest of the enemies. the normal mario with all the super detailed enemies looked really jarring

>> No.1244628
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ROM hacks I care about are the ones that improve the game or add more content. With that said, there's a hack for the Japanese version of River City Ransom EX (made by the actual developers nonetheless) that expands the game's map extensively and adds all sorts of new stuff (characters, moves, item shops). There's even a bonus dungeon where you fight an army of Abobo clones.

>> No.1244656
File: 147 KB, 639x560, megaman11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could romhack, I'd make this a reality.

>> No.1244681
File: 90 KB, 800x394, 135494223291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ip Man
>Scat Man

>> No.1244787
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>> No.1244805

lel what

>> No.1244893
File: 13 KB, 256x240, 70titlescreen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some fun with pic related, never finished it though. I loved the fact that the weather changes each time you enter the level.

>> No.1244996

>Bat Man
I would love to see that.

>What Is A Man
I smiled.

>Scat Man
I think I'm fucking dying!

>> No.1245035

Is there a translation patch for that patch?

>> No.1245038
File: 14 KB, 480x360, oh shit nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Metroid Redesign is a fun rom hack, it's basically Super Metroid but Zebes is bigger and it's much more of a Space Pirate base with all the machinery everywhere

There's a couple of new stuff in it too so if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it

>> No.1245041

>Scat Man Stage

>> No.1245049

Can anyone else hear the song in their heads being played by Capcom's NES instruments?

>> No.1245071

Unfortunately no. It was given away by Miracle Kidz in a PC Dodge Ball game they sold online.

>> No.1245091


>> No.1245295


based as hell

>> No.1245302


>In that little area

Yeah fuck that. That's still the only fight in the entire game I struggle with, without being cramped into a small room with platforms.

>> No.1245303

get a load of the bosses too!

>> No.1245313

I remember watching a Let's Play from Something Awful on this game. Eventually the hacker himself joined in on the commentary. It was pretty cool, but I never did figure out how to patch the .iso myself.

I bet you're struggling because you're using super missiles. Don't. It makes a world of difference.

>> No.1245316


Nah, I always charge shot it. I just suck at spin jumping through the fires and wind up missing a lot of opportunities to damage it.

>> No.1245515

If you're talking about when Phantoon positions himself in the top center of the screen and shoots arcs of flame from side to side, there are two solutions.

A: There is a jumpable gap in the top corner of the screen that alternates from left to right depending on the arc.

B: Use regular missiles and he'll never use this attack.

So I'm not derailing the thread: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/24/..
Here is a 2 player hack for Secret of Evermore. I had never played it before, and my roommate was too excited at the prospect of coop. If I'm not mistaken, there's a 3-player hack for Seiken Densetsu 3 also floating around out there.

>> No.1245832


Drill part reminds me of Game Boy MMIV, a game I thought actually made some progress forward for the series, only for all of its greatness to never be used in a console MM. Same with GBV, why Capcom spent all the creativity on the GB series while playing it so safe with NES 5 and 6...

>> No.1246097

Anything that reminds me of bad games is disgusting by default.

>> No.1246142

Star Road is so goddamn good.

>> No.1246171


Mega Man 3: Ever, Return and The Battle of Gamma are already available and are all better than MI.

>> No.1246187
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 1311947803699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metroid: super zero mission is great too. i recommend the hard version for veteran players
>mfw playing rom hacks via flashcarts on my original system

>> No.1246190

>Use regular missiles and he'll never use this attack.
yet another boss i've apparently always been fighting wrong all these years

>> No.1246194

>A: There is a jumpable gap in the top corner of the screen that alternates from left to right depending on the arc.
>B: Use regular missiles and he'll never use this attack.
C: Charge up and jump through fire arc unscathed

>> No.1246202

you should have tried a different approach here's an example

>many moons ago watching my brother play Super Metroid
>he struggles with Kraid and takes one or two tries to bring him down
>I play Super Metroid
>3-4 super missiles
>what an easy boss

it's funny how a game can suddenly become incredibly different depending on the way you play it

>> No.1246215

I'm ashamed that I'm aware of this.


>> No.1246317

>I'm ashamed that I'm aware of this.
>I'm ashamed
As you should be, anon.

>> No.1246354

Been playing the 1991 roster for so long that it's jarring to see the Patriots not only win a game, but to dominate their division!

>> No.1246868

The people who make these things lurk among us.

>> No.1247136
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>> No.1247158
File: 57 KB, 350x350, Stay classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd play it

>> No.1249921
File: 255 KB, 853x1450, 1386292543885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1249932


It's from a ROM Hack called Metroid: Bounty Hunter X. It's a parody of Metroid ROM hacks.


>> No.1249940

>that one tool that converts MIDI's


>> No.1250020
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Castle_VI_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an interesting hack by any means, but the name looks familiar...


>> No.1251780
File: 478 KB, 800x800, blazedoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your waifu will never have her own hack with entirely custom levels
>she will forever be "in Sonic 1" tier

>> No.1251793

Super Mario Unlimited is my favorite hack. game plays like SMB with some SMB 3 physics thrown in (higher bouncing off enemies), controls like a dream, clever level designs (with a hidden yoshi coin in each level to find), new items (including a clock that temporarily freezes all enemies in place), and graphics that look almost as good as All-star. hack is a MUST play for any fans of old school 2-D Mario (especially 1 &3)

>> No.1251797

Blaze sucks. Worst Sonic character besides Big.

>> No.1251801

I couldn't keep up with the last world.
I think I was up to a Bowser Battle where there is a layer of lava in the middle of the bricks, making it super hard to time his jumps right.

>> No.1251872

But Big is the best character. Sonic Retro has yet to make that Big fishing simulator.

>> No.1253756
File: 1.15 MB, 774x678, test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1253880


That's cool I like it, any hack taking advantage of that?

>> No.1253892 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 540x390, bigsbigadventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Big is the best character. Sonic Retro has yet to make that Big fishing simulator.

Don't you mean the Sonic Cults Big's Big Adventure?

>> No.1254193

Sonic Cult fucking sucks. If there is undeniable proof that Sonic turned people into autists, it's that site. I'm surprised that site is still around.

>> No.1254219

You could just work with modern engines

>> No.1254226


By far the best ROM hack I've ever played.

>working on Super Zero Mission atm moment, so we will see...

>> No.1254227


You should use super missiles, and then use fake screw attack to jump through the blue flames.

>> No.1254260


I used to go there ages ago. Indeed, that site was full of crazy people. That's why I stopped going after a while, it was too crazy for me. And while at the time I was surprised, looking back it all makes sense that Pachuka was a pedo. What a freak.

>> No.1254314

His Sonic canon article was pretty dumb too. If all the Sonic storylines are equally valid, then why does the Sonic Adventure games ignore the US versions then?

>> No.1254671
File: 25 KB, 339x315, DICKTRASH-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm surprised that site is still around.
It's been closed since 2007 so. The place is just up as an archive because archive.org leaves out every 2nd file.

>I used to go there ages ago. Indeed, that site was full of crazy people.

It was at its prime in like 2003-4, and started going downhill when Pachuka first left. About it's only problem was that the regulars had a lot of internal memes going on. Like the Dicktrash Award. And it was born at the time when Flash animations were still the most hilarious things ever.

The community before the Cult was ten thousand times worse though. It was basically RPing, treating forums as IRC, two page long avatars/sigs, and the only actual research was 20 page long discussions about the top left pixels Dust Hill Zone screenshots.

As for Pachuka, it was legal in florida for him to sex up 15-16 year olds due to close-age exemptions which is what he did when he was 22-23. The reason he got into jail was because a few years later (so close-age exemption did not apply anymore), one of his heroin addict exes tried to get her jailbait younger sister to jump his bones, and he declined. So they came up with some rape story because they were crazy bitches.

That article was aimed at rampart weeaboos who thought the only real Sonic was only what Yuji Naka personally coded.

>> No.1254834

>The community before the Cult was ten thousand times worse though. It was basically RPing, treating forums as IRC, two page long avatars/sigs, and the only actual research was 20 page long discussions about the top left pixels Dust Hill Zone screenshots.
Yeah. Back then people online only cared about the shitty Sonic cartoons rather than the actual games. Personally I couldn't give a shit about Sonic's romance with a gender-swapped version of Ricky the Squirrel. Even the site's mission statement makes it clear the site isn't about the cartoons.

>If you're looking for another type of Sonic site, perhaps one of those crappy Sonic anime sites, or one of those pathetic "Freedom Fighter" pages, please look elsewhere.

>> No.1255176
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Super Mario Bros. - Copy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headless Naked Mario

>> No.1255194

I'd give my left nut for a Super Castlevania IV redesign hack.

>> No.1255628
File: 447 KB, 1361x764, Blaze_profile_SG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blaze is cool, Anon.

She's the best character introduced since Knuckles, and a much better female friend for Sonic than Amy is.

>> No.1255664

I remember when NES emulators first became widespread there would be dozens of X-rated rom edits. One of them was just Megaman 3 with the credits replaced by every kind of sexual and racial slur anyone could come up with. Also "Nigger Tennis" and Super Wheelchair Brothers.

>> No.1255801
File: 98 KB, 771x671, spz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize your pic isn't helping your argument, right?

Pic is of South Park Zelda. It's mostly just a sprite edit. All of the dungeons are on the same place in the grid, but the entrances are sometimes altered. I suspect that the version I have is unfinished

>> No.1256009

That particular one was made in 2009 or something though. according to some article it is considered one of the most vile and racist rom hacks ever.

I gotta admit it's pretty thorough from what I remember.

>> No.1256048

I really wish Eduardo would get off of his ass and finish Sonic Harder levels. I played all the way through it with sonic but you can only get to spring yard zone 4 before a level scroll lock prevents you from completing the level.

Sonic Erazor is hard but doable. Scar night is a bitch.

>> No.1256120

what, you don't believe in friendship and it's power?

>> No.1256780

So I just thought I'd try out Sonic 2 Delta, but it turns out there's four different versions of the game? Which should I play and what's the differences?

>> No.1256823
File: 330 KB, 900x563, 1386527126045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the pic explains why people like her.

>> No.1256830

she can breakdance...?

>> No.1257435
File: 8 KB, 512x480, 87P1xqK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1257470
File: 122 KB, 700x899, bro-sis fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was talking about the profile pic.

She's cool because isn't some annoying bitch who wants the D, she's one of Sonic's bros.

>> No.1257493

Other than infinite bomb jump required for 100%, I don't have any complaints.

Still waiting on the Axiel version though

>> No.1257537

Life's been hard for Espeon and Mazinger Z.

>> No.1257552

mfw no one has created a rom hack of banjo kazooie

>> No.1257556


>> No.1257572

For the most part Banjo Kazooie was difficult to hack / there's only a very small community of people that can do it full of dickheads. For the last few years they've been working on a tool that lets anyone edit the game though, a 3D level creator called Mumbo's Wand I think, in line with Toad's Tool for Mario 64. The video that anon posted is the first work created with it, no idea what happened to the project but progress is slow.

The second problem with most rom hacks is the people who create the tools are the most uncreative bunch of people and cannot design levels. The few people that could, don't have the skill or time to. That's why real games have designers and programmers because that's their skill suit, not do both.

>> No.1257607

>difficult to hack

That's pretty much true for any Rareware game that isn't an NES game. I don't even think the DKC series has a proper editor, the japanese just used all they knew about rom hacking and created some of those kaizo hacks you see on youtube.

>> No.1257629

Except for Goldeneye, but that's just because its got such a huge following there's actually been the time put into it.

>> No.1257659

And for what it's worth the work on Goldeneye is incredible, from an outside view it looks like its up there with the best of the best rom hacks. There's cut content restored, ridable vehicles, new solo and multiplayer levels, the entire game has been ported to Perfect Dark's engine and it looks like they've begun working on Perfect Dark itself too.


Seriously some incredible work in there.

>> No.1257864

To be fair, game design REQUIRES a team of people. Programming is a left brained aspect, while design is a right brained aspect. I don't think there isn't a single game where only one person was credited, and if it was, it probably was something very basic, like Zork.

Even their NES games use some bizarre compression system. Marble Madness is supposedly a nightmare to disassemble.

>> No.1257896
File: 165 KB, 540x652, 1202095134232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dominate their division

>> No.1257928

Yeah I know that's the point I was getting at without trying to make a wall of text.

>> No.1257952

>I don't think there isn't a single game where only one person was credited, and if it was, it probably was something very basic, like Zork.

I know its not retro, but wasn't Cave Story done over like, 7 years by one guy?

>> No.1257959

Mumbo's Wand was renamed to Banjo's Backpack, it's released but IIRC it can't do events.

>> No.1258073

>As for Pachuka, it was legal in florida for him to sex up 15-16 year olds due to close-age exemptions which is what he did when he was 22-23. The reason he got into jail was because a few years later (so close-age exemption did not apply anymore), one of his heroin addict exes tried to get her jailbait younger sister to jump his bones, and he declined. So they came up with some rape story because they were crazy bitches.

I'm so glad I don't play sonic games anymore.

>> No.1258116

But...but my Bo...

>> No.1258297

Supposedly it started sometime around 1999 or something. He went with the "old school" look to ease the design of characters, and it took a long time to complete. Had he had a team assembled, it probably would've seen the light of day 2001.

>> No.1258330

Speaking of ROM hacks, there's this one of SMB1 where he added VRC7 sound support, and programmed a song for it to use.


There seems to be very few hacks where they take advantage of cartridge sound hardware, maybe this is among the first!

>> No.1258335

More folks need to hack Super Mario Advance 3.
This is why:

>> No.1258357

What about Joakim Sandberg's games?

>> No.1258371

Not quite the same thing, but there is this: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_1_with_Redbook_Audio

>> No.1258385

Not really as impressive, really, though what I like is how some Genesis games can use either FM Synth or CD audio, depending on if the CD containing the audio exists.

>> No.1258391

Well he's from Finland, ain't he? Finland has some talented people there.

>> No.1258392

It's less impressive insofar as you don't have to create new songs for it, since it just plays audio files.
Other than that, I don't really see that much of a difference.

>> No.1258397

The CD audio I believe should only be used as a crutch (as in you can't make anything decent with FM) or for remastered audio. The FM Synth sounds amazing when used right, no need for souless music to replace handmade music.

>> No.1258402

I was only talking about how impressive the hack itself is. Of course it's more impressive to create good music with huge limitations.
I object to the idea that CD audio is inherently soulless though. That's bullshit.

>> No.1258404

You should try sonic omochao edition

>> No.1258413


>> No.1258447

>le vee kuhlchurr hax
>le vee kuhlchurr stream

Jesus Christ, I can't tell if /v/ is being ironic or earnest half the time.

>> No.1258462

I found out about emulation shortly after coming online in early-1999, and there was some romhack called Gay Mario floating around. It was SMB1, but Mario had his dingus out.

I'm pretty sure 90% of NES romhacks from back then are some variation of "NIGGER FAGGOT [insert original game title here]." The sheer volume of "it's the original game, but with penises and blood!" romhacks from then are staggering.

>> No.1258464

I don't think /v/ invented sanic, dude.

>> No.1258471
File: 966 KB, 245x245, 1385598503367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1258473

Then who did?

>> No.1258480

Wasn't it from some little autistic kid's drawing?

>> No.1258481

I forget the name of the account because it's been closed for so long, but it was that HOW 2 DRAW SANIC HEGEHOG video, which /v/ had nothing to do with.

>> No.1258487

We he was one of those VEE KUHLCHURR people to begin with.

You do know that /v/ can do shit like that "ironically", right?

>> No.1258490 [DELETED] 

Extra Mario Bros is one of my favorites.

>> No.1258495

>We he was one of those VEE KUHLCHURR people to begin with.
No, I don't think so.

>> No.1258492

>You do know that /v/ can do shit like that "ironically", right?

Pretty sure this is impossible.

>> No.1258498
File: 3 KB, 256x224, extramb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extra Mario Bros is one of my favorites

>> No.1258502

You're right. They do it legitimately but pretend to be ironic.

Point it, it was something that caught /v/'s attention and drove it into the ground.

>> No.1258503

It wasn't just /v/ that ran with it, though. Not even close.

>> No.1258513

Still, /v/ was one of them, and Sanic being used in place of Sonic has become official /v/ lingo. /v/ also played Tribes Ascend, and the developers, as a nod to /v/, included Sanic as part of some statistics.

>> No.1258523

>/v/ was one of several places to adopt and spread the meme
>this is the same as inventing it

>> No.1258526

Excuse me, I didn't mean to say they invented it, but that doesn't mean has no effect on it at all. That's like saying that Ultima is a Japanese game because it was supremely popular and influential.

>> No.1258528

>You're right. They do it legitimately but pretend to be ironic.
This is basically how 4chan memes work.

>> No.1258538

I figured as such.

>> No.1258547

But if they didn't invent it and were far from the only place to adopt it, what about it is "vee kuhlchurr"?

>> No.1258551

The fact that it is a major meme in /v/.

>> No.1258553

It's getting hard to tell if /v/ is everywhere or if there are different people with similar opinions. I just see Sanic way more frequently on /v/ than anywhere else.

>> No.1259108

does anyone have any advice on decompressing tiles from snes roms? I'm having trouble with it and i don't want to sound likean asshat on the romhacking forumjust yet. i have vanes, Geiger snes9x, and zsnes becausei can't get vsnes to identify snes9x saves

>> No.1259126

Don't forget KoRn Fu

it's kung Fu,but when you hit something the word KoRn pops up on screen

>> No.1259491
File: 8 KB, 256x224, shot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMB 3X had a lot of that stuff in it. It's a SMW hack, though

>> No.1259493

yeah, the music on the CD had to be made by hand too. it's not like they click a "make music" button and the music generates itself

>> No.1259498

And people told me the e-reader was a waste of money, I SHOWED THEM

>> No.1259968

Chaos Complexx is kind of dumb, but good:


Drama Mistery is wonderful, since you play as Luigi and some Koopa named Kood:

Final Fantasy - Super Moogle World is wonderful:


Super Mario Brain Dead is extremely funny (ignore the LP faggotry):


These are some good SWM Hacks.

>> No.1261054

Didn't get much out of it though.

>> No.1261195

Big question:
What's the best emulator to play hacks on for each system?

>> No.1261296

Kega Fusion for Genesis, Regen for debug.

>> No.1261537

I use fceux for everything NES related. Hasn't failed me yet.


>> No.1263010

Has anything new recently come out?

>> No.1263025


>> No.1263518
File: 119 KB, 480x530, 1378440429088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1264176

is your pitiful body ready?????????

>> No.1264220

a proper editor exists but you must have very good level design skills, as in, not too much shit on screen at the same time

an even better editor is underway, like, lunar-magic-tier one. DKCRE as they call it, too bad the main developer is a douche

>> No.1264234

>too bad the main developer is a douche

Who cares

>> No.1264238

"i'm not releasing any documents nor source, therefore forcing you to marry my overly cpu intensive editor with no features the community wants"

>> No.1264245

Are those two screen shots from the same hack? I remember playing Sonic Classic Heroes but it only had Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Has there been an update?

>> No.1264248

Are there any Pokemon hacks other than the ones that turn everything into a little girl?

>> No.1264250

wasn't it made by a 12 year old?

>> No.1264261

i doubt it, he made a demonstration video to youtube and he sounds like some middle-aged texan.

Treeki made his New Super Mario Bros. editor when he was 12, though.

>> No.1264283

thats probably what I am thinking of then

>> No.1264312

I never thought S Factor would be as good as it is. Wish it would get finished though.

>> No.1266583

Just wait, it doesn't look like it is dying anytime soon.

>> No.1266852

omfg thanks for this!

>> No.1266865

Oh? Well please do tell anon.

>> No.1266891

>Regen for debug.

You mean Exodus.

>> No.1266927

Is Classic Heroes ever going to get Sonic 3 & Knuckles levels at some point?

>> No.1267329

>dat 8-bit goatse