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File: 42 KB, 274x400, reccaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1240868 No.1240868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A japanese space shooter
>Pushes the limits of the Famicom/NES
>Released in 1992 for an exclusive contest
>Only ever released again on the Virtual Console

Can we talk about the god-like perfection that is Summer Carnival '92: Recca?

>> No.1240884

This game was so so so good for it's time that even though we are allowed to discuss any game on any system released on '99 or before - they had to make a single exception for this particular game. *Maybe* in 2039 we are allowed.

BTW, could someone explain the score and time attack modes? I can't figure out what I have to do.

>> No.1241432
File: 615 KB, 597x799, recca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, good game

>> No.1241467


I'm really curious about

>The "Summer Carnival" Contest(s)
>Who made it
>How the game is able to be so fast

>> No.1241495

>How the game is able to be so fast
It had blast processing.

>> No.1241564

Nice, is that a repro or real one? how much did you pay for it?

all i've got is a bootleg cart and I've actually lost it too (well it must be somewhere at my parents I guess...)

RECCA is a damn fine and technically impressive too (although it does flicker a lot at times) and it has kickass music, but it's not even my favourite SHMUP on famicom : Crisis Force is.

>> No.1241591

Bro, the title is Recca: Summer Carnival '92.

Kind of like Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom

and not Tower of Doom: Dungeons & Dragons

or First Blood: Rambo

or New Vegas: Fallout

>> No.1241617

A friend had an actual copy of Recca back in the early nineties. It may have been a bootleg copy, I have no clue, but we had it and we used to play it. Now it's long lost, we gave it away to somebody when we found out emulation is possible. Not that I'm sorry. Emulated version runs better, particularly due to lifted sprite limit.

>> No.1241709

Not sure where he got his, but I got my reproduction of Recca from nesreproductions.com. It cost me $25 and I had to supply the donor board, which most of the time just requires a cheap crap game (though I had to sacrifice a Gemfire cart in order to get a Just Breed reproduction because it needed an MMC5 board). The guy does great work and shipping was fast, even though he's in Canada and I'm in the US.

I probably won't be getting any more reproduction carts though since I'm planning on getting a NES Everdrive

>> No.1241730

The title of the movie is just "First Blood".

>> No.1241736

Naxat Soft made the game, they're known for their (mostly PC-Engine) shooters.
The Summer Carnival, from what I understand, was some kind of annual shmup contest where players would try to get the highest score in a limited time on whatever game the company chose. Recca was a game Naxat made specifically for the 1992 Summer Carnival.

>> No.1243386



>> No.1246136

FUCK YES, THIS GAME IS FANTASTIC. I wish we got it back in the day, along with Crisis Force and Over Horizon. (thoroughly recommending these, since they are also fucking fantastic.)

>> No.1246137

Yeah, "caravan shooting" tournaments. Man, I wish console shmups still had a caravan mode.

>> No.1246138
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