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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1230881 No.1230881 [Reply] [Original]

I think what the war between these two consoles (Let's face it, who really had a Saturn?) really comes down to is either one of two things:
1.) Genres of games (PS1 had decidedly more RPGs and Fighting games for example)
2.) Playability with friends (N64 was more party oriented and had better multiplayer games)

Not trying to start a war, but only ever had an N64 and I just don't see any other reason to choose between them. The PS1 has some gems, but I couldn't imagine having that growing up instead.

>> No.1230884

I always loved JRPGs, and had no friends.

>> No.1230893

>(Let's face it, who really had a Saturn?)

N64 fans are truly ignorant to actually think their console was anywhere else but rock bottom.

>> No.1230898

Units sold:
PS1: 102m
N64: 32.9m
Saturn: 9.5m

I literally don't know a single person who owned a Saturn, and only a handful that owned a Dreamcast. Gensis was fairly common.

>> No.1230902
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It was in second place. A VERY distant second place, though.

What's the point of playing with friends if the N64 had no games?

>> No.1230907

To me.
The N64 was the pinnacle of video games.
Yes my first console was a Super Nintento on Christmas morning 92.

Those days were golden.

>> No.1230915

33 Million stuttered that "you only buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games", and they also stuttered "quality over quantity".

102 million say that "third parties make or break a console's fate" and agree that "with a gigantic library of games, it's much more likely to find gems".

Numbers don't lie. Nintendo needs (but doesn't depend on) third party support to stay ahead.

>> No.1230917

The reason was the PS1 was in production longer, both being released before the N64, and survived in production a year or so afterwords, plus college students could buy a cheap PS1 and then clone every game for the system for dirt cheam, which also increased the price of sales.

The Nintendo 64 was truly a kids system, but man, was it an awesome kids system.

Plus Goldeneye 64 was the killer app game on the late 90's.

The thing was, with those college kids, was one person gets a goldeneye, and a 64, everyone plays it.

Then Nintendo still made a profit!

>> No.1230932

Keep justifying the N64. Still doesn't change the fact that Nintendo was sent to the bottom of the home console market in one fell swoop by Sony, and they are never likely to recover it.

>> No.1230945

Very, very well said, but Nintendo seems to be doing worse and worse ever since the SNES, if not N64.

My only argument is very few people had a Saturn.
Certainly agree with everything you said.

Just because another console did better than another doesn't mean the other was a bad console.

>> No.1230950

I had a Saturn. It was a great time to be 15 years old.

>> No.1230962

USA (only place that counts) numbers were more like 2:1.

>> No.1230971

ps1 for the serious games (GT; MGS; RE)
and N64 for fun (Mario Cart...)

>> No.1230986

If the 64 was released today everyone would flip their lids with >dat terrible controller >no games >Nintendo is finished

No 3rd party support. Early 3D plats and collectathons. Terrible imitation FPSs. It really is the worst console if the 90s for major ones.

I think for the games I play the Saturn is the best. Especially if you import.

>> No.1230992

If the N64 were released today a lot of the biggest collectathons wouldn't have exited yet.
Yeah, the controller is terrible, so is the Wii's and I presume the WiiU's.
The WiiU has no games, and people think Nintendo is finished.
This is not something that is specific to the N64.

>> No.1231053
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>(Let's face it, who really had a Saturn?)
Right here.

Luckily during that gen I had all 3 so i was able to enjoy a multitude of games. My PS1 was mostly reserved for JRPGs for me. The Saturn was for 2D action and fighting games. The N64 was for those first-party Nintendo games. Loved all 3, just for different things.

>> No.1231102

Tomba > Any platformer on N64
Castlevania SOTN > Any adventure game on N64
FF IX > Any RPG on N64 (lol)
Einhander > Any shmup on N64

Let's face it the N64 was a shitty console. It had a couple of landmark titles, but it ain't got nothing on the vast library of the PS1.

Some notable PS1 games on what the N64 can't even compete:

Vib Ribbon, Alundra, Parodius, JoJos Bizarre Adventure, Megaman X4, Megaman Legends 2, Crash Bandicoot 2, Parappa the Rapper, Vandal Hearts, Klonoa, Suikoden 2, Strider 2, Grandia, Wipeout, Resident Evil 2, King's Field.

And this is just scratching the surface. The PS1 had an awesome library.

>> No.1231114

>Some notable PS1 games on what the N64 can't even compete:
>Wipeout, Resident Evil 2
The N64 had both of these.

>> No.1231142

re2 on n64 was terribad though, though i don't agree with the guy who you are responding to.

>> No.1231152

>Not trying to start a war

No, that's exactly what you wanted.

>> No.1231162

RE2 N64 > RE2 PS1.

The PC and 6th gen ports are better, though.

>> No.1231186

aiming on n64 was so fucking hard though

>> No.1231207

>PS1 has better games to play alone than the N64
Wow, I never would have considered that. I wonder why OP didn't bring it up?

There are plenty of games on the N64 that the PS1 can't compete with, but it's irrelevant. Every system has some good games. But it's all opinion

I really, really wasn't. I mean, I knew it would happen. I just want to hear what's so special about the PS1 aside from RPGs, Fighting games, and SHMUPs.
As far as I'm concerned, it's what I said and >>1230971

>> No.1231340

I don't know if his helps, I live in Argentina, not dirt poor but definitely a third world country, and Playstation 1 was the first popular console.

There were Nintendos and Super Nintendos and Mega Drives before, but only the high middle class or high class could buy them (also because of our taxes, a new snes game could cost close to USD100 in the 90s here).

Playstation 1 was the first console working class or middle class third world people could buy, because it was cheap, because it had more uses than being just a console (you could play music on it), and because the games were easy to pirate, so, extremely cheap, you couldn't do that with the Nintendo cartridges.

>> No.1231391

Now that's a good reason.
I'm so thankful I live in a place where games aren't grossly overpriced.

>> No.1231427


I had a SNES as a kid, and my parents only bought me 5 games in the 90s, Super Mario World (came with the console), Mega Man x, Mortal Kombat II, Killer Instinct and Samurai Showdown.
3 fighting games because arcades were still very popular in the 90s, I used them to practice for the arcades.

I did manage to play all the Super Nintendo classics because I would rent games every month, I also had an adaptor to play NES games.

Before playstation people who could not afford a snes or mega drive used pirate consoles, like the Family game https://www.google.com.ar/search?q=family+game&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=PumXUrvXFa_msASd5YCACQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=629

>> No.1231534

The N64 was more densely packed with good games, mostly things from Rare and such. But everyone all played basically the same things because there wasn't much to choose from. If you had an N64, you almost certainly played at least one of these:

>Star Fox/Lylat Wars
>Mario Kart
>Diddy Kong Racing
>Mario 64
>Mario Party 2
>Paper Mario

That wasn't really the case for Playstation. The PS had like Final Fantasy and maybe Gran Turismo, but there was no real list of "games everyone has probably played at least one of." But, the PS1 was probably a better console overall because it had way more to choose from, better hardware and generally more good games as a result of having so many of them. It just isn't so fun to talk about because everyone isn't playing the same thing.

>> No.1231538

The problem wasn't a lack of choice on the N64. The problem was a reluctance of N64 gamers to explore anything which didn't scream "AAA BRILLIANT GAME".

>> No.1231541

>I think
stopped reading right there.

>> No.1231545
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>> No.1231554

>(Let's face it, who really had a Saturn?)

Japan. The land of the thousand Saturn games which never got released elsewhere. Also the land where N64 did worst, and that's saying A LOT.

>> No.1231562
File: 12 KB, 256x225, discomario-screen2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The success of SNES, PS1, and PS2 proved that in order for a console's library to have a lot of hits, it's gotta have a lot of misses.

Those three consoles sure had a lot of shit titles that were easily overshadowed by the hits.

My 2¢.

>> No.1231570

N64 is a great party console. Some of the games are rock solid too, some of the best in the genre to date. But for me, those rock solid games are scarce. Really, there are about 5 games for the N64 that I truly liked (Mario Party, Star Fox, Paper Mario, Smash Bros, and Sin and Punishment). The rest of the games, I can't call them bad really, but at I always found something on PC or the PS1 that I enjoyed more.

PS1 on the other hand had literally hundreds of games I thoroughly enjoyed.

PS1 gets my vote.

>> No.1231578

>fighting games
pick one

>> No.1231589


>> No.1231594

>Street Fighter
>Marvel vs. Capcom
>Bloody Roar
>Bushido Blade
>Mortal Kombat
>Dragon Ball Z
>King of Fighters
>Soul Blade
>Guilty Gear
>Dead or Alive
etc etc

>> No.1231602

n64 is for casual babies, saturn is for hardcore and the PS1 is somewhere in between

>> No.1231605

>but it doesn't have the one fighting game i like so it sucks. everyone should be me.

>> No.1231613

On the flipside, the N64 had Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, and Smash Bros. Plus another 20 or so fighting games I can't remember because I don't like the genre.

>> No.1231617

MK4 was alright kind of clunky but fun
KI is pure shit, and smash bros is pure shit.

>> No.1231620

>smash bros is pure shit
your subjective opinion is objectively wrong

>> No.1231619

N64 had a LOT less fighting games, and Smash Bros. barely even counts. All the worthwhile ones were on PS1, as compared to N64.

>> No.1231625

smash bros isn't good...its a fun party game but for a fighting game its a piece of shit.

>> No.1231632

>KI is pure shit, and smash bros is pure shit.
Are you saying the entire Killer Instinct series is shit? Because KI on SNES sold 3.2 million copies, and the series as a whole has a cult classic reputation.

>All the worthwhile ones were on PS1
It's worth noting that with fighting games, people tend to equate "worthwhile" with "Japanese". The N64 was not the console for people who liked Japan-centric titles. (For example, game like Street Fighter SNES sold very heavily in Japan. Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct did not.)

>> No.1231638

I think that they aren't really comparable. They had libraries that seemed to fill different niches from my perspective, and same with their successors. I grew up with N64 and enjoyed the multiplayer a lot, and while nowadays I'm going back and playing all the great PS games I missed out on, I find that many of them are single player, and that makes me happy that I had an N64 to play good MP games with friends when I was young, and now that I'm older (and more often on my own due to scheduling complexities with my now older friends), I can enjoy the vast selection of quality single-player PS games, and I don't feel like I'm missing anything on either side.

I'm also glad that I have all that MP experience to make me better at competitive action games. My gf (who grew up with playstation consoles) doesn't have much experience with such games and is thus frustrated by how bad she is at many MP games.

>> No.1231636

your subjective opinion is still objectively wrong

>> No.1231657

Wasn't asking which is better or anything, and that's pretty much the point I was getting at. When people do choose sides, it's for these reasons and very similar ones.
I've been doing the same thing pretty much, although I'm going through Dreamcast now. I've been meaning to play PS1 games on my PSP but I just never play my PSP.

>> No.1231684

WOW OMG IT SOLD A TON OF COPIES THAT MEANS ITS TOTALLY AWESOME JUST LIKE CALL OF DUTY. KI is a button mashing shitshow it has no series metagame so it never got played in any significant tournaments.

>> No.1231694

>KI is a button mashing shitshow it has no series metagame so it never got played in any significant tournaments.
Killer Instinct has no series metagame? Can you substantiate this?

>> No.1231705

>button mashing
Unless you want to win, then you better memorize those combos and get your breaker timing down. Button mash against anyone worth their salt and it doesn't fare well

>> No.1231735

how? it's not a good fighting game, fox only, no items, final destination. Just how the developers intended,

>> No.1231736

>Still doesn't change the fact that Nintendo was sent to the bottom of the home console market in one fell swoop by Sony, and they are never likely to recover it.

Believe me Sony would prefer owning Nintendo instead of Sony Computer Entertainment.

PS1 made roughly the same amount of profit as the N64 (believe it or not).

PS2 only made slightly more profit than the Gamecube (believe it or not).

PS3 lost Sony more money than profit from PS1 and PS2 combined, while Wii made more money than god.

>> No.1231743


In the PS3 era, the Wii won by a mile. It wasn't even close and Sony might have been better off not even participating. That's a pretty bad spot to be in when you're in the business of making money.

We'll see how the PS4 goes. I can already bet it's going to beat the Xbox... One...
>naming the third console 'One'
>all those terrible design decisions
Not to drag this too off topic.

But the PS1 and 2 will always have a special place in the world for longevity and choice alone, even if Sony consoles don't last.

>> No.1231748

thats what it is though you dont really have to worry about screen control because you just get one in and then smash the fuck out of each other. I played the snes version most with my friends I think its okay but I'd rather play something from SNK, I beat the fuck out of KI2 in the arcades years ago I used to have fun doin a lil poke with spinal then ripping em apart with muh sword but I just dont enjoy it anymore. Used to love sabrewolf too but I just hate it now. don't be too offended I hate most fighting games now that aren't Sagat vs Ken (ssf2t) or on neogeo

>> No.1231760


Are you fucking retarded or...?

>> No.1231767

The N64 version or RE2 is better than the PS1 version. There are some compromises, sure, but the game makes up for it.

>> No.1231773


The targeting fucking sucked, the controls were twitchy, it suffered from constant sound glitches, and wasn't nearly as smooth as the PS1 version. I would hardly say "the game makes up for it" stands up when it's the same game on a better console without any of the bullshit.

>> No.1231775

>The targeting fucking sucked


>> No.1231778

RE2 is rare in that no version is definitive. It's fully possible that with all of the different options added to the N64 version that he does prefer that one.

>> No.1231780

>The targeting fucking sucked, the controls were twitchy, it suffered from constant sound glitches, and wasn't nearly as smooth as the PS1 version.
Huh? What are you talking about? RE2 N64 has no sound glitches, unless it's emulated. The only problem is muffled dialogue. The game itself is just as smooth and fast as the PS1 version, and it runs at 640x480 in some scenes.

>> No.1231783

>RE2 is rare in that no version is definitive.
This. The different versions have different pros and cons. There's only one truly shitty version, and it was made for some custom game machine.

>> No.1231784

Yeah, I do the same with my PSP, and some games I just can't play without the proper controller (ie. Ace Combat). Others, like BoFIV, don't work when I try them. I'll get working versions eventually though.

I didn't mean to single you out through quotations, for the record. It was more that I just clicked your post from the main page and responded with how I felt. It's more an address to the thread on my viewpoint. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

>> No.1231785

>>1230881 ps1 had more and good games. Plus piracy was easy

>> No.1231786

What, the Game.com version? I don't even think that it qualifies as a real RE2.

While we're on the tangent, does anyone have that chart from a few months back which shows all the pros and cons of each version?

>> No.1231787

>I've been meaning to play PS1 games on my PSP but I just never play my P
If you've got a PSP, by all means, the PS1 version is good.

>> No.1231792
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>While we're on the tangent, does anyone have that chart from a few months back which shows all the pros and cons of each version?

>> No.1231795

PS1 is better because GOAT games and awesome graphics

N64 is better if you had friends


>> No.1231796

>PS1 is better because GOAT games and awesome graphics
Not to be a cynical sourpuss, but the N64 was a much better machine if you were a graphics whore.

>> No.1231814

N64 had blurry, dark graphics.
PS1 had sharp, colourful graphics.

>> No.1231819

>PS1 had sharp, colourful graphics.
This isn't really true. The PS1 just had point sample filtering and no AA. Jagged edges and unfiltered textures look "sharp", sure. But they also look pretty terrible.

>> No.1231826

Well when you look at games like Spyro vs OOT the PS1 is almost always more colourful.

>> No.1231837

>Well when you look at games like Spyro vs OOT the PS1 is almost always more colourful.
They're totally different sorts of games. Ocarina of Time has a more realistic, and textured, visual style than Spyro, which used lots of single coloured surfaces.

>> No.1231845
File: 169 KB, 640x480, Glide64_Kirby64_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 did tend to favor "gritty" art styles in a lot of games. But stuff like Kirby was bright and colourful.

>> No.1231858

There are no single colored surfaces in Spyro, that's a routine they used to render long drawing distances in order to keep the target of 60fps, but when you get close it's all textured. I think the only differences between OoT and Spyro are merely stylish. The guy you're replying to didn't have a point anyway, since there are colorful games on the N64 too, and games which take their palette with an artistic license, like SH.

>> No.1231862

Yeah... I'll take Extreme Battle and better looking costumes and FMVs over some shitty costumes and item randomizer, thank you very much.

>> No.1231872

The N64 version does have better character animation, too.

>> No.1231891

ps1 for great single player games and jrpg goodness

n64 for multiplayer

both systems complimented each other very well.

>> No.1231896

The N64 was THE system for singleplayer FPS games. It was also THE system for third person shooters. And wrestling games. And sports titles, if you're into them.

>> No.1231901

When you look at games like Turok and Klonoa the PSX is more colorful

See what I did there? It's all art direction

>> No.1233139

Should i buy a N64 off ebay?
I want to play diddy kong racing, Smash Bros, Mario kart, yoshis story, dony kiong 64 and mario party on it. no i will not emulate so dont ask.

>> No.1233160

Yeah, I mean, how else will you play them then? There's plenty of other good games as well.
Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Conker's Bad Fur Day (pricey though...), Banjo Kazooie...

>> No.1233612

Anyone else think the the N64 is still the best looking console?

>> No.1233630

If you're going to prove that SSB for the N64 is pure shit, then at least try to make a point relevant to SSB for the N64.

>> No.1233637

>want to play
>will not emulate
>should I buy

>> No.1233853

I wouldn't say that game is shit, I wish people would stop trying to tell me it's a fighting game though.

>> No.1233867

>There are no single colored surfaces in Spyro
Either flat-shaded or Gouraud shaded though.

>> No.1233875

With the keyword being DISTANCE. When you get close the surface mipmaps and then draws the texture like it's meant to.

>> No.1233883

Not all surfaces are textured actually. I think you should have another look at the game. A good deal do though, I know.

PSX doesn't have hardware mipmaps. That's why they have to do this draw distance rendering trick rather than just LOD the textures like N64.

>> No.1233905

>Not all surfaces are textured actually
I played recently, and I think they are. Things like crystal materials and some enemies can just do without them. But we were talking about the environment.

>PSX doesn't have hardware mipmaps
I wasn't talking about hardware mipmaps, although yeah, I don't remember Spyro phasing the fill rate. Spyro also needed to always run at 60fps while N64 games didn't quite struggle, taking the grafix approach (I believe it was the same Nintendo directive that didn't allow the 600,000 polygon mode). Crash did have software mipmaps, maybe I'm confusing the two.

>> No.1233961

What are the classic games of Playstation 1? the 2 obvious ones I can think of are Symphony of the Night and Final Fantasy VII.

N64 has a very clear group of classic games. Mario 64, Ocarina and Majoras Mask, Golden Eye, the 2 Banjo games, Star Fox etc

I used to see N64 as a console with far less games than Playstation 1, but with more classics in spite of selling less than a third than P1.

>> No.1233967

Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.1233969

Spyro series (2 or 3 would be best if you only want to play a single one), Crash series (same here, except you should also play CTR), MGS, Silent Hill, Medievil series, Ape Escape, Tekken (3).

These are the most relevant exclusives I think, with popularity on par with the games you listed for the N64.

>> No.1234065

>Spyro also needed to always run at 60fps
Spyro didn't run at 60fps. It was 30fps like Crash.
>I believe it was the same Nintendo directive that didn't allow the 600,000 polygon mode
That was only the case at first when the N64 was new and Nintendo wanted to show off the system's capabilities. They didn't care later on, and developers still preferred the accurate microcode (or wrote their own middle-way microcode).

>Crash did have software mipmaps, maybe I'm confusing the two.

Not sure if there was much point to Crash needing mipmaps considering it's a linear corridor platformer. Also one of the main benefits of mipmaps is that you can do more accurate texture filtering. Since the PSX can't do texture filtering beyond point sampling it's a little bit pointless. I think the Spyro team had it right by just reverting to Gouraud shading at a distance.

>> No.1234094

The psx has a much larger colection of games and genres. The n64 has some of the greatest games of all times but not much else. If you played those ~10 games every n64 owner has, there was not much else.

387 games (84 of them Japan only)
The fucking Gamecube and Xbox have more than double the amount.

2,418 games

Only the PS2 has more games

>> No.1234118

>Spyro didn't run at 60fps. It was 30fps like Crash.

Pretty sure it was 60fps m8.

>Also one of the main benefits of mipmaps is that you can do more accurate texture filtering.

Also reduce fill-rate, as I said.

>> No.1234127

>Pretty sure it was 60fps m8.
Pretty sure it wasn't.

>> No.1234243

>If you played those ~10 games every n64 owner has, there was not much else.
This is a common misconception. Most people were unwilling to explore the great many excellent 3rd party N64 titles for the same reason 3rd party titles struggle on the Wii and DS.

>> No.1234253

Gran Turismo
Metal Gear Solid
Chrono Cross
Parasite Eve
Silent Hill
RE 1-3
Dino Crisis
Tekken 3
Colony Wars
Crash Bandicoot
Ape Escape

>> No.1234260

It's interesting to note that many of the PS1's iconic games weren't exclusive to the PS1. Great games, sure, but worth noting, since some people are really obsessed with exclusivity as a measure of a system's worth.

>> No.1234471

True. Heck, even some of N64's best were exclusive for quite a while until they got the XBLA treatment. Even non-Rare games Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask got ported to another system. Then there's Conker Live and Reloaded, Mario 64 DS, and Ocarine of Time 3D, though I'm not sure those count since those are remakes.

>> No.1234479

fuck you. i had a saturn.
i still have my saturn.
its my favorite console.
you dont like it? tough shit, i didnt buy it for YOU.

>> No.1234481

if you loved shitty games, then yeah; the fuckin pinnacle

>> No.1234483

holy shit!
this guy gets it!

>> No.1234484

>if you loved shitty games, then yeah; the fuckin pinnacle
The N64 has the most critically acclaimed videogame in existence - Ocarina of Time.

>> No.1234491

have we all forgotten the best console for fighting games at that time?
thats right, and i still play my saturn

>> No.1234492

>N64 had a LOT less fighting games, and Smash Bros. barely even counts. All the worthwhile ones were on PS1, as compared to N64.

holy shit, youre stupid.
the worthwhile fighter were on saturn

>> No.1234508

only n64 games I liked were smash brothers, mario kart, and that's it already.

>> No.1234509

>only n64 games I liked were smash brothers, mario kart, and that's it already.
I get the feeling you didn't play all that many N64 games.

Why about Wipeout?
What about Resident Evil 2?
What about Goldeneye? World is Not Enough? Perfect Dark?
What about Tony Hawk?
What about Rayman 2?

>> No.1234529

The PSX may be objectively better than the N64 due to its larger, more diverse library and optical storage, but my personal preference is for the N64.

Why? Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, and all the other Nintendo/Rare exclusives. They were hot shit at the time, and even today many of them are still fun to play. Ths PSX had a lot of decent exclusives as well, but most of them didn't age nearly as well.

>> No.1234534

>objectively better
We don't use that kind of language in this here town.

>> No.1234537

This is /vr/, not /v/. We're more logical here.

>> No.1234565

Still, it's flamebait.

>> No.1234575

I'm certain the vast majority of N64 sales were in north america, and even then the success was just riding on the coat tails of the SNES.

Over here everyone had a playstation and a handful had a saturn (due to the success of the genesis). I only know one person who had an N64 and it just collected dust because new games were £60, and £75+ for the ones that came with accessories (PS1 games were usually around 35-40) and local shops just stopped stocking N64 games about a year after release.

If you think the Wii or Wii U were lacking games, the 64 was much worse.

>> No.1234579

>We're more logical here.
There's no logic when talking about what games are better.

>> No.1234580

Japan: 5.54 million
North America: 20.63 million
Europe & Australia: 6.75 million

>> No.1234635
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Sorry for bursting in with something unrelated, couldn't find a more relevant thread and don't think it needs a new one but what in the world is this?

>> No.1234646

Looks like a phone charger

>> No.1234784
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1385681957901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of those kids who had a Saturn.

>> No.1234851

Why do Playstation owners still somehow cling to the false idea than their system was technically more powerful than the N64?

The N64 had technically more advanced components by any metric you use (other than storage medium, but that's an external component, not internal).

>> No.1234875

I had a N64, a Saturn and a PS1.
Going by time played on the three systems, I think the ranking would be N64 > Saturn > PS1. Even though there actually were great games on the PS1, they were generally less appealing to me.
I used the PS1 less both for single-player gaming and, obviously, for multiplayer gaming.

>> No.1234887
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I didn't say I didn't like the Saturn, it just barely competed with the PS1 and N64.

>PS1 as compared to N64
I was leaving Saturn out of the question.

>> No.1234908

>What are the classic games of Playstation 1?
Fucking Tomb Raider, aka greatest games of all time

>> No.1234916

I grew up on the N64, but eventually got a PlayStation around ~2002. I tend to enjoy the N64 library a bit more, but the PS1 just had a shit-ton more games. I will say though that devs had some really neat technical ability when making games for both consoles. That's really why I like Rareware and what they did to work with the N64's hardware.

The Saturn looks like it had some nice games, just that a lot of them didn't leave Japan. Would a Sanic game really have saved the console?

I might be completely wrong, but isn't that a way that the PS1 could connect online? Cellphones were super popular in Japan at the time, so that's what I'm guessing. I remember reading about something along those lines a long time ago. Or maybe I imagined it.

>> No.1234951

Because Nintendo insisted on excessively high image quality and their hardware couldn't handle it. PS1 pushed more polygons per second because it didn't bother with filtering/antialiasing/texture correction/z-buffering.

Tekken 3 on PS1 looks better than anything on N64.

>> No.1234993
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And that's a delicious feel, m8.

>> No.1235263

>Tekken 3 on PS1 looks better than anything on N64.
Tekken 3 looks great for PSX but I wouldn't go that far. The texture shimmer, aliasing, polygon warping causes eyes to bleed when in motion.

It's because you can max out the visuals on a game that takes place in a teeny tiny fighting arena with pre-rendered backgrounds as compared to a free roaming 3D game like you get on N64.

>> No.1235279

>If you think the Wii or Wii U were lacking games, the 64 was much worse.
This. Game magazines were actually making "no gaems" jokes about the N64 back in the day, which forced Nintendo to come up with some bullshit "quality over quantity" mantra (nevermind the fact that Midway published games for them).

Oh yeah, the Saturn was better than both because it had the only decent port of X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

>> No.1235438

The Wii has and always had games. It might not have the big third party IPs behind it like GTA or MGS, but it still had reasonable third party support. A better console would've been either the GameCube or the PS3.

Nintendo always has an excuse. Nintendo doesn't really care anyway, as they make money no matter what. Yamauchi was the one who was pissed over losing marketshare, Iwata doesn't care at all about consoles and wants to focus more on handhelds.

>> No.1235470

Both the gamecube and PS3 have far more good games than the Wii though.

>> No.1235504

Strange, the GameCube had a lot of games despite selling worse than the N64. It had almost twice as many games.

>> No.1235529

Wii U has less games than N64, Gamecube, Wii, or PS3.
Then again, it is current gen within the first year or so.

>> No.1238378

One thing that makes me see the N64 as superior nowdays is the load times. Ps1 load times where ofter horrendus, and I don't seeFMV cutscenes or orchestrial music as a good tradeoff.

>> No.1238431

>but I couldn't imagine having that growing up instead
Holy shit nigger, are you serious right now? I had an SNES as a kid and had zero qualms when I switched over to the PS1. Tons more games, Crash and Spyro blew Mario out of the water, and an awesome library that didn't rape your pocket. N64 had its gems, sure, but it didn't really compare to the PS1, even if the N64 had better hardware.

>> No.1238469

I'll take load times and a much wider variety of games over a limited cartridge selection any day. PS1 did everything the N64 did but better and more, as far as software goes anyway.

>> No.1240181

>I didn't say I didn't like the Saturn, it just barely competed with the PS1 and N64.
>I didn't say I didn't like the Saturn
but you dont like it enough to include it in your litte comparison