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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 92 KB, 600x350, Retro-Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1230493 No.1230493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure many of you, like me, hate the 50 million let's play videos that have flooded video sharing sites recently.

Today I want to share some shows I like. Shows that take the time and energy to make well made videos that deserve your time. I also want to find some new shows that I don't know about, so share em' if you got em'.

1. Videos must not be a let's play.
2. Reviews/Overviews/Facts/Interesting Information/Rarities are fine
3. Multiple videos from same series are fine.
4. Do not post obvious try-hards doing it just to get famous. REAL FUCKING GAMERS ONLY.

>> No.1230502
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This guy compares ports of video games. If you are into that kind of thing, this show is really well researched and presented.

Dragon's Lair episode:

>> No.1230505
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The show has it's ups and downs. It's not always about retro games but when it is they usually cover rare items and titles. The episode I am sharing is the one about an old Nintendo table top game that has been forgotten by most.

Mario's Cement Factory episode:

>> No.1230509
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My Life In Gaming

An extremely well made show about this one guys relationship with older games he used to play. Of all the shows I watch, this one is probably the most unknown but has the highest quality.

Starfox Episode:

>> No.1230517
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Game Sack

Broadcast length episodes every week of retro games. Every episodes is about a different topic, this is an amazing show.

Disappointing Follow-Ups (bad sequels) episode:

>> No.1230569

Never heard of any of these guys, but they are all pretty damn good.

>> No.1230586


I had never seen these things before. How many did they make?

>> No.1230613

Look at how crappy those t shirts are. Freshly bought from HMV

>> No.1230623


Attacking some guys cuz of what they are wearing.


>> No.1230625


What the fuck is HMV?

>> No.1230640


The British version of Sam Goody/F.Y.E.

>> No.1230669

Is it sad the only YouTube channels I can think of are Let's plays?

>> No.1230796


Retro Game videos that are nto let's plays. There is no such thing.

>> No.1230835

these guys don't seem bad

>> No.1230843


I like them, they do a pretty good job at showing off some interesting titles.

>> No.1230856

I liked the Happy Video Game nerd, though admittedly I haven't watched all his reviews. The Little Nemo in Slumberland review was outstanding. I'm glad he did not neglect to mention the Windsor McCay comics.

>> No.1230910
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Gives very in depth, good, mostly unbiased reviews on games. Does a great job reviewing the 3D Zelda games as well as a handful of other games. Most aren't retro, but they're still very good reviews. And frankly I love his accent

OoT Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o908SWJ8ulc

>> No.1231001

Generation 16 is one of the best produced shows on youtube. He plays through every sega genesis game in order and gives a little review about each one. Lots of interesting facts and reviews on japanese exclusives I didnt even know existed.


this shit is awesome

Also there is Dr.Sparkles chrontendo where he does the same thing. (Generation 16 actually ripped him off but his production values arent quiet as high). He does chrontendo which is all famicom games, chronsega where he included the mastersystem, and chronturbo for the pc engine. Awesome show very relaxing good to fall asleep to.


Awesome stuff though sure beats the crap out of the shitty reviewers like jontron, happy console gaymer, and the likes.

>> No.1231793


cool beans

>> No.1231820

Matthew pls

>> No.1231831

I came here just to mention Chrontendo. Good to know I'm not alone!

>> No.1231841
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>> No.1231849


Amen brother.

>> No.1231910

Yeah but seriously there are some people like Irate Gamer who you could literally call fake gamers, using "not real gamers" to discredit anything you don't like is obnoxious.

Even fucking Game Grumps, where the two always suck at the game and don't focus on the game at all, can't be called "fake gamers" because they actually enjoy games. I guess.

Literally the only "fake gamer" I can think of is Irate Gamer (do I have to explain that?). It's not really a huge issue.

>> No.1231916


I think what he means by real gamers is that they want gamers and not actors.

>> No.1232376

I watched his all his videos, I must say they are pretty good. Not much bullshit. I was sure he was British (accent) but then I saw American 'no fun allowed' Super Nintendo.

>> No.1232412

I think it is commendable not to know youtube channels.

>> No.1232635


The guy is British, but he lives in the US. So when he speaks about certain consoles he uses the American name sake.

>> No.1232747
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This guys does exactly what you didn't want in your post. He has made several rant videos and he obviously knows fuck all about video games.

>> No.1232801
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Gaming Grannar!

Unfortunately for most of you it's in Swedish but maybe some swedes or other scandinavians have missed them. They talk about games, visit collectors, stores and expos and just a bunch of good stuff.

>> No.1232894
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I really like LGR (Lazy Game Reviews)

He loves his PC games and Duke Nukem

The hardware reviews are the best, although there are some edutainment reviews that are also great.

IMO he's relatively underrated and is a good mix of information with a little humor peppered in


>> No.1233340


Very yes. LGR is a fantastic show. He covers lots of great devices both rare and well known.

>> No.1233358

>video game reviewers
I like to do this strange thing where I play video games and make up my own mind about them and not listen to fat, opinionated idiots.

>> No.1233806




>> No.1233881

Love these guys so much. The wooden delivery annoyed me at first but it grew on me over time.

>> No.1233890

>and not listen to fat, opinionated idiots.

So why are you posting on 4chan?

>> No.1234158

Turbo Views is awesome I've watching his show since the early days


>> No.1234183

I'm going to have to second this, LGR has the formula for informative+entertaining down.
They guy is also very accessible, I've actually traded one of my Tandy's to him for a commodore 64.
Only gripe I have is that he only does older PC games, which I guess isn't really a gripe.

I however, will see your LGR, and raise you one Research Indicates.
I have NEVER seen someone better at reviewing than him, he's got the perfect radio voice required, and does the same level of research as many authors would. Unfortunately most of his stuff is only available to SA members. In fact because of this, the only two games that I know he's reviewed are Jurassic Park Trespasser, and Crimson Skies. But like I said, they are the best I have ever seen.


>Crimson Skies:

>> No.1234283

Strafefox / Splash Wave. By far some of the best production values of youtube overview videos. I've learned a lot about the Konami MSX library watching his vids. Big focus on Konami and Sega games for the most part.


>> No.1234295

fuck you anon this is making want an MSX so fucking bad! Thanks for sharing haha

>> No.1234834


Wow, I had never heard of this guys before. I really like him!

>> No.1236738
File: 293 KB, 1024x768, 732339-rareware_background_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit of an unknown YouTuber, "The Nostalgic Gamer" has nearly finished a documentary series of RARE Ltd.'s establishment throughout each game they've developed & produced. It's very well informed & well structured. He managed to span from the company's inception to Donkey Kong 64 with 2 hours & 52 minutes of content & no filler.


Sadly that was over a year ago & he's been pretty silent on the next entry in the series. Right when he was getting close to RARE's acquisition by Micro$oft & the most controversial period of the company's existence. I'm sure he could easily whip up a few more videos to give the series closure, considering how open that final chapter is to the public, but I think he'd rather tell the people what they don't know. Doing otherwise would just be an easy cop-out.

He has some other well-informed retrospective series' on other game franchises too. Quite a diverse selection on the choices he made too.

>> No.1237997
File: 10 KB, 288x256, DSCF1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, that isn't a bad show. Although he has sequences where he shows up in front of the camera what he says about the games is usually very good.

The last time I watched him he had made a video about the Sony Ascii Sphere controller.


Despite how he acts on camera this is the ONLY video of this thing that exists online. He seems to make videos about stuff that others don't make videos on. Yes, he makes shit videos once in a while but when he does something like this it's pretty good.

>> No.1238014


Is that a Playstation 4 controller?

>> No.1238137


That's a sphere controller. They made only two of them and they don't work like any other controller you have ever used.

>> No.1239157

stopped watching right there

>> No.1239294
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, at first I thought
>paedo voice
>"sooper enneeyes"

But that was actually really good.

Kind of puts the two-fat-retards-screaming-at-each-other-on-a-sofa genre into perspective, doesn't it?

>> No.1239691
File: 127 KB, 500x279, 1378323216004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bit of an unknown YouTuber, "The Nostalgic Gamer" has nearly finished a documentary series of RARE Ltd.'s establishment throughout each game they've developed & produced. It's very well informed & well structured. He managed to span from the company's inception to Donkey Kong 64 with 2 hours & 52 minutes of content & no filler.

Thanks for posting that. I watched the entire series, which took about 3 hours. Very interesting. I hope the creator returns to shed light on Rare's transition to Microsoft, because I don't know much about it.

>> No.1239735


Why, what's wrong with Retroware? Isn't it just a video site?

I thought ScrewAttack was the one everyone hated?

>> No.1239953


>Me thinks he be an asshole.

>> No.1240383
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Nah that guy got lucky. His videos are absolute shit. He 'happened' to find one of the rarest games ever made. After that he was posted pretty much everywhere. Bullshit though, bet he paid like 5,000 for the game alone.

Hilton PSP or whatever is the game he got.

>> No.1240385


That's fake. No way is that a real thing.

>> No.1240389
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>> No.1240394


Now I have to wonder. Did this guy piss in your cheerios or something? I have never heard of retroware before, what's the big deal and why all the hate?

>> No.1240398


There is no such thing as a video game that Hilton made. That's just an April fools video that went viral.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.1240402

The Video Game Years
Retroware TV The Show
16 Bit Gems
The Game Chasers
Pat The NES Punk
Pixels to Plastic
Lazy Game Reviews
You Can Play This
The Gaming Historian
Lets Get!!
2nd Look with Pushing Up Roses
Video Game Take-Out
The Humans Are Coming
8-Bit Alli
Glenn Plant N64 Reviews
Epic Game Music
Game Quickie
Sold Separately

Where do I even start? They do have some decent stuff 16 bit gems, gaming historian. That ports center was actual shit, that faggot just smack talked dragons lair the whole time saying the original was shit. Even if the gameplay sucks the movie you are watching was great, and daphne was HOT AS FUCK. Ports center is trash his fake accent is fucking stupid. Honestly though the biggest faggots off that list are probably game chasers, pat the NES punk and rinrygamegame(fucking worst voice of all time). I'm not an asshole I just have some standards.

>> No.1240406

pat the NES punk and his merry band of retards.

>> No.1240410


Right, so why does Rerez get the shit stick. Show doesn't seem that bad, imo.

>> No.1240414
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Seems to me like /vr/ just hates anyone that used to play the same games they did. No room for opinions, opposing or otherwise.

>> No.1240419
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>"that faggot just smack talked dragons lair the whole time saying the original was shit. Even if the gameplay sucks the movie you are watching was great"

> Even if the gameplay sucks the movie you are watching was great

> Even if the gameplay sucks


>> No.1240421

I never bothered watching his videos I just checked it out its alright he doesnt have any stupid shtick like the rest of them. LGR is okay too but he has way too many fucking shitty sim videos.

This is what really rustled my jimmies though
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhdy3EQ2bc8 Iput that on yesterday and had to shut it off
>calling it naughty graffiti
>dat jason priestly joke
I know pats thing is being not funny, but that was like purposely trying to be not funny funny like the lame pun shit that always gets upvotes on reddit. That shit don't fly with me

>> No.1240424

>hating on dragons lair
get the fuck out of /vr/

>> No.1240429 [DELETED] 

seems to me like you have a reading problem because there is lots of quality content. I don't think anyone was complaining about anyone in specific except portscenter either... seems to me like you have selective reading disorder

>> No.1240427

This thread really shows off our colors. We seem to just fucking hate people who make videos about things we love. Maybe, just maybe we should step back, toss our fedoras to the ground, have a shave, and go for a walk outside to a modern game store and see what's new.

Or, you know, maybe fuck off and eat a Jammie Dodger and watch old Dr. Who reruns.

>> No.1240431

stop samefagging you're not even right. there's lots of quality content out there just because most of it on the topic is shit doesn't mean we hate it all. So you can pick that fedora back up and go laugh at some more poopoo jokes and watch bugs bunny get beat up.

>> No.1240435


Hey I love me some old games like anyone else here. Dragon's Lair is a hot mess though. It's a wonderful looking game, but it plays like a pregnant bear trying to sow a flag on the back of a coked up monkey.

>> No.1240440


Honestly, I have not seen a single videos posted here that isn't without merit or well made. They ain't the AVGN, not even close. Despite the port dude's jokes, the video is pretty accurate to what DL is all about.

>> No.1240448
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seriously its not that bad I've played the arcade original on a cab, have emulated it in daphne and played the DVD version. It's not a mess its just that there is nothing there. Its very hard to know whats coming up as a fresh player but very possible. I've cleared a couple screens on first attempts. I'm not trying to defend the gameplay either because there is nothing to defend its just games can be entertaining for other reasons. Dragons Lair was fun because the scenes looked nice, daphne was a babe, dirk had a cool death animation. Plus most of them are set to have the cues on screen to help you so its not that hard its just fun to watch and its kind of intense having to have good timing.

>> No.1240454
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I know a channel that nobody watches. I think he is Australian and he does older game reviews. Covers Jaguar and stuff. He did a pretty fantastic video on the Double Dragon release for the Atari 2600. I hadn't played that since I was a sprout.


Very very hard game.

>> No.1240457
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oh yeah which is why every port is pure shit, he called the original shit too and that just doesn't fly with me. pic related 10/10 would rescue everytime.

>> No.1240462


It's one of the few games I would watch a Let's play of. Watching it from start to finish in one clean go is fun. Never played Space Ace or any of the sequels to any of the games though.

>> No.1240464


His argument, from what I gather is that he hates the first game. So every port (and there are LOTS of ports for that game) brings him as much if not worse frustration.

>> No.1240471
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Noids don't have sex with doodles. Remember that champ.

>> No.1240479


I can't find any information on this game online. Does anyone know if this is a real thing? Why isn't it on rare PSP lists?

>> No.1240484

time warp is even better that game is a fucking trip its INSANE. If you don't play it at least watch it. Seriously some laser disc games arent too bad there is even one called thayers quest and it had like a full inventory and everything.

>> No.1240491

the second game is the same type of game though he was just taking a shot at FMV games. Which yes there are lots of shitty ones out there I know but games like Dragon's Lair 1 & 2 and Road Avenger are still good games for the genre. The gameplay isn't very involved but they are very entertaining. I feel it's a genre that gets a lot of flak from people who haven't even bothered to try it.

>> No.1240570

DL sucks. Deal with it you turbo nerd.

>> No.1240573

>underage doesn't like don bluth
I'm sorry you had to grow up with poor animation junior.

>> No.1240576

so much this

>> No.1240596

A game can still be bad in its core even if the rest of its aspects boosts its quality.
Unless maybe he was a poor soul whose only Bluth movie was Troll in Central Park.

>> No.1241141


I am not saying Dragon's Lair looks bad. WHat I am saying is that the gameplay isn't really that good. It's an important part of game history, doesn't mean it's a really good game though.

>> No.1241243


How hard is it to find that controller? I have never heard of it before but it looks like it would be fun to use.

>> No.1241373
File: 88 KB, 563x663, 1386007350995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin Perfect did the best overview ever on the Silent Hill HD Collection games. It's a big ass two part video but it covers every single aspect of how Konami fucked up the games.


>> No.1242302

>hundreds of video game shows
>less than half talk about the Genesis/Mega Drive
When will this discrimination end?!

>> No.1242834
File: 20 KB, 188x266, 1386035103318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Second guy talks about an old Mega Drive game he used to play called death dual.


He also talks about a game gear game, and it's really good.


>> No.1242958


>> No.1243216

I like Don Bluth you south American hooker. DL may look good but the game itself is poop.

>> No.1243406

I liked Twin Perfect before their HD Collection spiel. It seems pretty unfair, at least to me, that they act as if the HD Collection is irrefutably impossible to enjoy. I've seen people new to the series get through it and still find the meanings/impact of 2 and 3 intact. Sure, it might not be the same exact way that Fungo and Rossetter (and many others) exactly experienced it all, but it's still a valid, working product. That is, on 360 anyway, as I played through it twice to check as well and it seemed okay. PS3 version appears to have far more serious problems (and remains unpatched? Not sure - but that's a more serious issue).

Also, it just plain bothers me how people act as if companies are majorly incompetent for not keeping their original game data. In Japan, this was incredibly common until recently. The same is true for many Western companies too. People just didn't factor in the idea that someone would eventually want to go back and play these things later. They were products made for "now" and not for preservation. Of course that's why Konami (and others) have had to start practically from scratch when making these newer versions.

>> No.1246334


If that is true, it shows a how careless the companies were. Early in the days when Donkey Kong was produced, it was released on multiple consoles. To this day, it is still produced and various devices. How any company in the 90s didn't think about saving their work is ridiculous.

>> No.1246392
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Nice! That hands down is probably the best Game Gear game ever made.

>> No.1246408


I used to play Poples all the time. Did they ever make this game on anything else? I would love to buy it again.

>> No.1246589


These guys are from retroware. Pretty good site, but it can go for days without updates.

>> No.1246649

Game Sack is pretty fucking sweet. They show off a lot of games I don't know about.

>> No.1246743

I enjoyed 16-bit gems when they were still making episodes. To be honest though, alot of them are poorly researched and thrown together by YouTube wannabes who decided to cash in on the retro game craze.

>> No.1246896

It's a bit much to expect professionalism from youtube considering
-It costs nothing to publish and host a video there.
-Making money from your video is as easy as checking a box.
-The subject of retro games only requires triggering nostalgia rather than making new content.

I watched a little of the generation 16 posted earlier in this thread. I like that he's basically cataloging every genesis game in release order and providing video footage of the game mechanics. But I think the youtube format isn't quite right for what he's doing since all the games are grouped into episodes making it hard to reference individual titles. And sometimes he talks over the gameplay footage when providing an opinion of a game.

I would recommend segagagadomain.com as a similar kind of reference for Saturn games. It's some Japanese guy with a large collection who provides video of the intro and opening gameplay of every one of his Saturn games. He also writes opinionated descriptions of each game and talks about how terrible non-Japanese games are, but these are separate from the gameplay videos and can be completely ignored. He also covers Sega hardware other than Saturn, though the rest of his collection isn't as complete and he doesn't always provide video.

>> No.1247927


The four guys mentioned by the OP all seem to be pretty decent. Why can they do it and the others can't?

Fuck, look at that rezrez guy he made a video on some brown box console and it's VERY well made.

When the bigger guys get all the money from all the views why don't they pick up the quality?

>> No.1249051
File: 15 KB, 300x300, s[here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is a PC version of this controller but it needs to be modified to work on modern computers. It's the perfect controller for Decent and FPS games. Nobody else has ever designed anything like this.

>> No.1249061

It's real.

>> No.1249063

Space Ace was better.

>> No.1249069


That is crazy. So how much does this game go for if I find one?

>> No.1249097

Here's a channel I found out about recently. Shooting Games Weekly.


Episodes are usually about 1 or 2 hours long, and they'll have a different game every week. They start by talking in depth about the systems before watching and comentating on a replay or two.

>> No.1249113


That's borderline let's play/podcast. The trick with all the other videos people have been showing off is that they are edited down.

>> No.1249135

I enjoy his show Retro Core.

>> No.1249160

>I love his accent
>nasally dublin drawl

Confirmed for american

>> No.1249503


He really is a fantastic reviewer. Not really great videos, but fantastic reviews.

>> No.1250326


Very underrated show. They have some great episodes.

>> No.1250523

very disappointed there's no cr1tikal here

>> No.1251308


So happy that nobody has mentioned him until you.

>> No.1251669

LGR is a funny guy. I couldnt believe I spent 3 hours watching hit duke nuken run. Time flew by.

>> No.1251701

joueur du grenier

>> No.1251713

This guy's reviews are pretty good, he mostly focuses on older games. Some of his newer reviews are getting more theatrical but in the end he's still a guy who loves games and reviews games. His "Month of" series are pretty cool.

>> No.1251717


Forgot my link


>> No.1252079


Hmm, never heard of these guys. How long have they been around?

>> No.1253043


This guy, rather. He's been doing videos for five years it seems.

>> No.1253202

Game Theory
Game Sack even though they're doofy as hell
The Gaming Historian
NES Complex
Retro Hunters but they don't make any more vids
Game Chasers

>> No.1253806
File: 99 KB, 575x323, avgn_movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 4. Do not post obvious try-hards...

So what is so wrong with people having fun with the videos they make? Is it really so much better to make a video series where you speak in monotone and just talk about videos games?

>> No.1254134

>Game Sack
Mah niggah

>> No.1256621


It's not about making it better quality. Some people on YouTube don't know how to make videos like that. The rerez guy is obviously trained and has a camera crew. Most guys don't have that, and it doesn't mean they are bad.

YouTube isn't about pro videos, it's about people making videos who otherwise wouldn't.

>> No.1256656
File: 14 KB, 169x225, mIX0BTORL1Fk2ogyVESecwQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a whole bunch of the mini arcades from Nintendo. N

>> No.1256682

Game sack grew on me after awhile and now I watch every new video they put up.
Classic game room is always a good time too.

But fuck the game chasers. They're episodes became so dumb and full of stupid advertisements.

>> No.1256691

Game Sack are just two nerds who showcase games you might not have heard of. That and classic game room are the only youtube shows I watch.

>> No.1256838


These guys are on Retroware. Isn't Game Sack from the same site?

>> No.1259415

What I love most about the Game Chasers is how much they e beg. There's nothing like grown men begging teenagers on youtube for money to buy video games.

>> No.1259421

Gamester81 is awful. Sure he's nice but he's the most bland person I've ever heard. Also his videos are full of inaccurate information. Watch the fuck out if he tries to be funny because that shit is awful. The only thing he has going for his channel is he owns damn near everything.

I also don't like his in video ads. Assuming you're a pleb that doesn't have adblocker installed you have to sit through two ads to hear this gumpy dude mumble some inaccurate bits of trivia.

>> No.1259628

Is there some channel without the forced nostalgia?

>> No.1259834

>/retro games/

>> No.1259903

I would say, >50% of /vr/ didn't play anything before the N64 back in the day.

>> No.1260009

No, that's probably not true. Most people here were kids during the NES or SNES stage of video games - making the average here probably 29ish or so. I'm talking regulars here, not the riffraff from /v/ that comes in to shitpost from time to time, mind you.

>> No.1260134


Game Sack and that Rerez guy up top don't seem to force the nostalgia down your throat. Despite the fact that they both do videos about older games.


Game Sack is not on Retroware, if they are they are not listed.

>> No.1261189

What has he said specifically thats wrong? I would call him out on it lololol. Usually the mistakes Ive seen him make are just using the wrong word but I know what hes talking about. I havent heard him say anything outright untrue. I dont watch too much of his stuff though

>> No.1261205

I hate those faggots, anybody watch Big game hunter? He used to post on here before we called him out on his jewness too many times and left. Did he get banned or throw a fit, I dont really remember him leaving I just know we used to rip on him for being a youtube whore too.

>> No.1261421


>worst voice of all time

She's cute, you prick

>> No.1261431

that mouse squeaking is not cute, it hurts my ears.

>> No.1261441


To each their own, I guess. She's like a Canadian anime character. Which to me is good.

And besides, her voice isn't her fault. Voice aside, her videos are good. A bit hipster maybe (the cartridge abuse) but I don't mind that either.

>> No.1261479
File: 834 KB, 256x256, wherecouldibe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually kind of like Video Game Years, the production value is staggeringly high for a web show. Seems like something that would have been a first-wave G4 show. Certainly some of the people on it are try-hard master rusemen, but I think it's good a show like that can exist amoungst the cesspool of other retrospective pieces narrated by Geoff Keighley or that asshole that does all of GT's shit. There's something genuine about it.

>> No.1264164

iirc, he posted one video of him buying a bunch of CIB SNES games for dirt cheap, listed them on ebay for higher prices and people threw a bitch fit. I don't know what happened to him.

>> No.1265137

keep going anons

>> No.1265198
File: 163 KB, 1130x695, adg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient DOS Games is a series covering both obscure and well known DOS games. It used to be exclusive to http://www.pixelships.com but has recently started to migrate to Youtube where old episodes are still being uploaded. Check the website for all of the 125 episodes.

The videos themselves go pretty in-depth about every aspect of the game, and even mention the best DOSBox settings to use.


>> No.1267643

Pretty good, but his voice and the way he talks gets a bit annoying after a while

>> No.1267659
File: 125 KB, 640x960, 1367596500445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about shows that were before the 2000's? The stuff in this thread is hella boring, I'm looking for something cheesier and unintentionally hilarious, like Nick Arcade or Flights of Fantasy.

>> No.1267753 [DELETED] 

Boy have I got something for you...

Video Power with Johnny Arcade!

GamePro TV with that Animal Planet guy!

Britfag retro game madness!

>> No.1267770
File: 1.34 MB, 695x695, 1364423435999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy have I got something for you...

Video Power with Johnny Arcade!

GamePro TV with that Animal Planet guy!

Britfag retro game madness!

>> No.1267853

I wonder sometimes if people outside of North America think that southern trailer trash drawls and whitebread midwestern accents are exotic and pleasing to the ears.

>> No.1267894 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 351x352, cute donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to that one guy submitting a guide on how to refund through Amazon Payments? Is it still up on the forums?

>> No.1268989

>tfw Mark has left youtube

>> No.1270406

Holy crap, this is great, thanks!

>> No.1270470

>Kinda like the Twin Towers of trouble
oh man

>> No.1270490

>"Gemini Man, kinda like the Twin Towers of trouble."

I lost it.

>> No.1273106

Something about him. I think it's the way he talks and acts. A LOT of it sounds forced. He says "ladies and gentlemen" every 30 seconds.

>> No.1273175

Gamepro liked Wolverine and look foward to more games based on other X-Men and/or other Superheros. My first thought was Silver Surfer. Also
>not Mag-neet-oh

>> No.1274019


That's a pretty cool video. I like how he shows off the gameplay and the controller at the same time.

>> No.1274714


I like these, and appreciate the dude's programming knowhow, but he's kind of a sad, pathetic sperglord. Would it kill him to get a decent haircut and modern wardrobe if he's going to appear on camera, or at least write some jokes or try and have some kind of narrative structure when he talks about something?

As it is, he's just moving from discussion of facts to gameplay suggestions to how to get it to run. Mind you I'm still on the earlier episodes. Does it get any better?

>> No.1274765

Yeah they get better, but he's still as much of a sperglord though

Check one of the latest episodes on his website yourself

>> No.1275094


LGR is the man.

>> No.1277806


Who is this mate?

>> No.1277820
File: 1009 KB, 1280x720, Freddi Fish titlecard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy is one of those comedy reviewers, I think he's british, but his jokes are usually spot on, I was in tears laughing at his Freddi Fish video.


>> No.1277830


>> No.1277835

Well yeah, what do you expect though?

Not like it does anything for or against his show.

>> No.1277845

Kind of irrelevant. I thought the video was pretty funny!

>> No.1278598


Right the fuck on, Dragon's Lair is quality horrid shit.

>> No.1278697

Thanks for sharing this guy, that was a good video. Probably gonna watch the rest of his stuff now

>> No.1278732
File: 65 KB, 407x321, jack-kerouac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After finding out he actually has a film degree and worked professionally in post-production until he made enough off of his own site, I actually lost respect in is output. For an amateur his work was pretty entertaining and well composed, but not for someone with years of both self-training and formal art education. If what he posts online is his best, I have no idea why anyone takes him seriously as they do.

Otherwise, I don't see why AVGN is automatically excluded from any conversation on /vr/... that would be like banning Fantano discussion from /mu/

>> No.1281279


>takes him seriously

It's just fun to laugh at his intentionally stupid and ironically awkward jokes.

I know what you mean, though.

>> No.1281879


I think there is value in watching AVGN. His use of childish humor aside, his view of older poorly designed games is usually spot on.

Very much like any good artist he can look around and see everyone desperately trying to copy him.

>> No.1282125

Honestly why do some of these people elect yo show themselves on camera? Is it not enough just to hear their voices and images of the game?

>> No.1284028

I've thought about this before. I plan on eventually doing videos that just show what my weekly or bi-weekly pick ups are. I don't plan on getting in front of the camera because it's not about me, it's about the games and the stories of how I got them. But to each their own I guess.