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File: 159 KB, 700x487, megamanxcover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1224282 No.1224282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite Megaman X game, guys?

I just discovered PSX emulation so I'll finally be able to play 4-6. Looking forward to 6 the most.

>> No.1224295

X is so much better than the other ones that I barely even consider it a series.

>> No.1224309

X1 is by far the best. Though I like them all.

Even parts of X7

>> No.1224304

x2...nostalgia bias

>> No.1224307

X2, and you might wanna hold on on the Playstation games OP, you're in for some soul-crushing disappointment otherwise.

>> No.1224313

Hold off on*

>> No.1224321

I already played 1-3.

I'm not the kind of person who really dislikes games.

>> No.1224323

X might be the best. One of the worst things about it, imo, is skidding is pretty much a necessity, so I always have to go after Chill Penguin first (even tho he is the easiest anyway, rather works out fine). Other than that, the game is badass, and overall solid as fuck.

X2 was a nice upgrade, but the weapons were rather crap. The stages with bikes were always fun, and thought the Sigma stages were better than in X

X3 had some awesomeness, and some very shitty aspects to it. The weapons were mediocre, music was kinda shitty, but for some reason was overall, way more fun to play. The hardest of the SNES games I thought, while the most fun to play. Worst part about it was the SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY X BUSTER POWERUP. FUCK.

X4 and X5 were both not bad. But in general, they tend to go downhill after x4. Never played X6 or X7 but heard they are complete trash.

>> No.1224335
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X1 and X4 are objectively the best games

>> No.1224340

X4 is shit so that's impossible.

>> No.1224347

>implying any game is shit

>> No.1224373
File: 361 KB, 800x1035, UDON4 2res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 and X4

>> No.1224407


>> No.1224443

X 1-4 are great. X5 is decent. X6 can be infuriating to play.

>> No.1224449

X2 and X1 are the pinnacle of the entire Mega Man franchise as far as I'm concerned. X3 was pretty good as well but the series isn't really worth playing after that. Something happened when they transitioned to Playstation development that made the series go to shit.

>> No.1224454

I disagree, X4 was pretty good. Not fond of X3 though, it just feels "grungy" and depressing.

>> No.1224459


parts of the team left for inti creates after X4

there's no huge difference between x4 and x2/x3, and x4 is better designed in every possible area

the original x3 bgm is also very sloppily arranged


>> No.1224465
File: 193 KB, 693x900, 664b0b9d99b7ae42d8f71b9588529cfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 and X3 are the best games, but I actually enjoy every X game except for X7.

X2 = X3 > X1 > X4 > X6 > X5 > X8 > CM > X7

>> No.1224473

1, 4 and 6 are my high tier. 2 and 3 are my mid, and 5 is low. 7 is super low. Never played X8.

>> No.1224475
File: 69 KB, 380x512, 080605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X6 better than X5

I don't even

>> No.1224506


Still love MM2 and thought the MM series never got any better than that.


>> No.1224510

m-me too

i hated having to hunt around for an energy bar

>> No.1224517

I loved the X games BECAUSE of their stories

>> No.1224542

Is there some kind of image that shows the best order of all the X games to beat the Mavericks in?

>> No.1224562

>Zero getting fucked up in X after he saved you in the beginning
>not wanting revenge

>> No.1224595

>What is Mega Man 4

>> No.1224623

>there's no huge difference between x4 and x2/x3, and x4 is better designed in every possible area
There sure as hell is. The level design dropped off a damn cliff for X4. And the "Inti team" is a figment of your imagination. The Zero series (and only some of the games too) only share one other person besides Inafaggot with one or two of the SNES games.

>> No.1224626

anything past X3 is shit

>> No.1224640

x > x4 > x2 > x3 > x5 > x8 > x6 >>>>>>>>>>>> x7

>> No.1224657

Megaman X6... bring it.

>> No.1224667

>Start X3
>That long-ass METAL stage intro

X3 was a bit too metal in some places.

>> No.1224669
File: 254 KB, 720x960, Every_Mega_Man_Thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, another thread where manchildren fling shit at each other for liking something they didn't? Those never get old!

>> No.1224673

Am I the only one that thought X3's music was shorter and more repetitive than other entries? I mean, I feel like every track on there had been shortened by about 15-20 seconds compared to other Megamans, especially Zero's theme.

>> No.1224678

No my friend, you are thinking of either /v/ or a Malleo thread.

>> No.1224685

X2's music is generally shorter than X3's, but both are quite a bit shorter on average compared to the first game. Doesn't stop me from liking all three soundtracks.

>> No.1224705

X is my favourite, though not by a large margin. X2 was a nice addition, felt like it really seperated the series from mainline megaman games. X3 was amazing, If you played the snes version (the PS1/Saturn ports were fucking awful, interruption in music loops really ruins otherwise awesome soundtracks).

X4 was nice because of the addition of Zero as a main character. Kind of sucks that he blows X out of the water, making the game super easy, but whatever. Music was great, cutscenes were god awful but funny, and the series really felt like it was heading in a good direction. Then X5 rolled around with it's wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords and lag. X6 was a little better, but still a bit wordy and pretty buggy.

I'm not really sure why the series rolled off like it did at X5, but I did hear that keiji inafune wanted to end it at X5, so maybe that's why?

>> No.1224706

X is the best.
The other two on the SNES were rehashes with little changed.

X4-6 were Zero: the Game and very unfun.

>> No.1224716

>I did hear that keiji inafune wanted to end it at X5, so maybe that's why?

Inafune had just as much to do with X5 as he did with X6. The quality drop between those two games is all in your head since they had pretty much the same development times too.

>> No.1224720

Most of the things wrong with X5 take cues right from X4. I don't understand how you can't see that.

>> No.1224738


Yeah, naw. There's nothing "in my head" about the quality drop on those two games. They're pretty much the worst of the X series, not including 7/8. 6 does have more bugs than 5, and 5 is pretty laggy, which is funny because 4 doesn't even have frame drops at any given point in the game.

There's nothing fun about having alia stop you every 10 seconds in a stage to tell you, an S Rank Hunter, that pits are dangerous and to use platforms to get across them, or to watch out for lava because that shit hurts. X6 slightly alleviated this issue, but it's still present and still very annoying.

And keiji DID intend the story to end at 5, so there's that at least. I know he didn't really have much of a hand in the game besides writing, but he also didn't have much of a hand in 4 besides producing and that turned out well. So I doubt that he's a factor.

Capcom just dropped the ball.

>> No.1224748


Most of the things that I find wrong with X5 aren't present, or nearly as common in X4 (dat text). X4 did have talking: before boss fights, and a couple of times in the intro stage. It was well balanced, not too intrusive and generally benign, but alia literally holds your hand through X5. It's way too much. And the frame rate drops aren't present either.

>> No.1224750


>> No.1224760


God the voice acting is so cringeworthy. Also, did anyone find it weird that X's balls dropped in X5? He sounded like a girl in X4.

>> No.1224762


It's not a mid-to-late 90s Capcom game without "it's so bad it's good dialogue and voice acting"

>> No.1224767
File: 69 KB, 450x627, e96e38534ddad63cccd2d962f63b3b419f17fbbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While X4's and 8's voice acting can be so bad it's hilarious, they didn't quite meet the level of enjoyability of Legends 1's and 2's voice acting had.

Time to get serious!
It's not over yet!

>> No.1224773
File: 53 KB, 375x500, Volnut approves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Legends is god tier level of videogames voice acting.

>> No.1224846

the voice acting in x7 might be the worst thing I've ever heard in my life


>> No.1224864


>tfw I had more fun hanging out in the music store, listening to tracks than I had in the actual game

>> No.1224869

It's hard for me to say. Especially when some anons have already said it.

It's not my number 1 but I really do like x6 despite what others here have said. Great music to accompany that frustrating at times game play but if a game doesn't get under my skin from time to time I don't feel motivated to play it.

>> No.1224879
File: 35 KB, 172x175, burntotheground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crying from laughter and from how terrible that is.

>> No.1225123

I read that it was because they used the same voice actor as Mega Man in MM8. I didn't find this out until this year, but you can tell it was a terrible way to cut costs.

>> No.1225126

>I just discovered PSX emulation


>> No.1225134

If I had to comprise a list of 100 greatest video games, Mega Man X1 would make the list, but none of the other X games would.

That being said, I think X1, X2 and X4 are the best.

>> No.1225138


terrible wiki page, idgaf what anyone else says

epsxe runs more japanese games than pcsx

xebra has no plugin support or graphics plugins

no hq textures? fuck that

>> No.1225192

>I have JUST the CURE

>> No.1225392

I think there was a recent interview where Inafune said he wasn't directly involved with the games past X4 and that X5 had a different team working on it.

>> No.1225395

i've never been able to get into the X series for some reason, even though i rly fuck with mainline mega man

i dunno why but i seem to be really shit at any x game i play, my skills just disappear :(

>> No.1226127

I was so glad that X7 let you switch it to Japanese voice acting. I had to switch it the second I heard the voices in the intro stage.

>> No.1226156

I love how Signas has the exact same voice as Alucard from SoTN. Though Sigma's VA isn't too bad, even if he does sound like Cookie Monster.