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1220264 No.1220264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which was the better RPG on the Super NES—Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI?


Which game had the most memorable moments? Which had the best music? How about best characters? Or best gameplay?

>> No.1220396

Romancing SaGa 3

>> No.1220398

FF6 should never be considered the best RPG. When one of the core stats of the game is flat out BROKEN due to poor coding...

>> No.1220401


>> No.1220402



>> No.1220404

I liked CT more on all accounts. Didn't even finish FF6.

None of them were the best RPG on the SuperFami, IMO.

>> No.1220407
File: 447 KB, 1020x745, RomancingSaga3___Ellen__s_team_by_shinjyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My african americans

>> No.1220405

Fuck that game. I leveled too much in the first zone and couldn't advanced further when the monsters trolled me with the harsh fact that they leveled too.

>> No.1220409

Monster leveling isn't too bad in RS3. Most bosses are harder than any regular monster in the game and they don't level.

>> No.1220420

I mean in the very first zone. At some point some dragons one-shotting my characters just start appearing out of nowhere and I got stuck since I had to cross that road for the story to advance, but couldn't because it was too long for not getting a random encounter which results in a dragon or worse.

>> No.1220421

Not really, no.

>> No.1220445

Is there an English translation of that yet?

>> No.1220448

>I mean in the very first zone. At some point some dragons one-shotting my characters just start appearing out of nowhere and I got stuck since I had to cross that road for the story to advance, but couldn't because it was too long for not getting a random encounter which results in a dragon or worse.
How'd you pull that off?
Were you grinding? Grinding in Saga games is generally a stupid idea when you have no way to get better equipment.

>> No.1220451

There has been one for years

>> No.1220458

Yup, I was grinding. That's like my bad habit, but I just love grinding before continuing the story.

>> No.1220468

Final Fantasy VI had the most memorable moments. Can you even count them all? The opera scene, ghost train, the boss octopus, the exploding island... there's just so many.

>> No.1220471

>FF6 should never be considered the best RPG. When one of the core stats of the game is flat out BROKEN due to poor coding
What stat is broken?

>> No.1220476
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>> No.1220478

Well, for future reference, don't grind unless you at least have a way to get back to the world map.

>> No.1220481

Probably talking about Evade, which does fuck-all in the SNES releases

>> No.1220483

And then the World of Ruin happens and...eeeeeeeehh.

>> No.1220485 [DELETED] 

That gameplay. Final Fantasy VI controlled like an older version of RPG Maker.

>> No.1220486

More like RPG Maker controlled like Final Fantasy, don't you think?

>> No.1220489

I liked the WoR

>> No.1220491
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>> No.1220496

What difference does that make? You said virtually the same thing I did, except placed one game before the other.

>> No.1220498
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FFVI turns to shit after WoB goes to hell, but the first half of the game is already better than anything CT has to offer.

Evasion, which determines physical evasion. Instead the game uses magic evasion for both physical and magical.

>> No.1220503

>washed out colours
are you trying to hurt me

>> No.1220506

>That gameplay

What so special about the gameplay? CT has just a glorified ATB.

>> No.1220517

It didn't control like RPG Maker. (A.K.A. Final Fantasy)

>> No.1220523

And the difference being what exactly, walking diagonally aside?

>> No.1220525

>standard controls for a tile-based RPG
>hue it liek rpgaker
you need to be at least 18 to post on this site, you know

>> No.1220532

>walking diagonally?
Now that you mention it, being able to move in all directions does help.

>standard controls for a tile-based RPG
Yeah, maybe tile-based has something to do with why I like the free roaming gameplay of Chrono better.

>> No.1220549

...and then the game gets even better?

>> No.1220558

No, then the game starts getting good.

>> No.1220567

I'll never fully understand the dislike for the World of Ruin.
I might be reading too much into things but I always felt it had a rather unique tone for a FF game.

>> No.1220569

Storyfags hate it because there's comparably little story exposition as opposed to the rest of the game.

>> No.1220572


>I play RPGs for the deep gameplay!

>> No.1220575

Don't you think the World of Ruin was cryptic? Like that part were you awaken one of the lead characters (Relm I think) by stepping on a certain block in town a certain number of times?

>> No.1220580

>awaken one of the lead characters (Relm I think) by stepping on a certain block in town a certain number of times?


>> No.1220601

Well, the way I see it, the "main plot" is over once you get to the WoR. Kefka won and you lost. But there is still story, seen mostly in the personal storylines of your party members.

I think the lack of a plotline is intentional; after all, you're not out to stop the bad guy from succeeding with his plot (he already succeeded), you're out to rescue what's left of the world from despair. The goal is clear, you just need to muster the strength and will to accomplish it.

I'm not saying it's perfect or anything, but I think the disdain for it is unwarranted.

>> No.1220603

>all this hate of WoR

Exploration, dread, and fear are too scary for you corridor ass niggas? One of the few moments in a game where you felt like "damn I fucked up". Wait, maybe that's why some people don't like it. Can't escape into a place into a world that is shittier than your own?

>> No.1220623

Anyone ever try to speed run Final Fantasy VI?

>> No.1220635

FFVI is a sloppily designed buggy mess of a game with a horrible translation that was only considered good when FFVII became to popular to openly admit you like.

Chrono Trigger, on the other hand, is actually a good game. CT all the way.

>> No.1220634

WoR is just plain boring.

>> No.1220645

Yeah that's why the game had universal praise on release

Oh wait, you wouldn't remember that because you hadn't even been conceived at the time, you fucking child

>> No.1220657

Trigger: An admirable attempt at creating an open ended game. Fails in open endedness, mostly bad characters, poor art direction, silent protagonist, time travel, bad translation, and a complete lack of end game content/reason to try to get gud. Succeeds in an decent story, fun battle system, well implemented graphics, and an overall short and sweet quest.

FFVI: A successful attempt at creating a game that invokes feeling of loss. Fails in pacing at times, a relic of a battle system, the first "I can be everything in battle" FF, bad translation, and general filler. Succeeds in not steering the game with a main character, good story, exploration, iconic moments, decent characters, fun end game, and Ultros.

I'd say it depends on what you want. JRPG fans win with both games, but I'd say FFVI wins for sheer vastness and depth.

>> No.1220658

Chrono Trigger is one of the few JRPGs I didn't find completely obnoxious and boring so this.

>> No.1220663
File: 28 KB, 284x290, 1281845015070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF6 and CT
>bad translations

>> No.1220669


If you could read Japanese it would become really apparent how terrible the US translations of these games are. If I only had the NA script of Trigger to go off of I'd think the story was 0/10 garbage.

>> No.1220673

>I play RPGs for the deep gameplay!
Actually, I do. Not FF though, obviously.

>> No.1220681

You'll need to elaborate.
Decent story -> translation -> 0/10 garbage story is a strong opinion, surely you can give some more insight on the differences for noobs like me.

>> No.1220687

>muh literalism
Fuck off, weeb-kun

>> No.1220693


It lost every bit of subtlety in translation. Missed lots of references to many things (difficult to do well anyway), missed many key points that would be revisited in Radical Dreamers and Cross. Made certain character's "voice" sound retarded. Shit, if you all played Trigger and Cross in Jap I think you guys might appreciate Cross more. But yeah, 0/10 is hyperbole. The translation is definitely lacking severely though. You can't expect much better from translations in that era though, especially for JRPGs so it's not a huge deal if you're used to it.

>> No.1220706

>Chrono Trigger
Better graphics
Better gameplay

>Final Fantasy VI
Better Story
Better Music

>> No.1220710

>Chrono Trigger
Better graphics
Better gameplay
Better Story
Better Music

>Final Fantasy VI

>> No.1220717

this labyrinth is when I dropped the game

>> No.1220810

Chrono Trigger all the way. VI got old really quick for me. I could never finish it.

>> No.1220871


Is Chrono Cross really that different in Japanese? I'm studying nihongo now but I'm not at the level where I can play games yet, Chrono Trigger was one of the games on my list to play once I get good enough but not Chrono Cross.

>> No.1220881
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While Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite of the two games, Chrono Trigger was a better executed game overall. FF6 has a few little things that bug me about it, but CT felt very focused with no hickups from start to finish.

Neither game is bad in any of those categories, but I will agree with this.

Actually, there were inconsistencies in the plot of Cross that the English translators caught. They fixed them with permission of the original Japanese writers.

>> No.1220891 [DELETED] 

>poor art direction
>silent protagonist
The former is blatantly false and the latter isn't even a viable complaint.

>tfw FFVI fans are always the first ones to jump the gun and give belligerent, profanity-laced replies to anyone daring to critique their babby

Jesus Christ, I cannot stand FFVI fans.

>> No.1220898

>poor art direction
>silent protagonist
The former is blatantly false and the latter isn't even a viable complaint.

>tfw FFVI fans are always the first ones to jump the gun and give belligerent, profanity-laced replies to anyone daring to critique their babby

FFVI fans are unbearable.

>> No.1220943

>argumentum ad hipsterum
go roll a donut

>> No.1221001

They're both about as good as each other with regard to music, characters and story.

But the battle system of CT is a bit better thought out, the dual and triple techs add some nice variety to it.

There are a few too many obvious ways to completely break the battle system in FF6, especially in the WoR. It as though they tried a bit too hard to give it complexity by throwing in a whole bunch of abilities and spells that aren't balanced as well as they could have been.

>> No.1221005

>You will never once select "FIGHT" as a command once in FF6

>> No.1221010


Pretty much. The only time I ever do is when I'm in an area with enemies that die in one hit from anything.

>> No.1221025

Final Fantasy V

>> No.1221049

The answer to that question is FF6.

>> No.1221045

But the question wasn't "What is the most overrated Final Fantasy?"

>> No.1221053

>most overrated
Most people haven't even played it, FF6 and 7 would fit the bill for that because everyone and their mother who played them as a kid praises them as the holy grail of video gaming

>> No.1221078


>> No.1221090

I'm going with FF6, personal preference.

I remember much more of FF6 but I liked FF6 more so that probably had something to do with it, FF6 had one of the best SNES OSTs, Characters are a toss up, and Chrono Trigger had better gameplay.

So Chrono wins on gameplay, FF6 wins on music. The other two categories are a matter of personal preference. Which one is better is strictly personal opinion. I like FF6 more, but I'd say they are of equal quality.

>> No.1221139

Even though I think FF6 has more memorable moments, I think that I prefer Chrono Trigger as a whole. It just feels like a tighter experience.
I cannot decide which game has better music, either.

>> No.1221158


For music I think I'd go with Chrono Trigger, but just barely. They both have some god-tier OSTs though.

>> No.1221196

Which game had the most memorable moments? -Tie
Which had the best music? -Chrono Trigger
How about best characters? -Final Fantasy VI
Or best gameplay? -Tie (probably chrono trigger, but only just)

>> No.1221198


>> No.1221202

Youre really going to judge a snes squaresoft rpg by its graphics...?

>> No.1221380

Final Fantasy VI is one of the greatest games of all-time.

>> No.1221432

But so is Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1221523


>Discovering things is bad

should've just said you dislike RPGs.

>> No.1221527


bad* = boring

>> No.1221553 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 722x604, 1332070477799[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see the point in debating between these two when both are inferior to their sequels in every way.

>> No.1221589

I can understand if you like FF7 more (even if I don't agree) but Chrono Cross is shit on toast

>> No.1221643

Chrono Trigger
>multiple endings
>kickass characters
>dual techniques
>new game +
>more areas
>imo better music
>better random encounter system
>ayla makes me lol

>better villain
>characters are ok
>shadow and interceptor are fucking a
>multiple options
>better romance
>more complex storyline
>motherfucking sabin

Personally I like CT more due to its replay value, secrets, and more, but FFVI is very close. Also, Sabin is best character.

>> No.1221675

How about Chrono Trigger vs. FFVII? http://strawpoll.me/763415

>> No.1221685 [DELETED] 

Should've done FFVI vs. FFVII. That's where the true argument lays.

>> No.1221694

Should've done the classic FFVI vs FFVII instead.

>> No.1221708


>> No.1221743

Both are in my top five favorite games but Chrono Trigger is my absolute favorite.
It takes the best things about FF6, speeds up the pace and creates a tighter experience.

>> No.1221754

Neither of these are going to be even close. FFVII isn't even in the same league as FFVI and CT.

>> No.1221763

...did you even play the game?

>> No.1221767

What do you mean?

>> No.1221771

I mean FFVII isn't nearly as good as either FFVI and CT. For all their flaws, there's still nothing that comes anywhere near the horrible story pacing of FFVII, where approximately half the game is spent chasing Sephiroth and being told you just missed him, or hunting down the macguffin Huge Materia for no real reason. The game should have been about Shinra and Jenova, Sephiroth dragged that game down a ton.

>> No.1221790

Chasing Sephiroth was a good plot device. It gave a sole reason for journeying across the world. Better than a bunch of random occurrences instigating you to visit every single spot on the map.

>> No.1221901

I feel it's in the middle; chasing Sephiroth could have been a better plot device if it was tighter.

>> No.1221926

My end game Locke was 2 swords or boomerangs or something. Quick spell + x2 attack accessory = attack 8 times. There's probably much better setups but I thought that was the shit.

For the record I like CT more, but I have to say that I like the gameplay in VI better just because of broken shit like that. Whereas in CT you're just spamming luminaire by end game.

>> No.1222142


You guys don't know about the square you have to step on to get the Owzer Mansion events that allows you to get Relm (and Strago) back in your party?


Did you guys even play the game?

>> No.1222789
File: 465 KB, 1013x659, Straw Poll - Chrono Trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

Chrono Trigger appears to be the winner. Both games are masterpieces, no doubt. I have noticed Chrono often wins the fans' choice for better RPG.

In the end, I think it's Chrono's tighter experience that gamers love. Final Fantasy VI is arguably the master of its style of traditional RPG, but for whatever the reason, players always remember and love Chrono Trigger.

Thanks for voting, everyone! And long live two of the best RPGs from an era of gaming that was truly magical.

>> No.1222794

>Opera scene

I wish it had some baring on the plot, or thematically fit the game. In the end, it's just like the scenario writer was left unchecked and said "I WANT TO PUT AN OPERA IN THE GAME"

>> No.1222852

>there's a square that you have to step on to enable the Owzer's Mansion events, and it's right at the front entrance of Thamasa

So it's basically a poorly implemented event flag supposed to be set when you enter Thamasa, which apparently a decent amount of people managed to trigger. This isn't exactly cryptic, but shitty implementation.

>> No.1222879

>apparently a decent amount of people managed to trigger
Not exactly. Lots of people didn't trigger the square and never got Relm or Strago back in their party. The square you have to step on isn't obvious at all. It's one square in a town that's pretty big. Lots of people missed the square all together, and many claim they had to step on the square several times to trigger the events.

I agree that games like The Legend of Zelda are not cryptic, and many gamers complain about 'cryptic this' or 'cryptic that,' but even I thought what they did in Final Fantasy VI was a bit much. And since the game offers no clues on how to trigger the events, I would file this scenario under cryptic.

>> No.1222908

CT is pretty damn sweet, but it's a more basic, straightforward experience than FF6 with its simple story and relatively small scope, which is why more people are able to take it in easier and why it's more memorable and well-liked than CT.

FF6 is a grander experience overall, but gamers more on the casual side of the spectrum are able to take in CT's more elementary story and characters without much emotional investment. FF6 has a lot more to offer, but it's not in simple bite-sized portions like CT, which is why more gamers have flocked to CT.

>> No.1222909

FF6 has a better story
CT has better characters

Because honestly who even cares about anyone who isn't Locke/Terra/Celes/Sabin/Mog

>> No.1223087

>Not caring about Umaro

>> No.1223143

You forgot Edgar, Cyan, and Setzer. On the other hand, Chrono Trigger had a silent protagonist and, honestly, a pretty bland "rebellious princess" female lead. Lucca, Frog, Robo, Ayla, and Magus are all awesome, but the leading couple is really weak.

>> No.1223165

I wouldn't really call Marle a lead.
After you escape from prison she's no more important than any other party member.

>> No.1223229


better characters? wtf most of them have little to no development

>> No.1223254

Xenogears or FFVII?

>> No.1223352

You're forgetting Shadow/Relm.. or did you not watch Shadow's flashbacks?

>> No.1223718

The Shadow/Relm subplot and it's lack of a solid conclusion is probably one of the best parts of FFVI. Most games these days can't get away with crap like that.

>> No.1223737

While I love FF6 dearly, I do recognize CT as the better game all around.

>> No.1223741

Chrono Trigger in every way.

>> No.1223757

I find it fascinating that most newer gamers prefer CT over FF6. I wonder why that is?

>> No.1223772

Because your comment is bait.

>> No.1223790


How is that even a question. Xeno all the way all day every day. At least it had a disk missing faceplate instead of two disks worth of gameplay with no redeeming story aspects whatsoever.

>> No.1223803 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 640x450, Terra (amano).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is more than one contender

>> No.1223818

Both are 10/10 and some of my favorite games ever.

>> No.1224226

>Did you guys even play the game?
Yeah, I played it when it was released, and I alway was able to recruit Relm and Strago.

>> No.1224228

Lufia II is better than both by miles.

Terranigma is better than both.

>> No.1224236

Chrono Trigger by a hair.

>> No.1224270

So why ask me if I ever played the game? Not only did I recruit them both, but I understood the mechanic on how to do so. Just because I knew something about the game that you did not, doesn't mean I never played it. It only shows your lack of knowledge of the game.

>> No.1224527

>CT has better characters

Hahaha, generic silent hero, generic spunky love interest healer princess, generic quirky scientist inventor, generic lowbrow strong character, token robot, generic MUH DARKNESS wizard

>> No.1224531


Gamers like skin deep characters and silent protagonists. I have noticed, and no hate-- honest, that gamers cannot get into deep engrossing characters like in a novel. That's why you never see them.

>> No.1224551

V wasn't in the SNES releases.

>> No.1225775

>generic quirky scientist inventor

You're making this one up.

>generic lowbrow strong character

She wasn't generic at all for a lowbrow strong character.

You seem to think that using any tropes or archetypes deems a story/game worthy of dismissal. You're a boring person and a shit-tier human being.

>> No.1226557

I guess CT but FFV shits on both of them due to actually having engaging combat and allows far greater options to come up with my own methods to get through the game.

>> No.1226570

> my vast intelligence and euphoric tendency allows me to see that ff6 is better
Hurr durr

>> No.1227431

She is only because the game ships her and Crono.

If party usage, responses and other stuff changed who Crono ultimately hooked up with I would agree with you

>> No.1227435

I feel like Final Fantasy 6 was a victim of its time. Not enough cart space to do what they really wanted. There was a ton of story you could feel they wanted in the game but couldn't, especially in the WoR

CT I feel like they learned a little from their experience making FF6 and made a much more linear, but overall more fluid experience.

I really can't contribute unbiasedly in this argument, FF6 was the first RPG I ever played way back when it was called FF3 on the SNES. I will always come back to it. Though Chrono Trigger was second so both really are pretty huge staples of my childhood

>> No.1228172

Hey sorry if unrelated but i'm playing FF origins, in final fantasy 1 is it a good idea to give the monk weapons and armor or what?

>> No.1228206

>Not enough cart space to do what they really wanted.

i think it was more the fact that the playstation was on the horizon, they had to finish up FF6 pretty quick to get ready for the 3D revolution and develop FF7.

>> No.1228225

>Not enough cart space to do what they really wanted.
And then the playstation came out and they had all the space they could ask for... resulting in a huge number of bloated, drawn-out games.

Sometimes limitations are a good thing.

>> No.1229507

ow wow.

this is like asking what's better....fucking or getting a blowjob.

too hard to answer.

FF6 is fucking...and CT is getting head.

>> No.1229692


So Secret of Mana is anal?

>> No.1229771


no secret of mana sucks. I even liked Evermore better than Mana. I liked the flips they do in the cannon though.

>> No.1229782

I've played Final Fantasy 6 twice. Never finished it.

Chrono Trigger on the other hand has had me coming back countless times. Everything about it is amazing.

>> No.1230279

Trigger is pretty good at selling you old shit with a new paint job. I found it quite hard to enjoy because it's so generic when you look at what you're doing. The time travel mechanic is so poor that you might as well be just travelling to different continents. Time flow starts and stops with events and you can't ever go back. Revisiting and retrying something you failed at first is something that should be a strong theme in any time travel story, but this is barely touched upon. The canned battles are drab and boring, devoid of any surprise and while it may look better than other menu-based systems, it's practically the same shit we've been doing since FF 1.

>> No.1230313

This guy gets it

>> No.1230335

Silent protagonists aren't bad as a rule, but in CT it was definitely inappropriate.

>> No.1230346

>no secret of mana sucks.

I thought CT was getting head.

>> No.1230351

Evermore is getting dick in the ass: you think you won't like it, but after you're done drying your tears, you admit that it was the best sex you ever had on the SNES.

>> No.1230356

Meanwhile KotoR 2 and New Vegas are shunned while their predecessors are celebrated as GOTYAYs.

>> No.1230396
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evermore is a cool game. i like it.

>> No.1233298
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>> No.1235139

I'm currently on my first playthroughof VI, and yeah. They really should have structured WoR into an actual narrative instead of making it into a sandbox of required/pretty much required sidequests and the final boss.

This is also just a small criticism, but I think that the game should have included more parts of the game where the group gets separated and you're forced to use a specific party instead of the various "split the group up" parts which was basically just me making one good party to fight the boss and the shitty party that had trouble with random encounters because they have bad gear, magic, and are lower leveled.

>> No.1235440

I never got the hype for CT. I understand that the game is a technical wonder for its time and things like multiple endings were kind of innovative but at the time I played it, those things were common so I suppose I never got to fully appreciate it. The characters were likable and the soundtrack was amazing but that was really it. The overall plot was a little disappointing to me, even with the time travel aspect. The only part of the game that I really enjoyed and would rank it in my top 5 JRPG locations would be Zeal.

>> No.1235460

For FFVI, it's my first FF but I don't think I really have a bias towards it. I like the fact that there's so many characters, the whole magitech and steampunk atmosphere, the contrasts between Terra, Kefka and Celes. Each character (the ones that matter. The ones for obvious padding which people like to use as an argument against the cast's character development don't count) grows and have their own side story in some way too. And I quite liked the WoR, it's sidequest and character development focused instead of plot where everyone gains a new resolve to fight Kefka and to showcase everyone's reason for living after the world's been destroyed. Then there's the music, the many memorable moments like the opera scene, the world being destroyed, memorable characters like the octopus guy, the crazy guy who turned out to be Gau's father, etc.

The only cons to me are Terra's lame story, the broken magic system which makes each unique skill useless and Kefka "just dying"

>> No.1238896

Chrono Trigger

>> No.1240743

Final Fantasy VI

>> No.1240747
File: 127 KB, 530x384, Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1240760

>bridge fixing and tower climbing simulator

>> No.1240770

Memorable moments: CT


Characters: FF6

Gameplay: Tie

Both are my favorite all time games but I usually say CT when people ask.

>> No.1243981

Final Fantasy VI wins this, hands-down. Of all the RPGs ever made, VI was the best.

>> No.1244047

>Which was the better RPG on the Super NES—Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy VI?

Does it really matter? oh my mistake to /vr/ Yes it does. The same debate goes for cross vs trigger and the only thing i have to say is WHO GIVES A FUCK! Stop bitching and play the video games.

>> No.1244075

>Stop bitching
Not everyone is bitching in this thread. We are having a discussion about two awesome video games. That's what people do on 4chan. Discuss things.

>> No.1245716
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Not shit compared to Trigger.

>the first gate opening
>understanding all the different time periods
>entering the end of time
>entering 12,000 BC
>defeating Zeal in three different times for maximum treats
>beating Lavos' pussy ass afterwards

FFVI a shit. FFV is the best SNES Final Fantasy, believing otherwise makes you a mongoloid.