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1219561 No.1219561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1219609
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>> No.1219621

If I could romhack I'd seriously make a fight that was both Zio and Lashiec at the same time, see how that would go.

>> No.1219639
File: 65 KB, 330x440, Rem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it is about her. None of the other bosses in Tales of Destiny II, save one of the bonus bosses, gave me so many headaches.

Honorable mention definitely goes to that fucker. Why did they have to make him white element...

>> No.1219717

>Tales of Destiny II
Fun fact: The game you mentioned is actually called Tales of Eternia. They changed from tales of eternia to tales of destiny 2 when they translated to english for no fucking reason (especially since there is another game in the series called tales of destiny, and the sequel to that game is called tales of destiny 2 aswell).

>> No.1219742
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>> No.1219751

Yeah, I know. Rumor has it the name change was because Namco wanted to avoid pissing off Mattel by using the "Eternia" name. Go figure.

Maybe they also wanted to capitalize on the "Tales of Destiny" name as well...but considering how well that game sold in the US...

>> No.1219757

They needed him to be a tough boss.

He is Crono after all.

>> No.1219761

Those two things that were in that mine in Star Ocean 2.

>> No.1219767
File: 281 KB, 700x518, Berserker_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1219807
File: 12 KB, 168x204, Castlevania_Boss_Death[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what *I* was expected to deal with when I was a kid.

I murdered them so bad with dragoons it wasn't even funny.

>> No.1219809

Was waiting for him to show up.

>> No.1219816

Did you not know about Holy Water as a kid?

>> No.1219817

Are you so bad that you always have to cheese the fight with holy water?

>> No.1219821

I'm not going to make excuses for 8-year-old me, anon

>> No.1219823


If only you knew Nighto could one hit him.

>> No.1219828

It was a Blockbuster rental so I'm not too bummed.

>> No.1219838

Dam i haven't played cross in so many years...i have a sudden urge to play badly. Time to play

>> No.1219869

I literally stopped playing that game when I got to that point until I was 15 fucking years old. I beat him ONCE, and got onto disk two and had NO IDEA what to do as Lynx. I was like "the fuck.... where do I go?" When I started to have to hunt dragons or something... either way, Miguel is a nigger.

>> No.1219979


The only times that should EVER be an issue is if you have no clue what Barrier does, or you fail to get it up in time. Dark Force 3, on the other hand...he could be a bitch.

>> No.1219986


Apologies for double posting, but I think the old knight faggot from the tower city is more apt for the title of 'boss who wrecks your shit'. Compared to him, Berserker is just a tough hurdle.

>> No.1220019

>that Boletarian Soldier face

>> No.1220087
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>> No.1220092

I very rarely grind in games, I just went straight for the bosses fighting whatever I ran into along the way. It wasn't unusual for the boss's best attacks to kill one or two people. Hell, random battles were hitting like a tank, and you know what? I loved it.

>> No.1220101

I never found Wiegraf very threatening because of his character portrait, I always think of him as Jeff Daniels for some reason. This gives me the confidence boost I need to kick his ass in riovanes almost always

>> No.1220104
File: 26 KB, 240x160, DoomDragonBattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Doom Dragon used Cruel Ruin

>> No.1220106

That bossfight made me wish I could play as Crono

>> No.1220316
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>completely white field

>> No.1220331
File: 6 KB, 273x184, Spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfucker

>> No.1220365

Tales of Eternia was re-named Tales of Destiny II
The official Destiny sequel was Tales of Destiny 2

>> No.1220372
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Makes sense.

>> No.1221769
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Since I had no trouble with the other bosses in the game, this guy completely blindsided me. Fuck Bloodbane

>> No.1221779

This guy still kicks my ass at least once on every playthrough.

>> No.1221783

That's not the yeti boxing match.

>> No.1221826

I don't get why people say Miguel is Crono, especially since Miguel's element is White and his is Lightning

>> No.1221837
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I haven't played this since I was a kid, but I remember never being able to truly beat this game because of the final boss.

>> No.1221857
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>> No.1221860
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Fuck rare

>> No.1221872

Funny enough most people that i spoke with that had trouble with this never played the original game before. I had more trouble with Jetpac to be honest.

>> No.1221891
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>> No.1221903

You know that the Crescent Gear, Amber Robe, Aegis, and Truth Sleeves all cast Gires, right? Free 60HP

>> No.1221906

It takes like half the game to figure out what all the nonsensical sounding spells do, much less which items cast spells and which don't.

There's several claws for Meiu in PS3 that let you heal and res infinite times for free, but there's no way you'd know this unless you randomly check every single weapon to see if you can use them in combat.

>> No.1221913

Like that matters when 3 of my 4 party members are confused.

But I didn't know about reusable items except for the one that gave deban or something and the one that cast foi

>> No.1221950

I find both Donkey Kong and Jetpac got much much easier upon replays. DK I remember being a pain when I was little, but Jetpac was easy ever since I discovered that safe zone in level 4.
The other ones I had trouble with were Beaver Bother and Mine Cart Madness in the last two levels, as well as the Diddy Kong thing in Crystal Caves where you have to kill everything in the room in 30 seconds.
The Angry Aztec beetle on the other hand is still the hardest banana in the game, even today.

>> No.1221956
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Final boss of Heretic. Probably the hardest battle I've ever fought. I can't think of a boss that gave me as much trouble, except for maybe the Cerberus in God of War, but that's not /vr/ and it was hard for all the wrong reasons.
D'Sparil though, as tough as he was, was an incredible fight.

>> No.1221957

thanks doc

>> No.1221976
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it all the way to Mr. X's door, 2 continues, 4 lives.

Lost it all at these cunts, I couldn't lay a finger on them and when I tried to throw, they'd throw me instead.

>> No.1221994
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>> No.1222005

I see what you did

>> No.1222146


This always pisses me off when people point this out. They immediately show their ignorance of the battle by saying shit like this, because Dark Force can fuck your party over with incurable status ailments...until the Neisword randomly decides to get off its Laconian ass and heal you.

Seriously, you guys who suggest this? Fuck you...you obviously never played the game, so shut up.

Gawdamn right I mad!

>> No.1222153

That's true but he doesn't inflict Sleep, which is the only ailment that can cause a game over. Dark Force is a fucking joke, and Mother Brain is even easier since she has no special abilities whatsoever. The only hard battle in the entire game is Neifirst.

>> No.1222162

He isn't a "joke". As mentioned, he does status ailments, and a few levels make a huge difference. Mother Brain is about the same difficulty, IIRC. Maybe a bit easier, but she definitely has attacks that damage the full party.

I wouldn't call either "hard". I beat Dark Force on the second try, and Mother Brain on the first. But I could definitely see someone having a bit of trouble on Dark Force.

>> No.1222164
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hated this mother fucker

i still do

>> No.1222173


>doesn't inflict sleep
But he does inflict fear(your character stands around doing nothing) or greed(your character stands around rummaging through the items...ergo, doing nothing). It is very possible(and has happened to me and at least a few other anons on here) to have your entire party 'gripped by fear', while Dark Force leisurely savages you to death. He is literally the only fight you have to seriously consider grinding for, thanks to the Neisword's fucking randomness. That randomness can also work in your favor(gawd knows it did for me once), but if you count on it, you will die. Sorry, but if you think Dark Force is easy, you only played through PS2 once and got extremely lucky. Your argument is invalid.


This anon gets it.

>> No.1222181

Oh shit. This is like, the best boss battle in the entire game. It also has the extended boss theme.

>> No.1222397
File: 62 KB, 1000x840, wendy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get the hang of the god damn hoops as a kid.

>> No.1222706
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Yeah, lose

>> No.1222791
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for whatever reason, i was immediately reminded of this.

but in response to this thread, I can't recall any bosses that were absolutely insane, other than obviously the yellow demon from Mega Man

>> No.1222830
File: 2 KB, 256x224, Legend_of_Zelda_-_NES_-_Boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot, 2 god damn years, 2 full fucking years of playing this terrible game, finally beat it by luck, immediately switched off console and cried.

>> No.1222842

Wild Arms 1: The boss on the top of the building (I think it was a dual boss, with a four legged creature?) where you have to use the rollerskates to get over conveyor belts. I couldn't advance my save file thanks to that, and now that I lost the card... it's time to start over again and finally beat that fucker.

>> No.1222843

Go back to bed Aonuma.

>> No.1223248

That also blinded me, but for a completely different reason.

>> No.1223256

About Balio and Sunder, in that battle where you fight them and rescue Nina, if you get both of their HP to 0 before they run, they actually drop two awesome items for that part of the game (one more than the other).
The Asbestos Armor, and the Broad Sword.
I had no idea this was possible until I played the game last summer. The armor was a little overpowered that early.

>> No.1223485


D'Sparil is pretty easy with modern controls (WASD+mouse). Fighting that teleporting fucker with just arrow keys is a nightmare.

>> No.1223521

isn't he the one you can kill before the fight even starts?

>> No.1223527


Boy. I remember you could screw yourself if you saved as like, a White Mage or something right before that boss fight. I never want to relive that memory ever again.

>> No.1223635
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>tfw jump off platform accidentally

>> No.1225345

drop and grab edge, it moves away, climb up and shoot, repeat

my contribution: this motherfucker right here, i can get all the way there without dying once and then this prick just butt rapes me

>> No.1225348
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forgot pic

>> No.1225476

it's pretty nasty on difficulty 5 where the bullets are faster. Korax was a complete bitch in comparison.

>> No.1225524
File: 26 KB, 480x360, zio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I understood one of the basic tenets of RPGs (level the fuck up), I could never beat him (and no, I don't mean in the first round where you have to lose). And that was despite undoing his barrier.

>> No.1225609

What the fuck kind of horror is that? I never realized the Tomb Series had this kind of shit.

>> No.1225616

I never got past that boss fight, and I didn't have any other save. I didn't expect them to throw a challenging boss like that in about the only no point of return in the game. Like everything before him had been simple.

>> No.1226151

PSIV doesn't require very much grinding at all. When i play through it the only grinding i do is that sand worm mission from the hunter's guild as soon as Hahn knows Wat but its mostly for the shekels you get for the mission than the levels.
>undoing his barrier
I've always wondered if it would be possible to beat Zio without using the pyschowand on him.

>> No.1226168

The secret to beating PS3. Max out every characters Gires tech at the tech distribution shop.

>> No.1226186

It sure as fuck is impossible without the wand. I remember being a kid, and not knowing to use it out of the inventory. I was trying to smack him with it. Needless to say, I just kept grinding till Lv45 or so. Rest of the game was cake.

>> No.1226198


Not exactly a boss in the classic sense, but to anyone who has ever played Chip's challenge:

Morton. That FUCKING teeth Morton.

>> No.1226206

Just looked up his HP 2900 some. I don't remember if physical attacks can even hurt him, if they can't it is impossible you couldn't have enough TP for 2900 techs.

>> No.1226210

nah, not to mention, he kills the fuck out of you with Black Wave.

>> No.1226225
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Yeah, even Kamek panics.

>> No.1227238
File: 533 KB, 355x828, 78-dario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this fag, i remember on my very first chrono cross run i found him and i didnt know about the black plate and didnt notice how he countered all your elements , also having to use underpowered riddel was a pain in the ass as well shit i spent like a week trying to beat him until i finally gave up.

>> No.1227417

While this information is true, the Prima guide put it for the original fight and holy hell, the breakdown it caused

>> No.1227426

How to beat Dario:
>fill everyone with red elements
>do six weak attacks followed by a red element
>repeat until he is dead

His red retaliation doesn't do anything but waste his stamina. He won't be able to hurt you.

>> No.1227458
File: 12 KB, 218x230, Grand_Jewel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis ugly faggot.

>> No.1227482

wut, you can't outheal his damage with tablets

dario as i remember was a black innate
why not cast magic immune (white) on someone agile with lots of slots for lvl1 elements who proceed painting field with white and waste darios' stamina

and as i remember dario has good magic resistance. just paint field white and if you are serge cast lvl3 special, otherwise buff someone with str+ and aa

>> No.1227498

He won't damage you because he'll always be out of stamina.

>> No.1227580
File: 9 KB, 317x554, sodaback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he count as a boss?

>> No.1227585


The two before X are almost kind of glitched, as their AI doesn't seem to agree with the smaller playing field. You can catch them in an infinite loop, though, if you let them jump forward, move away a little, them hit them with a punch combo. Rinse and repeat, never getting too close. Much easier with two players, though.

>> No.1227617

When I was alittle kid, I dropped the game because of him, since I couldn't figure how to do the egg trick. Managed to beat him basically with a bullshit tactic, like hiding myself in a corner with one of those little plants in the mouth, and throw it when he charged at me. It wasn't until later that I learned how to beat him properly.

>> No.1229578


Yup. Can't backstrack either because they ask you to save right before you fight him.

>> No.1229589


haha. everyone trying to fight balio and sunder for 20 straight hours...but they have infinite hp in the first fight.

>> No.1229596 [SPOILER] 
File: 407 KB, 538x787, Riku_(Dark_Mode)_KH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 years is retro.

>> No.1229613


Yes, anon. Games on a 5th gen console are retro.

>> No.1229940

I must admit sephiroth in the coliseum was fun

>> No.1230021

i loved this game! better than a lot of console rpgs. this and tactics advanced are top notch

>> No.1231801
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You're actually doing it wrong if you tried to fight him by attacking with opposing elements. Dario's battle AI is unique in that it immediately retaliates with an element of the opposite color whenever you hit him with magic: use any white element on him and he'll fire off ConductaRod, guaranteed to wreck your shit if you're not wearing a BlackPlate. Other elements force him to cast opposing element spells as well, but nothing as bad as ConductaRod. And each time he counters, his "stamina gauge" is reset, meaning he can't use his regular non-counter Techs like Dash&Gash and SonicSword. It effectively keeps him from being able to damage you significantly.

>> No.1233161

TR1 got really weird towards the end. theres like mini versions of that in the preceeding levels

>> No.1233479

I had problems all throughout this game my second playthrough. First time, I got lost a lot and had a good amount of levels by the time I got to a boss. Second time, I had Zeto one shotting my entire party through spirit with his AoE.

Berserker was probably the most frustrating, but the boss below Octum was bad too.

>> No.1233486

I spent hours tirelessly trying to find the right set-up to take him on, but then I went in accidentally with the 'Pinocchio' themed Keyblade which had a really fast slash rate but low damage, and I took him out with that.

The best strategy turned out to be hack, then slash. Go figure.

>> No.1233708
File: 358 KB, 754x768, dad-3-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not technically a boss, but General Kendal in HOMM3, the guy who guards Steadwick in "Steadwick's Fall".

>time limited mission where you have to capture Steadwick before three months are up
>he has humongous stacks of soldiers and likes to turtle
>insane stats and magic to back it up
>will never leave his base when your forces are around unless he can get back in one turn
>large map, so moving armies is a pain
>you have diverse bases, so creating large stacks of soldiers is also a pain
>Steadwick is in a valley guarded by heavily guarded magic-immune garrisons

It's a bit of a jump in difficulty.

>> No.1233726


At first glance I thought that was Luffy from One Piece.

>> No.1233861

With full health he's a pathetic distraction.
Without full health, yeah he can be difficult, especially with having little hearts when you fight him.

>> No.1233870

If you can't get the sword timing down you can just bomb the shit out of him. He's even vulnerable to arrows. Aquamentus is not threatening.

>> No.1233882
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These motherfuckers kicked my ass in Illusion of gaia for weeks when I first played it.

>> No.1233932
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I know a lot of people immediately switch to Freedan thinking he's the better character. But Will has an attack that gives him invincibility frames. Makes that boss much easier when you spam Will's forward-attack.

Speaking of Quintet games... Thanks to the shoddy damage-formula this bitch was much harder than she was supposed to be.