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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1216975 No.1216975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just bought this game for something to do over the weekend. I've never heard of it before and while it's clearly a Zelda clone, that was what drew me to it.

Have any other of you guys played Alundra before? What am I in for?

>> No.1216982


It's not bad. Very similar to Beyond Oasis. Stay away from the sequel, though.

>> No.1216990

>Stay away from the sequel, though.

I love Alundra 2. it's not as good as the original, but as it's own game it's really fun.

>> No.1217019

Alundra is pretty good. Silent Hill Homecoming is better.

>> No.1217027

Surprisingly decent story.

>> No.1217052

I remember playing Alundra many years ago, it's kick-ass Zelda clone no, it's a Zelda clone thats better than the 2D Zelda games. I also remember it having some puzzles that are hard enough to make the one in Zelda games look child's play.

Note to self: I really should replay it someday.

>> No.1217061

Alundra makes Zelda look like the clone. It's superior in every way. Check out Landstalker, it's made by the same developer.

>> No.1217595

I found a copy of Landstalker just yesterday at the retro games store I go to although it was going for $99 so I couldn't really afford to get it this time although I really want to =)

>> No.1217597

I sincerely hope that extra 9 is a typo.

>> No.1217809


Are you fucking retarded? That game's worth like $10-$20 on any given day.

>> No.1217816

>It's superior in every way.

I love Alundra, but that's pure retardedness. stop trying so hard to be different.

>> No.1217936

Alundra is the spiritual sequel to Landstalkers. It's the same formula of the first one but they made it into CD based, 32 bit, great music, and X10 challenging. enjoyable game overall. There was a semi sequel made by the same team for the SNES called Ladystalker which appears in the DC spin off, Timestalkers which is an okay game and nigel makes an appearance too.

>> No.1217976

>while it's clearly a Zelda clone,
Alundra shares a genre with Zelda, but the puzzles and combat are completely different in style.

>> No.1218248

I had more fun with Alundra than I ever had with Zelda. Playing Zelda always felt like playing a shitty Saturday morning cartoon.

>> No.1218262

Actually, it's worth $0.99 at best, although resellers would have you believe otherwise.

>> No.1218263

I just realized that I've never actually finished this.

I've gotten to the last dungeon like seven times, and every time life got in the way and I forgot about the game.

>> No.1218264

Tha was a very embarassing thing for an adult to say.

>> No.1218347

Alundra is really good game. IMO it's the best 2D Zelda ever. The problem with the Zelda games is that they feel like they don't go far enough, that they always remain too simple, at the same time in terms of action, puzzle and story/storytelling. Alundra does that.

>> No.1218378


shut the fuck up troll

>> No.1219315

Death: The game

>> No.1219326
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>> No.1219327

Man, it's a miracle you can even focus enough to post with Nintendo's dick so far down your throat.

>> No.1219338
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One of my favorite games... Probably among the top 3.

It's almost perfect. The gameplay could be a teeny bit more refined (jumping sections are a bit frustrating due to perspective being hard to judge) but otherwise I can't really think of many flaws. Atmosphere, story, music, challenge, exploration... Everything is damn good.

I'm playing the new Zelda game on the 3DS now and it really got me thinking how much I would love a new Alundra game (that's nothing like the steaming pile of shit the sequel was)

>> No.1219476

It's a common thing for Sonyfags to believe that the clones they play at their console are better than the games or accessory they copy.
"Crash Team Racing? Better than Mario Kart 64."
"Spyro the Dragon? Better than Super Mario 64."
"Playstation Move? Better than Wii Motion."

>> No.1219480

>Sluggish controls
>Rare save points
>Gameplay that feels like a poor man's Zelda
Yeap. It's a perfect game.

>> No.1219487

>Better story
>Better characters
>Better interactions
>Better 2D graphics
>Better fight system
>Better dungeons
>Better puzzles
>More challenging.
Yep, it's better than any Zelda.

>> No.1219489
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>jumping sections are a bit frustrating due to perspective being hard to judge

Yeah, this really fucked me up when I first gave this game a shot. Lots of trips down pit-rooms trying to gauge if I was even supposed to make the jump in the first place.

>> No.1219497

>Spyro is a clone of Mario64
Full retard anon.

>> No.1219506

CTR is definitely one of the best MK clones out there. Still not better than MK64 though. Hell, It's not even better than DDKR. And Spyro sucks. But Alundra is definitely a great Zelda game, better than ALttP.

>> No.1219508

a lot of people die

>> No.1219512

Uncalled for spoilers are still against the rules as trolling.

>> No.1219518
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Sybil started my albino fetish. Her insomnia really makes her look like a wreck.

>> No.1219520

People die when they are killed, that's not an spoiler. Hell, even in Zelda a lot of people kick the bucket every game.

>> No.1219531

Being so self-deluded. Must be nice.

>> No.1219534

>Better than Zelda
>Haven't played any Zelda game

>> No.1219543

I find these games, alundra and land stalker, to be different enough from zelda to make the direct comparisons kinda unwarranted.

I mean theres platforming in Alundra, Zelda gives you the ability to jump in a hanful of the handheld games and that's like it.

>> No.1219548

Not to mention the kill-a-thon kicks in the moment you begin the first dungeon.

This game along with Dragon Quest VII makes me glad I'm not a villager in a Japanese video game.

>> No.1219554
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>my lobes when realizing the Gunbuster/G Gundam/GaoGaiGar composer did the music for this game

>> No.1219662

It's not, cause they fucked up the sequel, but unlike Zelda, Alundra didn't get another chance...

>> No.1220276
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Why aren't we allowed to think Alundra is better than Zelda in this thread? I do think Alundra is a better game over all, and I am a huge fan of Zelda and still is. And I prefer Nintendo consoles over Sony. This has nothing to do with fandom for me.

>> No.1220502

>What am I in for?
Suffering: The puzzle adventure

>> No.1220508

>it's kick-ass Zelda clone
>No one remembers Landstalker
>No one realizes the team who worked on this did Landstalker

Fuckin' oi.

>> No.1220554

Because you're comparing apples to pomegranates, essentially. It's annoying as fuck.

I love the hell out of Mega Man, but I don't tote it as totally superior to Super Mario or any other platformer. Alundra is just an excellent game. Zelda is an excellent game.

Furthermore, all of the shit-talking is shameful to Alundra. It can stand on its own merits without being compared to Zelda.

Finally, most of you brain donors have BOTH Zelda and Alundra. Save for one retard in this thread, I challenge any of you to say you've never not enjoyed a Zelda game, regardless. They're fun. Alundra's fun.

They're BOTH fun. Stop being faggots.

>> No.1220560

Except for the story Alundra and Zelda (at least alttp) share a lot of similarities. To deny that is stupid.

>> No.1220563

I never enjoyed Zelda II. It was a complete pain in the ass and not fun at all.

>> No.1220581


The Pokemon generation, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.1220586

What does that even mean?

>> No.1220596


if it isn't cute and easy, it isn't fun.

>> No.1220620

What the fuck are you talking about? Who's said anything about the difficulty? And cute? What?

>> No.1220638

Nice strawman faggot.

>> No.1220668

I must end this game. 4 years ago I stopped Alundra at 20 hours and I forgot a lot, so New Game (PSX still works)

>> No.1220697

see this is what people do. they assume that just because a person didn't like Zelda II and they did that the other person is clearly a casual who can't handle any difficulty. Zelda II isn't just difficult, which I love about it, it's also frustrating as fuck and confusing as can be, almost moreso than the original Zelda even with the "hints" you get from npcs. it's a nightmare to play and that's more from a design and gameplay angle than anything else.

just throwing in my 2 cents.

>> No.1220721

Bought the game pre-owned during the release year.
It was 80FIM which is less than 15€.

I think i got only 48 gilded falcons.

>> No.1220729

There's this one gilded falcon in that one insignificant hut that's rendered inaccessible very early in the game... I always manage to forget to pick it up.

>> No.1220738

Remember, Alundra Japan was significantly more difficult than Alundra US. The bosses, in particular, take a lot longer in the JP version, which, if you remember these bosses, is kinda terrifying.

>> No.1220739

The main problem about Zelda II is the whole bullshit of sending you all the way back to Zelda's castle if you die. It takes you completely out of the action, it's completely pointless, it takes forever to go back to where you were and it only makes you wanna stop playing the game. The difficulty would be nice if the game let you start at the entrance of the dungeons.

Yeah, you should. Comparisons aside, it is a great game with a really cool and emotionally involving story.

Happened to me. It's bullshit indeed.

>> No.1220746

>it takes forever to go back to where you were and it only makes you wanna stop playing the game.

To me, severe penalties for failure is what makes video games exciting. You take away that penalty and the game becomes a snooze fest. Only a clueless casual would want that.

>> No.1220753

Going back to the entrance of the palaces would be a severe penalty in this game, since all the though enemies respawn. Going back to Zelda's castle is just wasting your goddamn time, since there's no challenge whatsoever in getting back to the stupid palace. Only a retard would want that.

>> No.1220754

cool game.
It actually reminds me more of Terranigma.

>> No.1220763


It's not about challenge, you stupid cunt. It's about creating an exciting experience. When I play a game, I want to feel the adrenaline flowing, I want sweat dripping down my face and my hands to tremble, and when I finally beat the boss of a level I want to feel exhilaration. I want to feel something, dammit! And the severe penalties like the one in Zelda II is what creates the feels.

The real reason you want the penalty lessened is because you're a lazy dumbass. Fuck off and go find another hobby to ruin.

>> No.1220769

The game does let you start at dungeons, you just have to earn the right to get there. That's what made Thunder Palace such an awesome challenge.

Getting to the palace is either
1) a challenge
2) a non-issue (especially once you get later items)

Out of curiosity, how much of the game did you play? I'm asking for perspective, not for judgment.

>> No.1220770

>It's about creating an exciting experience. When I play a game, I want to feel the adrenaline flowing, I want sweat dripping down my face and my hands to tremble
Oh, sure, and getting you completely out of the action if you die achieves all that. Sure thing. Do you have brain problems or something?

>> No.1220774

I assume he means that the threat of backtracking makes the real fights more intense.

Honestly I don't understand either side of this, because it sounds like both sides don't realize that you do start over at the palace entrance if you die in the palace.

>> No.1220775

man you sure do have dicks on the mind

>> No.1220780

Oh, my mistake, you do start over at the castle after game over for any palace but the final palace. I guess time got the best of me. Regardless, I personally never found an issue with getting back to them, since many of them end up having shortcuts as you progress through the game (hammer being a big one).

>> No.1220781

What, playing video games?

>> No.1220782

Except you don't. Only in the final palace. Which pisses me even more, cause why the fuck couldn't they do that in the whole fucking game instead of shamelessly padding it and ruining all the action?

I got to the palace where you get the thing to break bricks. Died a couple of times, got terribly tired of backtracking and dropped the game.

>> No.1220786

Everything about Alundra is cool except for the actual gameplay itself, plays like ass. Very disappointing after seeing people rave about it on /v/ back in the day.

>> No.1220787

I only played it and beat it earlier this year, but I can't remember having much trouble with backtracking. Were you still at the point where backtracking meant dealing with those bridges of bone fish and fireballs? I could understand being tired of those things, they were annoying little shits. They can be skipped eventually IIRC.

>> No.1220794

You mean Death Mountain? No, I already got the hammer that lets you skip it. But still, at that point I was terribly bored of having to go back every time I died, which happens pretty much every fucking time you get to a new place, so I dropped it. I'll eventually resume it for completion's sake, since that and the 4 swords are the only Zeldas I haven't finished yet.

>> No.1220803

Nah, I forget where but I think it's after Death Mountain. The handy glove was in Midoro Palace, the second one in the game. Are you sure that was where you dropped it, because that area wasn't really that hard to reach, even without the boulder-crushing hammer. The swamp tiles were annoying, but hardly enough to break the game, at least for me.

>> No.1220817

I checked it out and it was the third palace, the red one after the cemetery. Which means that by the time I got there I was even more tired of all the backtracking.

>> No.1220828

Ah, the Island Palace. You can get there pretty easily if you use the hammer, take the left path around the cemetery, fake out the enemy encounters, and then quickly walk over to the false tomb.

The worst is still ahead of you, but the next three palaces (and the walks to them) aren't so horrible if you're clever about it. I recommend grinding the werewolves in the cemetery if you still have trouble, as they give you a lot of experience for that point in the game.

>> No.1220830

also, don't bother using the palace crystals early in the game. Save them for your last six level-ups, when it would otherwise take an unholy amount of grind to get them. A few hundred for early levels is much easier than several thousand for the last level-ups.

>> No.1220907

I'll have that in mind when I resume playing. Thanks.

>> No.1220934 [DELETED] 
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>Mfw P4D, PQ, and P5.
Jesus Christ, all that grooviness! I can't wait to play them all! It seems 2014 is the year of Persona.

>> No.1221228

Jesus, you sound overweight and suffering from asthma.

If you're that much of a "adrenaline" junkie, why not jump out of a plane? (preferably without a parachute, please)

This board has already gone to shit. What has it been, half a year since it's creation?

>> No.1221254

I suggest you take drugs.

You just sound underweight and edgy.

>> No.1221305

I first learned of Alundra from a friend of mine. After hearing him say it was like a cross between Zelda and A Nightmare on Elm Street I immediately bought a copy and the rest is history.

>> No.1222336

What the fuck is wrong with you? Is it a new concept for you, that some people like playing videogames to get an adrenaline rush?

>> No.1222362

This anon speaks the truth

>> No.1222597 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1222878

>spirit wand AND crests

Not possible.