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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.23 MB, 2452x2788, PSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1216363 No.1216363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Its time.

Tell me your Section ID, Redria friends,
and about your days on the Pioneer 2 and Ragol.

>> No.1216412


>> No.1216503

Sorry, OP. You probably should wait until this bullshit >>1216283 gets sorted out.

>> No.1216662

what a sexy

>> No.1216843

Oran or Skyly.

Redria for Fomar because I remember that being a really good one, but I could be wrong.

>> No.1216859

really? this game isn't retro at all.

3/10 OP, apply yourself.

>> No.1216860
File: 38 KB, 300x450, fonewn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellowboze or Pinkal I played with this costume in the black and gold version with the blackest skin, sunglasses, mustache, and white hair. Did you ever play with me? I was there - pretty much a lot.

>> No.1216874

During the fall of the servers I created a character called "TheDupeGnome", a tiny chubby female force with a pink outfit. Remember duping? You handed over your item to someone else and they dropped it then immediately disconnected then they reconnected and would still have the item in their inventory. People were always lining up to get items duped. Usually they got at least two or three copies before I got sick of doing it but if there were technical problems and I ended up stealing their only copy of the item I never gave a fuck.

>> No.1216929

Read the sticky.

>> No.1216976

>small arrow in pussy pointing to where you need to fuck

>> No.1217490
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>> No.1217532

I'm afraid that's not where you put it in Casels.

>> No.1217757

Phantasy Star Online felt differnet, but I don't know hwo to descibe it. If a little kid came up to me and asked what made it so special I wouldn't know how to explain. I guess it had something to do with being a MMO dungeon crawler that was on a console that you palyed with a controller.

>> No.1217790

Isn't there a new one coming out?

>> No.1217798

PSO is not an MMORPG.

>> No.1217820
File: 12 KB, 90x90, whitill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitill Supremacy.

Playing this on Gamecube with my brother was the best experience ever. Easily sank over 200 hours on it playing co-op.

>> No.1217829

Played it way too damned much. Always ended up being Redria for some reason.

>> No.1217834

Dude, chill.

>> No.1217881

I had a bug happen to me in PSO v1.
I made a new character just to mess around, didn't put any VMU (only 1 save per VMU and didn't have any more, just wanted to try a different class), it was a Newearl.

I start the game and my character comes equipped with a Photon Claw instead of the regular saber. At the time I didn't think much of it because it was my first time trying the class and it was fitting so I thought it was normal, not to mention I couldn't save because no VMU. I stopped playing after a few hours and suffice to say I was never able to replicate the bug or heard of it anywhere else.

am I just crazy?

>> No.1217886

It's just fucking addictive. It's magic.

>> No.1217890

I wish people who like PS1-4 and PSO could get along. I love both games.

>> No.1217893

What do I love about PSO?

It's balanced, and accessible. You aren't spamming shitty macros to do your funny stacks, abilities, and a smorgasboard of buffs and debuffs like every modern online game. You have two buffs: Attack and Defense. Two debuffs: Attack and defense. And you know what?

It. Fucking. Works. Even now over a decade later PSO is still a great game with nostalgia goggles off. There are genuine criticisms about it (like physical attacks outclassing spells in all aspects mid-late game) but PSO did shit right.

Also, Vivienne is my favorite weapon in the game. Sure, it's not the strongest, but it's one of the earlier uber weapons and it's fucking reliable.

>> No.1217903

I have literally 50+ text files scattered around my PC trying to analyze why I love PSO so much, but I can't get it right.

Also I can't find all of the files I've saved.

>> No.1217905

Accuracy being another along with the general 'slowness' of multiple monsters, especially in Ep1, and how TP only regened by standing still. It was faster and smarter to just pipe. Hit weapons are mandatory in ultimate. End of story.

>> No.1217914

>physical attacks outclassing spells in all aspects mid-late game
I never felt this. I heard it from every single PSO player but I never felt it even when I was playing FO.
Damage output is weaker but it is offset by AOE and casting speed. Offcourse, this requires exploiting elemental weaknesses and switching between different sets of equipment depending on the occasion, but I never had a problem with that.

>> No.1217919

You ave to keep in mind there is a big difference between Ver.2 on Dreamcast and Ver.3 on GameCube/Xbox. In Version 2 all the enemies on Ultimate difficulty had off-the-charts elemental resistance to techs.

>> No.1217921

I'm talking about Blue Burst here. And I'm aware of the elemental resistance thing, but again, never had a problem in Ep. 2 or 4.

>> No.1217925

Blue Burst is a port of the Xbox version.

>> No.1217927

I played a ranger with a shotgun. I tore shit up.

>> No.1217984

*Ep 4, Ep3 was a card game.

>> No.1217991

Version =/= Episode

Version 1 and Version 2 both were on Dreamcast and just had episode 1.

The GameCube/Xbox version is called either EpI&II or Ver.3 because it came after version 2.

>> No.1218018

My bad.

>> No.1218453

this. same for me and my brother

>> No.1218574
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>You will never save Red Ring Rico

>> No.1218581
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Spread Needle was OP for many, many levels.

>> No.1218591


RAmar Greenil here

you have my Crush Bullet

>> No.1218767
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>> No.1218781
File: 142 KB, 340x281, BB-MERCURIUS-ACTION-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to bump this thread with pictures of sick weapons and/or mags.

>> No.1218785
File: 220 KB, 560x488, BB-PSYCHO_WAND-ACTION-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has my face, including color but not my white hair.

>> No.1218794
File: 87 KB, 640x480, prophets3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn v.2 is weird...
I did it exactly wrong. The original PSO came out I was a Force and then when v.2 came out I was a Ranger. I should have done it exactly the other way around.

>> No.1218795


It's because Sega kept it simple, but tuned and honed those simple elements until they "felt" perfect. I'm talking about gameplay basics like collision detection, time lag between swinging a weapon and making a hit, acceleration from walking to running, etc.

The same principle applied to the graphics, rather than have dozens of different environments, they had just 4 (fields, caves, mines, ruins) but polished the graphics and music to perfection.

I've played too many games and never come across a 3D environment with the same haunting feeling as the lower mine levels on PSO.

>> No.1219085
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One of the many things I love about PSO that's often overlooked is the atmosphere and story structure.

The story is arranged perfectly and makes sense with the gameplay. You can choose to just play the game blindly and ignore message capsule and NPCs; in other words, be a blind pawn of the government oblivious to the corruption and ulterior motives.

Or, you can dig deeper, do some investigation of your own, and uncover more of the truth behind Pioneer's circumstances.

I loved how the NPCs changed around depending on what missions you had accepted. I loved that there was hidden dialogue and branching plotlines that could be discovered by taking quests in a certain order, or hanging around to explore after the mission was done.

It really was perfect. I think PSO's reputation is starting to deteriorate over time simply because there are hundreds of free to play games on PC that copy the gameplay PSO pioneered. But PSO is a masterpiece.

>> No.1219102

Does PSO have any good private servers? Or are they mostly empty?

>> No.1219106

Schthack was the biggest and most accurate to the official game but the population has been in decline because the admins are lazy shits who never fixed an error that prevented new people form registering.

>> No.1219142

Between that and PSO2's popularity..

The only thing really left on SCHTHACK are chinese and pinoys.

>> No.1219152

>most accurate to the official game
till they started changing things in the name of their vision of "balance"

>> No.1219154

It's still preferable to the servers that jack up exp/drop rates though. Also they were good at doing holiday events like Sega used to.

Honestly nothing will ever be like the official servers but the only way I play now is offline split screen with friends.

>> No.1219180

I unfortunately never got to play online, but I have a level 20 something or other on Ver1 and a 46 FOmarl on Ver2. I still grind once in a while when I'm bored, but it's been at least a year since I've picked it up.

>> No.1219182

It's a shame. To me pretty much half the game was meeting new people and seeing their crazy weapons and how they customized their character. The game was very simple and formulaic so it was perfect for chatting and making friends.

>> No.1219205

Yeah I bet. Playing alone can get boring fast. Those 46 levels were acquired over the past 10 years through randomly playing it. Would be nice to use my keyboard for something other than Unreal Tournament though.

>> No.1219553

Worst part about Red Ring Rico?

You were a few minutes behind her the whole time

>> No.1219625
File: 72 KB, 600x513, pso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when Episode 3 implies that every single party who played through Episode 1&2 was canon and actually happened, and Alpham Umbra was just regenerating Dark Falz stronger each time.

Oh wait I forgot I'm the only person who actually likes episode 3. My bad.

>> No.1219636



>> No.1219638

>final boss being a nightmarish fusion of PSO bosses

I hardly remember the part with the canon parties though. All I can recall is the manga-styled cutscenes (awesome throwback to PSIV) depicting a group of non-descript Hunters marching to battle Dark Falz.

A shame the game was just so damn rare, and was never rereleased on other platforms.

>> No.1219646

I-I'll admit it's not without flaw...

>> No.1219647
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I'm just fucking around. I loved Episode 3. I never did beat it, though, the final missions were ridiculous.

>> No.1219649

It's not even /vr/ related so why bring it up?

>> No.1219905

What's your guies' favorite weapons?
Dragonslayer for big sword
Final IMPACT for pistol.
mag was Sonti
and I played on the gamecube under the name Xero using the lightning partisan, only got up to about 111 until my memory card got deleted.

Hell yeah playing soccer with doods in the other server rooms

>> No.1219908

Because it's in the same continuity, setting, and is relevant to the story of the original game. Any more stupid questions?

>> No.1219970
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Hey guys, wanna help me check out my buddy's computer? I've got a gun and everything! What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.1219978

My character in Scht before I got bored was named 青空, read as Aozora. Everyone called me Chinese Symbols, Asian Characters, or referred to me by my player color.

The only people who got it right were either Japanese or Chinese.

>> No.1220165
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1. Best way to play offline? Dreamcast\PC? Is Blue Burst Episode good enough to cope with online-only? Or should I go with PS:U?
2. Best games to get into the setting\universe? Original games, remakes? I thought about starting with Phantasy Star 4 on Sega or 1+2 on PlayStation2. Or maybe it's not necessary for PSO experience?

>> No.1220173

GameCube for sure if you're playing offline. It's only only one with offline split screen. Blue Burst for private servers.

PSO is standalone in terms of story from the other games.

But Phantasy Star 1-4 are great turn based RPGs in their own right.

Phantasy Star Universe is trash and will not be spoken of here

>> No.1220251

So, is it possible to play online is a custom server?
Because we totally should

>> No.1220320

Yes, SCHTHACK is a thing, and if my account is still active I have a level 120+ RAcaseal I can distribute some starter gear to to make the first 10 levels not tedious as fuck.

>> No.1220827

I remember you! You were awful!

>> No.1220837

Hucast, was whatever the yellow color was.
got all the way up to the ruins and then found out i didint activate the obelisks.

>> No.1220919

Wait, so, is there a way to connect to the internet with the dreamcast without dial-up?
Like connecting the dreamcast to our PC and it somehow shares our internet and emulates the dial up?

>> No.1220949

There are broadband adapters for Dreamcast but they're rare.

>> No.1220950

I play it online one my GameCube all weekends..........nobody every plays anything and they're all just chatting like idiots on the lobby and nobody believes me that my GameCube can go online

>> No.1220961

Yeah but I'm only interested in connecting directly to either the router or PC, not interested in having it hogging all the internet in the house

>> No.1221004

... wut?

>> No.1221007

Doesn't the broadband adapter connect directly to the ISP?

>> No.1221092

Still not retro. Be more buttpained.

>> No.1221105

do you understand how networking works

jesus christ

>> No.1221118

Yes, SCHTHACK supports DC and GC connections, although I don't know if they can play with eachother in the same games. I know you can see DC users in the lobby, though, and chat with them.

Do you connect your computer directly to your ISP? The answer is no.

>> No.1221121

I thought the broadband adapter was a modem with DSL capabilities. My bad.

>> No.1221162

all good, it happens.

it's literally just a network card for a dreamcast. connect directly to router. done.

>> No.1221706
File: 42 KB, 960x720, 1GboJhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got so many fucking memories. I used to play this game with my ex-girlfriend all the time. We did so much shit. We made so many characters. We actually had a fucking roleplay group, we were such fucking nerds.
True to that fucking song, Phantasy Star Online really felt like a whole new world.

A year back I tried to get on Shthack, beat Episode 4. It just...wasn't the same without my old friends. I recreated an old character of mine, had a blast being a gunmage. Got to level 70 or 80 or so.
Then I just...stopped.

I miss this game so fucking much.

>> No.1221712

What hurts the most is missing out on this game back when it first came out. Must have been mindblowing to have network play on a console.

>> No.1221731

Yeah I think this was many people's first experience with online gaming. I for sure didn't know shit about PC games back then.

Like I said the game was just casual enough that you were able to relax a bit and chat with other people. Such a big part of the experience was just seeing all these crazy characters beam into your TV from your own couch and talking with them. You'd want to know where they got all their cool shit and what their story was. I remember just playing without passwords and reeling with excitement and possibility every time I was someone was joining. That's something that's totally taken for granted in gaming today. Even with my fond memories of meeting strangers on PSO I often prefer today to lock my game and just play alone.

>> No.1221732

Were you there on the day it shut down? I like hearing stories about the final day of official servers of online games being shut down.

>> No.1222401

No unfortunately, money was tight at my house so I didn't have a subscription for the whole years it was going.