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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 224 KB, 640x480, demons-crest-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1211606 No.1211606 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get better at platformers. Proper platformers, not things like Contra which I always get recommended. Looking primarily at SNES/Genesis/possibly PS1, which games have a steep yet rewarding learning curve which translates well to other games in the genre?

Pic (mostly) unrelated.

>> No.1211610


>> No.1211620
File: 136 KB, 637x860, Contra-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1211621


>> No.1211623

FYI, Contra and not Contra are different things.

>> No.1211625
File: 7 KB, 256x240, Contra (U)_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1211626

Probotector maybe?

>> No.1211631


Straw Poll time for OP!

>> No.1211637
File: 111 KB, 420x361, contra_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho ho! So far, the poll is a close race between Contra and Contra! Good thing we are all here to help OP decide!

>> No.1211645

Contra is shit, play Probotecter instead OP.

>> No.1211646

yes because probotectors is not contra.....
god this community sometimes.....

>> No.1211648

Contra or Probotector, what do you think?
(Yes / No)

>> No.1211649

They're just messing with you, play Super C

>> No.1211650
File: 370 KB, 1920x1080, 816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now officially a Contra thread. Feel free to discuss your favorite Contra games and moments.

>> No.1211652

Fart on you, guys! I come here asking for legit advice on a platofmrer and you don't perceive me as the top-class gamer that I am. I could own all you guys at video games.

>> No.1211658

I think Mega Man might have you covered in that respect. Also try the Castlevania and G&G games. Bionic Commando is a stretch, but I like it.

>> No.1211659

Mega Man is just as generic as Contra! You might as well posted Contra like the rest of the trolls did. Fart on you, too!

>> No.1211668

>Fart on you, guys! I come here asking for legit advice on a platofmrer and you don't perceive me as the top-class gamer that I am. I could own all you guys at video games.

Are you 5-years-old?

>> No.1211669
File: 715 KB, 981x601, Contra Poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Contra is winning the poll, OP. Give in and play it.

>> No.1211671

No. I am a respectable gamer who wants PROPER platformers. Not generic suggestions from generic gamers.

>> No.1211672


>People voting Contra and not Contra
Shit tastes.

>> No.1211676

I don't even fucking know what you are asking for. Why is Contra generic? Why is proper the opposite of generic? What's a non-generic gamer? Do you mean "unconventional" when you say proper or what?

>> No.1211680

How do you become a respectable gamer?
I think I'm currently in generic/hipster gamer rank but I want to ascend, pls help.

>> No.1211681

I would honestly not even put Contra under platformer since platforming is secondary to shooting the fuck out of everything. Run 'n gun is what I roll with.

>> No.1211698


>> No.1211716

that guy isn't OP btw, I posted this during my work break and only just had chance to check back. What I actually meant is was that games like Contra (that are famous for being difficult therefore get suggested all the time) are hard due to the shooting aspect, not really the precision jumps or pretty much anything on the platformer side. I was looking for something more along the lines of rayman or lost levels. I wasn't saying contra's not a proper game.

>> No.1211719

Play Contra

>> No.1211740

Play Super Castlevania and Dracula X.

>> No.1211845

How about Super Contra 7?

>> No.1211863

You should deploy the Miomoto trick. Each day for 1h you you play Super Mario Bros for one month. The next month you proceed through the Mario games. This ensure that you have platforming basic knowledge 101. Eat alot of fruit, especially oranges (contain alot of d vitamine). This will enhance the reaction speed.

>> No.1211865

Super Castlevania IV, man.