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1201370 No.1201370[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a theory regarding the Genesis.

I believe Sega's marketing at the time ended up hurting the Genesis' / Megadrive's public image in the long run.

A lot of people seem to think the only good games the Genesis had were the Sonic games, Aladdin and maybe Eco (personally I think eco is average).

Thoughts on this?

>> No.1201378
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After all, when people think nintendo at the time they think Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Mario, F-zero, Starfox.

When people think Sega Genesis they think Sonic... and that's it really

>> No.1201379

>Thoughts on this?

That you're wrong, for starters. And I don't know who these people you're referring to, but a lot of people who know about the Genesis seem to know more about Sonic and company.

And assuming you're right about that marketing, what's the issue? Did Nintendo not push their first party titles in the same way?

>> No.1201420
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>> No.1201445


I was a poorfag in Europe and even I had Street Fighter for the Megadrive, along with Mortal Kombat, Sonic of course, Altered Beast and Golden Axe, and my dad found a Magical Hat Tuban cart with an adapter, it had a lot of bugs though because of the adapter.
Then my rich cousin got himself a Neo-Geo and decided to give me his "old" SNES with his games, that was so awesome.

>> No.1201468
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Aw, too bad you didn't get the superior version of magical hat.

>> No.1201473


How was that superior?

>> No.1201478

Better music and a cooler overall theme.

>> No.1201479


Will download now, thanks

>> No.1201481

Level design is different for some levels, so watch out. Also, Max has a lot less control over his momentum.

>> No.1201486

The reason everyone always brings up Sonic is because Sega imploded a decade ago and since then the ONLY thing they are releasing is sonic sonic sonic. Sega is whoring out Sonic, so everyone thinks that that's the only series they have. Everything else gets the black sheep treatment, with maybe one or two updates a decade, or a new mobile/iphone version which no one cares about.

Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Starfox etc all get at least one refresh per generation. Mario gets like ten every year. So people remember those; and when they look up the SNES they can also look up the old Mario Zelda Metroid.

It's like how suddenly all the old SNES Square RPGs became the most influential games ever created, once FF7/8/9 and Chrono Cross were out, despite no one really giving half a fuck about them in America back in the 90s.

It's all retroactive viral marketing.

>> No.1201496

>After all, when people think nintendo at the time they think Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Mario, F-zero, Starfox.When people think Sega Genesis they think Sonic... and that's it really

That's because all of those games still get yearly updates.

But do you remember, I dunno, the Ice Climbers, Mister Takahashi, Mappy, Dig Dug, Vic Viper, or Bub and Bob?

>> No.1201497

Who doesn't remember Dig Dug or Gradius?

>> No.1201504

The same people who remember the Genesis as Sonic Sonic and Sonic.

>> No.1201582

Are you implying the average person that plays video games even likes shoot 'em ups?

>> No.1201585

I must admit, as far as I was concerned, Sega was crap when it came to hardware, OR whatever they did with the hardware did not use it to its full potential. The sound samples sounded like crap, and most games that had digital imagery suffered as well, - but there were games that were gems, and not just Sonic.

Vectorman is one of the games that comes to mind - that was a good that not only played well and was great (IMHO), but finally started to use the potential of the system.

Earthworm Jim looked as good as the SNES , played well, except for the audio samples , sounded like crap.

When it came to hardware, Sega lagged and had poor timing.

You saw this all the way up to Dreamcast. That was a very impressive system, but Sega's decision to use a proprietary disc format "GD-ROM" was overall pointless, it didn't prevent piracy at all, and got killed when PS2 came out touting games on a standard DVD, nevermind DVD-Playback as well.

>> No.1201610

>Earthworm Jim looked as good as the SNES , played well, except for the audio samples , sounded like crap.

You're talking about the SNES version, right? The Genesis version is the original, the SNES version is a port. A port that is notorious for sounding awful, especially the vocal effects which are just muffled versions of what was already compressed for the Genesis.

>> No.1201613

Earthworm both looked and sounded significantly better on the Genesis.
On the SNES the resolution was smaller, the colors were duller, tons of voice clips were missing, and what voices and music there was was extra muffled, even for SNES standards.

>> No.1201623

No, I have gone back and played both EWJ on Sega and SNES for comparison , Genesis sounded scratchy, where as SNES digital samples of the vocals sounded better. I am sorry if I am dumping on the Genesis version, again I enjoyed playing both versions, but EWJ SNES the sound samples were better even if it was ported.

I will say this, I also then played EWJ on SegaCD, and the digital samples had a noticeable improvement. Then again thats because the SegaCD samples were on the disc, this is the same if you compare MK1 on Genesis VS SegaCD, since CDs obviously have more storage capacity, better digital samples, and extra sound processor from the SegaCD addon.

Sorry I didn't mean to ramble on though...

>> No.1201629


Sega's marketing actually saved the Genesis in the US. Looking back at the "what nintendon't" campaign didn't offend anyone by the mid-90's. Making the 32x that they knew was dead-end hardware, but management changes and some really horrible decisions during the Saturn era hurt the company a lot more. Up to the 5th gen, at least in the West, Sega wasn't doing too bad.

>> No.1201632

I don't think they are crap when it came to hardware. The sound chip can produce some rocking or funky music, and the console wasn't notorious for slow downs like the SNES

>> No.1201645

Music wise yes it was awesome! but again when it came to actual digital samples , vocals, or other samples (non musical) , SNES was better. i don't deny SNES had slowdowns, each console had it's own technical issues vs the other.

But I always felt that Sega never did make very good decisions when it came to hardware, I reiterate this with later consoles like Dreamcast. You can also look at Sega Saturn, it was great, but they focused too much on 2-D, and had more 2D power than 3-D, then PS1 came out and effectively sidelined Saturn.

BUT.....you want slowdown again? compare Castelvania on PSX vs, Saturn... Turn into the myst form on PSX, and YOU WILL GET MAJOR BUTTLOAD, SSSLLOOWDOWN, vs Saturn, it plays normally as it should, thats where it's 2D beat PSX and why you saw awesome 2D fighters mostly on Saturn rather than PSX, but again at that time 3-D was taking over.

>> No.1201651

Oh yea, and I did actually Enjoy Knights into Dreams on Saturn, a game that tried to use the potential of Saturn.

>> No.1201654

>When people think Sega Genesis they think Sonic... and that's it really
I think Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Comix Zone, Vectorman, Gunstar Heroes and so on, as well as Sonic.
People think of Sonic so much because Sonic is still popular today.

>> No.1201656

Clearly you haven't gone back and played them recently enough, because the Sega CD version actually has the -worst- sounding vocals for some odd reason. It's not an emulation issue -- I actually own it; the voices sound just as bad on the real console, and way, way worse than the Genesis version. No idea how Shiny screwed that one up.


Here's all three at once. First is Genesis, second is Sega CD, third is SNES.

>> No.1201657

I mean Nights ....
Need2lern2type sorry

>> No.1201659
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What the Nintendon't stuff did was playful but not nasty and not chastising the consumer for preferring Nintendo but saying "Here's why Sega is awesome" and Sega had it down to an art. They were saying why their product was better instead of having just a put down. Problem was that advertising started getting nasty and grating when everyone used it to the point where, outside of a few playful stunts and sabotages, no one outright directs the advertising to be attacking potential customers and it only ends up stirring up fanboy vitriol in the end that they stopped it because if you end up being a dick to the customer and questioning their choices to sell your product, you won't get anywhere because they will just say "What a fucking dick".

But then Sega US management seemed to have a lot of horrible shit dumped on them from Sega Japan that eventually infected Sega Europe (Which had an even more successful campaign in Europe thanks to distributor, Virgin Mastertronic. It destroyed the SNES)

>> No.1201663

>I believe Sega's marketing at the time ended up hurting the Genesis' / Megadrive's public image in the long run.
No. Not in the slightest.
At one point in time the Genesis was performing better than the SNES in America. Then SEGA of Japan killed the console in all territories, because they're fucking retarded.

...So I guess in a very roundabout way it did ultimately hurt the company (not the Genesis though).
The aggressive advertising is part of what made the Genesis such a huge success in western markets, but the Mega Drive was a flop in Japan.
SEGA of Japan always resented that those European and especially American branches did so much better than them, and that was pretty much the root of all the in-fighting that tore the company apart.

>still believing that voice clips on the Genesis were always shit
Play more video games.

>> No.1201669

>Then SEGA of Japan killed the console in all territories
How did they do that?

>> No.1201679

They ended support for the system worldwide to make way for the Saturn.
The decision makes sense if you are only paying attention to the Japanese market, where the Mega Drive didn't do well, but at that time in America and Europe SEGA was dominating Nintendo and could have gone on doing so for the rest of that generation.

>> No.1201684

Not really, I have old gamepros from the snes era with shops advertising values of popular games and the rpgs back then still cost a bit more than popular first party games for example.

>> No.1201693

1. Export nothing Mega Drive out of Japan
2. Make Saturn
3. Never tell worldwide divisions the Saturn is coming
4. Allow 32X to happen, millions wasted on prolonging Genesis
5. Release Saturn 4 days before even Sega of America knew when it was coming out
6. None of the international markets ready for Saturn, thus no games
7. Retails stuck with dead Genesis and dead Saturn
8. Pull plug on Saturn

>> No.1201698

>1. Export nothing Mega Drive out of Japan

What? I mean, yeah, we missed some games like Pulseman and Alien Soldier (Though I've always suspected that was largely in part to Sega of America wanting some exclusives to push Sega Channel) but we got nearly all of the many noteworthy games on the Genesis. Did you mean the Saturn?

>> No.1201696


It was ridiculously bad. EA even had to do a deal to continue support on their own as FIFA and Madden was still ridiculously profitable (They even got up to '98 on the system for both series) while Sega completely dropped it stone dead in 96 because people wanted to stick with it. Sega could have easily let the MD go another year or two while they refined the Saturn to be better but they were too afraid of Panasonic and Sony trying to eat in their share that they jumped the gun.

>> No.1201714
File: 646 KB, 1600x1180, $(KGrHqV,!lkFBsCIWb!pBQnZ9yve1w~~60_57[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP was probably trolling since that "extreme" marketting was exactly what brought SEGA up to be able to challenge the king.

What screwed them over was their terrible 32x system and the abandoning of their longtime devotion to backward compatibility.

I've been told that the "Mark" architecture was about as powerful as it could ever possibly get with Genesis and I can see how a logical step to try to advance to the next gen while keeping backward compatibility would be to create an add-on to handle 3D but the 32x just ended up as a huge embarasment.

Even with the 32x costing them a lot of customer confidence, if the Saturn had been fully backward compatible with Genesis and Sega CD I think it would have beaten the Playstation because of the existing user base at launch. You can even see in the Saturn's design, with that oh so Genesis-like cartridge slot that it wanted so bad to be backward compatible but I guess it was just not meant to be.

>> No.1201727


>> No.1201787

>I've been told that the "Mark" architecture was about as powerful as it could ever possibly get with Genesis

There were a few missing possibilities. The VDP could support 128k ram (Genny had 64k), and there was an extra pin to extend the palette - I forgot what it did exactly, it either allowed for 2x the amount of colours or allowed for carts to specify their own palette instead of the built-in 9bit values.

RAM prices could've made the 128k version prohibitive, but in retrospect the palette extend pin could've worked wonders.

Also the biggest problem was that they did not include cpu interrupts on the extension port. This alone could've made the Sega CD ten times less of a clusterfuck than what it was. It ended up working by being a near complete system on its own that you had to program to write data into a shared word ram periodically, which the Megadrive could read out. Of course only one side could access that word ram at the same time, so it was total bullshit.

They "fixed" all imaginable shortcomings like those with the Saturn: it had shit ton of interrupts exposed, the cd subsystem was way more advanced than the Sega CD, had easy memory upgrades, and it had 24bit digital video input. In theory the Saturn could've been extended with carts to do any fucking thing you wanted it to do, as long as supplying power was not a problem (even a Megadrive-system-on-a-cart to provide compatibility).
It was also based on the then top-end System 24/32 hardware, much like how the Megadrive was a cut-down System 16. It was really the most natural evolution of their original Japanese designs.

The big problem was that they did Model 1-2 in the arcades, designed by a completely different team (Lockheed Martin), and CONQUERED the arcades with that. So suddenly they had to make the Saturn do all those at the homes, which it barely could.

Sega caught themselves introducing a paradigm shift in the industry, that made the Saturn obsolete before it was even out.

>> No.1201840

That should be remade with how Nintendo was second banana ever since Sony took the wheel.

"You don't know what it was like in the lunchroom, listening to the Sony guys talk about Final Fantasy, and Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil.

I mean, we had Mario. And Mario Kart. Mario Tennis. Mario Golf. Mario Party. Mario Party 2.

Quest 64 wasn't great."

>> No.1201904

So basically they could have saved themselves by doing two things

>Making available a "Powerbase Converter" at launch for the Saturn, same as with Genesis. Maybe even using the same promotion - send us your Genesis (to recycle for components) and we'll send you a converter for your Saturn and three free Genesis games.

>Developing a Saturn/SCD/Mark Emulator for Dreamcast and including a cartridge slot to read the roms from the old carts

>Super Secret Third Bullet Point - Don't fucking trust Microsoft with your DRM

>> No.1201912

Why does the 32X get so much hate?

It was worth it just for arcade-quality MK2 and Doom.

>> No.1201921

>A lot of people seem to think the only good games the Genesis had were the Sonic games, Aladdin and maybe Eco (personally I think eco is average).

That's because Sega died a long time ago now, and most of the people you see writing about video games on the internet these days were kids when Sega imploded. Their only experience with the Genesis / Mega Drive is emulators. They had never heard of any games other than Sonic, so that's the only game on emulators they played.

>> No.1201923

It could have been worth it if SEGA of Japan didn't kill the Genesis off and if the SEGA CD didn't already exist, and even then it would still be a little questionable.

>> No.1201979

The soundtrack ruined 32X Doom, though.

>> No.1202005

Music in 32x Doom was fine. Way better than the SNES version.

>> No.1202009

>to create an add-on to handle 3D but the 32x just ended up as a huge embarasment.
32x isn't designed to handle 3D. The choice of an FPU-less, SIMD-less SH-2 gives this away.

>It was also based on the then top-end System 24/32 hardware
Saturn doesn't look anything like the System 24 or System 32.

>> No.1202013
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>> No.1202012

Hmm, I remember it sounding different.

>> No.1202020

Wait, nevermind, wrong video. Dude, the 32X version sounds like farts.

>> No.1202037

the SNES version sounds like muffled piss

>> No.1202039
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>literally farting out the guitar line

>> No.1202043

The way the music sounds is the ONLY good thing about the SNES version.

In fact, it might be the best sounding of all the console versions, because the Playstation version is disqualified due to having its own different soundtrack.

>> No.1202046

Being better than something else doesn't make it good.

>> No.1202057
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>Music in 32x Doom was fine. Way better than the SNES version.
That's a funny joke

You aren't serious, right

>> No.1202058
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Countless hours in this game, countless.

>> No.1202062


The Genesis was great at tracks that sounded rocking or funky. That's because it only had two speeds: rocking and funky. Anything else always sounded lackluster to me.

>> No.1202075


>> No.1202174

You forgot techno.
Even then, the Genesis was perfectly capable of more than just those 3 things.
There's no denying that it did specialize in techno, rock, and funk, though.

>> No.1202178


>> No.1204204

I watched a video about nintendo's "playstation" and discovered some things.

Sega spent millions developing a Cd drive to battle nintendo and the others: CD-i, 3DO, PC engine, etc. and even tried to one up it with the 32x.

we all know how those 2 add-ons ended up.

>> No.1205519

>The sound samples sounded like crap
Oh boy, not again, listen to the music of Sword of Vermilion, Alisya Dragoon, Sub Terrania, Fantazy Zone, Space Invaders 94, Air Buster (Aero Blasters) and come back and tell me it sucks.

>> No.1208546

eh, ive seen more bashing in Sega's ads than nintendo's. Sega was mostly "We have this! They do not! HATE THEM!" while Nintendo had that one DKC1 commercial that said "NOT ON SEGA". It's a common thing in marketing i know, but sega sounded like the bratty one in this playground

>> No.1208561
