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1198583 No.1198583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1) Kevin
2) Hawk
3) Duran
4) the girls

Kevin is obvious. He deals the most damage by a large margin. No one comes close. Double-hitting regular attack. Extreme damage from level 1 tech.

Hawk comes second. He deals the second most damage in the game. Furthermore, he can reduce the maximum HP of bosses which is incomparable.

Lise's special abilities can easily be done with items. Furthermore, her special abilities (stat modifiers) are usually reserved for bosses. Just use items that do the same thing at the beginning of boss battles, and choose another character that deals more damage like the males.

The other two girls should be obvious why they're not as high as the other characters.

The most efficient power-gaming trio in the game is Death Hand, Nightblade, and Duelist. Healing? Items (furthermore, these three characters have good vitality). Stat modifiers for boss battles? Items. Damage? These three characters deal the most.

>> No.1198590

1) Kevin
2) Hawk
3) Duran AND Lise
4) the other girls

>> No.1199270

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed Kevin seriously needed a nerf.
The game is piss easy anyway so what's the worst possible team?
Carrie > Angela > dead lvl 1 third character?
Now that would be interesting. Can you skip the first class change?
All girls or all guys team turn out to be surprisingly fun and well balanced.

>> No.1199274

IIRC the first "white" class change Carrie has an offensive wisp spell and a healing spell that costs 1 mp with INSTANT cast time. It might not look like it but she was broken as all fuck.

>> No.1199284

God Tier:
Black Market item spam.
Coins gave you spells with zero cast time and poto oil healed everyone depending on your int stat, meaning that in the late game everyone would heal to about 2/3 health.

>> No.1199381

I would put Duran slightly above Lise. First, he does more damage. Not only that, he has many full-screen techs. Second, as the OP stated, all of Lise's special abilities can be substituted with items.

Angela simply does not do as much damage as the brawlers. Her spells take time to cast (during which she does nothing) and end up not doing that much damage (just takes up animation time). While she casts 1 high level spell, Kevin (and Hawk to alesser degree) can do about 4x as much damage with their double attacks (without spending any MP).

the little healing girl is almost useless. healing with items in the late game is sufficient for any party.

It's easy to tier the CHARACTERS (basically, males>females), but it's difficult to tier the classes for each individual character.

>> No.1199385

Furthermore, i think it's undebatable that Kevin and Hawk are the two best characters for the mere fact that they can use their techs TWICE as often as the others.

>> No.1199394
File: 101 KB, 500x710, Lise_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lise is by far the most popular character amongst fanartists. She gets more fanart than the entire rest of the game.

>> No.1199425

Well if you're going to play with a dead character then why not just play solo? There's a way to skip getting the other characters with cheats to make it less annoying.

Anyway, the worst team I've played with was something like Charlotte as a Sage (I think, the one that has tons of saber magic anyway), Angela (Whatever class, I think I picked Rune Master, the spells she gets just drain all your mana and they still aren't that impressive) and... I think it was Duran as Lord (More heals...).

Well I guess it was almost impossible to get killed with those heals but everything just took forever to beat. I think you could replace Duran with Hawk as the Wanderer to get even worse team. Lise's classes are way too useful so I wouldn't want to use her even though everyone seems to agree that the guys are better than the girls.

>> No.1199443

Anyway, if you want actually a fun team that's not half bad, try Angela (just spam spells)/Lise as Dragon Master (just spam the summon)/Hawk as Rogue (just spam spells)

And then just spam spells.

>> No.1199457

yeah, lise is a great character. especially her story. it's a shame that items are so damn potent in this game.

>> No.1199464

Her dark classes could be useful since you can't buy stat down items, but then again she's still not as useful as Hawk since his dark spells lower stats AND damage the enemies.

I guess if you wanted to "challenge" yourself you could just ban yourself from using the black market items.

>> No.1199515

There are a few examples where Lise's stat downs are more effective than Hawk's. For example Fire Jutsu lowers magic power but since fire enemies like Xan Bie absorb fire you can't cast it on them with Hawk.

>> No.1199526

True, but it doesn't really matter since Hawk is so much more useful otherwise.

>> No.1199528

all you need is defense down on the enemies (using hawk). and power up on your characters (with black market item). with the correct saber (from duran):

kevin (death hand) lvl1 tech
hawk (nightblade) lvl1 tech + deadly weapon
duran (duelist or w.master) lvl1 tech

the bosses go down FAST. like, fucking, omnislash on sephiroth fast.

furthermore, hawk just has too many things over lise even if we don't count jutsus. Double-hitting normal attack. which means twice as many techs. which means near-constant extremely damaging double-hitting lvl1 techs. also deadly weapon which is the single most damaging spell in the game.

lise is my favorite character, but she's the second-least damaging character in the game.

otoh if you're a no-black market game, then of course she becomes good

>> No.1199541

>I guess if you wanted to "challenge" yourself you could just ban yourself from using the black market items.
You pretty much have to if you want to get some difficulty out of the game.

It's a shame how so many retro RPGs had such interesting class/ability systems yet were so easy that they didn't matter.

>> No.1199553

Yeah that party just breaks the whole game. Just go with Swordmaster Duran so you get multi target sabers, it's too slow to cast them one by one, the boss might be dead before he gets everyone sabered.

I really love the class system, shame I haven't really ran into anything like it in other games. I guess it's too limiting when you're required to replay the game several times to see all the classes. But then again I guess SD3 isn't all that long compared to some other games.

>> No.1200427

>I really love the class system, shame I haven't really ran into anything like it in other games.
If you mean the branching nature of it, have you tried any of the Langrisser games? They're tactical RPGs but many have a similar class system.

>> No.1200696

No, maybe I should? I'm not a huge fan of tactical RPGs though. I guess tactical RPGs overall might have more class systems like that, Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre has something similar too. I guess it works in games like that since you usually have tons of characters to choose from, so even if you end up with a class you don't like you can always just use some other character.

But I kinda liked how permanent the choices were in SD3, even though you could end up with a terrible party. I ended up with a pretty good team though by just picking the classes by their names the first time I played the game.

>> No.1201161

WTF is a "bashkar"?? wtf kind of shitty translating is that?

i'm assuming it's berserker. and grand DIVINA? Umm.. what a dumbass. it's Diviner. And it's not like they didn't have enough font space

>> No.1201262

I'm not sure what they mean, but they're pretty much that in the Japanese too.

I guess they could've assumed the Japanese didn't know shit what they were doing again and picked more fitting names, but they didn't. Actually, I guess Divina was originally Devina so they already changed it a little.

>> No.1201482

ok i looked it up. in the japanese version "bashkar" is


in terms of pronunciation that's basyukaa. there is no official katakana for berserker, although most would probably say baasaakaa (which looks retarded, even to japanese ppl probably) which is hwhy they went twith the stylized katakana

i mean, come on, with even minute exposure to RPGs in general, one has got to know that that is berserker. regardless of how badly the original japanese butchered the pronunciation

>> No.1201863
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I tried a Lise-less game once,
Never again.

Hail Lise

>> No.1201887
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What's your favourite class for her?

>> No.1201894

all of them

Because Lise

>> No.1202690

Pretty obvious it's berserker, high strength, no spells.

>> No.1202748

Yes, Kevin is very obviously #1. And I think Hawk and Lise are tied for #2. I've always found that Duran's naturally low evasion rate negates his good HP. His attacks hit hard, but he takes pretty long to "recharge", too. He's still #3 though, it's just that Lise is better overall IMHO.

I really like Lise, not just because she's the pretty blonde of the game, she hits reasonably hard with her normal attacks and gets stat up/stat down magic no one else gets. I feel she's the most balanced character. Angela and Carlie are OK it's just that characters who mostly rely on magic are somewhat boring and sometimes even annoying because the constant spell animations draw the game out a lot.

>> No.1202768

I've heard the recharge thing before but I've never really saw that big of a difference between them. I think getting hit just when you're about to strike activates the recharge timer so it just feels like the character takes years to swing.

As much as I like Lise there isn't much point in using her if you're some kind of weird powergamer since you can buy stat up items.

>> No.1202782

>you can buy stat up items.

Sure, but those take up item slots in the ring menu, plus iirc they can only be bought at the black market. Don't get me wrong, if that's how you do it, fine with me.

But really there doesn't have to be a "point" to using this or that character. It's not a competitive game where you always always always have to pick the 3 top tiers or anything.

>> No.1202804

Well no, but when you're putting them into tier lists by how useful they are then that obviously is worth a mention. She's still way ahead of the pure spellcasters in any case. Anyway, there's only so many items you actually need in your ring menu and it's not hard (it's really bothersome though) to buy enough of them to last the whole game.

Personally I love using Angela and she's absolutely useless compared to the other characters.

>> No.1202837

>I've heard the recharge thing before but I've never really saw that big of a difference between them. I think getting hit just when you're about to strike activates the recharge timer so it just feels like the character takes years to swing.
The "Duran has slow attack recharge" thing is a tired old myth that still pops up now and then for some reason.

Unless you're playing a no-item game or absolutely hate single-target buffing Duran is superior to Lise.

>> No.1202868

>Unless you're playing a no-item game or absolutely hate single-target buffing Duran is superior to Lise

Not saying NO WAI MAN, but please elaborate.

>> No.1202897

Duran is physically stronger in any class combination than Lise is in her strongest class combo.

Since both of their buffs are replacable with black market items, it really just comes down to who hits harder. Which is Duran.

Even in a no black market game Duran is very solid. I used to think Lise was a party fixture but now I barely use her.

>> No.1203026

the only items you need are the attack up thingies, and poto oil. regardless of what team you have, you'll ALWAYS carry poto oil. so the only item that you're absolutely required to carry for the domination team that is k/h/d is the attack up item. That's just ONE extra item slot you're using.


here's the gist of it..

anything that lise can do can be accomplished with items that are easily gotten after a certain point in the game. furthermore, these abilities/items are USUALLY reserved for boss fights.

therefore, the only thing left to do with her is to deal damage.

-does more damage than lise
-has more fst than lise (use lvl1 for bosses)

>> No.1203260

Great Debate: Lise or Riesz

Which one do you use?

>> No.1203270


Lise. It's easier for me to say and it was the way it was in the translation I played.

I don't really care, though. I know what people are talking about either way and I'm not enough of a sperg to care that people are doing things differently.

>> No.1203291
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I always go with Lise but I don't really care either way. Its not like the Aeris/Aerith debate where fans will go absolutely batshit insane if you call her the "wrong" name.

>> No.1203492


It's a weird name no matter which romanisation you go with. "Riesz" is pronounced just like "Reese", correct? That's what her Japanese spelling of her name is closest to.

>> No.1206232

Lise, Riesz, I don't care.

But neil corlett or whatever his name is had NO EXCUSE (nada, zilch) NOT to name Hawkeye -> Hawkeye.

>> No.1206235


That's even less of a deal than Lise/Riesz. And that isn't even a medium deal.

>> No.1206991

Im guessing it was due to character limits