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File: 298 KB, 1500x1125, old school black mage compressed with signatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1194442 No.1194442 [Reply] [Original]

I made this picture, i hope it counts as good fanart.

What was your first final fantasy?

>> No.1194447

First FF was Mystic Quest.

It totally counts. First real FF was 1...I think. Either that or 6. I tried them at the same time so my memory is blurry.

>> No.1194507

>first final fantasy

My first one was FF6, then I played FF5 and I thought it blew it away on all fronts. Never could get into another FF game since, they just seem so bland and slow

>> No.1194517

I really like your picture OP.

>> No.1194529

thanks man

>> No.1194534

Yeah, ff6 was my first one too and i thought it was the best. Then i played Tactics and creamed myself

>> No.1194569
File: 21 KB, 640x480, [ACX]Final_Fantasy_Unlimited_-_25_-_Kaze_The_Glory_of_Life_[ALI]_[3969A1C2].mkv_snapshot_11.20_[2013.05.14_21.52.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1194578

mine was 4

I think the the farthest i've been is just after cid jumped

>> No.1194785

Mystic Quest
Managed to complete the game before I could read without using the instakill exploit on the final boss.

>> No.1194823

Final Fantasy 5 Advance

>> No.1194873

Final fantasy 1. Climbed all the way up to seven, enjoyed them all. Good work on your art, man.

>> No.1195104

Tactics. It's all been downhill since.

>> No.1195284
File: 256 KB, 760x1000, 1373257967482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one seen was FFIX while I was over a friend's house. He was in Lindblum.
First "played" was ten or so minutes of X between Besaid and Luca

First one I actually played through was 1, Dawn of Souls version; obviously played II immediately after.

>> No.1195338

FF1 on GBA.

Favorite is V.

>> No.1195367
File: 61 KB, 485x357, amano-final-fantasy-vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First: FFI on GBA. Tried to play II, but I couldn't get into it, the level system was dumb.

Favorite: Pic related, pinnacle of the series alongside VII.

>> No.1195845

First one with the Final Fantasy name is Final Fantasy Legend III. First actual Final Fantasy is VII.

>> No.1195850

I liked 2 on the gba, until I got to the final boss and realized I didn't level up anything useful for fighting it.

>> No.1195937

Final Fantasy 4 was my first RPG ever. Whenever I play any others now I still try to frame it around FF4's mechanics.

V was okay for me. 6 was my favourite but I haven't touched it in years. Might be time to fully play through the Standing Guard mod (retranslated and fixes many bugs).

>> No.1196389

First played was either X or VII, I can't remember.

>> No.1198929

I was first introduced to Final Fantasy IV on Gameboy Advance. A friend let me play it and I loved it. The I went to gamecrazy and bought V by accident and loved it twice as much. But IV was the first one. That was 7 years ago and I have played every port of IV in existence but I never could recapture the fun I had playing it that one day and so to this day V remains my favorite.

>> No.1199052

First was FF1, didn't get far and forgot about it
Second was FF7, after that i was hooked on the series
Nice pic OP

>> No.1199062

My first fantasy was x. I skipped a generation of gaming (NES to N64) and only rented for the latter. Wasn't until I got a ps2 that I played one.

My favorite was probably the 5th one.

>> No.1199087

X because I am 19

>> No.1199101

FFVII was both my first FF and my first JRPG in general. I'm 28.

>> No.1199106

FFVI. Emulated it around '98 or so. It's still my favourite.

>> No.1199126

OP: your picture it great and you should feel great. As far as your question is concerned
Uhhhhhhh, now that I think about it.... VII was my first FF.

>> No.1199137
File: 159 KB, 1080x612, 1381350887179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first one was FFV. No, seriously. Not even the Advance version.

Instead, when I was about 8, I got a CD from a computer-savvy friend of my parents that had a lot of games on it, including a ZSNES folder with a decent amount of ROMs. Amongst those a translated ROM of FFV, which I played for a bit and instantly got hooked on the job system, which I thought (and still think) is neat as fuck. However, being a computer retard at the time, I didn't understand the concept of non-rewritable media and had to constantly replay the same parts of the game. Still, I had a lot of fun, and eventually beat the game when I got older and smarter.

FFV is still the quintessential JRPG in my mind, and the job system in that game is still perfectly executed (if not balanced).

>> No.1200249

Well the first Final Fantasy I ever saw was X because my best friend and his brother got it with their ps2 and they were both obsessed with the game. I'm talking beat all the Dark Aeons with the regular no-effect weapons and no magic. But the first one I ever played myself was (as in all the way through, because I had played my friend's X) was IV on the GBA

>> No.1200252
File: 11 KB, 570x500, balstothewall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original and best.

>> No.1200258

Firstly I love your drawing. Now my first I've played was Final Fantasy Legend. I know it's not real a Final Fantasy but it was the first one I played with Final Fantasy in its name. The first main series one was IV on the SNES (known as IIUS). I was so confused playing it because the localization was horrible but some reason it was enjoyable. Now I played them all (only haven't beat 8, 12, and 13 which I just couldn't stand playing).

>> No.1200520

First was ff4 on snes when i was about 5 and I could barely read at the time so I didn't get far, first FF I actually played through was probably 1 and 2 Dawn of Souls years later.
Fave remains FF5, although 4 holds a soft spot in my heart, I just think all NA ports are too easy