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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1187456 No.1187456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Confession thread: /vr/ edition
I never played a Command & Conquer game
I think Super Metroid is really boring. I really liked Metroid Prime though.

>> No.1188906
File: 93 KB, 400x228, Bibleman sees the future of all Atheists, Pagans (or Idolists), Offshoot Christians, and Satan Worshippers; and it going down hard monkey cock..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
that offshoot christian (catholic, protestant, lutherian, etc) related, OP. Not Disciple of the Jesus Christ/God related, by "DotJ" I mean Christian Related. Read the Jesus Sagas and Acts in the New Testament and you'll will see for yourself.

>> No.1188912

i hate super nintendo

>> No.1188953

Fuck Half-Life

>> No.1188957

-I never finished a Metal Gear game.
-I thought the wii was a great system.
Is this even English?

>> No.1188958

I've played Sonic once, and I've hated it. Marble Zone's theme has since been burned into my mind, however.

I cheat through JRPGs because I hate grinding. I will use codes to set my level to 99 at the start of the game, unlock all spells/abilities, and essentially make my party as strong as they could possibly be if I were to grind for years without cheating.

I've only recently played DOOM for the first time through the DOOM thread here. (I have however played the hell out of Quake 1-3 and Hexan)

Despite being one my favorite games, I've never beaten Mother Brain in Super Metroid. I have gotten to Turian at least a dozen times and have either lost my save (3 times on the original SNES), had a glitch (ZSNES), or just got bored and didn't finish. I have beaten every other 2D Metroid except for Metroid II.

Same as above, I've never finished Ogre Battle 64 on my own. I've only seen the bad end that a buddy got. Why can't I finish some of my favorite games?

I didn't really like Super Mario 64 and never made it past Deep Deep Docks.

I'm trying to improve, Father Vidya, but it's hard these days. Should I do two SMB3 playthroughs and a Contra again?

>> No.1188968

It's only a sin to play your first run of Doom using Brutal Doom.

>> No.1188974

Silent Hills and Resident Evils bored me to shit.

All of them.

>> No.1188981

I I what?

>> No.1188990

I've never played doom

I've never played metroid

>> No.1188991
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I agree.

I can't get into Zelda except for A Link to the Past. I don't even know why. The other games are okay and I can respect them for what they were at their designated times but I don't know man.

The only Atari 2600 game I can stand to play is Adventure. I want to like more games for it but it was before my time and I guess it's just too simple for me. Still respect it for it's time it must have been the shit.

I hate the X series and prefer the original Megaman games. 2 is my favorite, then 1, then 3, and the rest are pretty bad imo.

I love the hell out of Super Castlevania IV, but I like Bloodlines more. SotN is one of my favorite games of all time.

I never liked Mario Kart 64 in the slightest. Played it with my cousins because they wanted to but the driving just feels so shit and I realize it's more of a party racer but damn if it just felt weird on the handling. Oh and fuck me when I was doing good for 2 laps and someone uses lightning on the 3rd to run me over and put me effective in last. Idk maybe I'm just too serious about racing.

>> No.1189019
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I agree on Castlevania and Megaman[/spoiler. Some things just need to learn when to stop,

I have played Custer's Revenge on an actual Atari. My dad owned it. It vanished with his death.

Speaking of adult games, when I was a teen dad took me to the computer and said "This folder is the regular games. This folder is the ADULT games. You can play both, just don't tell the other kids or bring them over to see. I don't care what you do after ward, just do it in your room not here." My first H-Game? Nocturnal Illusion.

I grew up on MUCKs and MUDs. I now hate them with venom! Fucking mary sues and bad writing everywhere.

I love music games. Brutal Legend, Beatmania, and Power Gig deserve more love than they get. yes I know Power Gig is flawed, but it's not as horrible as everyone says.

I hate any game with regenerating health except for Nethack. This is because all of them except nethack are BORING. Halo fans who claim they're special for beating the game on Legendary are pathetic.

>> No.1189023

>I want to like more games for it but it was before my time and I guess it's just too simple for me.

There are a bunch of more complex games, you just have to look for them. Have you tried Pitfall 2 or Solaris?

>> No.1189024

I don't really play video games any more
I clicked on this board for no real reason

>> No.1189025


I sort of forgot about Pitfall. Yeah that's pretty good. I'll take a look at Solaris. And I do minorly enjoy Yar's Revenge. I'm just not big on games that have one screen, are only about score, etc.

>> No.1189061

I busted up the CD case of Dreamweb mishandling it.

I love single player shooter campaigns, budge, high production, and anything in between. I miss the flow of shooters from the early 2000s. Even the $20 budge shooters made for a weekend of fun.

I buy fighting games even though I barely play them; I don't have friends to play with and going online just gets me curb stomped. The same goes for SRPGs; I usually toss them if they get stupidly grindy.

I wasn't above using cheat codes when I couldn't beat a game.

I won't play early 3d games with infinite monster spawning (see Perfect Weapon).

>> No.1189112


>> No.1189196
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the only old consoles i own are a nintendo 64 and a playstation that doesnt work

>> No.1189225

Mario games are really boring.
Super Mario World was such snoozefest.

>> No.1189226

Whoa really?

>> No.1189534

I never owned or played a Nintendo 64.

>> No.1189537

the only /vr/ games that i have actually completed are for the frog the bell tolls, mario land 2 & the first chapter of doom

>> No.1189545

>Confession thread: /vr/ edition
Do we really need this shit here?

>> No.1189569

>Read the Jesus Sagas
Who, what? Is that like the Twilight Saga?

Oh man, what if someone wrote a book that was like Twilight, but the main love interest is Jesus?

>> No.1189757
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I think Zelda 2 is better than Zelda 1.

I personally don't care for the Genesis/MegaDrive Sonic games. I only have carts for 1, 2, 3, S&K, and 3D Blast because they're really cheap. Speaking of 3D Blast, it isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

Ranger X was the game that made me want a Genesis.

I like Fallout 2 better than 1 because of all the added things you can do in the game. It's just more fun gameplay wise. I will concede that Fallout 1 has a much better plot and story focus. Fallout: New Vegas is a worthy sequel to Fallout 2

I've never beaten Death in Castlevania 1.

I like all 6 of the NES Mega Man games, Mega Man 7, and Mega Man and Bass. I don't care for Mega Man 8, 9, or 10.

90% of my Amiga disks I got from a guy who pirated games back in the early 90's. I even have one drawer of a filing cabinet filled with printed out scans of instruction manuals, maps, etc.

>> No.1189780
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Never played series/games:
Metal Gear
Silent Hill
Resident Evil 3
Golden Eye 64
Name a fighting game, I've never played it.
A lot more popular shit I can't think of.

I don't consider glitches cheating in a singleplayer game.

Only Final Fantasy I ever played is 1, 2, and 7. I got bored half-way through when I tried 6.

I own 5 untouched games on steam for every game I've played, and I've finished even less then that. Yet I keep buying more every sale.

I play games for the story.

>> No.1189841

I've never beaten an NES game

>> No.1189847

Fix that, right now.

>> No.1189849

i cant
its hard and I refuse to use a walkthrough

>> No.1189881

- Even thought I admit that Super Metroid is great and put new standards to the series I find it really annoying and overrated. I prefer the GBA Metroid games which I think they are superior.
- I have never beaten Dino Crisis 2 even thought I loved it back then. And now I don't have the patience for this kind of games.
- I haven't beaten Chrono Trigger (I was playing the DS version) even thought it's one of my favourite jrpg.

Try Kirby then.

>> No.1189954

>Try Kirby then.
that's another confession I have
I've never played Kirby because I've always thought the series looked really dumb
I'm trying to beat the original Metroid currently. my main problem is that I dont know what the fuck to do. I cant find shit and Im tired of running back and forth

>> No.1189969 [DELETED] 

This is my fapping page.....

>> No.1189979

this fucking thread is exactly what's wrong /vr/. I remembered when newfagginess wasn't something you proudly showed off. seriously most people ITT need to lurk the fuck moar.

>> No.1189986

calm your autsim anon, we're allowed to discuss video games here

>> No.1189989

>never beat a NES game
>playing Metroid
Yeah, that's... You might want to try something a little more straightforward. Maybe Megaman 4?

This is a joke post, right? It hasn't been cool to say "moar" in like five years.

>> No.1190000

>This is a joke post, right? It hasn't been cool to say "moar" in like five years.

sorry I'm not a trend hopping attention whore gutter slut like you.

now go to the kitchen and practice your cooking because that is the only way your 400lbs behemoth ass will ever be able to please a man.

>> No.1190004

super metroid controls like shit, a remake in the zero mission/fusion engine would be amazing

>> No.1190007
File: 529 KB, 625x626, 1383733585548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're on the wrong board, son

>> No.1190010

>I've never played Kirby because I've always thought the series looked really dumb
You don't know what you're missing. Try Kirby's Adventure for NES, seriously. You won't regret it.

As for Metroid, I don't know anyone who beat it without help from a walkthrough. It's really fucking hard.

>> No.1190013

I think you have no idea who Princess Sevenleaf is or what she's about. you are the prime example of someone who needs to lurk the fuck moar.

>> No.1190016

My plan was that I wanted to beat Metroid and then do Super Metroid, possibly fusion after that. I've only ever played the prime series and none of the 2d games.
I like the game a lot, it's really good but fuck its so hard just find out where to go next

>> No.1190024

Finally, someone who understands me! I have fed up meeting people going like "Duuuuh! Super Metroid is the best Metroid game. Metroid Fusion sucks, it's too easy."

>> No.1190032

I don't think it was hard to beat, but I don't see anyone doing it 100% without some form of aid. My cousins drew a map of the entire game to try and find everything, I don't know if they actually did though.

>> No.1190046

I still can't beat Rugal in KOF 94 and 95. He and a non-retro SNK boss give me the most trouble.

As for /vr/ related, those recommendation threads that pop up once in a while bother me. Is it so hard to google it and try games for yourself?

>> No.1190053

The only Final Fantasy I have completed was 3 on the DS. I owned a Master System but have never owned a NES and I'm happy with that. I've never completed Mario 3, even though it's great.

>> No.1190060

I hate JRPGs as a general rule. As an adult, I haven't seen one that I didn't find to be a boring, grindy mess with shitty writing.

>> No.1190061

There's helping someone out and then there's spoonfeeding
It's up to you to decide what to do

>> No.1190063

Are you me?

>> No.1190189

No, but I am your doppelganger that's planning on taking over your life after disposing of you.

>> No.1190236

That feel when random posts on 4chan have better writing than most modern games

>> No.1190303

- i don't enjoy any zelda game beyond the first 10 minutes of gameplay.
- i can't beat any mega man game without tool assistance, and haven't anyway. the closest was the snes x one.
- zillion is better than metroid.
- the master system is better than the nes.
- sega saturn was the best of its era.
- 2d sonic is better than 2d mario

fuck idk fuck you guys i'm high

>> No.1190379

Try Shin Megami Tensei and Persona. They can be grindy from time to time but they have amazing plots.

>> No.1190750

I've always hated RPGs, both western and japanese. Fucking grind fests, the only time I'd finish one is if I'm allowed to cheat myself the best stats and best equipment so I don't have to grind.

I started to hate Nintendo after they raped their version of Mortal Kombat with their petty censorship policies. I jumped ship to PC and didn't look back. Fags.

>> No.1190756

99% of the time, if you're grinding in a JRPG, it's because you suck at it.

>> No.1190759 [DELETED] 

>google princess sevenleaf
>it's a tripfag
>visits /x/, /mlp/, and /an/ as well as /vr/
Sir, I think you need to return to reddit.

>> No.1190767

I thought Axel's A+forward had to be timed to uppercut the enemy. I have no idea why.

>> No.1190782


Nah, SMT games outright smack the shit out of you if you try to grind in them. Most people who complain about their difficulty fall into the "I'm grinding but enemies are still kicking the shit out of me!" category. If you learn the game mechanics you won't grind at at all and the games will actually be quite a bit easier than many people make them out to be. They are, however, still pretty damn long.

>> No.1190810

You need to do a bit of it to get your demons exactly how you want them though. The times when you do that, you're in a situation where you seriously need to.

>> No.1190813

>visits /x/, /mlp/
That in itself is awful.

>> No.1190928

>says he plays games for the story
>hasn't even tried a metal gear game
step it up son

>> No.1192269

>>Never played metroid
>>I Think vr overrates Blood (although it's good imo)

>> No.1192282

I'm nineteen years old

>> No.1192295

-SNES is kinda shite, still like my SNES though but it's not a NES
-N64 is utter shit
-early 3d platformers are terrible, they barely have any proper platforming, Mario 64 is closer to Tony Hawk than to Mario 3
-I have never played a Final Fantasy
-Tomb Raider is garbage
-All console FPS are shit
-Mario World is terrible

>> No.1192298

The only Final Fantasy I played was 7 and it bored me to tears.

>> No.1192307

Baldur's Gate aged horribly.

>> No.1192315

Metroid Zero Missions got me into the Metroid series. It didn't click with me before that game and I thought, just like OP, that Super Metroid is boring. I will start my first Super Metroid run after I'm done with ZM.

I've never played a single Pokemon game. Probably because I was simply too old for it when Pokemon was really big.

I don't like any Resident Evil after 2

>> No.1192318

I hardly ever complete games at 100%

I try to get everything I can, but I eventually move on to another game. Recents examples of this: Super Metroid and Super Mario World (I beat the Special world and found almost every exit, though)

>> No.1192331

I am curious, you played it recently, or at release time? They hypnotized so much with those flashy FMV's back in the day, my brain still can't compute any1 thinking it's actually bad..

>> No.1192337

I played the PC port, around the time it was released.

>> No.1192346

I only passed Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario 64 from all of the single player mario games.

For some reason, the atmosphere in Body Harvest creeped me the fuck out. Walking around in the empty houses always had me on edge.

I used to read the choices in Elder Scrolls Arena in a medieval voice out loud. At one point, At school, when it was my turn to read a paragraph I did the same thing. One time I asked a girl, "Why don't you travel Tamriel with me?". She said I was weird and for the longest while I never understood why my cool medieval voice didn't grow on my friends.

I was short $20 from affording the Dreamcast I asked my parents to sit on the sofa and I got on my knees and begged them to give me the $20. They said no and told me to wait until my next allowance. that was the toughest week.

>> No.1192353


>early 3d platformers are terrible, they barely have any proper platforming

The last part is true, but you're bashing the lack of a mechanic becuase the general consensus says that "3D platformers" are "platformers". Mario, Banjo, Spyro and such play more like action/adventure games with tons of collectables. They were never meant to be real platformers.

So, despite the fact that most people relate them with the platformer genre, there are nothing wrong with them.

>> No.1192360

This, the original Tomb Raider is one of my favorourite games ever, not so much for the platforming, but for the exploration of a 3d world that was actually quite tense and atmospheric, there might be wolves or crazy monkey's behind the next corner.

>> No.1192368

Any pre-2000 / early 2000 3D games are unplayable to me. I can play the most primitive 2D games or with no graphics at all, but early 2000 just looks nauseating to me.

>> No.1192375


I feel you.

I had TR 2 to 5 way back in the day, when I had my beloved PS1, but I never finished any of them until recently. Fuck TR 2013, man. The classic ones are the real shit. Dat level design...

>> No.1192376

But those have horrible writing. Just a lot of it.

>> No.1192391


(not that guy)

MGS 1 has pretty impressive dialogues and details for 1998.
MGS 2, despite the cheesy romance and some ridiculous lines, is decent (although the plot makes sense only if you've played MGS 1 before).
MGS 3 is normal.

Also, Ghost Babel is magnificent in terms of story (and in everything else). Beats the crap out of Peace Walker any day.

>> No.1192412

I've never beaten a retro game

>> No.1192941

I fapped to Samus, then I realized Samus was a girl

>> No.1192989

I have this huge fucking backlog but yet I don't really have the drive to play much.

>> No.1193046

Same here.
I always play games almost till the end but than I lose my drive and stop it.

>> No.1193056

majora's mask is a shitty chore of a game and gets its low-poly ass kissed because its a shitty chore of a game

>b-but the masks

only three of which did anything interesting, and the deku scrub is fucking stupid

>b-but the time mechanic

oh you mean that excuse to pull a bunch of shenanigans before time runs out so you can just go back in time which destroys any sort of interesting aspect of urgency the time mechanic could have had and forces you to lose your money that wasnt in the bank because going back in time by itself just wasn't annoying enough yet?

>b-but the characters

what faggot plays zelda for the characters? and i cant really feel emotion for a bunch of copypasted oot models.

fuck majora's mask and its nostalgiafag fanbase. and this is coming from someone who likes p much every other zelda.

>> No.1193131 [DELETED] 

Edgy butthurt faggot confirmed.
Go back to cawadooty ghosts on your PS3

>> No.1193135 [DELETED] 

Edgy PC fanboy detected. Enjoy your OS drama and bestiality mods.

>> No.1193137

I can't play first person rpgs or rpgs with really old 3d graphics

I can't get into the Wizardry or Ultima series

How can I say I like rpgs if I can't into this

>> No.1193141


I also can't play most JRPGs

I can't live playing a rpg that doesn't let me create my own character and make desicions that may or may not influence the plot

>> No.1193149 [DELETED] 

O hai do u wanna join muh cawadooty clan :DDDDD

>> No.1193152 [DELETED] 

Tell me more about how TP is your favorite Zelda game

>> No.1193162 [DELETED] 

>Coming into a confessions thread and flaming
I think /v/ would b... no. Not /v/. I think the League of Legends forum would be more appropriate for your kind.

>> No.1193185

You're missing one major detail.

Metal Gear Solid isn't meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.1193192

See, you get two kinds of RPG, the more sandboxy type like Ultima and Wizardry which is more about exploration, and you get the more on-rails type like Final Fantasy. It's like comparing Tag with Hide and Seek.

Got a PS3? You might like Dragon's Dogma.

>> No.1193241
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>> No.1193258


I guess I'll just wait for the PC port

>> No.1193424

have you ever even played the first few FF games? or an JRPG before the PS1 era at all?

>> No.1193428

the game came out in 2012, if was going to get a PC port it would have by now.

>> No.1193437

I was keeping it simple.

>> No.1193774
File: 237 KB, 519x725, Hey Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh language
fack off

>> No.1195225

>- sega saturn was the best of its era.
You're a pretty cool dude.

>> No.1195269
File: 1.89 MB, 280x210, 1321397055971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a clear post next time. None of us have any clue what the hell you're trying to say in your word salad of a post.

>> No.1195489



>> No.1195493

Never played a Pokemon game besides the shitty Hey You Pikachu! that came along with the pokemon64 console, never played a final fantasy game, or any zelda game.

>> No.1195497


Try Cosmic Ark!

Also, Vanguard and Worm War I.

>> No.1195539

I love the N64 pad.

Growing up with a Genesis/PSX I always thought the N64 pad was a joke. I was like "why does that controller have three handles? I only have two hands!", but it's REALLY, REALLY comfortable especially for 3D platformers.

Hell, the dpad is top shelf too. Perfect for Robotron and Mischief Makers. I can't use Robotron style controls on the SNES (like in Super Smash TV) without my right hand hurting after five minutes, but I can go all day on the N64 playing Robotron 64 using the C buttons to shoot.