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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1183985 No.1183985 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a thread series for creating nes,snes,genesis games?

Like for example I'd like to recreate Monster in my Pocket in an snes form.

>> No.1184006

Good luck with that.

>> No.1184009

/vr/ doesn't even know what is and isn't an emulator, there's no fucking way anyone on here has the skills to make a homebrew game

>> No.1184019

Have you ever tried making homebrew for the SNES before? It's retardedly difficult. That's why so few homebrew games exist for it compared to the NES.

>> No.1184171
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>> No.1184352

it's easier to just do that in adobe's still not dead flash. yes, pee see still mustard race for everything!

>> No.1184362


A homebrew game is a HUGE undertaking. I wouldn't even know where to begin.

You might be better off romhacking some game that has been studied heavily.

A game for a console is typically written in assembly language, which not even that many people know, and you need to know all sorts of shit about how to make a game for the console. That's why game makers send out "Dev Kits". Are there any leaked dev kits for SNES?

You're better off really making a new game for PC really.

>> No.1184382

Look up the sphere game engine. It is a sandbox rpg maker that uses Javascript. It works good, i never got very far with it though.

>> No.1184387

I've never personally gotten into homebrew, but I know a few people who have. You need to understand the hardware very in depth, and learn assembly for the processor which takes months to gain a good enough understanding just to make something basic. It's not something you can just dive into and expect to pull out something good.

>Are there any leaked dev kits for SNES?
Probably? But they'd all likely be made by the developers themselves rather than Nintendo, since Nintendo was particularly useless with regards to helping third parties with development until the N64 era. So they'd be likely incomplete, hacked together, very out of date. Much better to use one of the several homebrew SDKs that have been made over the years for homebrewing.

>> No.1184392

I wish you all the luck and good will I can muster. I know nothing about this subject, but have a love for that game that can be described as creepy.

>> No.1184634

>Much better to use one of the several homebrew SDKs
Hate to rain on your parade, but I only know of one SDK/dev kit type thing made for the SNES, and thats SNES Professional ASM Development Kit. Still, it's just mostly assembly tools, without 65c816 assembly programming knowledge it doesn't do you much good.

Working on NES games, you have a bit more options. NESICIDE is an IDE type setup, appears to support C, and has a built in emulator with great debugging features. There's also nbasic, which allows you to program using a basic-like language, but I don't know well it works.

Atari 2600 also has a basic type language, called batari.

PSX programming isn't entirely impossible, a 3rd party dev kit was released online. Google PSX DEV for details.

If you just wanna make a game, look into hacking the hell out of a ROM. If you are really dead-set on programming your own, I'd recommend starting with the 2600 or NES first before jumping into SNES or PSX development.

>> No.1184648

It sounds like you're not much better off than the actual dev studios making those games back in the day.

>> No.1184663

Its fucking easy OP.
you just have to familiarize yourself with non standard assemebly languages for non documented hardware platforms,
then learn the architecture for said machines, then actually think of a good idea for a game, then work under the constraints of the machine when producing assets.
Making a game is fucking easy as it is, targeting retro platforms just makes it easier.
Chances are, there isn't an sdk or tools for the platform so you'll write them yourself, which shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.1184697
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>> No.1184751


Isn't that cup from chip&dale ?