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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1182573 No.1182573 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /vr/ so console-centric?

>> No.1182591

There are far more people who play video games on consoles.
In addition, the word 'retro' seems to seems to be very strongly associated with the 3rd generation of consoles.
Also, many old pc games were aimed at an older audience, and most of 4chan is mid twenties or thereabouts and was too young to truly appreciate it at the time.
I realize there are a lot of generalizations there, but I hope that mostly answers your question.

>> No.1182663
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Well... I actually am pretty much an expert at console gaming, almost universally for US releases to the point where most of the threads are fun to share my knowledge to a point but I like to learn new stuff too so I'm currently quite into retro computers.

I have a pretty good collection of Commodore computers, Vic-20, 64, 128, a500 but for right now I'm mainly doing emulation to familiarize myself before I try to get them set up. Considering buying this thing here. Would really, really like to get myself an MSX2 or Turbo-R. Maybe in some trade at some point. Am kind of interested in FM-Towns and PC-98 as well but haven't even scratched the surface of those yet.

>> No.1182687

>Also, many old pc games were aimed at an older audience, and most of 4chan is mid twenties or thereabouts and was too young to truly appreciate it at the time.
This probably. I was weird because I was playing flight and submarine simulators on the Amiga when I was 7. Those kind of games usually don't appeal to kids that young.

>> No.1182698

I only played a handful of PC games back then. I didn't really have any use for a computer, so I didn't play anything until a family member bought one for working on documents and things. The oldest PC game I've played is Ultima IV. Anything before that is a vast unknown to me.

I don't think computer gaming was as popular in North America as it was in Europe and other places. I barely knew anybody that used them for gaming.

Some favorites

Warcraft 1+2
Escape Velocity
Exile series
Total Annihilation

>> No.1182789

King's Quest 1-7
Warcraft 1
Red Baron
Diablo 1
Heroes 2
Civilization 2

My childhood

>> No.1182796

console games are better.

>> No.1182909

>AvP '99
>Tron 2.0
>L4D 1 & 2
>Mirror's Edge

The only games in that pic I enjoyed.

>> No.1182949
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>> No.1182968
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Could've sworn Battlezone came out earlier, but i loved the shit out of it at any rate.
>Rainbow Six
>Baldur's Gate
>Dungeon Keeper
>Mech Warrior
Fun. I also remember playing this Waterworld-based tactical game a lot.

>> No.1182993

cuz there's more console games

>> No.1183009

I've played almost every game on OP's pic. It's kinda scary.
The original came out in 80's.

>> No.1183045
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>> No.1183059

Console games have aged better due to their availability and simple, intuitive designs. Most old PC games require a good amount of knowledge to complete, focus purely on gameplay, and sometimes end up being frustrating to finish.

>> No.1183060

PC games get talked about ALL THE TIME. You know what never gets talked about? Arcade games.

>> No.1183062

I liked point and clicks but always tought sim games are boring as fuck.
also almost 0 japanese games on PC, which means it's mostly FPS, simulation, strategy and the like, you haven't got the more arcade-like games like consoles had.

Having grown up being an idort at home an being able to play DOS games in the early 90s, I always found myself playing consoles more due to the kind of games I could find there.

To be honest, I do the same nowdays. I still play PC from time to time (not counting emulators, I mean pure PC games), but the genres popular on the platform aren't my thing, and sadly point & click genre, the only PC genre I truly liked, is dead.

>> No.1183092

You are right we should talk about arcade games more.

>> No.1183117

Jigga what? The PC had lots of arcade-style games, at least in the 80's. Although yeah, by the 90's it began to shape itself into the FPS/simulation/strategy platform it is today.

>> No.1183135

More people play(ed) on consoles, as simple as that.
And we have Fallout and Homm threads up all the time and other (Diablo, AoE, PC shooter, Infinity engine games) semi-regularly.

>> No.1183137

>also almost 0 japanese games on PC
The Japanese had several computer families of their own with tons of games. Windows 9x at least has eroge and doujin games in significant numbers.

There's 2400 games for the Playstatoin, 1400 for SNES, 1000 for NES and Genesis and a few hundred for the other popular consoles. Overall maybe 10,000 in total.
The Commodore 64 alone had that much.

>> No.1183163
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>> No.1183168
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>japanese games represent variety

>> No.1183172

I'm pretty sure some faggot will jump on my neck and correct me, but early PC games couldn't do scrolling. Even in really well coded stuff like Commander Keen and Jill of the Jungle games you can tell the scrolling is choppy, a little off from what you see on consoles.
It wasn't until Doom started printing money that cpus became fast enough to do scrolling and we got stuff like Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.1183175

I'm 26 now and I'm realizing my favorite games ever are from 96-99

>> No.1183196

Your thesis was correct but the details wrong. Keen had good scrolling:


>> No.1183203

I always wondered why PC never got any scrolling / sprite engine cards. Seems like something so trivial to add to a card, especially if it already had the RAM for a "real" framebuffer.

>> No.1183217

And how many of those C64 games does anybody give a shit about?

>> No.1183237

aw shit Tribes, I had that game. Admittedly I played it in 2007 because it was all my shitty family pc could run and I preferred consoles anyway. Still a cool game though, it's just Halo pretty much.

But then tbh Halo is just like Quake, is just like Tribes, is just like Unreal etc.

>> No.1183248

Because growing I hated configuring Sound Blaster.

>> No.1183262

What's the difference from a modern GPU?

>> No.1183276

>Dat '90s lineup.
It will never be as good again /vr/. '00s weren't bad but there is still a noticeable decrease in quality. '10s thus far have been absolutely terrible. It's all going to shit /vr/os.

>> No.1183284

because /vr/ doesn't play old games for fun but for nostalgia. computers were expensive as fuck back then, so no computer, no nostalgia, and thus, no DOS threads.

>> No.1183292

>because /vr/ doesn't play old games for fun but for nostalgia

>computers were expensive as fuck back then, so no computer, no nostalgia, and thus, no DOS threads.

>> No.1183293

Your reasoning is backward; people are less likely to discuss games they're less likely to know about or have played.

>> No.1183297

Nice picture/collection.
Shit, 90´s were awesome. Just look at 1996:
Duke Nuken
Warcraft 2
Red Alert
Tomb Raider

Nowadays tons of shit are produced, finding the real gems is hard. Back them good titles really stood up.

>> No.1183301

Baldur´s Gate
Half Life
Fallout 2

LOL. Tough to beat.

>> No.1183302

There was lot of shit produced in 96, we just forgot about it over the years.

>> No.1183303

As much as I am a pc gamer, that could be true.
Not better, but definitaly more diversity and a ton more options.
Yet, computers had RPG´s and strategy games, which were weak on consoles. Yet I also had a genesis and played Super Nes and Playstation with my friends.

I think consoles and PC gaming has always added to each other. The whole PC versus console idea sounds stupid to me.

>> No.1183306


>> No.1184641
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>Myth II Soulblighter

>> No.1184852
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Oh man, '97 was a good year for me. TA, Blood, Jedi Knight, and Carmageddon ate up a lot of my time. TA still remains my favorite RTS of all time, I still have it installed. I play SupCom predominately now, however.

Looking over that collection I've played about 95% of the stuff on there before 2008. I still own many of them. It really surprises me how many of my favorite games came out around the same time.

>Dem 90's.

>> No.1184880

Too many people get butthurt over the bullshit arbitrary date change whenever I want to talk about the best PC games. The best PC games came out early 2000 IMO, Diablo 2 and Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 used to be fine to talk about here.

>> No.1184920

Yeah I'd say this explanation comes closest. I never had a PC as a kid so I come here mostly to post/read about DOS and early windows games that I'm only getting around to playing now and want to talk about with people who may have actually played them, the theme of the board definitely makes it revolve a bit more around "collectable" stuff and there's obviously a strong nostalgia element.

I feel ya, it sucks to be told to "GO BACK TO /v/" when i'm all, hey dudes, I just wanna talk about NOLF 2 or Dungeon Siege with some people who may have actually played them and aren't, yaknow, total retards.