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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1181419 No.1181419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, what's your favorite licensed retro game?

Hard mode: No TMNT/Batman games

pic related

>> No.1181431
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>> No.1181473
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This probably counts, right?

>> No.1181478
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Tight as hell gameplay.
Some of the best music on the NES (top 10 at least, maybe top 5 for me).

Can't wait for the Screwattack Death Battle episode to come out and get shit wrong while Boomstick pretends to be sexually confused over Jenny.

>> No.1181480
File: 3 KB, 256x224, TinyToons990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Tiny Toons Adventures on NES much more

good game but a bit too easy. I also like Astérix and The Smurfs on NES for easy short platformers

>> No.1182185
File: 66 KB, 467x640, 2361664-nes_diehard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one just got everything right, and I don't care what the AVGN said about it, it's the perfect game of the movie.

>> No.1182204
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I am so used to Die Hard 2 dealing with planes that I thought this was a 9/11 image.

>> No.1182205

I just wish it had used more of the show's music. There are a couple tunes that are pretty clearly wannabe versions of tunes from the show, but the only song that's genuinely recreated is the theme tune on the title screen.

>> No.1182210
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>> No.1182216
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>> No.1182230

Is this trolling?

>> No.1182237

Illusion games on sega genesis, including Quackshot.

>> No.1182243

>tfw could never get passed the train level when I was younger

>> No.1182259


>> No.1182841

Anything other than Lion King is wrong.
I also liked Aladdin, Emperor's New Groove, and Toy Story 2.

>> No.1182850

I'm guessing you've never played it

>> No.1182849

Does Sweet Home for the NES count?

>> No.1182852
File: 213 KB, 640x875, 1038340-587417_46945_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never watched the movie, but the game sure as hell surprised me. Haven't beaten it yet, but I usually restrict myself to just a single game over or two so I don't spend all day playing a game.

>> No.1182881

>Emperor's New Groove is nearly 13 years old
Where does the time go?

>> No.1183007
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 23495872346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scooby Doo Mystery for Sega Genesis.
The Super Nintendo version is a standard side scrolling platformer from what I've heard, but the Genesis version is a point and click adventure. I played this game like crazy as a kid.

>> No.1183027
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I played a lot of the SNES version.
It was actually more like a puzzle/mystery game then a platformer.
Genesis still sounds better though.
On topic, this magnificent bastard and its second level I was never able to legitimately beat. I still remember the level select code, I had to use it so much.

>> No.1183056

U.N. Squadron
And, if GBA counts, Astro Boy: Omega Factor

>> No.1183057
File: 31 KB, 256x224, Asterix_and_Obelix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asterix & Obelix on the SNES was great. One of the few games that I actually finished, despite the fact that it's pretty hard and pretty big.

>> No.1183070

Duck Tales
Diehard Arcade
GI Joe NES and arcade
Judge Dredd on SNES

>> No.1183096

This was my favorite fucking snes game next to tmnt turtles in time and Kirby allstar, Such great days getting to that damn train level.

>> No.1183120

This game was amazing. Like, seriously.

>> No.1183318

Darkwing duck

>> No.1183321


That game was the shit. Looked great, played competently enough, and it was very varied in the locales, enemies and even threw in some mini-games to mix it up. Of course, it also helps that it has that awesome Alberto Jose Gonzales soundtrack.

Infogrames-published licensed games usually have a good bit of effort put into them, especially the Bit Managers ones. I also recall having a lot of fun with The Smurfs Travel The World (or something like that, I only know it as The Smurfs 2).

>> No.1183357
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are you me?

>> No.1183381

No it is not.
My wife introduced me to that game when I was like 22 I think? Fun as fuck game!

>> No.1183383


It's a buggy piece of shit that constantly kills you for nothing.

>> No.1183610
File: 215 KB, 256x360, ADADFHDHASDHSDFHSDHSDFH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved it

>> No.1183624
File: 25 KB, 300x199, MaximumcarnageSNES_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This count? I love the ost for this game, and even though it's controller throwingly hard at some points, it remains one of my favorite beatemups.

>> No.1183874
File: 38 KB, 300x418, 857172-md_ti_boxart_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast food platforming done expertly by Treasure.

>> No.1183891
File: 16 KB, 512x480, darkwing-duck-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkwing Duck for NES

>> No.1186692

I've never played these, but man did I love M.C. Kids.

>> No.1186694
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>> No.1186709
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This. But I guess I'm pretty alone with it.

>> No.1186716

> Good batman games
> On the SNES

Nice attempt at a troll post

>> No.1186721

Motherfucking Westwood's Blade Runner.

>> No.1186746

I have memories playing that at my buddy's. I had a SNES as well, but never owned that. It was the first non-gray cart I ever saw. I think. Was that before or after Killer Instinct?

>> No.1186750
File: 45 KB, 640x449, Mighty_Morphin_Power_Rangers_BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the only bad batman on the snes was batman forever

Also, picture related

>> No.1188108

dude, the prey missions at the end were hella fun

>> No.1188330

> What's Batman Returns

> What's The Adventures of Batman & Robin

>> No.1188370
File: 16 KB, 200x285, Tecmo_Super_Bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tecmo Super Bowl. I don't even typically like sports games, but this game is crazy fun.

>> No.1188391

Yeah, I miss the Tecmo NFL games. They were fun compared to the over made Madden.

>> No.1188509

Agreed. I realize this will be an unpopular opinion, but the Madden games aren't terrible. They're simply bland and lifeless. Tecmo football on the other hand has it's own personal touch, and a more arcade-like playstyle.

There's a pretty active modding community which has updated the rosters in the past years. I had a great time playing with the 09 Vikings, Adrian Peterson is like Bo Jackson 2.0

>> No.1188796
File: 126 KB, 512x432, Aladdin_(SNES)_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1188839

I played the shit out of Tecmo Super Bowl every Sunday with my cousin. I didn't really like sports, but I had a fun time with the game, same for NFL Blitz on the 64.

>> No.1188846


I used to play retro madden all the time. Madden 64 got a lot of mileage out of me, and Madden '97 for the SNES was pretty fun.

Apparently they've been going downhill since there's no longer any competition for NFL games anymore, but I personally can't comment on it and that's also not /vr/ territory.

>> No.1188894

Then just get an updated rom at TecmoBowl.org.

>> No.1191002

Awesome game. Always reminded me of Maniac Mansion.

>> No.1191093

Does Marvel vs Capcom count?

>> No.1191120

goldeneye is still played by me and my friends, albeit over netplay

sometimes nothing can beat multiplayer living daylights.

>> No.1191128
File: 148 KB, 1024x601, Crying-Gumball-the-amazing-world-of-gumball-23898328-1024-601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this game.

>> No.1191161

Mah Nigga

>> No.1191418

I just played that game a few weeks ago. It's amazing how good Konami actually made not just it, but most of the Tiny Toons games. They were really the exception and got the red carpet treatment.

>> No.1191474

>grab flag on facility
>be only one who knows how to climb into ventilation above bathroom
>climb up and hide for the rest of the game

>> No.1191487

Goldeneye, atleast at the time.

>> No.1191521
File: 91 KB, 640x638, 913954_47369_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tie between 102 Dalmations and This game, despite anything you'd think, this is amazing.
>Smashing Presents
>Shitting up the lives of the Whos
>Rebuilding Gadgets
>Kick ass Music (It will forever loop in my skull)
>Getting to play as Max
of course some bits were lackluster, the ending was crap, and it didn't really feel like it used as much of the power of the Dreamcast (Only version i've played but it is on psx). But still. The Shit.

>> No.1192646

Ghostbusters for Sega Genesis
Tiny Toons: Buster's Hidden Treasure
The Punisher (beat'em up)

>> No.1192789


>> No.1193843

Tie fighter

>> No.1194178
File: 2.11 MB, 320x221, guns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The train ride gave me hell as a child.

>mfw I beat it for the first time

>> No.1194206

>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro (including the Dreamcast).

>> No.1196476

>Hard mode: No TMNT/Batman games
>leaving Star Wars off of this list
You goofed.
That means Rogue Squadron, Episode I: Racer, and a ton more, are fair game.
I'll go with TIE Fighter.

Probably should have omitted Disney as well. There's got to be at least two dozen great classic Disney games.
Actually, I guess you could JUST omit Disney, since Star Wars is included in that now.
Hell, that'd take out stuff like that X-Men arcade game, any Spider-Man game, Marvel vs. Capcom, etc. as well.

So like I was saying OP, you goofed. It's too easy.

>> No.1196483

>Retro games aren't retro if they have a certain label on the side