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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1180181 No.1180181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing Fallout 1 for the first time, and man, this is great. I've never really gotten into CRPGs before besides Planescape, and so far I'm enjoying this one like crazy.

Two questions:

>What's the verdict on Fallout 2? I've heard some people say it's better, worse, more polished, less polished, etc. I just want to know the biggest differences and I'll make the decision for myself.

>What are some of the other best CRPGs that I may have missed out on? I don't care as much about the plot as I do about the gameplay. Bonus points for lots of player choice (being able to talk your way through the game or fight your way through it) and exploration. And player-owned housing in some way, shape, or form is pretty cool too. I have Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and Ultima VII already but I haven't gotten much into them yet.

Also, Fallout thread.

>> No.1180194

Fallout 2 is several times larger than Fallout, with equally more bugs. It has more options for non-combat options.

On the down side, its full of memes and pop-culture references. They aren't nearly as witty as the creators thought they were. Its also balanced horribly. Most weapons are garbage by the time you get them, and everything has 10 billion hit points.

If you like Fallout, though, its highly unlikely you won't like Fallout 2.

>> No.1180197

It doesn't sound too bad, the non-combat and the larger options both sound like bonuses so I'll at least give it a try.

What about Arcanum? I've heard the combat is shit but it's fairly open-ended and the game world is incredible. Opinions?

>> No.1180214

Don't start with Ultima VII. You seriously miss out by skipping the rest of the series.

>> No.1180218

What should I start with? IV?

>> No.1180216

Fallout 2 is just as good in my opinion, well worth playing if you enjoy the first one.

>> No.1180224

Yes, IV is a decent starting point.

>> No.1180232

Diablo II

>> No.1180309


i played 2 then 1 so my opinion will be biased since 2 was my firstest fallout.

but yeah...F2 is super cool and i like it.

>> No.1180346

Ok then what about Fallout: Tactics. I keep seeing it suggested for me on GOG.com and I'm sure about it.

>> No.1180351

One of the most fun LAN party games ever made. As long as you play with people in the same room who can't be camping faggots because you're right there to slap them.

The single player is garbage though. There's no AI. The enemies either turtle or rush you. Boring.

>> No.1180362


It's not a bad game, but it's not canon.

>> No.1180457

>>What's the verdict on Fallout 2?

Better in every way possible, except for atmosphere (which isn't better or worse, just changed).
Otherwise its superior in every way, truly a worthy sequel who built on its predecessor rather than recycling.

>> No.1180474

I consider fallout 2 superior. There is more freedom in the story, character development and the way you play it. More stuff to do, more guns, more cities. You can have a bigger party, the party system is better, you can get a car, plenty more comedy. Feels a lot more polished imho.
Baldurs gate is the most epic game (more than landscape, even if inferior), but you should also get Icewind dale 1 and 2. not so good story but nice tactical combat.

>> No.1180492

More recommendations:
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines.
System shock 2
neverwinter nights 1

>> No.1180501

I've played VtMB, thankfully. Fucking great. Not NWN, though. I heard the singleplayer was garbage and it was really only worth it for player content.

Slightly on-topic - is it a good idea to try and talk my way through Fallout 1? And is that something I can conceivably do in Arcanum? That's one that I really find interesting from what I've seen of it.

>> No.1180531

Also take a look at darklands, a game from 1992 that was years ahead of it's time.
I tried to play arcanum but I felt it was too limited and I face some bugs that broke the game. It's even older than fallout.

>> No.1180664

I always try my best to get through the game with mostly talking, on Fallout a that is. I haven't spent much time with Arcanum, so I don't know whether or not it's possible.

Fallout is a cruel beast though. You'll come across areas or events that require other skills/stats besides speech/charisma, and it can be a bummer when you don't meet the requirements to handle it. But that's also the fun in it, different builds will always bring different experiences, so you're given incentive to play through it several times.

>> No.1180743

>On the down side, its full of memes and pop-culture references. They aren't nearly as witty as the creators thought they were.
Most of those are hidden away in random encounters, with some notable exceptions, like the Hubologists (scientologists). I don't think it is a bad thing, though I must admit the jokes were funnier back when I was 15.
>If you like Fallout, though, its highly unlikely you won't like Fallout 2.
I don't think that is true. I liked Fallout 1 but Fallout 2 blew me away, and all the gamers I know personally favor Fallout 2 because of the huge amount of dicking about you can do in it.

Fallout 1 is really short, you might as well plow through it before playing the sequel.

>> No.1180771

It came out in 2002, but I feel it's worth mentioning Morrowind since it very much fits your criteria. Tons of player choice (you can make all sorts of different and interesting characters, play in different ways), great exploration, and player-owned (or -stolen) housing where you can collect the various stuff you find around the world.

Regarding the original question, as someone who played Fallout 2 as one of my first WRPGs (maybe THE first), it holds a special place in my heart, and I very much liked Fallout 1 as well. Both great games, 2 is certainly worth checking out if you liked 1.

Arcanum's also a lot of fun, check it out.

>> No.1182152

Can you help me out, /vr/?

I've tried a manual installation or Fallout and it doesn't work. I just get the slide for half a second and then the game returns to desktop.

Googled, applied the patch, ran in compability-mode, nothing helped.

How can i fix this?

>> No.1182156
File: 13 KB, 612x204, fallout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how my .cfg and fallout folder looks like.





>> No.1182167


Try pirating the gog.com version.

>> No.1182170


>> No.1182176

>Be me
>Playing fallout for the first time, I fucking HATED turn based games at the moment, couldn't even stand pokemon
>First cave
>O god fucking rats they come and come and come and never leave me alone and are so slow to battle because of the damn turn based fight system
>Get out of the cave, go to a city saving every two seconds to avoid random encounters
>Talk to somebody, I don't even remember who
>Talk to somebody else
>Keep talking and finding this little secrets in the world that make it feel solid, I can only describe the world building of fallout 1/2 as solid.
>Finish the game
>Start and finish fallout 2, now the world is even bigger and better
>Realise that now I can stand and even enjoy turn based games
I can't even start to describe how much this game changed me, only morrowind has influenced me so much.
There is a pack containging all the clasic ones in piratebay

>> No.1182870

Fallout 2 is great my friend. I've played 1 so many times I can beat it from start to finish in an afternoon.

Fallout 2 had so much more to do, so many places to go. I love both of these games. Play 2, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.1182895

And sneaking/melee is useless because 1) early on you don't have enough sneak 2) by the time your sneak is high enough and you have enough perks to support it to get behind an enemy, you're trying to melee down stuff that's equipped with M2 Brownings (google it if you don't know what a Browning is) and 3) by the end of the game you can't really hurt any of the enemies with your melee attacks because

Fallout 2 has a LOT more quests and content than Fallout 1 and provides much better CQC support than Fallout 1. I mean in Fallout 1 you spend 2/3rds of your action points catching up to your target while it runs or skids away.

>> No.1182907

I wish fallout 2 didn't have the tutorial.
You know how hard it is to convince people to give it a try?
And then 90% of those people give up in frustration in the first ten minutes.

>> No.1182914


It would be nice if there were a way to remove the ToT entirely (through a mod or some such), but I think I remember reading on NMA at one point that it's pretty much hard-coded into the game.

Seems like there really isn't shit anyone can do about it.

>> No.1183109

Personally, I enjoyed FO1 and it's definitely a good RPG. But it always surprises me so. many. people place it as #1 rpg of all time.

Even more disappointing, so few people can actually argue and talk more or less rational about their passionate love for the game. To a ridiculous point that, in some communities, generally very thorough in their game analysis, saying "Fallout, well, EASILY in the first 25 top RPGs, but #1? no way" is considered a trollbait.

To OP: be aware of the burnout. For example, starting with U4 is a good idea (don't be scared off by the looks of it, it's awesome, play in xu4, read the manual, write notes); but you might get tired of the engine and your U5 playthrough might be better put off. Same goes for Infinity Engine.
Mix those with something different, be it gameplay-wise or less serious or whatever - e.g. M&M (3 or 4+5 are good starting points), maybe more adventure-like (Lands of Lore), or more twitchy\actiony (TES 2\3, Gothic series), or more clicky (Divine Divinity), then go back to turn-based goodness. It is rather personal though, but might apply to you so I figured I'd mention it anyway.

>> No.1183114

I never could get into Fallout 1. Is 2 better?

>> No.1183192

Even though it's not retro in any way, NWN2 is pretty good. You can skip the main game and just play the expansion called "mask of the betrayer" right away, it's the closest you'll get to Planescape: Torment of any any other game imho. It references the plot of the original, but it's far from crucial.

>> No.1183193

Fallout's turn based system is fun because if you shoot someone in the head they usually fucking die (with very satisfying animations/sound) rather than lose 2hp and move one step closer.