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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 123 KB, 640x480, Gradius 2 MSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1172567 No.1172567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, anyone else out there crazy for shoot 'em ups? Preferably not bullet hell / Touhou games. I'm strictly talking about the classic arcade-style stuff, like space crafts moving through scrolling environments, or static shooters like Galaga and Space Invaders.

Gradius was actually my introduction to the shmup genre. I played the NES version at a cousin's house one day, then discovered a few years later that there was an entire series based around it. Since then, I've gone as far as to import some Gradius games and collections.

As far as vertical shooters go, I also love Star Soldier. Not many people know about the Hudson Selection version for GC and PS2, which is a sort of reboot with enhanced graphics. I play it all the time on my PS2.

By the way, the screenshot I chose is from Gradius / Nemesis 2 for MSX1. Kind of an odd choice, but it's one of my favorite entries in the series. It was later remade for X68k under the title Nemesis '90 Kai.

>> No.1172604

I am absolutely shit at them, but I love them.

>Stuck on Moai stage in Gradius
>Barely beat Sexy Parodius on easy
>Suck at Firepower 2000
>Repeat infinitely

I kind of want to make my own shmup, seeing as how there's tools easily available. Thing is, I don't have the confidence to make it not suck because I'll either make it stupid hard or stupid easy, and I just want a simple game with moderate challenge.

One day I'll quit complaining and make it. One day.

>> No.1172619

Did you post the MSX version on purpose? MSX has a LOT of this type of shooter.

>> No.1172763

>I am absolutely shit at them
I'm not completely shit at them, but I'm certainly not very good. I've won most shooters by pure perseverance. The main set of shooters I play are:

>Image Fight (NES and Arcade)
>Image Fight 2: Operation Deepstriker
>Strikers 1945 (I have the high score on the local arcade machine)
>Strikers 1945 II (PSX)

>> No.1172768

I make a shitty little shmup engine in pygame when I was playing with it one time. Shmups are very easy to make. You should give it a try, for sure!

>> No.1172798
File: 97 KB, 400x550, gun_nac_box_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put SHMUPs and Bullet-hells in seperate categories.

SHMUPs are all about blowing shit up and heavy metal at maximum volume.

Bullet-hells are all about dodging intricate patterns, and most of the time are a hell of a lot slower-paced than SHMUPs.

That being said Gun Nac is fucking awesome...and fucking expensive.

and I want it ;__;

>> No.1172803

Just make it. If it's too hard or too easy, just tweak the enemies and stages.

Shmups are probably the easiest kind of game to tinker with since they have such a simple design core: avoid obstacles and projectiles, shoot shit.

>> No.1172827

>Gradius was actually my introduction to the shmup genre

Galaga was mine. I used to go to the YMCA for the afterschool program when I was in middle school and on the top level, they had a bunch of Arcade machines (a bunch of them random boards in even more random cabinets. I remember Street Fighter II being in a Lunar Lander Cab) and one of them was Galaga

One of our counselors was INSANELY good at it.

>> No.1172847
File: 1.36 MB, 1840x2080, 1370825655691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konami was in a class by themselves, OP. Such polished shooters. I love the whole Gradius / Nemesis / Salamander series, as well as Parodius and it's ilk. Check out Space Manbow on the MSX2 if you get a chance to. The scrolling isn't choppy like the other MSX shmups and the soundtrack is rad as always.

Really love Compile's shooters too, the whole Aleste series is killer, especially MUSHA and Super Aleste / Space Megaforce.

Waiting on a copy of Sengoku Blade Episode II for the Saturn to arrive, can't wait to play that again, used to play it on an import cabinet at the local Pizza Hut that no longer exists.

>> No.1172854
File: 71 KB, 640x488, 20050329_harmfulB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else play this gem?

>> No.1173260
File: 146 KB, 640x480, Fantasy_Zone_II_remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about cute 'em ups? I love Fantasy Zone. I even have the Complete Collection for PS2.

>> No.1173265


Yes, actually. That game is something else.

>> No.1173341
File: 2.69 MB, 256x256, 1367792485975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1173406

Man, I remember a couple years ago, when me and my three housemates all got hooked on Gradius 3. You couldn't walk though the living room without seeing someone playing it. I miss that old shitty house.

>> No.1173409

Isn't this a modern game?

>> No.1173597

Well it has a X68000 version too so I guess an exception can be made.

>> No.1173621


what game is it?

>> No.1173625
File: 29 KB, 240x320, battle_bakraid_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if this game is allowed in this thread. It borders on bullet hell but is still sane enough for a casual play in between. It's my favorite vertical shmup and I keep comimg to it - without getting any better, though. The scoring mechanics are pretty much broken to the core and you can abuse it to the point where you can get up to 4 extra lives at the end of level 1 but I'm too incompetent for that.

Still, it's really fun and everyone should give it a try.

>> No.1173650


Bullet hells aren't forbidden - I just wanted to keep most of the thread focused on shooters like Gradius or Star Soldier. You guys can still discuss whatever you want. Maybe it would be preferable to start a bullet hell discussion, though.

>> No.1173714
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, Silver Surfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup niggas

>> No.1174763


>> No.1174767

Ports of retro games to modern systems are still retro. ChoRenSha is retro.

>> No.1174769

ChoRenSha 68k

>> No.1174779
File: 7 KB, 384x270, 1943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1943 was probably the first I played properly.

>> No.1174782
File: 15 KB, 670x430, lightforce-cpc-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 8-bit home computers only: Lightforce.

>> No.1174787
File: 9 KB, 640x400, Highway_Hunter_(DOS)_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played the shareware version of Highway Hunter. Unusually, you drove a car, so while you could move in all four directions, you were limited to the area exposed by the road.

>> No.1175185
File: 18 KB, 385x266, Super_R-Type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still my favorite.

>> No.1175203


I like it too. The slowdowns don't bother me but the check point system (or better, the lack of it) is too brutal. I've never made it to level 4.

>> No.1175237


I take it you haven't tried any other R-Type games? Super's not bad, but all the others still shit on it from a high distance.

>> No.1175605

That's what I always hear. I got the roms recently, will get on playing them.

Never made it passed level 5 myself :/

>> No.1175636
File: 121 KB, 416x736, rtype3-japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't compare to this masterpiece here, honestly.

One of the best I've ever played.

>> No.1176740

>arcade R-type

Will this work on my 60hz display?

>> No.1176995

Considering half the games made before Street Fighter fall into this category anyone over the age of 30 will have played a shitload of these as a kid.

My personal favorite for side scrolling is R-type. Darius was also good, surprised no one mentioned it yet.

For vertical scrolling my favorite has to be blazing lasers.

>> No.1177374


Recca (Famicom)
Crisis Force (Famicom)
Xexex (arcade, PSP on Salamander Collection)
Rayforce (arc/ ported to multiple systems solo or part of a collection)
R-Type III (SNES) and Delta (PS1)
Soukyugurentai (arc/Sat/PS1, borderline bullet hell but still plays with "classic shooter" mentality)
Battle Garegga (same; arc/Sat)
Dangun Feveron (arcade; bullet hell but tasteful)
Grind Stormer/ V.V. (arcade, Genesis)
Fuzzical Fighter (famicom; get the translated rom)
Guardian Legend (NES)
Dragon Spirit (NES)
Imperium (SNES)
MUSHA (Genesis)
Thunder Force 3 & 4 (Genesis)
Zero Wing (Gen; stupid opening aside, it's a pretty fun game with classy music)

>> No.1177375

Darius was great when it finally came into its own (Darius Gaiden on the Saturn), but before that, it was pretty generic. G-Darius was pretty much one of the best sidescrollers of all time, though, and perfected the "giant laser beam DBZ power struggle" mechanic earlier seen in Taito's Metal Black. If you liked G-Darius, go play Border Down on the Dreamcast. Same devs, similar giant beam battle system.

>> No.1177379

never finished this one.

>> No.1178136

>Darius was great when it finally came into its own (Darius Gaiden on the Saturn), but before that, it was pretty generic.

This criticism always annoys me whenever I hear it. In what way was Darius generic? How many shmups from the 80's give you the option to pick your next stage? How many let you hang onto your powerups after death? Or even gave you shot powerups that pierced through multiple enemies or terrain in the first place? How many bosses were there that had body parts you could destroy for extra points? And of course, how could one not be amazed by the huge 3 screen setup? It made the game seem way bigger than it already was with its 26 stages.

From the very beginning Darius was a revolutionary title, it's just that people have forgotten what made it so cool back in the day.

>> No.1178156

Whoa this thread sent me back in time. Made me remember this sort of SHMUP for the PC called Laser Age Gold. Flooding of memories, shit

>> No.1178234


>> No.1178593

>no raiden
is this nigga serious.jpg

I think Raiden (and associated games) is the standard for vertical shmups, and Gradius for horizontal.

>> No.1178647

play mars matrix.

sorry. I had to.

>> No.1181258

Mars Matrix isn't retro, though.

>> No.1181260

Yes it is. :s

>> No.1181279
File: 4 KB, 256x81, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1181306

But it runs on 1990's hardware.

>> No.1181441


This. It runs on the CPS-2 platform, circa 1993.

>> No.1181504
File: 108 KB, 640x480, Lords of Thunder1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single mention of Lords of Thunder?
Good god, go download it on wii, it's incredible.

>> No.1182231

Or you can just turn your screen on its side and load up Ikaruga.

>> No.1182641

Most people under 30 have probably never seen Darius in all it's arcade glory and form their opinion based on some half assed console port.
Sucks to be them.

>> No.1183053

Or they could play Metal Black and Border Down, much better games.

>> No.1183201

This. My first R-Type was Super, and I felt it was so sluggish and unexciting that I was almost turned off of the franchise. I later played some of the main games in the series, though, and with R-Type III I fell in love.

>> No.1183238

So how do you limit yourself to be able to beat arcade shmups?
And please don't say 1cc

>> No.1183518


What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.1183992
File: 17 KB, 384x224, 2758_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boogie Wings is probably my favorite. That game is fun as shit. Macross II is pretty neat I wanna play more of that.
I'm mostly crazy for newer shooters though.

>> No.1184027

He's emulating arcade games. On an emulator, you have as many quarters as you want.

>> No.1184030


>> No.1184037


But 1cc is pretty much the only accepted standard. Lots of shooters won't even start a second level cycle unless you 1cc them.

>> No.1184241

>Ctrl F "Lords of Thunder"

You're doing God's work anon. This game is amazing. Wii or Sega CD. Dat music.

>> No.1184551

any fun and easy old shooters?

>> No.1184567

Life Force (w/ 30 lives code)

>> No.1184584

How easy? Magical Chase is pretty tame on anything but the hardest setting.

>> No.1184817


Throw a quarter away every time you use a continue.

Stop when you run out of quarters.

>> No.1184820

Any Parodius fans?

>> No.1184821


That's actually a good idea but instead of throwing them away you could use a piggybank.

>> No.1184925
File: 19 KB, 402x349, 1383202413090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Fire Shark
Man, I love Toaplan shooters, but they don't fuck around.

>> No.1185364


Well, then 1CC is the only answer that makes sense. Until you've beaten a game on one credit, you haven't beaten it. Paying your way through a game doesn't count, and this principle also applies to emulators.

>> No.1185369

Neo Geo consoles when played in home mode limit you to 4 credits, aka 3 continues.
It's a fair number to beat something like Metal Slug X in a weekend.

>> No.1185393

You miss the whole point of the genre. They made Kirby for people like you.

>Throw a penny away every time you use a continue.

Was ok, but always considered it more fatasy zone and less gradius.

>> No.1185450

>You miss the whole point of the genre.
I play Cave games mostly. I was just asking for something nice, easy and retro to play between rounds of me getting asspounded by DDPDOJ and MushiFutari.

>> No.1186552
File: 51 KB, 605x307, cave_explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Cave Explorer

>> No.1187228

I'll never beat SS. Has anyone here been able to?