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1171304 No.1171304 [Reply] [Original]

the reason im using the ps3 cover is because it has all the original games but i recently finished splatterhouse 2 and am on the third game and wonder if anyone else likes this game

>> No.1171309

I like how stupidly over-the-top and bloody it is. Gameplay is an afternoon killer for me, but it's still nice to smash zombies with a 2x4.

Also, Splatterhouse 3 still scares me. Those fucking cut-scenes when you see Jennifer get possessed or something still get to me.

>> No.1172929

The Splatterhouse series doesn't get enough love. It was revolutionary for the horror theme within video games. Sure, it doesn't invent anything for horror as a whole as everything it does had already been done in movies, but it was the first time it was done to such extent in video games.

>> No.1172931


Gameplay is garbage. the PS3 was garbage.

>> No.1172949

Playing Splatterhouse 3 at night was the dumbest vidya thing I ever done did.

>> No.1172953
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>Splatterhouse 3

>> No.1172963

Why's that?

>> No.1172971
File: 33 KB, 265x386, splatterhouse_wanpaku_box_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best game in the series

>> No.1172975


Play it for yourself. I don't say this as a smart-ass answer, but because I think it's something you need to experience for yourself.

>> No.1172976

Well it's 2am here and I've got nothing better to do. So I think I've got the rest of my night cut out for me.

>> No.1172980
File: 1.00 MB, 350x191, dis gon b gud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well it's 2am here

Be sure to update us.

>> No.1172982

>the reason im using the ps3 cover is because it has all the original games

Well, at least they included something of value in that disc.

I think I like either 2 or 3 the best, but Splatterhouse 1 for PC Engine is also rather interesting, if short.
To me it's one of the classic horror games on 16bit, its up there along with Castlevania and GnG

>> No.1173030

I personally think that second is overall best in the series. Good pacing, certain location variety ant feeling of progression, spooks everywhere. Splatterhouse 3 made some strange decisions for example it force you to run as fast as you can to the end of level and make zero reason to explore the floor which is with almost no variety between rooms.

Actually loved 2010 remake. It was kinda 5/6 out of 10, but it kept an atmosphere of splatterhouse damn well.

>> No.1173035

>but it kept an atmosphere of splatterhouse damn well.

They brought the guy who ran the Splatterhouse fansite on board, IIRC.

His site actually got me into the bloody mess that this series is. I wish there were more "B" games like Splatterhouse and RE that give you the feel you're playing some old horror flick.

>> No.1173309

>the PS3 was garbage.

Compared to the Wii and Xbox360, it was pretty good. Nowhere near as good number of exclusives compared to the PS1 or PS2.

>> No.1173310

>PC Engine
>not arcade version with better graphics and music

>> No.1173323

I love splatterhouse 2. It is amazing

>> No.1173604

I liked Splatterhouse 1 and 2 the most out of the trilogy. The third on just didn't click with me.

From what I played from the new game it was fairly good outside of the terrible load times.

>> No.1176000


I just realized this Anon never came back.


>> No.1176160

Agreed, though Wanpuku was amusing. :) I'm just glad to see a reboot that doesn't suck for a change. Duke Nukem, I'm looking at YOU! Am I the only one who kept thinking about Smiley from Evil Ernie when the mask started talking in the reboot?

>> No.1176356

Really though...why is that?

>> No.1176647

I feel in love with the splatterhouse series. It's practically like playing some early over-the-top Sam Raimi horror movie with spook house grade lovecraftian monsters and air mortar blood cannons firing about the set with wild adandonment.

Controlling Rick was like like trying to steer a coal barge and the action gets so repetitious. But the art and atmosphere were enough to sustain it at least for a few good times. The monsters in these games are still some of the wickedest I've encountered in video games. Remember the screaming fetal-like creatures hanging from the ends of ropes in part 2? How about the many-faced floating flesh mass which tosses severed hands and biting dog heads at you?

And those cut-scenes from part 3. They stress me out...I can't enjoy the game the same way as the others

>> No.1177813
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These things.

>> No.1178037
File: 75 KB, 734x600, 26991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this boss.

>> No.1178684

This game legitimately scared the fuck out of me at 6 or 7 years old. I rented it, and was too scared to keep playing. Now, as a desensitized adult, this has no effect on my psyche. You just didn't see that stuff in games back then.

>> No.1178709

It has some really disturbing imagery.

>> No.1178717

Jennifer has become...

A mindless beast.

>> No.1178731
File: 437 KB, 800x1152, splatterhouse3_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the arcade was more scary i remember all those bloody bodies also jesus this thing

>> No.1178827

creepiest games ever made. 3 is a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. the others are cool but not as fun (or as scary) personally. but still, my favorite 'trilogy' in videogaming.

if you're just getting started in 3 you might want to give the Japanese MD version a try. the controls make a hell of a lot more sense.

>> No.1178987

Nice spritesheets. Where did you find them?

>> No.1179012
File: 22 KB, 602x495, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see some Splatterhouse love here. Pic related, loading Splatterhouse 3 sprites in OpenGL.

>> No.1179025
File: 249 KB, 480x270, spin2win.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love the pc engine version of the first game, even more than the arcade version actually, mostly because of the music.

kinda liked the new one too, even though its about as simple as it can get s far as action games go, could have been better with less quick time events though.

>> No.1179078

Well the original games were simple so I didn't mind at all. Though it is themost complex Splatterhouse game mechanics wise.

>> No.1179324
File: 135 KB, 756x529, splatterhouse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best creepy boss hands down.

>> No.1179425
File: 136 KB, 1280x800, Maskception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you dodge the ethereal masks this fucker shoots after you combo his shit?

>> No.1180039

i love it
the reboot was great too with all of its flaws i still got fun out of it too bad it didn't sold that well i wanted a sequel, i even got the dlc of the game its funny that a lot of the dlc room actually are stages that didn't made it into the final game and had an story about the corpse that was using the mask before Rick, the one in the sarcophagus
also which is the better boss fight? Biggy man or Mirror Rick? for me is Mirror Rick holy shit that battle was hype

>> No.1180047

no it wasn't i got issues but its a pretty solid game
beside the ps3 version doesn't even has the loading issues of the 360, the only problem i had with the ps3 was a bug that made the slowdown effect of a heavy attack extend beyond the time it should and it happened pretty rarely, the only part undeniably bad of the game was the platforming sequence when you had to grab of those background element that flashed white but that hardly ruins the game

>> No.1180052

The craziest part of the remake was hearing the voice of Winnie the Pooh drop f-bombs every 30 seconds.

>> No.1180060
File: 126 KB, 302x270, 1370383299652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rick lose an arm for the first time and is screaming in pain
>Mask response is "geesh Rick, first sight of blood and you scream like schoolgirl, for a dick you are such a pussy"

>> No.1180068

Jim Cummings made that fucking game man. You can tell how much fun he's having as the mask.


>> No.1181013

The intro with the screaming ghosts coming out of a gem stone freaked the shit out of me. Really dug the pseudo FMV animations though.

>> No.1181069

Rented this on 360 and had a fucking blast with it. Only times I raged was with issues throwing the enemies onto the spikes, I couldn't line them up properly and it sucked. Also the end boss I had to redo like 10 times, but I got it. The ending sucked balls iirc. But the unlockables and survival mode made it a great package all around.. an A+++ game to rent for anyone who likes mindless action.

That and Darkwing Duck did an awesome job as always as the Mask voice