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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 264 KB, 456x409, PS_WiiUVC_SuperGhoulsnGhosts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1170268 No.1170268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best game ever, or best game ever?

>> No.1170270

It's pretty good.

>> No.1170283

Every part of this post is a lie.

This is the best game ever.

>> No.1170285

Its certainly... a game

>> No.1170313
File: 217 KB, 640x480, super-ghouls-n-ghosts-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just bought that 2 weeks ago and have played it some after work, can't beat second level I suck. It is fun though and I love the music!

>> No.1170320

It's my favorite platformer on the SNES despite its flaws.


Avoid the torch like the plague and stick to the dagger or crossbow and the game becomes much easier.

>> No.1170346
File: 57 KB, 338x482, ghouls-n-ghosts-gen-cover-front-jp-29418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
I accidentally posted the wrong image :)

>> No.1170350
File: 67 KB, 500x500, superghoulsnghostsgba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like few people know about the game being ported to the GBA. The port fixes the slowdown, adds levels from the original Ghosts 'n Goblins, some from Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and allows you to save your position. If you play Arrange Mode, you can collect the bracelet during your first playthrough, so you won't have to play the game a second time just to see the ending.

I prefer it over the original SNES version. I guess one of the drawbacks is that the level select menu seems to be missing. Then again, it's really not necessary since you can just save your game.

>> No.1170359

One of the best.

That port also has problems of all similar ports to the GBA: decreased visibility and awful sound. The extras are pretty good, though.

To avoid slowdown, play yhe Capcom Collection versions on consoles or the PSP, they don't have it.

>> No.1170362

I didn't like it as much as the first and second games. Replacing four-way aim with double jump was totally not worth it and the few pinpoint platform sections were plain annoying. Also, the bow was pretty much OP.

I think Ghouls'n Ghosts had also better level design and better bosses.

>> No.1170672
File: 146 KB, 584x994, 939771_88696_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Makaimura game isn't even allowed to be discussed on this board. What a glorious way to send off the series.

>> No.1171263

>The best Makaimura game isn't even allowed to be discussed on this board

/vr/ mods need to stop being so reactionary about things that border on technicalities. If we're talking about modern games that are obviously made to fit a retro theme, then how is it off topic? Look at 3D Dot Game Heroes, or Maximo. Reviewers actually complained that these games were too retro for their taste. Well, duh. Retro gamers (e.g. us) were the target audience the developers had in mind. It's not like we would get much feedback trying to discuss these games on /v/, which has really no interest in anything that reeks of retro design.

>> No.1171270

I've never seen posts deleted because someone was discussing a non-retro game in a predominately or famously retro series. We talk about recent DQ games in DQ threads, GBA castlevanias, etc etc... I'm sure you could go crazy talking about Maximo in this thread if you wanted and nobody would mind.

>> No.1171274

>/vr/ mods need to stop being so reactionary about things that border on technicalities.
I love Dreamcast just as much as other people, but if "some" modern games are allowed, we'll end up talking about God of War in no time. Everyone will be absolutely certain that his favourite game is fine on all boards because of how great it is. For example, I can mount a wall of silly text proving Dark Souls is /vr/.

No, keep /vr/ the way it is. What we shoudl start doing is move all generals to the general fucking board.

>> No.1171276

It was a great game, deserved a much better reception, but it is the worst in the series.

3 > 1 > 2 > 4, I'm sure most ITT would agree.

>> No.1171282


Isn't that a remake with most of the stuff from the old game actually in that game? I don't think anyone gives a shit about those being posted on /vr/.

>> No.1171287

Of course not, it's an entirely, 100% new game. It saw two releases - an almost Donkey Kong Country-like one with replayable levels and secrets you need to find to proceed, and a re-release that played exactly like old games.

Basically, Gokumakaimura is two seperate games in itself - an side-scrolling action/adventure with an inventory, magic and secrets, and a proper action/platformer made out of it's assets a year later.

>> No.1171290


Whoops. I'm getting it mixed up with some other PSP game, then. Odd mistake.

>> No.1171297

There's not Makaimura remake, PSP or otherwise; the PSP Makaimura is a new game. There are some Mega Man remakes, maybe you're thinking of those.

>> No.1171301


In my defense, I'm not too familiar with the system's library, as I never bought one.

I will someday, though, because I have a ton of niche titles that I want to play.

>> No.1171306

The DS had great games, but PSP had a great, great hardware. It still is my portable emulation device of choice.

>> No.1171318

I fucking love this series. As for the actual game of Super Ghouls'n Ghosts, I love it but I like Ghouls'n Ghosts just a little more because of the faster gameplay.

A little off topic, but are there any indie games that play similarly to Ghosts'n Goblins? We're obviously not going to get any new GnG games from Capcom anytime soon.

>> No.1171346


My Maximo post was deleted. I even made sure to note it's an entry in the Ghosts 'n Goblins series.

>> No.1171350

I'm pro-retro-on-/vr/, but maybe removing a Maximo post in a Makaimura thread wasn't exactly necessary. But it was against the rules, so

>> No.1171356
File: 119 KB, 400x300, snes66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ActRaiser 2, but maybe vaguely. It's similarly notable for its difficulty. You play a deity who defeats demons in various action sequences to liberate the world's provinces. It's a bit darker than GnG, though.

>> No.1171365
File: 222 KB, 512x448, maldita3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, funny you mention that...

>> No.1171386

Played the first ActRaiser, but never the 2nd. I'll give it a shot, thanks.

This looks pretty cool. I'll give it a download and try it, thanks.

>> No.1171391
File: 995 KB, 500x500, hgjj7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghouls and Ghosts was better. It felt more fluid.

>> No.1171451

>it is the worst in the series.

B-But GMK has such incredible level design! probably the most platforming the series has to offer! Is it just that you preferred them as a run 'n gun more?

>> No.1172347

May as well ask here. Which is considered harder? The original arcade Ghosts N Goblins, or the NES port?

>> No.1172354

Never beat either of them, but I played them both. I think the nes one is a bit harder.

>> No.1172357


Arcade. A couple of reasons that come to mind: More ogres appear in later levels, and in very inconvenient (downright unavoidable) places, and there are some Red Arremers that you can sneak around in the NES version. In the arcade version, I don't think it's possible to run past them without getting their attention.

>> No.1172358

the NES port.

>> No.1172360

i know it isn't /vr/, but do you guys have any comments on ultimate gng? i figure it's at least relevant enough to be worth a mention

>> No.1172372


I haven't played Ultimate GnG, but I recall there being a rerelease in Japan that added some extra content and gameplay modes. I think it's suffixed with "Kai," which means something like rebirth. If you're playing it on a hacked PSP, then you may as well download that version.

>> No.1172379

I always lose track when you guys start talking about Pongnakaimura and stuff. Can't we stick to the normal names, breddy blease

Also, has the shield any effect in SGnG? I always lose my armor when I get hit, with and without shield.

>> No.1172384

It's very good. There's only 6 stages, but they're all fairly long, and there's a lot of RPG elements, like different magic, armor, and shields. Arthur is more equipped than ever before, and actually has a lifebar, it's length depending on the armor.

Don't be fooled by all the powerups and such, it's still pretty damn tough. Enemies swarm you like always, the platforming has gotten trickier, and there are now Elite Red Arremers, who take a lot of hits and can use low level magic. 100%ing the game is also pretty hard, since it involves collecting golden rings scattered through each stage.

>> No.1172387


>> No.1172389


The gold shield absorbs one enemy projectile before breaking, and the blue shield absorbs three.

>> No.1172394
File: 105 KB, 550x482, 17028-68668-GargoyleQuest03jpg-550x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how 'bout those spin offs?

Goddamn spike walls everywhere.

>> No.1172395


Ah, never thought about that. Seems rather uninportant considering how few projectiles the game has, but oh well.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.1172401


I'd recommend watching a speedrun instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04DGFU-RO_U

Watching a professional play is going to give you a better idea of how the game hashes out. You don't want to watch someone die over and over again in the same spots, and give the usual "It's too hard!" commentary. That won't tell you anything... except that it's hard.

>> No.1172403

he does make valid points in the video

>> No.1172404


By projectiles, I mean enemy breath attacks and anything occurring from a distance. It's actually helpful, aside from the fact that it doesn't last very long. You're likely to lose your shield without even thinking about it.

>> No.1172454

oh and the shield only works if you're standing completely still, which your likely to not be doing.

>> No.1172496

ooooh I forgot about that game. When I was a kid, I loved the original ActRaiser, so I bought 2, but man I hated that game because I couldn't beat a single level of it. I ought to give it another shot... I recently beat SGnG, which I used to hate for similar reasons

>> No.1172509


ActRaiser 2 is a little more generous since it gives you passwords. Each stage you finish gets recorded, so no worries about dying and having to start all over from the beginning of the game.

Be warned that you have to play the game on hard mode to get the true ending. If you complete it on easy or normal, you'll instead get a message urging you to play the game on hard.

>> No.1172532

man, this looks really fun. it's also the only game i've ever seen where 2.5D was aesthetically pleasing

>> No.1172559

1990's dark souls

>> No.1172571

So I'm replaying Super Ghouls N Ghosts for the first time in awhile, and damn. The Red Arremers here are annoying. In Ghosts N Goblins, you can jump away while firing, and Ghouls N Ghosts, you can shoot up. But here, I'm not really sure how to deal with them.

>> No.1172573


The bow makes it a lot easier. They're programmed to fly up as soon as you fire your weapon.

>> No.1172605


I'm glad that Dark Souls has made people appreciate games that provide some actual challenge more, but why do people feel the need to look at good old games and call them "Dark Souls for the (system)" or "(year) Dark Souls?"

I guess the gaming industry is irreparably distanced from the concept of providing and rewarding challenge these days. So much so that only a single modern game can appropriately be compared to the satisfaction of some older, harder games.

>> No.1172678
File: 829 KB, 849x1080, 21573491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's how you beat them.

You don't shoot or jump at all. The Arremer is very hard to hit and can easily corner you.
1. Wait for it to sweep. Don't shoot or jump.
2. Run away as it sweeps.
3. Turn and run back UNDER the arremer as it's ascending.
4. The Arremer will land.
5. Now it'll either shoot a spark (if it's the kind that can), or fiddle nervously.
6. If you neither shoot it or jump, it'll get angry and run at you, and THIS IS WHEN IT CAN'T EVADE. It just charges at you madly with a special running animation, so you just stab it a few times and it dies.
And that's how you beat arremers. It works on all arremers in all games - they're strong and agile, but they're impatioent and easily flustered.

Spoilered, because it's sort of a gameplay spoiler of sorts.

>> No.1172684

No, that's untrue.

Dark Souls is just the only popular one.

>> No.1172694

Fair enough. It's still strange that people are throwing it around like they would a genre; it just seems as pointless and argument prone as "metroidvania"

>> No.1172713

People say "Dark Souls" instead of saying "a very challenging action/adventure/RPG". Dark Souls is easier to type and understand.

It is always an intelligent thing to do to use comparisons instead of explanations whenever applicable.

>> No.1172724

I disagree, many people seem to throw around "Dark Souls" without any indication of the level on which they're trying to compare the games. I've seen it used to refer to atmosphere, difficulty, style of gameplay, plot presentation... saying "GnG is Dark Souls" in some way is horribly vague and far from easily understood, to say nothing of its accuracy.

>It is always an intelligent thing to do to use comparisons instead of explanations whenever applicable.
That's idiotic. Comparisons are for quickly giving general impressions. They're also exceptionally subjective and can quickly obfuscate the point being communicated if the experience or opinion of either party differs even slightly.

>> No.1173243


... or you could just use the bow along with powered up armor. It homes in on enemies, including the Red Arremer. Literally all you have to do is stand there and fire. It couldn't be any easier.

Of course, you're going to be stuck with the bracelet during your second playthrough, so you may want to devise Red Arremer strategies right before reaching Astaroth.

>> No.1173248
File: 12 KB, 320x240, dahksouls_by_crookedcartridge-d5xvys4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1173418

The rerelease had a traditional mode which removed all item/treasure hunting and had midlevel checkpoints.

Reminds me of Mythbuster's "Tastes Like Chicken" episode.

>> No.1173420
File: 172 KB, 640x905, 563325_2156_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1173756

I just got this game a day ago.

Is there any way to skip levels? Or do I have to start from the beginning every single time?

Farthest I've made it so far is the first level past the second boss. I would like to be able to just go right back there without having to go through all that other stuff first.

>> No.1173765


You have to use a level select cheat: http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588732-super-ghouls-n-ghosts/cheats

I don't really consider it cheating if you've already gotten that far. You're just saving yourself time.

It's worth noting that the GBA port adds a save function, though.

>> No.1173772


Thank you! I shall try this out next time I pick up the controller and play.

>> No.1174250

Arcade by far, it's not even close.

>> No.1175056

gng is such a fucking good series i've been playing the hell out of it

i got close enough to beating the first game that i was satisfied enough to move to ghouls'n ghosts. ghouls seemed to be a lot easier to me for some reason, i played the genesis version and i really didn't have much trouble with it. i found it less compelling than the first game.

now i'm on super and i think this is my favorite one so far.

the first two games have a lot more "random" enemy patterns and i felt like combat was a crapshoot a lot of the time. this one just feels really well thought out and planned.

>> No.1175059

dark souls is much closer to being a 3D castlevania than a 3D gng in my opinion.

>> No.1175068

Dark Souls is neither. It's a 3D Zelda. Both Castlevania and GnG are just action games without any adventure elements.

>> No.1175075

>the first two games have a lot more "random" enemy patterns and i felt like combat was a crapshoot a lot of the time
You have to learn to anticipate the enemies. If there's nothign there, it doesn't mean it can't start appearing the next moment. Be alert.

And The SNES game has random enemies in spades throughout the game, especially in stage 4.

>> No.1175073

I actually find this part of the level much easier to get through with the crossbow.

It'll also make quick work of those stupid Red Arremers.

>> No.1175076

>this one just feels really well thought out and planned.

Yeah, you can't ever die on the second half of stage 2. It's pretty great, all you have to do is crouch and mash the shot button.

>> No.1175282
File: 65 KB, 320x280, Ghosts-n-Goblins-arcade-gameplay-screenshot-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arcade had more ogres in the tower. I think it's physically impossible to avoid being hit as you're coming up the latter. I haven't even seen TAS videos manage to get past that part without taking damage.

>> No.1175291 [DELETED] 

>I haven't even seen TAS videos manage to get past that part without taking damage.

They're taking damage on purpose to not waste time on killing them you colossal moron. I cannot believe you actually think a TAS video is an accurate representation of a game's difficulty.

>> No.1175293

The Western revisions of the Arcade version are borderline unbeatable due to design tweaks and bugs. World 1, if I recall correctly, has a part that can not be passed without getting hit on stage 6, etc.

The NES version is on par with the proper revisions, but is an inferior version of the game and, really, should not be a part of this discussion. It's not Contra. Compared to the original, it's worthless.

>> No.1175298

And if you get hit once, then what? Or if you get a different weapon? Or on your second loop?

Or in the first fucking game, where there are no homing weapons?

>> No.1175306

the later Castlevania games are actually very similar: sequence breaking, collectable/upgradable weapons, levelling...

>> No.1175315


>> No.1175321

You mean SotN? It's a Dracula X, not Castlevania (Akumajo Dracula). It's an entirely different sub-series.

>> No.1175336
File: 210 KB, 502x455, SNES_Demons_Crest_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though Demon's Crest was released pretty late in the SNES lifespan, did anyone get a chance to play it? It was like an action-adventure version of GnG with RPG elements, and a little bit on the easier side. The final boss was definitely classic GnG hard, but everything else was more forgiving.

>> No.1175345

I think a lot of us have.

The Gargoyle's Quest games are pretty cool, too, but they don't even begin to hold a candle to Demon's Crest.

>> No.1175346

>Akumajou Dracula X is not part of the Akumajou Dracula series

Really now. I guess Akumajou Densetsu isn't either.

>> No.1175341

Most of us emulated it. The game was great, as were the other two Arremer games, especially the NES sequel.

>> No.1175358

It is. But Dracula X isn't.

>> No.1175369

It's a castlevania, it's Castlevania: SotN, just because the X is there doesn't mean it's not a Dracula's castle game.

>> No.1175380

It's from a subseries of Castlevania that's very unlike anything from the main series.

It's like saying that Shin Megami Tensei games have dating sim elements. Get my point? Castlevania games are action/platformers. SotN is an action/rpg, but it's from an entirely seperate line of games.

>> No.1175390

So is Rondo of Blood not a Castlevania either? Cause SotN was a direct sequel to that game.

>> No.1175392

>It's like saying that Shin Megami Tensei games have dating sim elements.

Except the Mega Ten series has always been separated between mainline and spinoffs. Meanwhile, in Konami Land, thy lump everything under Castlevania. See the difference?

I encourage no one to seriously respond to the claim that SotN isn't a CV game. It has CV in the fucking title.

>> No.1175401
File: 145 KB, 350x349, castlevania-dracula-x-rondo-of-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Castlevania games are action/platformers.

Yeah, and Akumajou Dracula X is the best plstformer in the series. Just because Nocturne in the Moonlight takes it into a different direction doesn't make Dracula X its own sub series. Castlevania in Japan doesn't even have a name to call its series other than "Dracula". It's a complete mess of organization.

>> No.1175404

So Prime isn't a Metroid game then because it has first person shooter elements.

>> No.1175407

Rondo is Dracula X. It plays like an Akumajo Dracula, though. SotN plays nothing like it _and_ is from a seperate sub-series.

My point, incase you forgot: SotN is not representative of what a Castlevania is. At all.

>> No.1175415
File: 14 KB, 166x167, RE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, what the hell is the trick to killing these guys? They keep dodging all my shit and are being super annoying.

>> No.1175416

See my post at

>> No.1175421

Prime is a sub-series of Metroid, but it's very close to the original. It's a 3D-FP action/adventure, while the originals were 2D side-scrolling action/adventures.

Meanwhile, Akumajo Dracula are action games, while SotN are action/RPGs (i.e. action/adventures with an exp/level system) - entirely different.

But why do I have to spell that all out? For fuck's sake, am I on /v/?

>> No.1175428

I thought you just had to jump backwards as it descends, while keep shooting forwards.

>> No.1175434

Because the damn thing is a Castlevania, there isn't any big distinction between the two from Konami. It took the series in a completely different direction but it's still part of the Castlevania line.

>> No.1175435

They can counter it. It's far from reliable.

>> No.1175439

We aren't talking about brand recognition. We're talking about different genres.

Are you being purposefully dense? Retro Castlevania is an action game series. It has nothing to do with Dark Souls, which is an action/RPG (like SotN, yes). If you want to liken it to SotN, fair, but if you say "Castlevania", you're simply wrong.

>> No.1175440

>It took the series in a completely different direction but it's still part of the Castlevania line.

This should be the last post in this silly argument.

By the logic the other guy is using, Mario 64 is not a Mario game.

>> No.1175448

Mario 64 is a Super Mario game, but not a Super Mario Bros. game. Similarly to how Metal Gear is not a Metal Gear Solid game.

The subseries nest. Is it that hard to understand?

>> No.1175453

>Mario 64 is a Super Mario game, but not a Super Mario Bros. game.

Trying way to hard at this point.

>> No.1175458

Ah fuck you, you're feigning stupidity. It's irrelevant, here's what is:

Castlevania = action.
GnG = action.
Dark Souls = action/rpg.

Entirely different genres.

>> No.1175459


There's no -s in forward nor backward. It's grammatically excrescent. I'm not trying to be a grammar whore, but I think it's a funny phenomenon because your post illustrates a common pattern in thinking. Normally people say "forward" without the -s, but say "backwards" with the -s. When they use both in the same sentence, they assume that they're supposed to attach an -s to "forward" as well, because "backwards" comes more naturally to them. "Backwards" was never actually grammatical in the first place.

Similarly, people add the excrescent -s to "toward," "onward," and other words of the same etymology. I'm sure modern dictionaries will recognize them as valid variations, but I wouldn't use them at the risk of coming off as having a poor grasp of English. You'll mostly find this usage is common within the U.K. and Southern U.S. It would be more stigmatized in the U.S. due to be associated with illiteracy in the South.

>> No.1175463

SotN has heavy platforming elements obviously considering how much it borrows from super metroid, as well as a similar graphical style, heart fueled sub-weapon line, and the classic Castlevania backlash from damage. It's completely different but it still retains some core elements from Castlevania. Also the company doesn't refer to all of the Metroidvania Castlevania's as Dracula X, most of the gameboy advanced ones are just Castlevania in japan.

>> No.1175468

Status: [X] tutored.

>> No.1175474

>We aren't talking about brand recognition. We're talking about different genres.
No we're talking about brand recognition, this all started with SotN isn't a Castlevania. It's a topic on brands not genre.

>> No.1175479

>SotN has heavy platforming elements
No. It's an exploration-centric (adventure) game first and foremost, as is Dark Souls, Zelda et al. Akumajo Dracula, on the other hand, were centered around combat and linear progression, like GnG.

You may type until your keyboard stops functioning, but SotN a) belongs to a sub-series of Akumajo Dracula, and b) to an entirely different genre.

>> No.1175484

>belongs to a sub-series of Akumajo Dracula

>> No.1175489

Yeah, it's only representative of the format it established which the series continued to follow all the way up until the release of Order of Ecclesia in 2008, a span of 11 years and 7 titles that use gameplay directly inspired by it.

It doesn't represent the series at all!

>> No.1175513

Yes, called Dracula X.

You aren't that guy, are you? He knew at least that much about the series.

If you mean the portable 2000s games when you say "Castlevania", it's weird, but they your comparison with Dark Souls is understandable. But, yeah, it's weird. Do you mean "Persona" when you say Shin megami Tensei? Do you mean WoW when you say "Warcraft"?

>> No.1175520


no i'm loling at you because you said that sotn wasn't a castlevania game and then backpedaled and pretended this was ever about the genre

so LOL

>> No.1175529

I'm not the one who made the Dark Souls comparison.

The reason the Persona and WoW situations are different is because all of the games with the Persona style are under the Persona branding, and everything WoW related is under the World of Warcraft brand. The metroidvania style Castlevanias are not a separate sub-series of Castlevania, if they were they would have a separate canon and/or be denoted by a sub title. Yes, the name Dracula X was used for Rondo of Blood an Symphony of the Night in Japan, but that was because they were direct sequels to each other and essentially two halves of the same story.

By your logic, there hasn't been a main installment in the Mario series since Super Mario World, because Yoshi's Island and the 3D games deviated from its gameplay.

>> No.1175538


Slowdown, partner! Super Mario World didn't have "Bros." in the title. We can't count that as a Mario game!

>> No.1175543

SotN is from a subseries of Akumajo Dracula called Dracula X. When you say "Castlevania", you're expected to mean 1-3 or remakes thereof. When you mean games fromt eh subseries or the 3D ones, you call them out.

Although two of the last four Final Fantasy games were MMORPGs, when you say "Final Fantasy", you mean classic JRPG. Saying "WoW is like Final Fantasy" (meaning 11 and 14) will bring similar misunderstandings to saying "Dark Souls is like Castlevania" (meaning SotN).

But you probably wouldn't even read my post and just post acronyms.

>> No.1175546

It was known as SMB4: Super Mario World in Japan, actually.

>> No.1175548

what the fuck happened to this thread

>> No.1175551 [DELETED] 

>But you probably wouldn't even read my post and just post acronyms.

maybe if you stopped posting dumb bullshit i'd stop posting "LOL"

by the way: LOL

>> No.1175557

soulsfags, everyone.

>> No.1175560

The only difference is that the mains eries of Castlevania actually died and the sub-series took over. Then there was a huge rebranding where the Akumajo Dracula series was dropped altogether infavour of general Castlevania brand in all regions.

There are three eras of Castlevania: the original era (where there's a subseries of Dracula X), the era where Dracula X becomes Castlevania and Akumajo Dracula is no more, and the new Lords of Shadows era.

>> No.1175561

Some retard tried to say that SotN, Dracula X and the like weren't Castlevania games, in spite of all evidence of the contrary flying right in his face.

>> No.1175562

>SotN is from a subseries of Akumajo Dracula called Dracula X
Dracula X is not a sub-series, it is a story that takes place in the official canon that was divided into, and covered by, two different games. This would be like saying Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons is a sub-series of the Legend of Zelda series, and using the word "Zelda" to refer to them is heresy.

FFXI and FFXIV also both sport the "Online" subtitle. Their full titles, on all packaging, are Final Fantasy XI Online and Final Fantasy XIV Online. That isn't a valid comparison either.

I did use some acronyms, but rest assured, I read every bit of your idiotic post.

>> No.1175572

>the era where Dracula X becomes Castlevania and Akumajo Dracula is no more
This never fucking happened, the Dracula X games were a part of the main series to begin fucking with. Dracula X covers Richter and Alucard's stories. The reason no games after SotN use the Dracula X title isn't because "Dracula X became Castlevania", it's because the storyline of Dracula X was concluded and the other games take place at different points in the Castlevania canon.

>> No.1175579

You comparisons are incorrect.

Being a part of canon does not mean it's main series.

Main series (Akumajo * = Castlevania): 1-3, the SNES reboot, the x64k reboot.
Subseries: Dracula X and it's sequel.
Subseries: 64.
Subseries: Legends.

NEW Canon (Castlevania): LoI and it's sequel, the GBA games.
In this era the "Akumajo" brand is dropped entirely and the series is renamed. Portable games are spiritual sequels to the second Dracula X game. The definition of "Castlevania" is changed.

NEW canon again: Lords of Shadows and it's two sequels.

Post-2000 "Castlevania" refers to rebranded spiritual sequels to Dracula X 2 (and the two failed 3D games). Pre-2000 "Castlevania" refers to Akumajo Dracula games. The first Dracula X was in the same exact genre, but Dracula X 2 was in an entirely different genre, completely seperate from the whole series.

>> No.1175582

why does anybody care about this shit

>> No.1175590

I'm pretty sure Metroidvanias became the main series a long time ago, bro.

It's been years since they haven't made a traditional Castlevania in the style of the old games.

>> No.1175593

Read up on Castlevania history. The series was rebranded after LoI and "Akumajo Dracula" was entirely dropped. The series was also rebooted and Dracula X 2 style was taken as basis. You didn't notice the difference, because in the West the names overlap and are mislabeled left and right FF3-style (the SNES reboot is called IV for no reason, SotN is "Castlevania", etc.).

Yes, the subseries was a part of the story. I don't know why you pretend that I dispute it at all. It's called "fighting a straw man".

1) from a sub-series;
2) belongs to a different genre,
3) is the only action/rpg in the whole series in the classic period before the post-LoI rebranding.
Hence, "Castlevania" =/= SotN.

>> No.1175602

>I'm pretty sure Metroidvanias became the main series a long time ago, bro.
Yes, after rebranding that happened after LoI.

>why does anybody care about this shit
nobody really does. The fact is plain "Castlevania" is not of the same genre as Dark Souls. "GBA Castlevania" or "2000s Castlevania" or "modern Castlevania" is.

>> No.1175604
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>> No.1175606

Please show me developer quotes that state that Dracula X is a sub-series of Castlevania.

Please show me a source on Lament of Innocence establishing a completely new canon, which the GBA games share (here's a hint: they don't, since Harmony of Dissonance takes place shortly after Simon Belmont's time).

Please show me where the N64 games are considered a separate sub-series of Castlevania.

Your head is so far up your ass that you can't even see reality anymore. There was never any division of the Castlevania series into all these separate sub series that you arbitrarily divide the franchise into because god knows why. You can't rewrite reality just because you think all of the games with different gameplay should be defined as different sub-series. Franchises change and evolve over time, if they didn't Castlevania would have been dead after Rondo.

And please, do explain to me why, if Dracula X was to be a sub series unrelated to the main series, it didn't significantly change up the gameplay formula with its first game?

>> No.1175612

God damn that's a badass box cover.

10/10 would frame.

>> No.1175608

Yes, bow to my autism. Or, better yet, bend over for my autistic dick. You know you want it, baby.

>> No.1175614

>Please show me developer quotes that state that Dracula X is a sub-series of Castlevania.
>Please show me a source on Lament of Innocence establishing
Are you disputing these? Learn some video game fucking history, shit. LoI is a reboot. Dracula X is not called "Akumajo *", unlike the main series. What the fuck?

>> No.1175617

>Due to Western mislabeling in the 90s I never knew SotN was not from the main series.
I already know that.

>> No.1175620

>1) from a sub-series;
Dracula X is not a sub series, we have been over this.

>2) belongs to a different genre,
Irrelevant, it belongs to the same series, the Castlevania series.

>3) is the only action/rpg in the whole series in the classic period before the post-LoI rebranding
I think you're forgetting Castlevania II. Is that suddenly a sub series too? What is that sub series called in your headcanon, the "Pre-Dracula X" series?

>> No.1175629

This conversation is pointless, and no one fucking cares. The games are games and they're fun to play.

Now get back to talking about Super Ghouls n' Ghosts you chucklefucks.

>> No.1175631

why are you still talking to him

>> No.1175627

>if Dracula X was to be a sub series unrelated to the main series, it didn't significantly change up the gameplay formula with its first game?
It didn't have to -- and it did introduce the adventure elements. But Konami could move the games outside the main series for any reason or no reason.

Main series = Akumajo Dracula (AD3 was called Akumajo Densetsu).
Subseries: Dracula X et al.

Is it so hard to grasp?

>Dracula X is not a sub series, we have been over this.
Yes it is. The Dracula X subseries. Just like Mega Man X is a sub series.

>> No.1175637

He wants to prove that a sub-series is the main-series.

>> No.1175641

a better question is why you're still bullshitting after being proven wrong multiple times as well as backpedaling

>> No.1175649

Both Dracula X games have "Akumajou Dracula X" in their titles. If the stories of Richter and Alucard were covered in a single game, that single game would be called "Akumajou Dracula X", would be referred to as "X" for shorthand, and it would still belong to the "Akumajou Dracula" series.

I don't know why there was a rebranding in Japan, but I do know it wasn't for a gameplay reason or for a storyline reason, considering there weren't massive retcons and it didn't reboot the canon with Lament of Innocence, and the GBA games share the rebranding and play absolutely nothing like the PS2 games. The Japanese use loan words all the time, and for whatever reason they made the switch. It isn't because it began a new subseries of the franchise, it is the same franchise by a different name.

>> No.1175659

so how about that ghosts'n goblins

>> No.1175654

I've explained everything in minute detail. At this point we've come to arguing that LoI was a reboot of the series or that Dracula X was a sub-series. I.e., not everyone is particularly knowledgeable about Castlevania in this thread, and nobody is disposed to learn.

>> No.1175656

Please stop.

>> No.1175658

..why are we talking about Castlevania on a GnG thread, again?

>> No.1175668

yep that ghosts n goblins sure is good

>> No.1175664

>Both Dracula X games have "Akumajou Dracula X" in their titles
All Mega Man X games have "Mega Man" in their title. Is Mega Man X not a sub-series?

If, according to you, it is the main series, then, according to you, neither is Dracula X. You'd be incorrect according to me, but consistent. So?

>> No.1175672

No can do, sir.

Because of people who think Castlevania is defined by SotN.

>> No.1175685
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite weapon in Super Ghouls n' Ghosts is the Tri-blade. It's not the most effective weapon, but it's powerful and really fun to use.

>> No.1175689

>I love the TriBlade. It's so bad.

>> No.1175687

Red Arremer is a sub-series of Makaimura, and Demon's Blazon is a sub-series of Red Arremer. Saying that Makaimura (GnG) is like Dark Souls is incorrect, even though the Arremer games are quite like Dark Souls. Incorrect, because the Arremer (Gargoyle int he West) games are a sub-series!

Yes, I'm self-parodying at this point, but I'm still right, and that guy's still wrong... and ignorant. I challenge him to a shit-flinging duel.

>> No.1175691

ghosts n goblins ghosts n goblins

>> No.1175693

>All Mega Man X games have "Mega Man" in their title. Is Mega Man X not a sub-series?
All Mega Man X games are also numbered separately from the Mega Man Classic series. Mega Man X is not Mega Man 7, and is not an installment in the main Mega Man series (or Mega Man Classic), yet Dracula X is a main Castlevania installment, which takes place in the same canon as previous Castlevania titles, and covers two halves of one very specific story/set of events that takes place in the main series.

Again, the situation is exactly comparable to the Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons games in the Legend of Zelda series, two games that share the same subtitle because they are two halves of one story or event in the canon (Link's adventures in Holodrum/Labrynna compared to the adventures of Richter and Alucard). Yet there is no Oracle sub series of the Legend of Zelda, and there is also no Dracula X sub series of Castlevania. There are only two installments of the main franchise in each case.

>> No.1175696

Can you finish the first loop of that? It's be harder than finishing a Castlevania game without whip upgrades.

Has anyone beaten Castlevania with weak whip?

>> No.1175703

I like the homing arrows a lot, myself. Shame they're less powerful than the rest of the weapons, but they make up for it in uselfulness.

...how am I even supposed to defeat those pesky Red Arremers without 'em, in general?

>> No.1175704

Castlevania? I'm confused. Are you talking about the Classicvania, Prototype Dracula X (Castlevania II), Dracula X, 64, Dracula X 2 Spiritual Successor, or Lament of Innocence Rebranding series? You really should be specific about these things, you know.

>> No.1175705

>yet Dracula X is a main Castlevania installment
Nope. There was a Castlevania installment called Akumajo Dracula after the DX games were released (Legends in the West), and a real Akumajo Dracula was released the same year as Rondo (Sharp x68k).

Go learn some Castlevania history, kid.
State: [X] TRUE

>> No.1175706

so where does Bloodlines fit in?

>> No.1175708

It doesn't. It's a seperate entry that didn't logically figure into the series and, insted of being reconciled into it with CotM, was outright retconned together with CotM.

>> No.1175714

You moron, the proper title for Castlevania II is clearly "Akumajo Dracula X 0"

>> No.1175715

When we say "Castlevania", we mean 1-3 and remakes thereof. It's OK to refer to Dracula X 1 as that, because the genre is still the same. 3D games, adventure games et al are better referred by name.

>> No.1175717

"Akumajo Dracula X -1" is also acceptable, because it is a spiritual predecessor to Dracula X 2, but not 1

>> No.1175723

Boys, keep it down. I can't sleep.

>> No.1175727

>Akumajō Dracula X: Gekka no Yasōkyoku
>Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo
You're right, I sure don't see the Akumajou Dracula name in either of these titles!

Humor me for a moment. If Symphony of the Night were never released, and Dracula X were a standalone story that ended with the events of Rondo of Blood, would Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood be a part of the Castlevania series? Or would it belong to the Dracual X series which consists of a single game that is also a part of the main Castlevania series because it describes events that happen in the same canon?

>> No.1175728

Oh no, you're too stupid to do this. When I post these things, they're perfectly logical according to the Castlevania history. You're just making shit up now. Don't, it's not clever, just random.

>> No.1175739

Homing arrows are fun, but unfortunately they take some of the challenge away. That's why I've started trying other weapons (I mean, not including the literally useless axe) to hone my skills.

To beat those Red Arremers, you either have to run away and die after you reach a checkpoint, or follow what this anon says>>1172678

>> No.1175737

>Mega Man X is main series, because there's Mega Man right there
>In fact,t he GBA RPGs are the main series, because they're all Mega Man!
See where you went wrong?

>> No.1175740

this thread took a massive shit

but it's so hilarious i almost don't care

>> No.1175742

>implying Mega Man X is Mega Man
>implying the protagonists of the GBA RPGs are Mega Man
See where you went wrong?

>> No.1175747

>Humor me for a moment. If Symphony of the Night were never released ... would Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood be a part of the Castlevania series?
No. Konami defined it as a seperate series inside the main series, i.e. the so-called "sub-series". Just like Legends/Zensoukyoku. Castlevania Legends, I mean. But, similarly, Mega Man Legends is a sub-series, too - just to illustrate the point twice.

HASHTAG: #toobad

>> No.1175753

Implying the protagonist of Dracula X 2 is a Belmont. Implying it's even relevant.

It's the main fucking series ad the sub-fucking-series. Mega Man is main series, so is Akumajo Dracula. Mega Man Whatever is sub-series, so is Akumajo Dracula Whatever.

>> No.1175754

I can't get past the second stage without 'em, though.

Stupid ghosts that keep appearing everywhere, out of nowhere. And they come back in a later stage to annoy you!

>> No.1175756

>Konami defined it as a seperate series inside the main series
Please show me when this happened. I want quotes. I want sources. You're pulling this entirely our of your ass. Legends also is not its own sub series. There are no sub series in Castlevania except for Lords of Shadow.

>> No.1175761

>Please show me when this happened.
When they added X to the title and then reinstated it as a sub-series with a sequel with a subtitle to the subtitle.

>> No.1175770

>Implying the protagonist of Dracula X 2 is a Belmont
If you're using the presence of a Belmont to determine whether or not Dracula X is a sub series, that would mean one Dracula X game is not a part of the Dracula X series, despite them both having Dracula X in the title. Are you comprehending how stupid this sounds?

The only reason both games are referred to as Dracula X is because they are two halves of the same story, a story that tells of events that happen in the main Castlevania canon. If SotN didn't exist, Dracula X would still be a main installment. If Rondo of Blood and SotN were released as a single of game, that game would still be a main installment. Separating the story into two games does not create a sub series, they are both main installments of the Castlevania series.

If Akumajo Dracula Whatever is a sub series, then Castlevania III is not a part of the main series either.

>> No.1175773

But Nocturne in the Moonlight isn't part of the Dracula X subseries. It's a spinoff. Notice how the title isn't Dracula X 2. It just says Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight, so it's a spinoff of the subseries just like Mega Man Soccer

>> No.1175775

A good tactic against the ghosts is the "runnin' jump n' gun". While running forward, jump once, quickly turn back and throw your weapon as many times as you can in the air, before turning back to land facing forward and still running. This way, you can attack enemies behind you while moving forward at a constant rate.

>> No.1175779

So essentially this entire argument is based around the addition of the letter "X" to the Chi no Rondo and Gekka no Yasōkyoku subtitles, and what that means for the continuity of the series? Give me a fucking break. If the "X" were removed, and all other aspects of the games were the same, would you even be arguing about this stupid bullshit at all? THEY WOULD STILL BE MAINLINE CASTLEVANIA GAMES, AND THEY WOULD STILL HAVE AKUMAJO DRACULA IN THEIR TITLES, LIKE ALL OTHER MAINLINE CASTLEVANIA GAMES, BECAUSE THEY ARE MAINLINE FUCKING CASTLE FUCKING VANIA FUCKING GAMES

>> No.1175783

>If you're using the presence of a Belmont to determine whether or not Dracula X is a sub series
I'm not. Nor is the presence of Mega Man a factor in whether X or Legends or Battle Network are sub-series. See?

>The only reason both games are referred to as Dracula X is because they are two halves of the same story
YOU are pulling this definition out of your ass. A subtitled entry with a "personal" sequel is undisputably a subseries, period.

Sonic Adventure is a subseries of Sonic. Sonic 4 is a main series entry. SMT 4 is main series, Strange Journey is a seperate, self-contained entry, i.e. a sub-series consisting of a single game.

>> No.1175786

but mega man soccer is a spinoff

>> No.1175796

>Notice how the title isn't Dracula X 2
Akumajo Dracula never had numbered entries at all. The numbers were a Western additions. 3 was Densetsu, 4 was actually a remake of 1, etc.

>So essentially this entire argument is based around the addition of the letter "X"
And a sequel to the subtitle. Two "Akumajo Dracula X" games make an undisputable subseries.

>> No.1175810

>Nor is the presence of Mega Man a factor in whether X or Legends or Battle Network are sub-series. See?
Actually, the Mega Man situation is different, because all games in the Mega Man X series follow the Mega Man X character, all games in the Legends series follow that incarnation of Mega Man, all games in the Battle Network series, etc. But there is no established character that all games in the Castlevania series follow. The games constantly shift time periods and characters, and Rondo of Blood/Symphony of the Night are no different in this respect.

>YOU are pulling this definition out of your ass
I'm not, actually. Symphony of the Night picks up EXACTLY where Rondo of Blood leaves off. They are literally two halves of one story, which is why they share a title, because that is the title of the story.

>Sonic Adventure is a subseries of Sonic. Sonic 4 is a main series entry. SMT 4 is main series, Strange Journey is a seperate, self-contained entry, i.e. a sub-series consisting of a single game.
This is not a valid comparison for the Castlevania series, because the main series did not have number in their original titles outside of Castlevania II. Each game has its own subtitle, and Dracula X is no different.

>> No.1175823

The same way both Dracula X games follow Richter and Maria.

But that's barely even relevant. The most important aspect of Dracula X is the gradual move towards the adventure genre. Chinorondo is borderline adventure, while SotN is a full-on action/rpg. That's what binds it. But, yeah, by your definition it still works due to Richter.

>> No.1175830

The fact that it took two games to cover Richter's story does not make those two games a subseries, because that story happens within the same canon as the rest of the series and isn't separate from it.

>> No.1175840

There's also a maintained subtitle that doesn't come back when the mains eries is reinstated (and rebooted) in LoI.

>> No.1175847

Again, they share the name Dracula X because they are two halves of the Dracula X story, which is a story in mainline Castlevania. The reason Dracula X doesn't come back is because that story is finished.

>> No.1175856

there is a kickstarter for a ghosts n' goblins remake on kickstarter if anyone is interested

>> No.1175860

That they are part of the canon doesn't mean they're the main series. X are a sub-series concerned with Richter's story.

Arguing with you is like grinding for demon titanite.

>> No.1175863

>there is a kickstarter for a ghosts n' goblins remake on kickstarter
I don't think so.

>> No.1175878

Richter's story is a part of Castlevania. It is not exclusive to Dracula X. Dracula X is not separate from Castlevania, it is a part of it.

Also, just get some fucking manatees and equip the serpent ring while helping scrubs with the Iron Golem and killing the demons in Sen's Funhouse whenever you respond, you fuckign casul.

>> No.1175885



>> No.1175890

X's story is part of Mega Man. Are we understood?

Oh, yeah, ok, thanks. Sorry.

>> No.1175889

>title is Castlevania:Symphony of the Night
>"it's not a castlevania"

And even excluding SOTN, there are the GBA and DS ones.

>> No.1175894

Why does it look so dark and edgy?

>> No.1175901

They seem to have violated numerous copyright in that video alone. Are there actual people who would give them money?

>> No.1175904

Explained in long informative posts on Castlevania/AD history higher up in the thread.

>> No.1175906

Actually, Mega Man X's story is not part of the Mega Man series, it is part of the Mega Man X series. That is why Mega Man X is its own sub series of Mega Man, because it uses the Mega Man brand for a new set of games with their own stories that aren't set within the same time period and don't concern the same events as Mega Man proper. Are we understood?

You'd better be sorry, fucking rekt

>> No.1175909

I can claim that Richter's story is not part of Simon's story, too, then. That's baseless.

>> No.1175910


Semantics and the problem with internet not having the full spectrum of human interaction.
Therefore you can have a lenghty argument wihout getting tired unlike real life where both people will begin shouting, sweating, and calming down after a while.
Unless they're animals and start beating each other, but I doubt people here are like that.

>> No.1175912

Also refuted and proven wrong in numerous posts higher up in the thread

>> No.1175914


i was interested, but then i read that they don't have the rights yet (capcom will look at what they come up with and decide) and that it is in pre-production still so there is nothing to show. estimated release Q2 2015. nope. i'm still waiting on redux: dark matters for dreamcast that is a year behind schedule.

>> No.1175916

Strawman-fought and embarassingly lack-of-knowledge-displayed, you mean. But that's not exactly a "refutation".

>> No.1175920

>they don't have the rights yet
Capcom will never give one of their major trademarks for a company that makes games on a $50,000 budget.

>> No.1175927

What would that prove? The Castlevania series isn't defined by a singular main character, unlike Mega Man which stars Mega Man or Mega Man X which stars Mega Man X. We've already been over this.

If this were real life I'd have beaten the shit out of him the moment he displayed all his arbitrary, nonexistant Castlevania subseries. You'd better believe it I swear on me mum.

I took every single one of your points and refuted them with logic and facts. All you've done is wrongly interpret the letter "X" as a subseries signifier without providing a single ounce of evidence or proof that the Dracula X series was intended to be a subseries from any source, official or otherwise.

>> No.1175940

>dark and edgy
>they say this

"Our team has kids in grade school. Some of us are parents of toddlers/infants. Do we really need to tell our children to wait over a decade before they can play the latest, most popular console games? Not on our watch. We are joining Nintendo in their fight to make family games popular again. Mature games have their place, but they shouldn't be the only genre dominating the charts. Demon World is going to be like running with your kids through a haunted house in October."

>but they shouldn't be the only genre dominating the charts. Demon World is going to be like running with your kids through a haunted house in October.

Also edgy doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.1175946


It's just a matter of time, luckily Capcom will croak in 2014 or 2015.

>> No.1175943

I know, I read that. That's part of why I asked, since it seems to fly in direct contradiction with that concept art.

>> No.1175950


Depends on what you mean by "edgy".
Ghost and Ghouls for example is supposed to be campy but still dark as it features zombies and demons, even in comic form.

About this ripoff it doesn't look "edgy" to me, I haven't seen anything revolutionary or cutting edge yet.

>> No.1176090

Are we Japan?

>> No.1176119

wow this is a messed up thread

>> No.1176228

I have no idea what other proof one needs that something is a sub-series beyond a subtitle and a particularized continuity (Richter). The last min series Castlevania was Densetsu. Then there were two remakes and several subseries that had sequels (64 and X, in particular). You ARE eing stupid on purpose, aren't you. Your explanation about why Mega Man X is a subseries (own protagonist) but Castlevania X isn't (although it, too, has it's own protagonist) because Castlevania 3 had a different Belmont makes no sense.

>> No.1177050

So what's the secret to beating the boss in Area 7?

The one with the torso that shoots flames and the head that shoots laser. I was able to beat him once, but then another guy came out and I ran out of time. I'm having a hard time getting to the boss with lots of time left. Any tips?

>> No.1177058



Using the level select cheat, it brings me straight to the boss. Am I supposed to be restarting at the boss when I die at the boss in this level or what?

>> No.1177076



Ok so I beat him and I can't save the princess because I don't have the braclet GOD DAMNIT

>> No.1177108


You can use the level select cheap to jump straight to Astaroth and Nebiroth, defeat them, then be taken to the second playthrough where the bracelet will appear. A fairy should eventually appear when you open a chest, and the fairy will drop the bracelet after a few seconds.

If you're playing the GBA port, you can find the bracelet during your first playthrough.

>> No.1177127

IIRC you need to have the gold armor, and than any chest that normally has a weapon will always have the bracelet.

>> No.1177182


But if I die, will I lose the bracelet? Do I have to go through the whole game again in one life? Or can I skip ahead and just repeat the level over and over again until the bracelet shows up?

>> No.1177192


You keep your current weapon when you die. You'll lose it if you pick up a different weapon, though. You can get it back from another chest. Just be sure to have it equipped before you fight Astaroth, otherwise the princess will nag you again.

>> No.1177193

>But if I die, will I lose the bracelet?
no. only lose it if you get another weapon.

>Do I have to go through the whole game again in one life?

you shouldn't even worry about the bracelet until you get back to level 7. they throw alot of chests at you on that level, so you should have no problem finding it.

>> No.1177201

>But if I die, will I lose the bracelet?
no. only if you get another weapon

>Do I have to go through the whole game again in one life?

don't even worry about the bracelet until you get back to level 7, they throw so many chest at you that you should have no trouble finding it.

on the second run if for whatever reason you don't beat level 7 with it, you just start back at the beginning of the level, you don't have to go through the whole game again.