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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1170139 No.1170139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What N64/PS1 hold up today and are emulated well enough?

>> No.1170151

all of them

>> No.1170153

Most of the more popular games for N64 emulate pretty well. It's pretty dodgy outside of that though.

PS1 seems to emulate a bit better. I've been playing Spyro the Dragon a lot recently.

>> No.1170160

did you have specific games in mind you wanted to play? If so just seek them out and there's a good chance you can get a decent emulation experience

If not, I'd say just go through the most popular/critically acclaimed games from each, they've got plenty of classics to enjoy :)

>> No.1170167

doesn't conkers, mario kart, and both of the zelda games have huge issues though?

>> No.1170224

I emulated conker and beat the whole game with 0 issues.

My computer is built for gaming though (nothing top notch, but decent enough for 09 standards. Probably severely outdated by now).

I used Project64 I think.

>> No.1170248

>Redflag word: emulation
>RetroArch guy appears and shitstorms the thread with spam

Brace yourself, OP. /vr/ is still under attack by some guy who keeps spamming posts advertising RetroArch, some shitty frontend to a bunch of emulators. He does it on /v/ as well.

With that out of the way, ePSXe or pSX are fine. pSX doesn't use any plugins, so it's easier to setup. The downside is that you won't be able to pull off any high-res textures, since that's a plugin-based feature.

N64 emulation is still pretty much in the gutter. Most games will require you to mess with plugin configurations on a game per game basis, which is too much trouble. I've heard good things about Mupen64 and 1964, though.

>> No.1170267

- PSX: easy to be emulated without any issues. I have played many games on PSX emulator and only a few of them couldn't be emulated well or not emulated at all. Thank godness for my hacked PS2.
- N64: Feels so weird and uncomfortable to play some N64 games with a PS2 controller due to the design of N64 which was much different than PSX controller. Not to mention that even famous games like Mischief Makers have crappy emulation.

>doesn't conkers, mario kart, and both of the zelda games have huge issues though?
I could play perfectly Mario Kart on emulator even on late '90s - early '00s.

>> No.1170269

it wouldn't matter if your PC was "built for gaming", what I'm thinking of were glitches with the emulator it's self

fuck off, no one spams retroarch, there are just people here that genuinely like it and politely recommend it. It's people like you that think just because quite a few people make posts recommending a certain thing that they like that it must be spam that's the problem.

>> No.1170275

>late '90s - early '00s
but the thing is some games that worked back then don't work now, oddly enough

>> No.1170278

Ii should be noted that pj64 (and epsxe for that matter) need to be configured properly for your system to be as close to perfect as you can get. the Glide plugin works wonders as far as GFX bugs are concerned

>> No.1170284

>spam and shitposting

Well, that was fast.

God rest this thread.

>> No.1170314

The problem with N64 emulation is that up until now, there really hasn't been a true N64 emulator. Sure, they emulate the CPU and other stuff, but its co-processor is for the most part HLE'd out the ass. They fool the games into thinking they are running the microcodes they are supposed to run, but in reality it's all reverse-engineered, which sometimes works well, and other times not, if at all.

Really, the only true N64 emulators are the MESS N64 driver, and Cen64. Their compatibility and stability is not the greatest, but this stems from the fact that they are not taking shortcuts and are actually trying to emulate the hardware, so potentially they can achieve things the other emulators never will.

>> No.1170347

The last few versions of Conker's have been optimized finally so it runs pretty good! I have received no issues with playing Conker's on the latest P64 version like I did in the past.

>> No.1170654

Not to "advertise RetroArch", but their Mupen64plus core has been receiving extensive work to fix issues with Glide64 glN64 that nobody else has bothered to fix and to fix up the GLES ports of those plugins that the Mupen64plus-AE people kind of screwed up. After it's all said and done it will probably be the best N64 emulator for general use.


>> No.1170725
File: 9 KB, 212x230, BV1LJ_iCYAAougu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With that out of the way, ePSXe or pSX are fine.

I'll give you that. They're fine. But there's some better options. Mednafen is right now the best ps1 emulator and it has no plugins. Highly recommended to use on a CRT monitor.

Anyways, my list:

>NES - Nestopia, PuNES
>SNES - Snes9x, bsnes
>PCE - Mednafen
>N64- Mupen64+
>Saturn- SSF
>PS1 - Mednafen
>Arcade - MAME
>Multi-system- RetroArch

>> No.1170728


Just go here for all your emulation needs.

>> No.1170731
File: 205 KB, 284x213, Wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stop recommending good emulators
>Here are some shitty emulators instead

>> No.1170757

For fuck's sake, seriously.

>> No.1170904

>continuing a conversation I was already having in the first part of the post
>never having mentioned retroarch once before you brought up your supposed "spammer"
yes, you got me, I am an even shitposting spammer, you may now call the internet police

>> No.1170906


>> No.1170917

>Mednafen is right now the best ps1 emulator and it has no plugins.
Mednafen is only good for 2D games, like pSX it doesn't do 3D very well
Also PCSX Reloaded is much better than ePSXe, it's like people here have forgotten it exists.

>> No.1170919

What does it do wrong? Serious question.

>> No.1170923

It just 3D just as well. The only issue is it's native resolution.
But I find that a much superior alternative than ancient GL (2 is the most recent. Fucking 2) shit.
Especially when you consider all the 3D math is actually done on the system's processor instead of its graphical one, at native resolution without perspective correction, a z-buffer, etc, etc. It looks like shit at whatever resolution you use, so it's much, much more preferable to at least have something accurate and surefire.

>> No.1170926

hi byuu

>> No.1170973

>Mednafen is only good for 2D games, like pSX it doesn't do 3D very well

It does. It handles it just like the original system does. Sadly, the Ps1 does not have a true 3D GPU, so it takes little shortcuts in the 3D. Which means that when you try to make it HD, it looks like shit. Jittering textures and polies, and warping. Yuck. Since it's inherent to the system, you'll never get a perfect solution to it through emualtion. Maybe a per-game thing. But it's not worth it.

Instead just run it on a CRT TV or CRT monitor.

>> No.1171054
File: 1.99 MB, 183x224, 1383275802446[2].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Freaks out at the mere mention of a program he doesn't like

>> No.1171102


Mednafen technically doesn't do 3D "wrong" as that dude implied- it just has no options for enhanced rendering as other emulators do. therefore a lot of people try it and say the 3D looks shitty because guess what? PS1 games mostly had pretty shitty 3D

>> No.1171147

If that's what he means then it's just the emulator working as intended. However if he meant that it differs from the real system in some way that's worth reporting so it can be fixed.

>> No.1171151


>> No.1171342

Just ignore that guy, he been spewing FUD about RetroArch in every emulation thread

>> No.1172598

Can't think of anything off the top of my head that's not emulated well enough.

Still hold up?

On the N64, most things, although anything that was shit before is shit now. Some things like golden eye don't really hold up though. It was innovative at the time but the genre has evolved a lot since then.

On the PS1, dunno. Many of the games were designed different. Trying to look more realistic instead of cartoonish like the N64. That doesn't hold up well. And running a game at a higher resolution does not add polygons.

I've run them all fine. Even most games that supposedly have "issues" run fine with the right plugins/settings.

>> No.1172632

Try out Pokemon Snap.

>> No.1172660
File: 1002 KB, 957x4590, vr ps1 picks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1: Pic semi-related. Didn't play Castlevania SotN until like 3 or 4 years ago, and I still think it's awesome. FF9 is also a lot better than I remember.

For emulators I like Xebra. It's somewhere between PCSX-R and Mednafen/Retroarch on the fucktard <-> autist scale.

>> No.1172662

I'd take an ``autistic'' interface over a ``Japanese tier'' one any day. At least the former allows proper control over fullscreen.

>> No.1172664

Goldeneye singleplayer is good for a laugh, or if you download the emulator bundle that gives you wasd controls/mouselook for it and Perfect Dark. Otherwise, yeah, the magic was in the multiplayer. PD is still fucking amazing though, IMO.

For the record though everyone should try playing Banjo Kazooie with high res and anti-aliasing. It looks so, so nice.

With PS1 games, and I suspect I'm gonna get shot down here, I think playing at the native internal resolution helps A LOT, otherwise games look pretty awkward. There are some exceptions though, high-res Chrono Trigger battles in PSCX-R look amazing.

>> No.1172681

I dunno, Mednafen is pretty plug and play in Retroarch.

>> No.1172709
File: 413 KB, 1920x1080, pcsxr 2013-09-28 16-30-04-98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame about the rest of the game, though.

>> No.1172714

Holy mother of god, do you seriously play like that?

>> No.1172715

No, just demonstrating what the "enhanced" graphics churn out when not in battle.

>> No.1172717

I imagine some people surely do.

>> No.1172718

Oh, I wasn't following the discussion.

>> No.1172720
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, pcsxr 2013-07-13 04-46-04-73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the other guy has a point. HD rendering can do some awesome shit. However, IMO it's not worth how much it butchers the look of literally everything else in the game. It's really only good for pretty screenshots if you ask me.

>> No.1172730


"Other guy" here, I like to play Vagrant Story with full HD bells and whistles at least... any other games you guys can think of that would reap the full benefits of enhanced graphics?

Threads of Fate comes to mind because I think that's full 3D and late in the Playstation lifecycle... (so much so to put it outside the /vr/ limits! GASP)

>> No.1172743

Muh save states.

>> No.1173521

>I like to play Vagrant Story with full HD bells and whistles at least...

You don't want to. The textures and polys will dance and jitter around a lot. VERY distracting.

>> No.1173534

Yikes! The low res textures combined with the HD rendering makes it look like a PSP game.

>> No.1173556

... But I do want to. And I do. I do that thing. I don't get noticeable glitches either.

>> No.1173557

>none of the classic ps1 rpgs with pre-rendered backgrounds will ever get HD remasters

>> No.1173563

>(so much so to put it outside the /vr/ limits! GASP)
Console games are based on generation for the one-millionth time.

>> No.1173584

Paper Mario holds up so well it could come out today and still get critical acclaim. Sadly it's impossible to emulate well though.

>> No.1173590

The gasp was to indicate sarcasm, you'll notice that I don't give a shit by how I wasn't deterred from asking the question.

Thanks for your pointless, pedantic reply

>> No.1173697

What? It emulates quite well with Glide64.

>> No.1176004

I did. My youngest kid liked it a bit at the time but has since outgrown it.
Let me guess. You had some problems the one time you tried it using the one version of the one emulator you have using default settings and some other kids had the same problem so it must be impossible to emulate.

Playing a PS1 game with 3D objects rendered in high resolution mixed with all those shit low resolution bitmaps just looks wrong.

>> No.1176524

>Let me guess. You had some problems the one time you tried it using the one version of the one emulator you have using default settings and some other kids had the same problem so it must be impossible to emulate.
Wow, how insulting.
Let's see your settings. I'd like to know what combination of settings gets pictures to display correctly while the camera's reticule still works correctly.

Let me guess, you got the major problem fixed, but didn't realize that you broke other things in the process, probably because you didn't even realize that they were broken to begin with.

Also, if you've got a fix for every single N64 game looking awful when emulated, I'm all ears.

>> No.1176570

The only way to get Pokemon Snap working correctly is with a plugin derived from Angrylion's software rasterizer. Everything else has issues, such as the album pictures being garbled (there's fixes, but they slow emulation down a ton), to the cursor's "red dot" not working properly when hovering over a Pokemon, which then results in the Pokemon not being properly identified. This can also cause issues in the late game when taking pictures of the Pokemon signs.

So yeah, unless you were using SoftGraphic or a plugin like it, I call bullshit.

>> No.1177341

If I recall correctly, you could use a specific version of mupen64 (Not plus, not the most recent) with a hacked/fork/something of z64 and a cheat code to get all the issues fixed and working at a playable framerate.
But it caused graphical bugs elsewhere, and it's certainly not something you'd be able to find without a SHITLOAD of searching if it even works to begin with. So yeah, I'd agree on calling bullshit.

>> No.1180074
File: 79 KB, 600x600, Kileak - The DNA Imperative [U] [SCUS-94102]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only game i've tried out of ~300 that won't play in epsxe, pscx reloaded or psx

last two crash and espxe will load the opening cgs and logos but will not load the title screen

looks good and i like the sequel

>> No.1180241
File: 68 KB, 350x240, Kileak - The DNA Imperative [U] [SCUS-94102]-0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seemed pretty boring but it works in Mednafen.

>> No.1180341

thanks for the info


i found another set of files for that game and it worked

guess it was a bad dump, i'm stupid

>> No.1180485

What's the No-Intro equivalent for ISOs anyway?

>> No.1182580



>> No.1183313

I tried to play Sexy Parodius some time ago (first experience with PSONE emulation) and the amount of slow down going on was crazy

Any way to make it a little more smooth?

>> No.1183339

I use espxe 1.9 with mooby 2 cd drive plug in because some games dont work unless you run it through the mooby drive for some reason. only a handful are like that though.
as for emulation I use project 64 1.6 and 1.7 some games work on different versions.

>> No.1183523

As far as I know, no emulator can overclock or anything like that, so no, you're basically out of luck, at least for the PS1 version.

Have you tried other versions? Sometimes some ports run better than others. Looking at this game, it looks like it got ported to the PSP. You could give that a try.

>> No.1183538


I just want Top Gear Overdrive for N64 to finally be emulated

>> No.1184372

It most likely works using Mupen64Plus.

>> No.1184429

Nice straw man you have there. If it only had a brain.
Never claimed 100% emulation. Never claimed 100% games.

Wasn't slow, pictures not garbled, pokemon not misidentified.

Not sure if you guys are retared, anal, or just trolling. My kid played it and enjoyed it. He's going to love hearing that he's managed to cause this much butthurt on 4chan by playing a game years ago.

>> No.1184545

So tell us these magical settings.

>> No.1184554

>anyone who posts things I don't like is spamming
Fuck off.

>> No.1186486

I'm afraid there's nothing magical, supernatural or even out of the ordinary here.

Being an aspie who claims emulation isn't good enough even though the game is playable and the player didn't even notice the problems is par for the course here.

>> No.1186518


>> No.1186537

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark run at 60fps emulated. Not a lot of emulated 3D games of any console can do that but for some reason they can

>> No.1186547

never thought to try it myself but has anyone tried to use Dolphin to emulate the Wii VC port of Pokemon Snap?

>> No.1186549

Emulators such as 1964 and Project64 employ hacks to try to get games that don't have a hardlocked framerate to run at 60FPS. However, this can be hit and miss, and can fuck up some things, such as timers in DK64 running too fast.

>> No.1186553

I've read it needs to run in Software mode for things to run correctly, which slows down the emulation a fuckton. So, basically the same as with on an N64 emulator, unless this guy >>1184429 reveals what he did to make it run well.

>> No.1186560

Got into emulation and just finished Strider. Any other good games similar too it I can run on MAME?

>> No.1186665

Yes. It's not playable.

>I will continue to regurgitate things some kid on teh intarwebz said and continue to prove what an aspie I am.

>> No.1186715

So it does work on N64 emulators well?

>> No.1186717


Strider 2.

>> No.1186945

Well enough for my kid to finish it but apparently not well enough for some.

To put this in perspective, I noticed the Bubble Bobble issues in MAME as soon as I played it. These are so tiny that no one who hasn't played the original for hundreds of hours would probably never notice. I gave a flying fuck, adapted, and my kid and I finished it in MAME and had a good time.

I'm >9000% behind the concept of emulating/simulating/cloning retro stuff with 100% Accuracy. We will eventually run out of original hardware to run it. But in the mean time people want to enjoy this stuff. I guess we need the purists to push it forward though. Just hate their bitching.

Was going to say that but figured I was involved in enough bitch threads.

Not retro, but try Moon Diver. 4P Strider.

>> No.1186982


As for PS1 games, there are a lot

>> No.1186987

>Well enough for my kid to finish it but apparently not well enough for some.

What emulator and plugins did you use? Every emulator I tried (which would be Project64 1.6 and 2.1, and Mupen64plus) makes the photos turn out all garbled.

>> No.1187178

>Jittering textures and polies, and warping.

Eh, depends on what you're doing. If you've got a supremely beefy machine, edgeblade's softgpu does high resolution and z-buffer correction that fixes the offset/warp and a lot of jittering.

>> No.1187180

The correction doesn't work all that well on many games, though. For instance, on FFIX, it causes polygons to show gaps, which can be distracting.

>> No.1187195

The emulator was P64, probably 1.6 given how long ago it was. As for the plugins not sure as I've upgraded. Could have been Jabo, Glide, maybe something else.

A quick search tells me that there's a setting for copying the frame buffer to dram to solve the garbled picture problem. Might have done that but don't remember.

Tried it with my current installation on P64 2.0 with the settings I use for everything else and the beach thing worked fine except I didn't get the red dot when hovering on a pokemon. No garbled pictures.

>> No.1187198
File: 796 KB, 1280x960, ePSXe 2013-11-02 21-08-04-83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.0 is junk.

1.7 is better and less buggy. Throw in wx napalm and glide wrapper. It's not perfect though.

If you're going to run low res, CRT monitor is fine anyway.