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File: 408 KB, 1600x2012, Grim-Fandango1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1161812 No.1161812 [Reply] [Original]


Still the best written video game of all times. Yes, easily beats PS:T. PS:T, as good as it is, is tacky and bloated in comparison.

Oh and naturally, it's several degrees of magnitude better than anything release in this or the last decade.

>> No.1161834
File: 202 KB, 538x775, Sam and Tentacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIT: When Lucas Arts gave a shit...

>> No.1161828

Its pronounced FAHN DAWN GO

>> No.1161840

Not sure why you have to bring other games into it, hardly seems like the game needs a tacky ploy like that.

It's been a while since I've played it, might have to have a go at it again soon.

>> No.1161837

shhh, op. you're making grim fandango overrated. don't make it overrated.

anyway, remember a time when everything lucasart put out was good? like EVERYTHING?

>> No.1161882

Game had the weirdest case of consolitis in video game history.

Was designed entirely around the gamepad then never released on a console. What the actual fuck were they thinking. It's all the more strange coming from LEC who made such a deep imprint on the adventure gaming market to the point of becoming synonymous with it. It's like ACDC came out with a samba release one day.

Then they went and did the exact same thing with Monkey 4. That one was at least released on a console, but come the fuck on. Nobody actually like Grim Fandango's interface, it was a blight.

>> No.1161932

>Nobody actually like Grim Fandango's interface, it was a blight.

Well shit, I started playing it about a year ago and put it down almost immediately because I thought it felt awkward. To this day my skeleton man has barely left the front steps of that first office building or hotel or whatever it was.
I feel almost validated.

>> No.1161946


It's not really a problem in year 1, but it becomes downright infuriating later on. Two reasons:

1) It takes ages to get anywhere and you have to press down shift to run.
2) You'll constantly be running in circles and jamming yourself into walls as you try and "aim" Manny into tight passages.

Holy mother of shit, is it annoying. Why invent a perfect system like Full Throttle / COMI that is still the golden standard for point and clicks to this day only to abandon it for this abomination?

>> No.1161951

>Nobody actually like Grim Fandango's interface, it was a blight.
No matter how shit you think something is, you've found people who enjoy it. I liked the interface in Grim when beat it two years ago.

>> No.1161962

I just wish I could play this shit. I mean I got it to work, but the control scheme is awful. Then I tried joy2key or whatever that's called and it was also awful. I just don't know how to play this game with a xbox 360 controller. Stupid game without customizable keys.

>> No.1162051

Let's not scream about the control scheme like it's a deal breaker. It's not like the game requires any reflexes or anything, the control scheme is just slightly annoying. It doesn't make the game unplayable.

>> No.1162080

>Still no Gog version.

>> No.1162081


They're waiting for ResidualVM to be completely bug free before they steal it.

>> No.1162087

any link ?
With everything to run it on modern system ?

>> No.1162093


Swedish website with the boat will provide you your .iso torrents.

Then follow these instructions:


>> No.1162105

>What the actual fuck were they thinking.
I think they were trying to make it more immersive by not relying on a mouse cursor, verb coin or other point 'n click elements that clutter the screen.
I think people are really exaggerating when they call the controls bad. The way Manny looks and hotspots and the ability to switch between them with a single button makes things really straightforward. And movement only feels a little floatier than, for example, RE on pc, and you never need complex maneuvers like in that game.

>> No.1162138

Man this game was great.. use a gamepad with it too.. and no walkthroughs.Only lucasart game i never even looked at a walkthrough.

>> No.1162148

I tried using the xbox 360 pad and it wouldn't work correctly. I don't remember exactly what was broken but it didn't work.

>> No.1162225

I use gamepad companion for a trio linker plus ii to playstation controller. works everytime

>> No.1162229

>mac osx

hijacks keyboard buttons to your controller. has to be a pc version

>> No.1162234
File: 353 KB, 713x892, games I used to play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a game which defined my childhood, as pic related proves.

>> No.1162239


>> No.1162253

PlaneScape: Torment.

>> No.1162256


Prepubescent Sexy Twinks

>> No.1162258


Of course, silly me.

>> No.1162358


Actually, I was kidding, it's PlaneScape: Torment.

>> No.1162771

Yeah, I love adventure games and I've wanted to play Grim forever, but I've never gotten past the control scheme. Maybe I'll give it another shot—unfortunately I don't have a controller, otherwise I'd try it with that.

>> No.1165436 [DELETED] 

Lovely game, but I feel it jumped the shark halfway through. The first two acts were gaming bliss, but the next two acts felt lacking for some reason. I probably just didn't give this gem enough of a look. I'll probably replay it someday.

>> No.1165439

Lovely game, but I feel it jumped the shark halfway through. The first two acts were gaming bliss, but the next two acts felt lacking for some reason. I probably just didn't give this gem enough of a look. I'll replay it someday.

>> No.1166317

>but the next two acts felt lacking for some reason
The game changes gears and you start covering a lot more ground faster and spending less time in every new location. I thought it was still pretty good, though.
The worst part for me were some of the puzzles in Rubacava that felt like fetch quests.

>> No.1166347

LucasFilm Games\LucasArts was easily the pinnacle of American videogame development, with golden age Insomniac as a close second.

Always experimenting, always striving to be better than the competition, always balancing things out so it fit with their quality standards.


Just look at this gem.

>> No.1166736

>cats again

>> No.1170685

Saving this thread so I actually get back to trying to play this game