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1161249 No.1161249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wizards & Warriors

>> No.1161269 [DELETED] 

*SSSPPPLLLOOOOOOOGGGGE* Godammit!!! Now I have to change my underwear, thanks, anon.

>> No.1161273
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played it on the nes the other day, couldn't pass he first stage. No idea what to do, the stage design is pretty fucked up, it's supposed to be a town or something and yet it's all on stilts and goes upward and you cannot reach the highest parts.

I own this and its alright, atleast it's straightforward.

>> No.1161305

It's called exploration and all three NES Wizards and Warriors feature it (you were playing W&W 3 by the way).

>> No.1161306

Still quite not fond of the fact that Kuros swings his sword like a nerd, but I like this series.

3 > 1 > 2

There was an arcade game that pretty clearly takes inspiration from this series, but the name has escaped me. I'll look it up and get back to you guys.

>> No.1161315

I owned Ironsword growing up, and never did finish it. Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania III, Ghosts N Goblins, and Mike Tyson I can do, but I always seemed to die in that last section of the game where you get no continues.

>> No.1161328

Just use a password that's at the final boss, but it sucks that Ironsword was the only W&W with something even remotely resembling a save feature. Hard to believe the password system existed all the way to the PS1/N64 era.

>> No.1161338

I own an unopened copy, anyone know how much it would go for since I already have an opened copy.

>> No.1161340 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 512x727, ironsword-wizards-and-warriors-ii-nes-cover-front-73978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1161525

One of my all time favorites.

I played it so much I found ways to exploit jumping on flying enemies' heads to get to areas I wasn't supposed to get to yet.

Just replayed it last week on my jxd s7300 on the train to and from work with single-saving (no scumming) and did it on only 5 continues, 3 of which at malkil.

No matter how good I ever get the random enemy spawning would never let me 1-life this game ever.

I am however better at the growing skeleton boss than I was as a kid.

>> No.1161552

Wizards and Warriors 3 is best Wizards and Warriors.
Malkil is hard as fuck, though.

>> No.1161570

I must've laughed for two minutes straight the first time I walked into a shop with 0 gems on me.

>> No.1161579

>be 11yo
>love Wizards and Warriors
>mow lawns all summer to earn money to buy a NES game
>go to Toys R Us
>see IronSword for $70 + tax
>What could possibly go wrong?

at that point the series died for me and to this day I've never played 3. maybe I'll finally bury the hatchet and give it a go this week

>> No.1161906

Factory sealed? You MIGHT be able to get quite a bit.

>> No.1161914

I bought mine for $55 and still regret it. I'm trying to remember the probably awesome game I decided not to get in favor of Ironsword.

>> No.1161979


My biggest price regret of any game is definitely buying DooM64 for $75